Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

The San Ysidro main port of entry between Mexico and San Diego, CA. is currently closed in both directions. EU interfering in US border/immigration matters

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 06:04 PM PST

"If for any reason it becomes necessary, we will CLOSE our Southern Border. There is no way that the United States will, after decades of abuse, put up with this costly and dangerous situation anymore!" GEOTUS Trump


UPDATE: "This appears to be a coordinated attack on the CA and AZ borders today, BECAUSE they know that Dec 1 regime change is coming to Mexico, so its now or never.Must be why this coordinated attack attempt today in CA and AZ borders, because Dec 1 is coming. Looks to me like, only a few hundred showed up at any one border entry point. Mexican police are blocking migrants path to prevent rush to the border. But even if they get passed the Mexican police, they will be confronted with closed border WALLS in place with our Military and Border Patrol and ICE on the other side, saying "Go ahead make our day!"....then either dead or in prison."

meanwhile: "European nations must be ready to give up their sovereignty to Brussels" Angela M.

Military-aged males in caravan

Hundreds of people are rushing the border, attempting to cross illegally into the United States. Our agents and officers are responding. The San Ysidro port of entry is currently closed in both directions.

would you invite this dude into your home: that shirt says: FK YOUR MOTHER Donald Trump & AMERICA!!!

The Feast of Christ The King

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 10:50 AM PST


Posted: 25 Nov 2018 10:51 AM PST

'America, you belong to me, the child of my heart. No one will steal you from me...you have not yet reached your greatest moment. The truly great moment of your history, the moment when you will save the world still lies ahead.' LOCUTIONS 2012 & 2015

In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. LOCUTIONS Jan. 25 - Feb.4, 2014 ★

★ LOCUTIONS TO THE WORLD 8/6/15  ★  There will be two sets of events. Satan's events will remove the blindness of the secular spirit. 
6. The Moments Decreed By God - Aug 21st, 2015 - Mary

Each day comes exactly on time, as decreed by the heavenly Father. No one is surprised. The sun has always been faithful to its task of rising at the correct moment.

Such is not the case with human history. However, some moments exist which the heavenly Father has decreed and these events happen at his exact time. They are pre-ordained and they are so important that all else must cede to them. Even if mankind is not fully prepared, the heavenly event must go forth.

Such were the mysteries of Jesus' birth and death, events fulfilled at the exact moment of God's decree. Such were the apparitions at Fatima and such will also be the great events of my gifts to the Church.

Even among all the human failures and all the human mistakes, even among all of Satan's deceits and wiles, still, in the middle of all this stands the decree of the Father that, in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I say this now so that my children never lose hope and never believe, for even one moment, that I have forsaken them. Let them cling to my words, spoken with such great certainty. Satan will control much because mankind has yielded so much to him but the ultimate victory lies in my hands.

What more can I say now? I want to give you as much light as possible because you will need all my words in the darkness. I have already placed in my Church all the needed gifts. I protect these gifts and have already anointed those who safeguard them and will bring them to the surface. I prepare all the events so that they will not be set aside or overlooked. Let me put it this way. When Satan shakes the world, he will also shake loose the Fatima gifts and these will rise to the surface. Just as at the cross, what looked like defeat was really a victory.

* * * * * * * * 

Putter's Paradise Fire in DeWitt, NY - YouTube

The burning question is, "What will be passed on?" What will the world look like? Those decisions are made now, today, in your very midst and before your eyes. Wake up! You must bless the world today. You must fashion human history by your prayers and sacrifices. My armies do not go forth because my children do not understand. What will I do? I must speak with a greater voice and with more powerful words, which give the clearest direction. 8/5/15

* * * * * * * * 

I have my plan, put in place for centuries and gradually revealed by all my apparitions. It is made known to all those whom I have enlightened, and, only now, comes to full fruition. The flame of Fatima still burns brightly. Suddenly, when all think that the promises are too late, the Fatima flame will burst forth like a mighty fire, the greatest power of God released upon mankind in the moment of its greatest need. 8/15/15
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