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Maria Ude Nwachi (Afikpo Chic) Suspended By Ebonyi House Of Assembly

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:00 PM PST

Afikpo Chic, Maria Ude Nwachi, a law marker in the Ebonyi State House of Assembly, who recently shared photos of herself  with her newly completed mansion in Abuja, has been suspended for conduct that is not consistent of a law maker.  

See what was shared by the circularngr.com;

The Ebonyi state house of Assembly has handed a two week suspension to the member representing Afikpo North -East constituency, Hon. Maria Ude Nwachi popularly called afikpo chick.

The circular learnt that the suspension came for abusing and disgracing the honourable house by turning herself to ordinary photographer.

According to Ikechukwu Okoro, this came after series of warning and possible corrections from the honourable house. The leader of the house, Hon. Joseph Nwobashi moved the motion which was seconded by Hon Mrs Okpo Franca. Hon. Mrs Okpo advised her to leave the system and possibly go and work on her disgusting attitude that is bringing down the respect and honor given to the house.

The circular recalls that Afikpo chick has been previously suspended in August 2015 for mobilizing youths of her area against Enugu Electricity Distribution Company, EEDC. 

Hon. Nwachi is currently mulling the ambition of representing her constituency in federal house of representative in 2019 general elections.

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Ebube Nwagbo Enjoying Luxury Tour Around Dubai With A Helicopter

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:44 PM PST

Ebube Nwagbo, Nollywood actress looks smashing in these new photos as she makes her tour of Dubai.
The actress is in a tour of the Arab city in a luxury helicopterm flying round the city.

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Nigerians React To Obasanjo's Open Letter To President Buhari

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:28 PM PST

Former President Dr. Olusegun Obasanjo on Tuesday, 23rd January, 2018 wrote an open 13 page letter to Mr.President addressing several National issues and concluded that Nigeria should form a coalition.
The letter triggered swift reactions from Nigerians both home and abroad.  See comments from Nigerians as shared via twitter;

Nigerians immediately reacted to the news.

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Pageant Producer Darlington Ajaero's Wife Gives Birrth In Texas

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 02:13 PM PST

Mr. Darlington Ajaero Kayode, the producer of Miss Coal City Nigeria pageant has a lot of reasons to thank God this year, for his family as his wife is delivered of a baby girl on the 9th of January, 2018 at the Memorial Hermann Children's Hospital, HOUSTON, TEXAS. ‎ 

Darlington announced the news of the new baby with a message to his fans, which he shared online:

‎" We are very happy to announce the safe arrive of our new bundle of love, joy and blessings " TIARA CHIZITERE UZOMA" into our wonderful family. Mother and baby are doing great. The father dikwe OK too.  ‎Please rejoice with the family to give God the glory because he perfected everything for us. We are so grateful"‎

Congratulations to the Ajaero's family.

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Atiku Meets With Leaders Of Arewa, Yoruba And Ohanaeze Youth Groups

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:27 AM PST

Former vice President Atiku Abubakar met with the youth leaders of the country on Monday, 22nd January, 2018. We think it is a good move in the right direction. The youth hold the future of this Nation.

Present at the meeting were; President, Ijaw Youth Council, Barr. Pereotubo Owoleimi; Alhaji Yerima Shettima of Arewa Youth Consultative Forum; former Vice-President of Nigeria,  Atiku Abubakar; Mazi Okechukwu Isigusoro of Ohanaeze Youths Worldwide, President of Ibibio Youths, Mr. Imoh Okoko; President of Yoruba Youths Congress and Chairman of All Atiku Support Group, Oladimeji Fabiyi met with Former Vice-president, Atiku Abubakar in Abuja on Monday.

The purpose of the meeting is not very clear yet, but it may not be unconnected to 2019 .

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Obasanjo’s Letter To President Buhari (Full Text Of The 13-paged Letter)

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:16 AM PST

Former president of Nigeria, Dr. Olusegun Obasanjo has written a 13 page letter to Preseident Buhari of the APC.
See the full text of his letter below:

Special Press Statement
President Olusegun Obasanjo

Since we are still in the month of January, it is appropriate to wish all Nigerians Happy 2018. I am constrained to issue this special statement at this time considering the situation of the country. Some of you may be asking, "What has brought about this special occasion of Obasanjo issuing a Special Statement?" You will be right to ask such a question. But there is a Yoruba saying that 'when lice abound in your clothes, your fingernails will never be dried of blood'. When I was in the village, to make sure that lice die, you put them between two fingernails and press hard to ensure they die and they always leave blood stains on the fingernails. To ensure you do not have blood on your fingernails, you have to ensure that lice are not harboured anywhere within your vicinity.

