Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

this ball is just starting to roll!: Tales of Val'erie' Jarrett & Roseanne, Sheppy & the deep state coup, &, TOMMY ROBINSON UPDATE

Posted: 29 May 2018 02:45 PM PDT


Shepard Smith and the deep state coup "Recently, Shepard Smith has become sharply anti-Trump. This shift has come at the same time thousands of human traffickers were arrested and coincide with rumors of him and other homosexual anchors at other networks being in close contact with Alan Dershowitz, a long-time friend of Epstein who assisted Epstein during his pedophilia case."

Roseanne Canceled at ABC Following Racist TweetThe Real Reason Is QAnon & , as concerns Val'erie' Jarrett  
PS. Isn't Jarrett working out of Obama's home? Setting up a 'foundation' for HIM? I'm sure on a private server too.

coming to your yard soon enough.

&, at Roseville water park

prepping the masses to not believe: ��Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable. Q,,, Big Pharma’s Oxycodone & Sea Life, Argentina, Venezuela, Israel

Posted: 29 May 2018 12:21 PM PDT

the Parana River Delta turned blood red overnight in Tigre, Argentina

EU and UN Decry Worst Gazan Mortar Attack on Israel Since 2014 War

For all the people who are saying, "Yay, Socialism" and "We should have communism" here's the end result of what you're asking for.  "I ask God to bless all of us, that this nightmare ends soon, and we can start over again the rebuilding of our country as an immense brotherhood, including you, our brothers and sister from America" 

The biggest war in human history is happening.
24 That which the wicked feareth, shall come upon him: to the just their desire shall be given.

25 As a tempest that passeth, so the wicked shall be no more: but the just is as an everlasting foundation. Proverbs 10
As U.S. Opioid Epidemic Skyrockets, Sea Life Now Testing Positive for Big Pharma's Oxycodone

An FBI agent who quit his top position over the bureau's handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation is heading to Congress to testify.

Federal Judge Released 1.2 Million Documents Obama-Clinton Deep State Scandals JUST EXPOSED


 It is so clear where this is heading. 

ICE Under the Trump Administration: "By willfully concealing the child sexual abuse crimes from immigration courts, the five pedophiles also independently rendered themselves subject to denaturalization. This is a huge victory for the rights of Americans, and for protecting our children from the most heinous of atrocities."

The Tip of the Refugee Iceberg

& Ramadan jihad.

Ronald Bernard - PART 3, revelations by an insider

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