ECON Undergraduates Blog

ECON Undergraduates Blog

Research Programmer, Center on Social Dynamics & Policy

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:30 AM PST

Join the team at the Brookings Institution's Economic Studies program (ES), and work with experts as they focus on addressing obstacles to long-term economic growth and opportunity. This is a great opportunity for someone with an interest in developing simulation models of social and (occasionally) biological systems that can help inform policy decisions. The Research Programmer is responsible for agent-based model implementation and/or manipulation, output presentation; topics vary and include: public health, education, economics, and behavioral/social sciences. The ideal candidate will have familiarity with advanced mathematical and statistical concepts that can be used to characterize elements of these systems, and an ability to quickly become adept at working in new software environments and with existing code.

70% Programming Simulation and Statistical Assistance
• Assists in the design of agent-based models
• Takes primary responsibility for development of agent-based models
• Interfaces with external research partners to obtain, process, and convert outside data into forms suitable for integration in agent-based models
• Sweep model parameter spaces; analyze agent-based model outputs
• Manipulation and/or extension of agent-based models

30% Visualization and Reports
• Converts agent-based model outputs to viewable form for analyses and presentations
• Assists in drafting written reports and online profiles for funders and external research partners describing model design, implementation, and results
• Works with the scholar to create PowerPoint presentations for use in summarizing research findings to outside audiences
• Assists in preparation and revision of manuscripts and proposals

For more information, please see Careers4Terps Posting ID #169134

Gilman Study Abroad Scholarship for Pell Grant Recipients

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:06 AM PST

Learn about the GILMAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP, which provides up to $5,000 for study abroad for students with financial need who receive Pell Grants. In the last 2 1/2 years, 70 University of Maryland students won Gilman Scholarships—a 45% acceptance rate!

The deadline to apply for awards for Summer 2018, Fall 2018, and Academic Year 2018-19 is March 6, 2018. Get an early start and learn about the Gilman program and the application process!

Attend the Gilman Scholar Panel to hear directly from returned UMD Gilman Scholars: Refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP to

WHEN: Thursday, February 1, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
WHERE: 1102 H.J. Patterson Hall

We will also host a series of information sessions. Please RSVP to let us know which session you plan to attend: If you are interested but cannot attend one of these sessions, let us know and we can arrange a time to meet with you individually.
  • Wednesday, January 31, 11:00 am-11:30 am, 1201 Marie Mount Hall
  • Thursday, February 1, 2:00 pm-2:30 pm, 1201 Marie Mount Hall
  • Friday, February 2, 4:00 pm-4:30 pm, 2403A Marie Mount Hall
  • Tuesday, February 6, 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm, 2403A Marie Mount Hall
  • Wednesday, February 7, 10:00 am-10:30 am, 1201 Marie Mount Hall
  • Friday, February 9, 12:00 pm-12:30 pm, 2403A Marie Mount Hall
Eligibility Requirements: US Citizens - Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors - All Majors - Must be studying abroad for at least 3 weeks - Must have FAFSA demonstrated financial need and be receiving a Pell Grant.

Maryland Student Researchers Database - Spring Information Sessions

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 05:13 AM PST

Learn more about the Maryland Student Researchers program, and review over 160 available opportunities by visiting our website at:

The Maryland Student Researchers (MSR) program maintains a University-wide online bulletin board where UMD researchers post research opportunities for undergraduate students. It is a great way for undergraduates to learn about the rewards and challenges of academic research. Over 160 projects are listed with more being added so check back regularly over the next several weeks.

The Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research has scheduled numerous early-semester information sessions to assist students who want to use the MSR bulletin board to identify suitable research opportunities, and also to provide advice about additional ways to pursue research opportunities. RSVP for the session you plan to attend to
  • Tuesday, January 30, 10-10:30 am - 1201 Marie Mount Hall
  • Tuesday, January 30, 2:30-3:00 pm - 1201 Marie Mount Hall
  • Wednesday, January 31, 10-10:30 am - 1201 Marie Mount Hall
  • Wednesday, January 31st, 10:30-11:00 am - 1201 Marie Mount Hall
  • Thursday, February 1, 2-2:30 pm - 1201 Marie Mount Hall
  • Thursday, February 1, 3:00-3:30 pm - 1201 Marie Mount Hall
  • Friday, February 2, 10:00-10:30 am - 1201 Marie Mount Hall
  • Friday. February 2, 1:00-1:30 pm - 1201 Marie Mount Hall

ELIGIBILITY: Any student in good academic standing may apply directly for any listed opportunities for which they have the listed required skills. It is open to undergraduates of all majors and disciplines with an interest in research. Most positions are offered on a volunteer basis, and selection of undergraduate researchers is made solely by the faculty members who provide the listed opportunities.

Intern for a Day Spring 2018

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 05:08 AM PST

Intern for a Day connects undergraduate students with alumni, parents, employers and community partners for one day internship/shadowing experiences.

In order to receive an application to participate in Intern for a Day, you must attend an informative, 30-minute orientation session that will cover the application process, how you will be matched with a host, best practices when shadowing your host on-site, and how to show appreciation to your host after your experience.

Spring 2018's Mandatory Orientation Sessions (Choose 1):
All sessions will take place in the University Career Center, South Hornbake Library, 3rd floor.
*RSVP Required
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