Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

RUNNING SIDEWAYS: #PizzaGate ,Axis of Propaganda Narrative Change, Regime Change in Iran, Muhammad Ali, Rosa Parks & Donald Trump 1986.

Posted: 22 Jul 2018 06:03 PM PDT

Muhammad Ali, Rosa Parks and Donald Trump accepting an award for diversity and tolerance, 1986.

(8) Given everything that has happened and is happening, I now think that it's entirely possible that the mullahs will voluntarily step down.
(22) A Russian assault battalion of 550 men armed with tanks and heavy artillery attacked our men. We called the Russians, and they said, "Mercenaries! Not under out control." So James "Mad Dog" Mattis ordered the Russians "annihilated."
Regime Change in Iran

Judicial Watch Drops a FISA Abuse Bomb "These documents are heavily redacted but seem to confirm the FBI and DOJ misled the courts in withholding the material information that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC were behind the "intelligence" used to persuade the courts to approve the FISA warrants that targeted the Trump team. Given this corruption, President Trump should intervene and declassify the heavily redacted material."

IMPLODE: FBI Agent overseeing election-meddling task force abruptly Quits; Walks Out Days After Mueller's Sham Indictments
John Brennan: Melting Down & Covering Up

Sharia in Texas

Soetoro & his handler 

Now, onto James Gunn and Disney. "You can ignore and enable, or you can let 'em know they are fucked in the head. Your choice."

Sooner or later everything about pizzagate will all come out.

reopening of Camp 5 , Confessions of border paramedic, ������Transgender Cultural Collapse, they never thought they'd loose the presidency, #Pedo Podesta brothers, Federal Vaccine Safety Reports Go Unreported, #PedoGate

Posted: 22 Jul 2018 12:48 PM PDT

Confessions from a paramedic on the border: "There is another side to some of the immigrants that most people don't witness. Most of the children that started coming across the border 3 or 4 years ago were alone or with smugglers that worked double duty with the cartels. The adults that were with them often lied and said they were the parents which was not true. Even the children that were with their parents or parent were often times in dangerous situations. These children were separated back then and are still separated to this day. It is heartbreaking to see such events unfold and nobody, from the Border Patrol, Texas Law Enforcement or Texas EMS professionals were happy to be tasked with such work. We did not abuse any children. Instead, we cared for them. We fed them and gave them water, clothes, medical care and comfort."

Podesta Brothers and Manafort, Not Trump, "Central Figures" In Mueller Probe

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, CUBA: What do they know that we don't!?!

Federal Vaccine Safety Reports Go Unreported

Alan Phillips, J.D. – A Vaccine Rights Attorney Under Attack


The efforts to normalize pedophilia is starting to pick up speed. Now they want to call themselves 'Minor Attracted Persons' so they LGBT will be more accepting of them.

"I wouldn't call that a shill. It sounds more like an insider who is really angry and frightened, lashing out wildly. Shills don't normally sound like well-connected powerful people on the edge of a nervous breakdown - they try to pretend they're one of us. We have definitely struck a nerve." Zorrilla 

Whoopie's #TDS & from the mouths of fools: TRUMP on FED, Trade & Putin,, #CNNFakeNews ,FRANCE multi-culti disaster, PAY ATTENTION TO THE WIVES, MEXICO, solar/cadmium, &, Lest we forget ....

Posted: 22 Jul 2018 11:33 AM PDT

The best revenge is success.

Obama's Former Director of National Intelligence Says Obama Behind Entire Russia Witch Hunt!

A Review of the DOJ/FBI FISA Application Release

FRANCE: And as usual, not a female "refugee" in sight. squatting in tents with no sanitation

PAY ATTENTION TO THE WIVES! "Remember when the Weiner laptop was discovered, and the FBI found classified emails from Hillary Clinton on it? Apparently, it is the job of the SEC Deputy Director to decide whether or not a case is to proceed to a full investigation. Within hours of Strzok and McCabe being debriefed on the contents of the Weiner laptop, Strzok's wife, Melissa Hodgman was promoted to the position of SEC Deputy Director."


&, "Lest we forget, the IG report on how the FBI handled the Clinton investigation revealed that dozens of FBI officials were actually taking bribes from the media for information:"

IN MEXICO: Lopez Obrador Hit with $10 Million Campaign Fine

Bristol Bay, Alaska

Solar panels to become future source of toxic e-waste

"If you don't look at the recycling when you're designing the product, then it's really, really difficult to recycle," "Solar panels to last 20 years ? My experience & that of others I know is the loss of a third output by 8 years & 50% by 10 . & don't ask me about batteries ."

Cadmium telluride photovoltaics

What's the disposal plan for the cadmium in solar panels? Solar #16

Cadmium (Cd):  a soft, malleable, bluish white metal found in zinc ores

Solar Energy Isn't Always as Green as You Think

ATTN. PRAYER WARRIORS: powerful forces are fighting for Don John & America - "The Creator choose the Eagle to be the Master of the Sky."

Posted: 22 Jul 2018 10:04 AM PDT

Dear Brothers & Sisters, I realize that everyone has 'a dog in this fight'. This is a Spiritual Battle. Discern. TOO MUCH FOCUS ON EVIL. THE SIGNS OF GOD'S VICTORY ARE EVERYWHERE! yours in Jesaus & Mary, the little brother

a figure of our American Bald Eagle placed between flags, wings spread out, look like an angel.

St. Roch ~ Patron Saint of dogs, dog owners, knee problems, surgeons, invalids, bachelors, diseased cattle, cholera, plague, skin rashes/diseases, contagious diseases, pestilence, epidemics.

Posted: 22 Jul 2018 08:59 AM PDT

St. Roch, Patron Saint of Dogs and Dog Lovers:
the patron saint of dogs, dog owners, knee problems, surgeons, invalids, bachelors, diseased cattle, and against cholera, plague, skin rashes and diseases, contagious diseases, pestilence, and epidemics.
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