The lice of poor performance in government – poverty, insecurity, poor economic management, nepotism, gross dereliction of duty, condonation of misdeed – if not outright encouragement of it, lack of progress and hope for the future, lack of national cohesion and poor management of internal political dynamics and widening inequality – are very much with us today. With such lice of general and specific poor performance and crying poverty with us, our fingers will not be dry of 'blood'.

Four years ago when my PDP card was torn, I made it abundantly clear that I quit partisan politics for aye but my concern and interest in Nigeria, Africa and indeed in humanity would not wane. Ever since, I have adhered strictly to that position. Since that time, I have devoted quality time to the issue of zero hunger as contained in Goal No. 2 of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. We have set the target that Nigeria with the participating States in the Zero Hunger Forum should reach Zero Hunger goal by 2025 – five years earlier than the UN target date. I am involved in the issue of education in some States and generally in the issue of youth empowerment and employment. I am involved in all these domestically and altruistically to give hope and future to the seemingly hopeless and those in despair. I believe strongly that God has endowed Nigeria so adequately that no Nigerian should be either in want or in despair.

I believe in team work and collaborative efforts. At the international level, we have worked with other world leaders to domicile the apparatus for monitoring and encouraging socio-economic progress in Africa in our Presidential Library. The purpose of Africa Progress Group, which is the new name assumed by Africa Progress Panel (APP), is to point out where, when and what works need to be done for the progress of Africa separately and collectively by African leaders and their development partners. I have also gladly accepted the invitation of the UN Secretary-General to be a member of his eighteen-member High-Level Board of Advisers on Mediation. There are other assignments I take up in other fora for Africa and for the international community. For Africa to move forward, Nigeria must be one of the anchor countries, if not the leading anchor country. It means that Nigeria must be good at home to be good outside. No doubt, our situation in the last decade or so had shown that we are not good enough at home; hence we are invariably absent at the table that we should be abroad.

All these led me to take the unusual step of going against my own political Party, PDP, in the last general election to support the opposite side. I saw that action as the best option for Nigeria. As it has been revealed in the last three years or so, that decision and the subsequent collective decision of Nigerians to vote for a change was the right decision for the nation. For me, there was nothing personal, it was all in the best interest of Nigeria and, indeed, in the best interest of Africa and humanity at large. Even the horse rider then, with whom I maintain very cordial, happy and social relationship today has come to realise his mistakes and regretted it publicly and I admire his courage and forthrightness in this regard. He has a role to play on the side line for the good of Nigeria, Africa and humanity and I will see him as a partner in playing such a role nationally and internationally, but not as a horse rider in Nigeria again.

The situation that made Nigerians to vote massively to get my brother Jonathan off the horse is playing itself out again. First, I thought I knew the point where President Buhari is weak and I spoke and wrote about it even before Nigerians voted for him and I also did vote for him because at that time it was a matter of "any option but Jonathan" (aobj). But my letter to President Jonathan titled: "Before It Is Too Late" was meant for him to act before it was too late. He ignored it and it was too late for him and those who goaded him into ignoring the voice of caution. I know that praise-singers and hired attackers may be raised up against me for verbal or even physical attack but if I can withstand undeserved imprisonment and was ready to shed my blood by standing for Nigeria, I will consider no sacrifice too great to make for the good of Nigeria at any time. No human leader is expected to be personally strong or self-sufficient in all aspects of governance.

I knew President Buhari before he became President and said that he is weak in the knowledge and understanding of the economy but I thought that he could make use of good Nigerians in that area that could help. Although, I know that you cannot give what you don't have and that economy does not obey military order. You have to give it what it takes in the short-, medium- and long-term. Then, it would move. I know his weakness in understanding and playing in the foreign affairs sector and again, there are many Nigerians that could be used in that area as well. They have knowledge and experience that could be deployed for the good of Nigeria. There were serious allegations of round-tripping against some inner caucus of the Presidency which would seem to have been condoned. I wonder if such actions do not amount to corruption and financial crime, then what is it? Culture of condonation and turning blind eye will cover up rather than clean up. And going to justice must be with clean hands.

