Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Don John Kabuki Theater: GAME CHANGER GITMO, MILITARY TRIBUNALS, Antifa & Mao's Red Brigade

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:35 PM PST

Don John Kabuki Theater: "... & meant to misdirect those that are literally threatening the life of Trump's family members? Which one seems more likely, given Trump's recent history of "zigging" when everybody thinks he's "zagging?""


Q Silence: mockingbird media narrative David Hogg 2, Parkland & Government Mind Control, & MK Mika's Old Man Zbigniew Brzezinski fears #GlobalAwakening !

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 01:07 PM PST

President Trump Tweets About FISA Abuse – AG Jeff Sessions Responds…

Pray for good of humankind and the ones trying to stop evil. Pray.

ANY ???! "Zbig is 33rd degree Freemason, Scottish rite. Highest rank. He's a Master." speaking of masons' &, this RedPill: "Some say that only 2 US presidents were not Masons, or associated with affiliate bodies. They are Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy." 

President Trump memorializes Billy Graham

"Santiago told FBI agents that he acted under government mind control." 

PRAYERS UP ~ Nicholas Cruz WAS NOT the shooter ... he was a set up patsy. @ 5:40!!

& THEN: JIM STONE: PREDICTABLE: Teacher holed up in classroom making threats with a gun
"YEP. David Hogg 2. Libs just won't give it a rest. After the Florida fakery, there were many people calling for guns to be allowed in schools, and for teachers to be armed. Like clockwork, as soon as they could possibly set it up, CNN backed fakers are faking it yet again, but this time it is a teacher in Dalton Georgia, who fired shots (probably blanks) in a classroom. Teacher captured. No one hurt. Here's the twitter stream from the police department.
GET THIS: Even in the first tweet it says no children are in danger! The first tweet, at 9:16 AM. How would the police know that? Bullets go through walls you know, and the kids were not out of the school yet, and they did not have the guy in custody yet, so HOW, PRAY TELL, could they tweet that no one was in danger??!!?? YOU GUESS.
Obviously what we have with this is an excuse to not allow teachers to be armed. There was too much discussion about putting guns in the schools, and this is the libs attempt to quash that discussion.

Here's the story line prediction: It will be a substitute teacher with a history of mental illness who shot up a classroom with a hand gun and missed everyone. Therefore we need mental health checks, and school zones have to be gun free. Waiting . . . . . Waiting . . . . .
Sorry, but the public is no longer composed of a bunch of stupid asses!" JSFJ

now let's play guess the color: Teacher in custody after barricade incident evacuates Dalton High School in Georgia 

a GIGANTIC HAMMER is about to fall on the Democrats.

Didn't Podesta also make threats right before Seth Rich was [187]'d???

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