Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Low IQ Maxine should be blamed! They know exactly what they are doing. Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations? Q - FALSE FLAG in Progress right on taking the HEAT off RR Que

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 04:31 PM PDT

"Wow this guy is extremely arrogant! And you can tell he's lying, watch what he's doing with his left hand!!!"

"It's kind like 'Hide-the-bunny." all while continuing to vacation on millions of dollars of "other people's money."


Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).
D's are in crisis mode.
AWAN is bigger than you can imagine.
Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel).
These people are corrupt beyond belief.
America for sale.
Sold out.

Oh Shit... FALSE FLAG in Progress... SHOCKING NOT SHOCKING ( thanks for the Heads Up Q!! ) "Cops there within 60 seconds. Making sure they emphasize "White Male."  
They had an active shooter drill last week??? WTF??   & this little beaut: "The alleged gunman 'damaged his fingertips' so law enforcement could not immediately  identify him"

#1630 Symbolism will be their downfall.

& right on Q: nancy-pelosi-immediately-calls-for-gun-control-after-shooting-at-capital-gazette/

Facebook Investors Consider Coup of CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Justice Department charges 601 people in massive, $2 billion healthcare scam

Trump Ties Democrats to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Attacks on ICE

meanwhile: "Nobody we want for Justice will be found in her vagina."

the crimes against Heather O'Rourke: Why are they trying to ‘normalize’ this? These people are SICK! PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Q,THE ERA OF GLOBAL FREELOADING IS OVER

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:23 PM PDT


9. Cause of Death: Sepsis infection due to fecal impaction caused by anal rape.

(Oct 7, 2010: Mark Zuckerberg Joins The North American Man-Boy Love Association, And Other Adventures In Facebook Groups )

Q posts - Thurs - June 28th

Q 1632   Susan Rice Just Joined Netflix Board Of Directors

Who brought the bill to the floor?
Read between the lines. Q

" ... the authors of the resolution — House Freedom Caucus leaders Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio" 

Wad Weasle-stein LIVE in the Hot Seat & then he said: "They're Pieces of Sh*t"

"Back here in reality, it's clear that President Trump and QAnon have D5 avalanche level momentum. Kennedy was forced out. Democrats and Cabal scum are scattering like citizens of Tokyo under the footsteps of Godzilla."

Operation Mind Control, 1978: "The heart of the matter is: Soon there will be no place left where an individual can hide from mind control and surveillance by super computers."

Tales of Red Hens & the Beat-down Begins: GRILLED Strzok, Gowdy Rips Rosenstein a new /\$$#0le, Father Stephen Imbarrato, Nuplazid & Uloric, &, Dutchsinse is back!

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:56 AM PDT

A Tale of Two Deep States: "Why the hell are we standing down?"

Gowdy Rips Rosenstein On Russia Probe: "Finish It The Hell Up"

the beat-downs begin: Matthews' Unhinged SCOTUS Rant
& then, antifa "Occupy ICE" movement quashed. meanwhile, @CNN  

Tale of the Red Hen: it's not "Deplorables" its Dems in chicken poop clothing

Father Stephen Imbarrato Chooses Jail: "As for the facility where the arrest took place, abortionist Steven Brigham is nationally infamous for a long record of misconduct, including botched abortions, defiance of abortion laws, tax evasion, and the death of a patient. His license has been suspended or revoked and his facilities have been shut down in multiple states."

"Our Lady – The Queen of Peace, 260 Priests, 60,000 Pilgrims And a Glorious Day in Medjugorje"

meanwhile, IN IRELAND

FBI: Clinton Campaign Official Arrested On Child Rape Charges

GRILLED: Strzok Questioned by Lawmakers

🔥🔥🔥 "What if I told you it was done on purpose!" (note: the Holy Father is in the same predicament as President Trump as regards being surrounded by the enemy.)

Judicial Watch files ethics complaint against Maxine Waters

New Socialist Darling Caught Celebrating With Known Anti-Semite And Racist

Nuplazid, "a drug for hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinson's disease, failed two clinical trials. In a third trial, under a revised standard for measuring its effect, it showed minimal benefit. Overall, more patients died or had serious side effects on Nuplazid than after receiving no treatment." & Uloric  "Nevertheless, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration approved both of these drugs"

After months without activity, the Dutchsinse website is back up and running!  🙂


Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:47 AM PDT

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, we are in very grave times. Many are those who waking from sleep suddenly, cannot move or speak ... sometimes surrounded by demons in some form or presence. The brothers say this prayer every night,, for our place & presence, & that of the whole world, the Good Earth & All creatures & creation made by God. Faithfully yours in Jesus & Mary, the little brother

In the name of Jesus Christ, under the Mantle of Mary, through the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, I place myself in the presence of Jesus Christ and submit to His Lordship. I "put on God's Armor so as to be able to resist the Devil's tactics." (Ephesians 6:10-11)

I stand my ground "with Truth buckled around my waist and integrity for a breastplate." (Ephesians 6:14)

I carry the "shield of Faith" to "put out the burning arrows of the evil one." (Ephesians 6:16)

I accept "Salvation from God to be my helmet and receive the Word of God from the Spirit to use as a sword." (Ephesians 6:17)

In the name of Jesus Christ crucified, died and risen, I bind all the spirits of the air, the atmosphere, the water, the fire, the wind, the ground, the underground, and the netherworld. I also bind the influence of any lost or fallen soul who may be present, and all emissaries of the Satanic headquarters or any coven of witches or warlocks or Satan worshipers who may be present in some preternatural way. I claim the Blood of Jesus on the air and atmosphere, the water, the fire, the wind, the ground and their fruits all around us, the underground and the netherworld.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I forbid every adversary mentioned to communicate with or help one another in any way, or to communicate with me, or to do anything at all except what I command in Jesus' Name.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I seal this place and all present and all family and associates of those present and their places and possessions and sources of supply in the Blood of Jesus. (Repeat three times.)

In the name of Jesus Christ, I forbid any lost spirits, covens, Satanic groups or emissaries or any of their associates, subjects or superiors to harm or take revenge on me, my family and my associates, or cause harm or damage to anything we have.

In the name of Jesus Christ and by the Merits of His Precious Blood, I break and dissolve every curse, hex, seal, spell, sorcery, bond, snare, trap, device, lie, stumbling block, obstacle, deception, diversion or distraction, spiritual chain or spiritual influence, also every disease of body, soul, mind or spirit placed upon us or on this place, or on any of the persons, places and things mentioned, by any agent, or brought on us by our own mistakes or sins. (Repeat three times.)

I now place the Cross of Jesus Christ between myself and all generations in my family tree. I say in the name of Jesus Christ that there will be no direct communication between the generations. All communication will be filtered through the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mary Immaculate, clothe me in the Light, Power and Energy of Your Faith. Father, please assign the Angels and Saints to assist me. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for being my Wisdom, my Justice, my Sanctification, my Redemption. I surrender to the ministry of Your Holy Spirit, and receive Your Truth concerning intergeneration healing.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the Beginning, is now and ever shall be.
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