Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Electric Universe Cosmology, Devastation of Caribbean by Corexit, Grand Solar Minimum & re-emergence of the Hunger Stones

Posted: 26 Aug 2018 02:36 PM PDT

No Name Dead National Dog Day - Suicide weekend? Q ������ Large Earthquakes strike Mideast Iran + Alaska - Global seismic unrest underway, Los Angeles being watched for 5+ any time now...

Posted: 26 Aug 2018 01:31 PM PDT

Dutchsinse Proving You Can Predict Earthquakes In Real Time "Los Angeles is being watched for a 5+ any time now... he wants everyone warned. He proven himself absolutely right ... I'm riveted."

🔥🔥🔥Earthquake 3D Live Seismic Stream - LIVE EARTHQUAKES 24/7

just wow, wake up, be ready, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.

< Remember that time no name secretly travelled to Syria to arm terrorists?


They're really laying it on thick: No Name... "IF this is accurate, it's saying that Q knew when McCain would go away. There are many out there already saying McCain isn't dead and want to see the body." "Whether it was suicide, or whether he's hiding in some underground CIA base somewhere – either way, we don't have to deal with him any more." & ghouls rush in: Two fake presidents speaking at a fake funeral

meanwhile, The following is an attempt to begin compiling a more complete list of individuals with possible involvement or affiliation in Trump Surveillance, Steele Dossier and/or the Russia Narrative. & IN AUSTRALIA: grab the cash and run like hell.

Peter Strzok Personally Hand-Picked the 3,000 Emails to be Examined From Weiner Laptop

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