Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Real American History: A Sky Full of Horses

Posted: 01 May 2021 02:29 PM PDT

#CyberNinjas , glowies, CrazyCarnivalFF, &, Macron ready to meet the guillotine?:

Posted: 01 May 2021 01:47 PM PDT


Clapping hands sign and this is how it's done! Wake the sheep whilst they are in the queue!


this shit taking place right next to Audit House is too suspicious

Big News!! Today we returned half of the voting machines to the County after capturing all data. We are now moving to phase 2 and beginning the forensic analysis. The audit continues!

Feds Threaten To Use Federal Force To Shut Down AZ Audit…Wonder Why? 

#CyberNinjas file for emergency hearing after their security plans were made public, blames court for releasing.   "Although the court had knowledge since 11:02am that the parties agreed that Exhibit D9 should be sealed… the Court released Exhibit D9 to the public." 2021-04-30 Request for Emergency Status Conference Re the Court_s SUA Sponte Release of Exhibit D9 to the Public 

AZ Audit Director Ken Bennett: Press Are Taking Photos of License Plates, Faces, Name Badges in Arena Parking Lot – Audit Workers Afraid They Will Be Doxxed by Media


The Protect Democracy Project – One of Three Groups Who Requested the DOJ Stop the Arizona Audit – Is Connected to Soros and Funds the Mothership of Democrat 'Non-Profits'

Trump; The 45TH Maritime law President and the 19TH Original Constitutional Common law President.


Let's pause for a minute, and ask ourselves why a modest, self-effacing microbiologist who operated in the shadows for his entire professional career has thrust himself into the limelight when he knows, for certain, he will either be ridiculed, smeared, discredited, dragged through the mud or killed. 


 As of April 16,  9,245 people tested positive for COVID-19 at least two weeks after getting their final COVID-19 vaccine, the health agency reported.About 9 percent, or 835, required hospitalization, and 132 died.

A 15-year-old boy in Colorado died of a heart attack only two day after taking the Pfizer vaccine. He had no history of medical issues. 

Texas, Florida Reporting Fewer Coronavirus Cases Per Capita than Key Blue States with Mask Mandates 


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