Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Curiouser & curiouser!: Spooked Spooks, Shadow Brokers, It’s a very fine line to walk & then came the #BOOMS - JESUS WALKS w/ THEM

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:03 AM PDT

Interesting exchange between Lyndsey Graham & Huma Abedin after No Name's funeral.

Hook, line, sinker, pole, and the fisherman!

What is a SCIF?

It's a very fine line to walk: "Amazing times we live in, and this is made all the more amazing by the fact that Hal doesn't seem to have a clue about Q. He's independently reporting on this stuff, in real-time. And even now, 24+ hours later, the CIA simply cannot get their supercomputers to restart. ... at Reddit, because reddit, if you'll recall, deleted all Pizzagate investigation subreddits, forcing the users to all flee to Voat. SO MUCH VALUABLE RESEARCH WAS LOST because of their evil scheming.

Former Central Intelligence Agency operative Kevin Shipp calls the Clinton cover-up 'the biggest espionage case involving government officials in the history of this country.'

What kind of sick bastards even think this way?

John McCain's Illegal Request for Campaign Cash From Russian Ambassador Who Suddenly Died Monday in NYC

Trump Eats Turkey Alive!: doing the "blackmail the US" Islamic dance

Mendota Ca.: 84.2% more dangerous than any other major cities in the United States of America.

'Even thieves pray for their own. I'm asking you to pray for your enemies.' [36] Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.  
OR, ...  as Fr. McDonough said: "If a man breaks into your house & hurts you, you are called to pray for him,, but you are never called to invite him back into your house."

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