Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 23 Sep 2018 12:00 PM PDT

Far Left Protest Plans for Kavanaugh Hearing Leaked Out: Block Hart Senate Building – Intimidate Senators – Wear White Shorts "Stained with Blood" ... "Ms. Ford, if any of the following is incorrect please respond and your response will be posted prominently."

EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama  (911 Calls Released From I.C.E. Employee Who Tried To Report Attacks By Antifa In Portland)

Please prepare for possible blackout!

& it's evil george but you knew that already

WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD'S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

Linux developers threaten to pull “kill switch” - Framing Linus & Feeding Him to a S@tanic Tr@nsgender SJW,,, '손가락 하트' 날리는 김정은 국무위원장

Posted: 23 Sep 2018 11:15 AM PDT

Look at the smiles between KJU and Moon! MSM doesn't want you to see this! Trump is right, PEACE IS THE PRIZE! &, VIDEO

OMEN? Horse named Barack Obama breaks down at World Eques Games and is euthanized: "20-year-old Anglo-Arab** gelding named Barack Obama was euthanized Friday because of kidney problems, the federation said in a statement. The horse was ridden on behalf of Five Eyes member country New Zealand**."

Disinformation: A Case Study

Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

"...this stinks. The only explanation for this 180 degree change in opinion from someone as rational as Torvalds is that a group of people and/or companies probably put a lot of pressure on Torvalds, and it won't surprise me if some kind of blackmail was involved as well. It's well known that they've tried to get Torvalds into traps in the past (and failed). The below quote is from a 2015 post by Eric Raymond:
"It's not about respect it's about control. SJWs and by extension Transgenders are a toxic combination of narcissism and nihilism. They invade spaces and projects and destroy them."
"These losers did the same in the comic industry and the gaming industry and now they are trying it in the open source community."
"Has anyone checked out if Linus is still alive and well? This smells bad."
"Cycle of Inclusivity"
  • First: We DEMAND to be included in your space
  • Second: We DEMAND you change your space to accomodate us
  • Third: We DEMAND you stop harassing us because you don't like our demands
  • Fourth: We DEMAND new laws or rules be enacted to remove "You" from the space "We've" created as you don't fall in line with what our vision of this space should be.
  • Fifth: Why don't you create your own space if you don't like it?
  • Sixth: We DEMAND that you not create your own space after we've kicked you out of "our" space as you having your own space is inherently racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic and transphobic.
  • Seven: Rinse
  • Eight: Repeat
De facto Linux project leader Coraline Ada Ehmke – free speech is a tool of oppression Satanic Transgender SJW Wants to Control 'Open Source' Code Community

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