Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Haiti Op Underway [C]?, Most Selective Wildfires in Recorded History, Marabunta Invasion update from Mexico "they're robbing, stealing, raping people",

Posted: 18 Nov 2018 08:37 PM PST

"You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning." President Andrew Jackson, 1835

MSM Blackout on Patriot missile batteries being deployed to border? Locals on ground confirming it is true

This is a Mexican Journalist in Mexico.

Haiti @ 18:05
Election theft continues: Kim Young's 5.2% lead is magically overcome by Democrat challenger

Technicians Observe Voting Machine 'Sabotage'

Broward Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes has submitted her resignation

these people are stupid: Suicide by 'Multiple Blunt Force Injuries' 
"The Most Selective Wildfires in Recorded History"

Camp Fire Evacuees Living in Tent Cities – Rain for Thanksgiving Day

LIVE FEED: Crece la tensión en las calles de Tijuana por las protestas en contra de la caravana de migrantes.

Posted: 18 Nov 2018 12:44 PM PST

A Government of the Devil, By the Devil, For the Devil: U.S. troops on the ground in #Haiti, securing Port-au-Prince. A w a k e n I n g...Godspeed: Pedophilia - the glue holding the underworld together. #Pizzagate

Posted: 18 Nov 2018 12:08 PM PST

1) U.S. FORCES HAVE TAKEN CONTROL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IN PORT-AU-PRINCE HAITI 8) I am told these corrupt officials are all being protected by the Clintons, as well as some members of the DNC, including Maxine Waters. I have also been told numerous times that Kenneth Merten, from the U.S. State Dept., is corrupt. #Haiti #ClintonCartel 
Cabal Attracted To Haiti's Satanic Roots: In 1791 Haitian Leaders Officially Dedicated Country To Satan in Demonic Pact To Expel French 
&, If you don't believe in God: there is a devil that is working hard to kill all of us. Attached is the link to the elementary school Bush was "reading" stories to when the World Trade Center towers were hit. "That was a satanic chant, Flowed by a bow then story about a goat (Satanic symbolical?.) I don't think the kids even knew what was going on ... on national TV Live (no less,) That was a real satanic ritual."LongFeather
Broward County Hand Recount Comes to Grinding Halt After Lawyers Discover Volunteers Were Counting the Wrong Ballots

Dem Staffers in Florida Lawyer Up as Feds Pursue Voter Fraud Investigation

Pedophilia is the glue that holds the underworld together. 

Sick #Pizzagate World of #Pedovore Occult Elite

"I just looked at it again. That's not a clothing line. That's a pedovore social networking site. Look at all the pictures. Look at all the comments. Look at all the hashtags. Someone should look into all of the kid models and see if they are ok. There are kids with tattoos of Saturn, triangles, kids with there mouths covered, doing the 666 over Eyes symbol, kids in creepy animal masks, stars on everything (Illuminati symbolism which you see tattooed on most celebrities and Freemasons), kids giving the devil horns salute, the mascots are skulls and bones and voodoo dolls. This site is a child trafficking site. Not a clothing store."  it doesn't get more MU-Ultra than this
Wow. That's some disturbing shit. It reminds me of some of the Podesta 'art'.

This is sick shit! Whoever ran these photo shoots should be charged with child abuse. Sound over the top? Who benefits from this stuff? Not children- I assure you. Are kids supposed to think this is 'cool'? Look at their faces. They look trapped and tormented...

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