Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Q: The STORM is REAL & It's HERE - DEFCON 1, Flushing Out Deep State Rats & PEDOs, Nork Concentration Camps,

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 04:13 PM PST

This war inside the Deep State with Military components is in its SIXTH year.

☆☆☆☆☆ Q: The STORM is REAL and It's HERE.

N.Korea: "The April 28 failed missile launch was the third attempted flight-test of this new type of intermediate-range ballistic missile." 

Warning: The following content is disturbing. "When he was 13, Shin was sent to an underground torture center after his mother and older brother were accused of attempting to escape. "They hung me by the ankles, and they tortured me with fire,"

Q Anon "DEFCON 1 FIRE & FURY"! **UPDATED** "The idea is to cripple NK infrastructure. Take out or take over puppet govt. of Kim. FREE the people, not kill them. Get them to want freedom, Unite Koreas."


Far-left militia leader, Rakem Balogun, arrested by FBI

BREAKING – Federal Judge Throws Out Case Against Cliven Bundy – "With Prejudice", "Gross Prosecutorial Misconduct"

How The FBI and DOJ Intelligence Units Were Weaponized Around Congressional Oversight

Oprah saying old, prejudiced white people "just have to die" 

& then she... : "... each philanthropist was given 15 minutes to talk about "how they saw the future global economic climate, the future priorities for philanthropy, and what they felt the elite group should do."

speaking of the globalists: Peter Sutherland, the notorious mass migration and multiculturalism campaigner dubbed the 'father of globalization', has died. "As the United Nations Special Representative for Migration and non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International in 2012, he infamously remarked that the European Union should "be doing its best to undermine" the sense of national "homogeneity" in Britain and Europe, in order to pave the way for multicultural societies."

another Yalie BTD: "Additionally, Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman, former president of the APA, not only denounced Dr. Lee's book as a compilation of "tawdry, indulgent, fatuous tabloid psychiatry" but obliterated her claim of having a "duty to warn," adding that medical professionals have repeatedly been used throughout history for corrupt political agendas."

"The president denies he ever spoke to you for this book, at all. Did you speak to any members of the president's Cabinet for this book?" CBS host Norah O'Donnell, asked him. Wolff responded, "I did not."

James Damore just filed a class action lawsuit against Google, saying it discriminates against white male conservatives

THE COMING STORM: "our future president", HQly cryptic Batman, &, that spit-in-your-food thing,

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 12:22 PM PST

Holy cryptic Batman "I made be stupid but could somebody please tell me what this all means? I'm clueless." Suzanne

(27) Right now, ANYTHING is possible. Trump is fearless and totally in control. All will be well. Seriously...

The Honey Bee Interview – Personal Attacks, The Pedogate Movement, And The Effort To Derail It

Judge to consider ending Bundy standoff trial as government's case crumbles

Is it now unsafe for white people to eat anywhere there are non-white employees? "I am a former chef de cuisine. Do not eat out. Cook your own food." elitch2 (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DS938JFU8AAdf8z.jpg:large)

SRA - satan's war on children: the phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or possession.

Operation Fast and Furious !!!! dirt is leaking !!!!! the ATF forged FFL documents to buy full giggle firearms with the FFL's own money and sold them to the Cartels.

"Rumor has it that 30 senators will not be returning in 2018 due to swamp drain" JSFJ
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