Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

#deepstategate : The Swamp is Panicking, Q new posts, RedPilledBlacks, The Treason Act of 1649, IN THE CROSSHAIRS,

Posted: 27 Jan 2018 06:47 PM PST

"When you want to expose someone's motive,, you give them what they want."

Trump calls for release of the Nunes memo

The Swamp is Panicking

 " Hannity Tweet shutdown

Ok, so the tweet that actually triggered the shutdown said "form submission 1649". What could that mean?

The Treason Act of 1649 or Act declaring what offences shall be adjudged Treason was passed on 17 July 1649 by the Rump Parliament during the Commonwealth of England. It superseded the Act declaring what offences shall be adjudged Treason passed about two months earlier on 14 May 1649.

The act was deemed necessary because the Commonwealth was a republic, so treason against the person of the king had no meaning and there were specific threats that faced the Commonwealth that this treason act helped to address.

So what Hannity may have been saying with this is that the deep state is going down for treason against the United States and Trump is going to be at the sidelines because even though the deep state wanted to take Trump out, they did it in ways that were treasonous to the Republic and can therefore be wiped out for that reason alone. The treason act of 1649 did not make it unlawful to speak against the king, but it did make it unlawful to openly try to damage the state itself. American and British commonlaw were virtually identical for a long stretch of history, and Hannity may have referenced this for that reason.
If that is what Hannity meant with that tweet (and it sure seems probable) it would be a signal that he knows the people trying to destroy the United States are loyal to the City of London financial district and have the treason act of 1649 deeply rooted in their psyche, it signaled the last major time they were taken out.

There are many theories floating around about what the tweet really meant, I think my explanation is plausible.

Interesting it is that the treason act of 1649 was passed by the "Rump Parlaiment", which is only missing the T, For TRUMP!

Sean hannity Twitter takedown revealed a deep state troll tactic

There was outrage on Twitter last night after Hannity's account suddenly completely vanished, and was replaced by a message that said "this page does not exist". I covered this, and as it turned out in the morning, RT covered it also. Twitter was forced by public pressure to restore Hannity's account, and then trolls took over and blew their cover in an epic way when not only this site, but RT had it covered. Here is the troll tactic:

Trolls hit the forums and blogs saying everyone was delusional, and that Hannity's account never disappeared, claiming Hannity simply started up a new account and everyone was hitting an expired page.

PROBLEM: I never follow links anyone puts up other than to initially see something. Once I see the point they are making, I back up and re-enter via references given by a search engine. That way, if someone was mistaken I don't end up posting crap. And when RT had the same report this morning, it completely proved the trolls were lying, Hannity did not start a new twitter account, and the one people are seeing now is the same one it always was.

So an important lesson was given to EVERYONE for free:
When the deep state pulls it's bullshit, and discovers it is too unpopular to get away with, they will back off and tell everyone they were delusional for thinking something happened; SEE! IT IS WORKING, EVERYONE WAS WRONG, IT WAS SIMPLY MOVED, SHUT UP WITH YOUR "CONSPIRACY THEORIES".

Don't fall for it, something really did happen.

Twitter deleted Sean Hannity's page " (JSFJ)

  #deepstategate —Monday's a big day…tick tock," 

Clinton, Podesta And Others In Senate Crosshairs Over Dossier; Given Two Weeks To Respond

"If Q is a jolly prankster he's doing the Lord's work with his prank. If he's for real, he's risking his life as are, apparently, many Patriots determined to save America from the cabal that's usurped her honor at least since VJ Day.
Below you will read a pretty good summary of what Qanon has revealed, much of it taken up by Congressional investigators who are making a public case for Hillary & co to hang by the neck until dead, for crimes of High Treason & perhaps worse." #1

Q post 632 633 & 634 now up


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