Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Luciferian/Masonic Points of Light: Don John calls out the satanists (child traffickers), THE REAL RIGGED ELECTION,

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:19 AM PDT

THE REAL RIGGED ELECTION 'If that f-ing bastard Trump wins, we all hang from nooses' HRC


Rembering Ed Schultz on Election Night: "I actually liked Ed Schultz because he was tough on the Bush's, the Clinton's, and Obama. He was labeled as a Lefty, but he really was a slightly left of center Kennedy Democrat, who rebelled against the changing tide in the Democrat Party. A lunch pail and shower after work not before, type of guy. Blue Collar, all the way. He was non interventionist and slammed all the wars, even when Obama was President. He hated the de-industrialization of America.
You can see in this home run rant on Hillary and Bill, he believed in what he was saying. This type of talk is what got him on a rail out of MSNBC and probably what got him killed yesterday. It is so easy to believe these words sent Killery into a rage and got Ed put on THE LIST. Ed was so right here and so were the rest of the panel. This was when the mask came permanently off the Wicked Witch. When Hillary refused to prepare and deliver a concession speech on Election Night, that was the end. And yet, she lingers on like a foul odor, to this very day."

LOL! This is too funny. Can't have people looking into their Luciferian/masonic beliefs. "1000 points of light reference is letting them know that they are aware of the witchcraft they do... sacrificing children... orgies... rape and torture. Castles were perfect for this.. Especially the Mothers of Darkness... https://redice.tv/news/chateau-des-amerois-mother-of-darkness-castle It has 1000 lights in the ceilings and 365 windows" Wrathfullyawakenedww "holy shit. i was worried at first he snuck that phrase into his speech. He just called out the satanists (child traffickers) like no one even understands." Astrotheologist

meanwhile:  Silent partner is a convicted pedophile...raped a two year old.

MEDJUGORJE SECRETS: The power Satan holds will be taken away, we are obliged to prepare ourselves

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:12 AM PDT

In 1985 as today, Mirjana urged people to prepare for the beginning of secrets. "She not only asks but begs everyone to convert, to pray, to fast. [Those who do not believe] They have no idea of ​​what you expect them, and this is why, like their mother, she is in deep distress for them," Mirjana said, referring to people who do not believe, and thus live their lives without God. "It is not enough simply to pray. It is not enough simply and quickly to say a few prayers so that we can say that one has prayed and done one's duty. What she wants from us is to pray from the bottom of our soul, it is dialogue with God. This is his message," said Mirjana to Fr. Petar Ljubicic.

Medjugorje: "The power Satan holds will be taken away."

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