Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

URGENT: let your Senators know how you feel about the Kavanaugh confirmation process @ 202-224-3121, &, Tawana's Rape Lie & The Suicide of Harry Crist, Jr.

Posted: 30 Sep 2018 05:28 PM PDT

Honest, straightforward, and professional: Prosecutor Rachel Mitchell was the perfect character foil to phoney Christine Ford. She deserves recognition for a fantastic job well done pedes!

"Harry Crist, Jr., age 28, committed suicide after being falsely accused of rape by Tawana Brawley and her legal team. The Brawley legal team, including Alton Maddox, Rev. Al Sharpton and C. Vernon Mason, also accused a young local prosecutor, Steven Pagones. The legal team offered no proof or evidence of either men being associated with the "crime". Pagones and Crist both stated they had been shopping in nearby Danbury, CT on November 28, 1987, the day that Brawley was found huddled in a plastic garbage bag in the Wappinger Falls area of New York. Both Pagones and Crist were cleared of all charges some 10 months after Crist's death. Mason and Maddox subsequently lost their licenses to practice law due to their involvement in the case."  "The same special grand jury that discredited Ms. Brawley's claims in October 1988 and specifically exonerated Mr. Pagones also exonerated Mr. Crist, who had been buried for 10 months by that time."

Feinstein to be investigated over leaked Ford letter, Ford's attorney to face Bar investigation, Kanye goes full #MAGA on SNL, CALL THEM NOW!!

Posted: 30 Sep 2018 04:33 PM PDT

opens w/prayer ... President Trump @4h38m10s 

Feinstein to be investigated over leaked letter from Ford

"the singing is about to stop" Q

Here are the 8 Republican Senators who have not pledged their votes yet and their office phone numbers–CALL THEM NOW, YES ON THE WEEKEND, FILL UP THEIR VOICEMAIL BOXES!
  • Maine Senator Susan Collins -office number 202-224-2523
  • Tennessee Senator Bob Corker office number 202-224-3344
  • Arizona Senator Jeff Flake (Flake? The name says it all, Flakey)– office number 202-224-4521
  • Wyoming Senator Michael Enzi – office number 202-224-3424
  • Oklahoma Senator James Lankford – office number 202-224-5754
  • Kansas Senator Jerry Moran – office number 202-224-6521
  • Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski – office number 202-224-6665
  • Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse office number 202-224-4224

kanye goes full MAGA in emeny territory

The deliberate "doxxing" of conservative Senators by congressional staffers who appear to be linked to the office of Maxine Waters, an unhinged lunatic Leftist who has repeatedly called for violence against conservatives. Sen. Rand Paul is now calling for an investigation into the doxxing.

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