I thought President Buhari would fight corruption and insurgency and he must be given some credit for his achievement so far in these two areas although it is not yet uhuru!

The herdsmen/crop farmers issue is being wittingly or unwittingly allowed to turn sour and messy. It is no credit to the Federal Government that the herdsmen rampage continues with careless abandon and without finding an effective solution to it. And it is a sad symptom of insensitivity and callousness that some Governors, a day after 73 victims were being buried in a mass grave in Benue State without condolence, were jubilantly endorsing President Buhari for a second term! The timing was most unfortunate. The issue of herdsmen/crop farmers dichotomy should not be left on the political platform of blame game; the Federal Government must take the lead in bringing about solution that protects life and properties of herdsmen and crop farmers alike and for them to live amicably in the same community.

But there are three other areas where President Buhari has come out more glaringly than most of us thought we knew about him. One is nepotic deployment bordering on clannishness and inability to bring discipline to bear on errant members of his nepotic court. This has grave consequences on performance of his government to the detriment of the nation. It would appear that national interest was being sacrificed on the altar of nepotic interest. What does one make of a case like that of Maina: collusion, condonation, ineptitude, incompetence, dereliction of responsibility or kinship and friendship on the part of those who should have taken visible and deterrent disciplinary action? How many similar cases are buried, ignored or covered up and not yet in the glare of the media and the public? The second is his poor understanding of the dynamics of internal politics. This has led to wittingly or unwittingly making the nation more divided and inequality has widened and become more pronounced. It also has effect on general national security. The third is passing the buck. For instance, blaming the Governor of the Central Bank for devaluation of the naira by 70% or so and blaming past governments for it, is to say the least, not accepting one's own responsibility. Let nobody deceive us, economy feeds on politics and because our politics is depressing, our economy is even more depressing today. If things were good, President Buhari would not need to come in. He was voted to fix things that were bad and not engage in the blame game. Our Constitution is very clear, one of the cardinal responsibilities of the President is the management of the economy of which the value of the naira forms an integral part. Kinship and friendship that place responsibility for governance in the hands of the unelected can only be deleterious to good government and to the nation.

President Buhari's illness called for the sympathy, understanding, prayer and patience from every sane Nigerian. It is part of our culture. Most Nigerians prayed for him while he was away sick in London for over hundred days and he gave his Deputy sufficient leeway to carry on in his absence. We all thanked God for President Buhari for coming back reasonably hale and hearty and progressing well in his recovery. But whatever may be the state of President Buhari's health today, he should neither over-push his luck nor over-tax the patience and tolerance of Nigerians for him, no matter what his self-serving, so-called advisers, who would claim that they love him more than God loves him and that without him, there would be no Nigeria say. President Buhari needs a dignified and honourable dismount from the horse. He needs to have time to reflect, refurbish physically and recoup and after appropriate rest, once again, join the stock of Nigerian leaders whose experience, influence, wisdom and outreach can be deployed on the side line for the good of the country. His place in history is already assured. Without impaired health and strain of age, running the affairs of Nigeria is a 25/7 affair, not 24/7. 

I only appeal to brother Buhari to consider a deserved rest at this point in time and at this age. I continue to wish him robust health to enjoy his retirement from active public service. President Buhari does not necessarily need to heed my advice. But whether or not he heeds it, Nigeria needs to move on and move forward.

I have had occasion in the past to say that the two main political parties – APC and PDP – were wobbling. I must reiterate that nothing has happened to convince me otherwise. If anything, I am reinforced in my conviction. The recent show of PDP must give grave and great concern to lovers of Nigeria. To claim, as has been credited to the chief kingmaker of PDP, that for procuring the Supreme Court judgement for his faction of the Party, he must dictate the tune all the way and this is indeed fraught with danger. If neither APC nor PDP is a worthy horse to ride to lead Nigeria at this crucial and critical time, what then do we do? Remember Farooq Kperogi, an Associate Professor at the Kennesaw State University, Georgia, United States, calls it "a cruel Hobson's choice; it's like a choice between six and half a dozen, between evil and evil. Any selection or deflection would be a distinction without a difference." We cannot just sit down lamenting and wringing our hands desperately and hopelessly.

