ECON Undergraduates Blog

ECON Undergraduates Blog

Job Opportunities at J-PAL North America (MIT)

Posted: 01 Dec 2018 11:21 AM PST

Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL North America), based in the department of economics at MIT leads J-PAL's work in the North America region by conducting randomized evaluations, building partnerships for evidence-informed policymaking, and helping partners scale up effective programs to reduce poverty. Our work spans a wide range of sectors including health care, housing, criminal justice, education, and economic mobility, among others.
We are currently hiring for a variety of open roles, all with an application deadline of December 3, 2018. Job descriptions with instructions on how to apply are linked below. J-PAL North America values the strength that diverse teams bring to this work. We actively welcome applicants who come from backgrounds that reflect populations most impacted by poverty and from backgrounds that are underrepresented in the economics field.
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