Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:36 PM PDT

3 days of prayer & fasting

Lay claim to them & those, Christ Jesus
Victims of satan 
 bound against their will
Cover & Seal them with Your Precious Blood
& all their generations
 human, creature & creation

blood moon eclipse "The full moon will turn blood red on July 27 as the longest total lunar eclipse of the century takes place in the skies from Australia through Africa."

Jul 27 Grand Climax major satanic holiday. human sacrifice female (child or adult)

Trump Just Pulled the MOTHER of All Trolls, Sacramento – 1st 5G Rollout in CA Causing Brain Damage to Firefighters, BP Oil Disaster caused disruption of Loop Current in the Gulf.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 09:36 PM PDT

Sacramento – 1st 5G Rollout in CA Causing Brain Damage to Firefighters

the collapse of the Gulf Stream & the extreme weather patterns developing. This is Part1 of a web conference interview w/ Earl Of Stirling.
"It is reasonable to foresee the threat that the breaking of a crucial warm stream as the Loop Current may generate a chain reaction of unpredictable critical phenomena and instabilities due to strong non linearities which may have serious consequences on the dynamics of the Gulf Stream thermoregulation activity of the Global Climate." Analysis by Dr. Gianluigi Zangari (Frascati Labs), July 29, 2010.

 9/2/10 - Gulf Stream And North Atlantic Current Dying - Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Already Dead: Extreme Heat/Drought In Russia, Flooding In Asia, Killing Cold in South America All Connected To BP Oil Disaster


Dead / Jailed /Missing Scientists & Individuals Affiliated With The BP Oil Disaster

OK then, now go here: July 24, 2018 Slowdown of North Atlantic circulation caused sudden cold spells lasting hundreds of years


Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:31 PM PDT

Court Drops Bogus Charges Against David Daleiden for Exposing Planned Parenthood Baby Part Sales "The expose' videos catching Planned Parenthood officials selling the body parts of aborted babies have shocked the nation. Here is a list of all 14:
  • In the first video: Dr. Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on baby-crushing: "We've been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I'm not gonna crush that part, I'm gonna basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact."
  • In the second video: Planned Parenthood's Dr. Mary Gatter joked, "I want a Lamborghini" as she negotiated the best price for baby parts.
  • In the third video: Holly O'Donnell, a former Stem Express employee who worked inside a Planned Parenthood clinic, detailed first-hand the unspeakable atrocities and how she fainted in horror over handling baby legs.
  • In the fourth video: Planned Parenthood's Dr. Savita Ginde stated, "We don't want to do just a flat-fee (per baby) of like, $200. A per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it." She also laughed while looking at a plate of fetal kidneys that were "good to go."
  • In the fifth video: Melissa Farrell of Planned Parenthood-Gulf Coast in Houston boasted of Planned Parenthood's skill in obtaining "intact fetal cadavers" and how her "research" department "contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we're one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States."
  • In the sixth video: Holly O'Donnell described technicians taking fetal parts without patient consent: "There were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don't know. And there's no way they would know."
  • In the seventh and perhaps most disturbing video: Holly O'Donnell described the harvesting, or "procurement," of organs from a nearly intact late-term fetus aborted at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte's Alameda clinic in San Jose, CA. "'You want to see something kind of cool,'" O'Donnell says her supervisor asked her. "And she just taps the heart, and it starts beating. And I'm sitting here and I'm looking at this fetus, and its heart is beating, and I don't know what to think."
  • In the eighth video: StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer admits Planned Parenthood sells "a lot of" fully intact aborted babies.
  • The ninth video: catches a Planned Parenthood medical director discussing how the abortion company sells fully intact aborted babies — including one who "just fell out" of the womb.
  • The 10th video: catches the nation's biggest abortion business selling specific body parts — including the heart, eyes and "gonads" of unborn babies. The video also shows the shocking ways in which Planned Parenthood officials admit that they are breaking federal law by selling aborted baby body parts for profit.
  • Unreleased Videos: Unreleased videos from CMP show Deb Vanderhei of Planned Parenthood caught on tape talking about how Planned Parenthood abortion business affiliates may "want to increase revenue [from selling baby parts] but we can't stop them…" Another video has a woman talking about the "financial incentives" of selling aborted baby body parts.
  • The 11th video: catches a Texas Planned Parenthood abortionist planning to sell the intact heads of aborted babies for research. Amna Dermish is caught on tape describing an illegal partial-birth abortion procedure to terminate living, late-term unborn babies which she hopes will yield intact fetal heads for brain harvesting.
  • The 12th video in the series shows new footage of Jennefer Russo, medical director at Planned Parenthood in Orange County, California, describing to undercover investigators how her abortion business tries to harvest intact aborted babies' bodies for a local for-profit biotech company and changes the abortion procedure to do so.
  • The 13th video: exposes a Planned Parenthood medical director admitting that babies born alive after abortion are sometimes killed.
  • The 14th video: catches Planned Parenthood executives discussing gruesome abortion procedures and the sale of body parts from aborted babies for profit.

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft  @SaRaAshcraft "If they didn't want me to talk about it, they shouldn't have done it, or they should have never underestimated me and killed me when they had the chance." ... "This was in mid-late August 1992. Catholics celebrate the "Assumption of Mary" around Aug 15, so the Luciferians celebrate the "Consumption of Mary" where they desecrate the "Blessed Mother" and engage in cannibalism. I believe this was the ritual they performed that night"

global financial exploitation of national markets, & MAKE AMERICAN FARMIMG GREAT AGAIN!!

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:44 PM PDT

Perhaps now we understand better how massive multi-billion multinational corporations and institutions are aligned against President Trump.
Multinational corporations, BIG AG, are now invested in controlling the outputs of U.S. agricultural industry and farmers. This process is why food prices have risen exponentially in the past decade.

The free market is not determining price; there is no "supply and demand" influence within this modern agricultural dynamic. Food commodities are now a controlled market just like durable goods. The raw material (harvests writ large) are exploited by the financial interests of massive multinational corporations. This is "contract farming".

Again, if we were to pull out of NAFTA our food bill would drop 25% (or more) within the first year. Further, if U.S. supply and demand were part of the domestic market price for food, we would see the prices of aggregate food products drop by half almost immediately. Some perishable food products would predictably drop so dramatically in price it is unfathomable how far the prices would fall.

Behind this dynamic we find the international corporate and financial interests who are inherently at risk from President Trump's "America-First" economic and trade platform. Believe it or not, President Trump is up against an entire world economic establishment.

#QAnon posted: There is no greater [current] threat to the American people than the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. Those awake see. Those asleep blind. Fake news [prop arm of D/DS] failing. Panic. Silence is golden. Q

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:57 PM PDT

Dark to LIGHT.

after 20 days silence #1682 -#1681

"I really thought 04 Jul was how he was going to go out. Having said that, <04 -="" battlefield.="" i="" intelligence="" ipb="" jul="" of="" preparation="" the="" was="">
The next phase, which we are just entering now (I don't think it aligns with calendar months), will be much more kinetic and a lot harder for the MSM and the sheep to ignore publicly. Q's guidance will be needed in how to handle the freak-out cases." Blacksmith21
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