I believe the situation we are in today is akin to what and where we were in at the beginning of this democratic dispensation in 1999. The nation was tottering. People became hopeless and saw no bright future in the horizon. It was all a dark cloud politically, economically and socially. The price of oil at that time was nine dollars per barrel and we had a debt overhang of about $35 billion. Most people were confused with lack of direction in the country. One of the factors that saved the situation was a near government of national unity that was put in place to navigate us through the dark cloud. We had almost all hands on deck. We used people at home and from the diaspora and we navigated through the dark cloud of those days. At that time, most people were hopelessly groping in the dark. They saw no choice, neither in the left nor in the right, and yet we were not bereft of people at home and from the diaspora that could come together to make Nigeria truly a land flowing with milk and honey. Where we are is a matter of choice but we can choose differently to make a necessary and desirable change, once again.

Wherever I go, I hear Nigerians complaining, murmuring in anguish and anger. But our anger should not be like the anger of the cripple. We can collectively save ourselves from the position we find ourselves. It will not come through self-pity, fruitless complaint or protest but through constructive and positive engagement and collective action for the good of our nation and ourselves and our children and their children. We need moral re-armament and engaging togetherness of people of like-mind and goodwill to come solidly together to lift Nigeria up. This is no time for trading blames or embarking on futile argument and neither should we accept untenable excuses for non-performance. Let us accept that the present administration has done what it can do to the limit of its ability, aptitude and understanding. Let the administration and its political party platform agree with the rest of us that what they have done and what they are capable of doing is not good enough for us. They have given as best as they have and as best as they can give. Nigeria deserves and urgently needs better than what they have given or what we know they are capable of giving. To ask them to give more will be unrealistic and will only sentence Nigeria to a prison term of four years if not destroy it beyond the possibility of an early recovery and substantial growth. Einstein made it clear to us that doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the height of folly. Already, Nigerians are committing suicide for the unbearable socio-economic situation they find themselves in. And yet Nigerians love life. We must not continue to reinforce failure and hope that all will be well. It is self-deceit and self-defeat and another aspect of folly.

What has emerged from the opposition has shown no better promise from their antecedents. As the leader of that Party for eight years as President of Nigeria, I can categorically say there is nothing to write home about in their new team. We have only one choice left to take us out of Egypt to the promised land. And that is the coalition of the concerned and the willing – ready for positive and drastic change, progress and involvement. Change that will give hope and future to all our youth and dignity and full participation to all our women. Our youth should be empowered to deploy their ability to learn, innovate and work energetically at ideas and concepts in which they can make their own original inputs. Youth must be part of the action today and not relegated to leadership of tomorrow which may never come. Change that will mean enhancement of living standard and progress for all. A situation where the elected will accountably govern and every Nigerian will have equal opportunity not based on kinship and friendship but based on free citizenship.

Democracy is sustained and measured not by leaders doing extra-ordinary things, (invariably, leaders fail to do ordinary things very well), but by citizens rising up to do ordinary things extra-ordinarily well. Our democracy, development and progress at this juncture require ordinary citizens of Nigeria to do the extra-ordinary things of changing the course and direction of our lackluster performance and development. If leadership fails, citizens must not fail and there lies the beauty and importance of democracy. We are challenged by the current situation; we must neither adopt spirit of cowardice nor timidity let alone impotence but must be sustained by courage, determination and commitment to say and do and to persist until we achieve upliftment for Nigeria. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and we believe that our venturing will not be in vain. God of Nigeria has endowed this country adequately and our non-performance cannot be blamed on God but on leadership. God, who has given us what we need and which is potentially there, will give us leadership enablement to actualize our potentiality.

The development and modernization of our country and society must be anchored and sustained on dynamic Nigerian culture, enduring values and an enchanting Nigerian dream. We must have abiding faith in our country and its role and place within the comity of nations. Today, Nigeria needs all hands on deck. All hands of men and women of goodwill must be on deck. We need all hands to move our country forward.

We need a Coalition for Nigeria, CN. Such a Movement at this juncture needs not be a political party but one to which all well-meaning Nigerians can belong. That Movement must be a coalition for democracy, good governance, social and economic well-being and progress. Coalition to salvage and redeem our country. You can count me with such a Movement. Last time, we asked, prayed and worked for change and God granted our request. This time, we must ask, pray and work for change with unity, security and progress. And God will again grant us. Of course, nothing should stop such a Movement from satisfying conditions for fielding candidates for elections. But if at any stage the Movement wishes to metamorphose into candidate-sponsoring Movement for elections, I will bow out of the Movement because I will continue to maintain my non-partisan position. Coalition for Nigeria must have its headquarters in Abuja.

