Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Great Awakening in Progress: (((MSM))) circling wagons, Sessions Activated, South Africa Farm Attack & Torture, Attempt impeachment & dead man's switch gets tripped.

Posted: 24 Aug 2018 03:37 PM PDT

"I tell you what, if I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash, I think everybody would be very poor, ... you would see numbers that you wouldn't believe in reverse." President Don John

"Actually, this was a direct threat to the Economic Puppet Masters, specifically those at the Federal Reserve and the heads of Investment Houses and Banks. There's a battle being waged in the shadows between the President and these institutions and he's telegraphing his intentions, clearly.

Impeachment is being held over his head and it's a very weak proposition as we can all see. Trump's statement sent a chill over the Cabal because they know exactly what he was talking about. Remember, Q says they 'have it all'.

What is 'ALL'? It's everything. The trafficking. The child torture. The illegal bank accounts. The brass plate frauds. The entire worldwide conspiracy. They attempt to impeach him and the dead man's switch gets tripped. They either go quietly and accept THE PLAN, or they get turned over to the mob and the mob will exact its own form of justice."

"Subtle" like a brick through a window: "These tweets, along with the earlier tweet. are serious business.  They are being fired directly into the heart of Beijing.  They are the mother of all truth bombs, and they take away the ability of Chairman Xi to deploy the hidden threat and DPRK control."Subtle" like a brick through a window."
President Trump is putting on a MASSIVE economic squeeze.
♦Squeeze #1. President Trump and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin sanctioned Venezuela and cut off their access to expanded state owned oil revenue. Venezuela needs more money. China and Russia are already leveraged to the gills in Venezuela and hold 49% of Citgo as collateral for loans outstanding. China and Russia now need to loan more, directly.
However, China cannot engage in economic commerce with Venezuela or they risk losing access to the U.S. banking system. Therefore all current Chinese aid to Maduro comes in the form of IOUs. These ongoing loans are likely impossible to be repaid.

Farm terror attack, couple severely tortured for 5 hours, Kinkelbos: "A farm attack took place at the Hopewell farm in the Kinkelbos area, Eastern Cape. There were five attackers of which two were armed who overpowered a couple.

Phones, cash, TV and laptops taken during the attack. Both victims taken to hospital in Port Elizabeth after being tortured from 19:00 to 00:00 and are in a critical condition."


Jeff Sessions activated: "the American public is going to be shocked and angry that the MSM never bothered to tell them that nearly 46,000 sealed indictments have accumulated while Sessions has been 'doing nothing'."

Obama administration granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians while negotiating nuclear deal

the suicide path rather than court martial path?: "... after all, Sessions and Rosenstein are visiting GITMO for an inspection soon - and McCain decided it's time to bow out stage left of this grand show - just before the fecal matter impacts the rotary oscillation device"

& Never Forget: Those Currently Attacking the President STOLE $21 TRILLION from the American People and Enslaved them in a Lifetime of DEBT
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