Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

State of the Union LIVE @ 9pm EST

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 05:32 PM PST

flu vaccines BOMBSHELL, Domoic Acid, Fukushima, Q, Chemtrails, G5, Monsanto, FISA & Trump,

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 04:45 PM PST

SOTU, super blue blood moon, Q, Dark Empire Strikes Back, Dems in full insanity mode, &, US Cities w/the Most Magnificent Housing Bubbles

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 03:56 PM PST

The Enemy In Our Home

The 'super blue blood moon' will appear on 31 January

Q Anon Update – An Existential Threat to a Corrupt Political System

A Second Trump Dossier & Fed-Inspired Drop In The Dow On Eve Of State of the Union

Well, well, well. The truth has surfaced.

"Democrat Adam Schiff looked like he was going to pass out when he announced that the House Intel Committee decided to release the "FISA abuse" memo. The majority Republicans were able to approve the release and then vote to NOT release the Democrat version. Schiff is seething during the announcement:"

"After representative Adam Schiff ran to the microphones to decry the lack of GOP support for releasing his 'minority memo', congressman Lee Zeldin shares the back-story."

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino appeared on Tucker Carlson TV show tonight to discuss the release of Chairman Devin Nunes intelligence memo.

Batting Order: "Chairman Nunes (aggregate IC focus) got a leadoff single by strategically presenting the classified documents in a 4-pg summary form.  Next up came Chairman Chuck Grassley (FBI focus).  As Grassley questioned the FBI, Nunes stole second with release of the House Intel memo.  Grassley remains at the plate comfortably ahead in the count; while Chairman Goodlatte (Justice oversight) is on on deck circle sending signals:"


meanwhile, in BET LAND: 41,000 Somalians to LA in secret, thanks Maxine! &, IN DENMARK

how quickly they forget: the time Bill & Bari SLAMMED Illegal Immigration In Their SOTU

The US Cities with the Most Magnificent Housing Bubbles
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