This Coalition for Nigeria will be a Movement that will drive Nigeria up and forward. It must have a pride of place for all Nigerians, particularly for our youth and our women. It is a coalition of hope for all Nigerians for speedy, quality and equal development, security, unity, prosperity and progress. It is a coalition to banish poverty, insecurity and despair. Our country must not be oblivious to concomitant danger around, outside and ahead. Coalition for Nigeria must be a Movement to break new ground in building a united country, a socially-cohesive and moderately prosperous society with equity, equality of opportunity, justice and a dynamic and progressive economy that is self-reliant and takes active part in global division of labour and international decision-making.

The Movement must work out the path of development and the trajectory of development in speed, quality and equality in the short- medium- and long-term for Nigeria on the basis of sustainability, stability, predictability, credibility, security, cooperation and prosperity with diminishing inequality. What is called for is love, commitment and interest in our country, not in self, friends and kinship alone but particularly love, compassion and interest in the poor, underprivileged and downtrodden. It is our human duty and responsibility so to do. Failure to do this will amount to a sin against God and a crime against humanity.

Some may ask, what does Obasanjo want again? Obasanjo has wanted nothing other than the best for Nigeria and Nigerians and he will continue to want nothing less. And if we have the best, we will be contented whether where we live is described as palaces or huts by others and we will always give thanks to God.

I, therefore, will gladly join such a Movement when one is established as Coalition for Nigeria, CN, taking Nigeria to the height God has created it to be. From now on, the Nigeria eagle must continue to soar and fly high. CN, as a Movement, will be new, green, transparent and must remain clean and always active, selflessly so. Members must be ready to make sacrifice for the nation and pay the price of being pioneers and good Nigerians for our country to play the God-assigned role for itself, for its neighbours, for its sub-region of West Africa, for its continent and for humanity in general. For me, the strength and sustainable success of CN will derive largely from the strong commitment of a population that is constantly mobilized to the rallying platform of the fact that going forward together is our best option for building a nation that will occupy its deserved place in the global community. May God continue to lead, guide and protect us. Amen.

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Hollywood’s Most Eldest Working Actress Passes On At Age 105

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:01 AM PST

Hollywood?s oldest working actress dies at age 105
Hollywood long standing screen actress Connie Sawyer has passed on at age 105. She passed on peacefully at her home in Woodland Hills, California on Sunday, 21st January.

The actress Sawyer spent about 87 years of her life  in the acting world. She participated in various movies  among which are 'Good Times', 'Hawaii Five-O', 'Murder, She Wrote', and  also participated in the 'The Andy Griffith Show'.
She starred in'Entanglement' in 2014, which was her last movie.

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Benedicta Elechi: Paul Odekina Is Gay, I Divorced Him, We Had Sex 11 Times Only

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:43 AM PST

Lady by name Benedicta Elechi disclosed recently she divorced her ex-husband Paul Odekina, because the man was gay. She also revealed that for 11 years of their marriage, they had sex 10 times.

She is currently the fiancee of controversial OAP Freeze. See her interview with Linda Ikeji's TV below:

In a new explosive and exclusive interview with Linda Ikeji TV, OAP Freeze's fiancee, Benedicta Elechi revealed all she went through in her marriage to Mr. Paul Odekina, the executive general manager of Human Resource at Total E&P Nigeria Limited. 
The C.E.O of TasteBudz Real Naija Cooking and Dictachi Foods Nigeria Ltd, who stopped by to talk to about her food business, spoke on her failed marriage which produced three children.

An emotional Elechi who couldn't contain her emotions, during the interview said she filed for a divorce from her husband because of his 'sexual perversion.' She said during their union they only made love just eleven times in 10 years, until she caught her husband red-handed in gay sex with a man in their living room.

Read an excerpt from the interview below.

LIB: When asked why she filed a divorce from her ex-husband, Mr. Paul Odekina of Total E&P.

