Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 29 Jan 2018 05:06 PM PST

The Woman and George Washington: The struggle for the survival of our nation & Our Lady's Hand.

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 04:40 PM PST

Maranatha! Come Lord, & do not delay!

"I am convinced that we were only spared from the threat of chastisement last year through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, to whom we must constantly implore for her perpetual help."

This is my great promise. In this time of so many problems, I will bless, protect, guard and guide all who gather in my name. I will cover them with my mantle, protecting them in ways both hidden and seen. I will go with them wherever they go. I will guide their steps & keep them away from all that endangers them, in body or soul.

6. The Woman and George Washington Sep 3rd, 2014 
This is a conspiracy against you, the American people.

"... and God will continue to listen to our prayers and give us the rains of blessing."

When Mary our Mother is in the home, "the devil does not enter."

A little-known devotion that honors Joseph's joys and sorrows.


Posted: 29 Jan 2018 03:52 PM PST

House Intel votes to release controversial surveillance memo to the public

College Students Hate Trump's SOTU Address... Don't Realize It Hasn't Happened Yet "Just goes to show how college does not really matter anymore, when any lame brained nitwit can get a piece of paper that says their opinion matters!" JSFJ

NOW, "Imagine that despite your always knowing the DC swamp was deep (dangerous and full of terrors), corrupt, and generally horrible, you decided to do it anyway. You "just had to"." 
&, why Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley called the FBI's bluff

The deal is dead. Trump forced everyone to walk away from the deal.

meanwhile: HERE, HERE, &, HERE!!

Jan 29 2018 - McCabe out
"Deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe stepped down from his position today, forgoing retirement, on "terminal leave". Technicall it is not "terminal leave" but that is what they are calling it. There are mixed reports. Some are saying he stepped down voluntarily (MSM) and others are saying he was forced out. "terminal leave" strongly suggests his behind is in a sling, no, it probably left the sling and is on it's way to a painful landing. My guess is this is probably related to deep corruption in the FBI, and he was forced out. With the FISA memo in the limelight, that would make the most sense.

My guess is that Trump will not read the Fisa memo at the state of the union address, because that's not how he plays things. I'd certainly be glad if he did. But I'd bet it is going to drop later this week, maybe Thursday. The house vote to release the memo will happen at 5PM EST. Heads up for that, it will be a key indicator for how much the current power structure will stand by the American people. There is a high probability they won't vote to release it, and then it will be up to the President to release it, because it is within his power to do so. But keep in mind, that's not how he plays things, if there is any benefit whatsoever left over from not releasing it, Trump will definitely let it play out. It will, however, eventually be released." JSFJ

"McCabe was removed at the beginning of December. This was not made MSM news for obvious reasons. Today is just for the cameras, but it also signifies The Storm is in full force. This was all "timing". Get ready for the avalanche of this stuff"

McCabe Threatens to "Torch the FBI" After Forced Resignation; FBI Insider Poised to Spill All The Beans

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