Benedicta: I filed for a divorce from him because of his sexual perversion and there's a point where you get to as a human being when you realise that something or what is your aim is never going to work. 
Because when I signed a contract to marry him, I believed I was marrying a man that shared the same type of sexuality with me. 

Don't get me wrong, I do not have any issues with people that have different sexual orientation but when you come and say you want to get into a marriage contract with someone, you both have to share the same sexual orientation.

So when you get into that marriage and find out it wasn't what you bargained for, it's like you were tricked into the marriage. The marriage is a sham. 

For example, we got married in 2002, I filed for a divorce 2012. For the period of 10-years that we were married, we actually had sexual intercourse just 11 times in 10 years. He never let me sleep in his room, I have to stay in my own room. 

He would only come to see me when he thinks we should make a baby. 

Way into the marriage, I caught him red-handed in gay sex. I walked into him in our living room, at about 1:30, 1:40am with a guy I didn't really know. But he obviously walked in with that person at that time of the night, and I walked into them in our living. 

I can tell you it was a struggle. You are living in a society where as a woman you have to do everything you can to preserve your marriage. You can come out of it, you just have to pray, God can change things. 

There are certain things that we need to know when God is talking to you. It's a little bit emotional for me because there are a lot of women out there that have gone through what I went through and they can't come out.

I'm sorry, but there are a lot of reasons I never wanted to do an interview. The pain that I went through is real and it can only take a lifetime to forget. 

LIB: Did you talk to your family or anybody about it?

Benedicta: When you feel that marriage is something both parties have to work on, You don't want to bring a third party into it, so you can give him some time to change and pray about it. 

And this is him begging you constantly, don't leave me. If you do that am going to kill myself. I will commit suicide, I don't want you to tell my parents or your parents about it. I promise you I'm going to change.

You would desperately believe that this person is going to change because you want your marriage to work, and you just find that the years are going by, you are in it, you can't come out. 

Who do you really want to tell? It's a stigma and then you have kids, you don't want them to be laughed at in school.

LIB: But do have any evidence to back up your claims he was in a gay relationship while you were married to him?

Benedicta: There were some text messages I saw on his phone which he sent to a man he actually brought home for dinner I made for them.

When I saw the text messages on his phone, I was livid. I had to confront him with it. You can't bring someone to the house and tell me he's a guest that I should entertain him, and this is actually what you do, this is the kind of relationship you have with this person.

Why are you punishing me, and why are you doing this to me. If you know this marriage is a sham, then let me go. 

When I saw the text I had to wake up from the couch. I confronted him and he went all crazy on me. He said I have no right to pick up his phone. I told him I had no airtime on my phone and wanted to make a call with his. He said I have no right to go through his phone.

I said to him, is this what you really do, you would bring somebody to the house, for me to feed for dinner and this is it. You are in a sexual relationship with this guy."

Meanwhile, OAP Freeze and Benedicta who have been together for several years have a son together.

Credit: Linda Ikeji's TV

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Nollywood Times Photo Of The Day.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:10 AM PST

Please caption this Nollywood Times photo of the day in your own language!

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New Couple Wear Their Secondary School Uniforms For Their Pre-wedding Photos

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:49 AM PST

See this new couple who decided to do their pre-wedding photo shoot with their secondary uniform. 
They looked smashing in the photos as if they are still in their fifteen lol.
See some of the photos below:  

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Odunlade Adekola, Yinka Quadri, Mr Latin Celebrates Eniola Ajao Birthday

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:38 AM PST

Pretty Nollywood Yoruba  actress Eniola Ajao decided to hold a party recently to celebrate her birthday.  
Notable Nollywood stars like Odunlade Adekola, Yinka Quradri, Mr Latin and others  were in attendance.

Congratulations Eniola Ajao

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Hugh Masekela Is Passes On

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:25 AM PST

South African musician and legendary trumpeter, composer and singer "Hugh Masekela"  has passed on according to a report by ABC News. He passed on at the age of 78, after battling prostate cancer.

May his soul rest in peace.
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Couple Hold Simple Wedding On A Weekday With Only 7 Guests

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:09 AM PST

A couple in Nigeria, one Mr. James and Mrs Blessing wedded recently on a weekday with just seven people as guest. The wedding was an absolutely low key event 

The wedding has since gone viral on the social media as it became talk of the town.

They were wedded in a Catholic Church and that was the end. There was no reception of any kind.

A church member, who was in the church praying when they arrived for the wedding, was so impressed by the simplicity of the couple and decided to share the wedding story via social media.

Below Cyril Akpan's account of the wedding: 

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Bisola Aiyeola's 32nd Birthday Party Photos. Gifty, Marvis, Kemen Attend

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:41 AM PST

Bisola Big Brother Naija star (BBN) looking smashing in the these photos is 32 years on Sunday, January 21st and she celebrated the day with some of her fellow housemates and members of her family.

Below are more photos from the event.

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Davido Dressed As An Old Man With Potbelly For 'Flora My Flawa' Video

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:27 AM PST

Nigerian super star singer, Davido has shot the video for his long awaited first song of the year 'Flora My Flawa' yesterday.
The singer who shot the video dressed  in costumes that depicts an older man with pot belly stomach, was looking Davido in his 40s.

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Meet The Igbo Man Who Is A Cattle Rearer And See How He Does It

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:51 AM PST

Who said the breeding of cattle is in the purview of Fulani only. The story of an Igbo man who rear cattle was shared online recently by one Uche Ezeigbo, who is a Facebook user.

Uche identified the Igbo man as Mr Tony Alika-Igwebuike, who breeds his cattle in a ranch he built by himself. 

See what Uche Ezeigbo wrote on his Facebook page:

Mr Tony Alika-Igwebuike is a cattle rearer/breeder, he isn't Fulani, he's Igbo from SE Nigeria. His cattle do not destroy crops and other economic trees because he has a ranch.

He didn't wait for government to create cattle colonies for him, he invested millions of naira to build a ranch for his cattle, he even imports fodder grasses without any kind of help from the government.

Cattle rearing is a huge business with immense opportunities, we can't keep tolerating the excesses of primitive herdsmen because we do not want beef to go missing in our diet.

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Photos From Annual Osun PDP Interdenominational Prayers

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:05 AM PST

Peoples Democratic Party faithfuls stormed the PDP office at Biket area in Osogbo on Monday for the party's 2018 interdenominational prayer rally.

The prayer rally is an annual program of the Osun PDP and it is non-denominational. This year's own saw Leaders and supporters of the PDP, including  factions mobilize themselves from the 30 local government areas of the state to pray to God for the party's victory in the forthcoming gubernatorial election. 

There was funfair before the prayer section commenced. 
Hon Soji Adagunodo who in his address described the rally as a sign that God has delivered Osun state from the clutches of the APC, described the huge turnout at the event as a sign that victory is at hand for the PDP.

"We thank God because he has answered our prayers. This year is the year of liberation for the people of Osun state. This is the beginning of the end for the oppressors", he told the jubilant crowd.

Photo credit to amiloaded

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Davido And Iya Rainbow Pictured Together On Set

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:32 AM PST

Mama Rainbow a Nollywood popular actress and Nigerian Singer Davido were captured recently in a photo pose on set.

Iya Rainbow as she is called in the Nollywood space is one of the screen goddess who contributed immensely to the growth of the film industry in Nigeria.

Davido who late last year disclosed his plans to debut into the Nollywood space, has been garnering momentum recently.

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Meet Beautiful Abuja Based Lawyer Is Looking For A Husband

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:08 AM PST

Guys get in here... This pretty Abuja based lawyer is looking for a husband
The story of a 28-year-old Ijeoma, a Nigerian lawyer based in Abuja, who disclosed that she is still single and wants a husband was shared by Chris, her friend.
Chris stated that Ijeoma can pound fufu. Look at what he shared online below:
'' My friend Ijeoma 28, lawyer based in Abuja hardworking,prayerful,can pound fufu looking for a husband for her tribe is no barrier kindly Rt
Guys get in here... This pretty Abuja based lawyer is looking for a husband

Guys get in here... This pretty Abuja based lawyer is looking for a husband

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Meet Senator Ademola Adeleke's Daughter; Davido's Cousin, Adenike Adeleke.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:34 AM PST

Adenike is the pretty daughter of Senator Ademola Adeleke alias''the dancing senator'' who also  is Davido's uncle. 
Nike is Davido's cousin and she recently shared some stunning photos of herself via her Instagram page. 

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Who Will Save These Two Nigerian Young Men?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 04:25 AM PST

Who will save these two Nigerian men who have decided to follow dolls instead of human being?

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