Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

FEAR & PANIC in DC: #CovingtonCatholic #CovingtonLawsuit , AMERICA LOVES THAT BRAVE YOUNG CATHOLIC KID !!!!

Posted: 21 Jan 2019 05:57 PM PST

FEAR and PANIC in DC. This is scary, scary shit.
Let me see if I get this straight... Chuck, Nancy, and all of these politician freaks actually have the audacity to stand in front of the millions of Americans that lost literally everything 2008-2012 because of the very same laws that they helped to pass prior to the great recession and now cry foul for 800,000 Federal workers that have to go 20 days without a paycheck? Pardon me while my abject disgust takes over for a moment...
Alveda King on Her Uncle MLK's Forgotten Legacy

Statement of Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic High School Junior, Regarding Incident at the Lincoln Memorial "I believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping to diffuse the situation. I realized everyone had cameras and that perhaps a group of adults was trying to provoke a group of teenagers into a larger conflict. I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand."

This is what really happened.

Covington Catholic students respond to the onslaught of death threats, slander, and libel they've faced in the last 48 hours.

Lawyer: boys were victims of criminal assault

WH petition to make MSM Racebaiting subject to Regulatory fines (petitions.whitehouse.gov)


& not some hapless native American... 

"A phoney "native American drummer" harassed a large group of teen boys from a catholic school, who were all wearing MAGA hats and doing school chants. That's all they were doing.

The "native American," who, as it turns out is an actor who was featured in a 2012 video about attacking police, and also held a "drum protest" at the Trump tower in 2017, held his drum right in the face of one boy and beat it loudly, while telling all the boys to go back to Europe. The boys showed amazing restraint and did nothing.

It was an obvious setup the "indian" was paid to do.

The MSM, across the board, said the white boys attacked the indian, and committed a horrendous race hate crime. PROBLEM:
There were WAY TOO MANY cell phones there, all getting video from different angles and it proved the indian hoaxed the hate, the MSM amplified that hoax and blew it like a clarion to the 4 corners of the earth.

Now there is a lawsuit that just may happen against numerous MSM outlets for slandering the boys and the school. It just might stick, SEE THIS." jimstone

the White Conservative Pro-Life Catholic TrumpSupporting SMIRK!

Posted: 21 Jan 2019 11:59 AM PST

after WBME: #WhiteBoys wearing #MAGA Hats #FakeNews, Time To Burn The Media, Sitting Bull, Black Elk & the Rosary, OldGreyHag & Vaxxed II,

Posted: 21 Jan 2019 11:36 AM PST

To all the people who let this election break up families and friends let this sink in I think the last civil conversations we had occurred just days before November 8, 2016. You were supremely confident Hillary Clinton would win the presidential election; you voted for her with glee. As a lifelong Republican, I bit down hard and cast my vote for Donald Trump. Then the unimaginable happened. He won. And you lost your freaking minds. I knew you would take the loss hard—and personally—since all of you were super jacked-up to elect the first woman president. But I did not imagine you would become totally deranged, attacking anyone who voted for Trump or supported his presidency as a racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic Nazi-sympathizer.
explosion in Pakistan, curious, right?!
................. & then, Pelosi Escapes, Seeks Asylum In Afghanistan!!

Time To Burn The Media: The "story of the day" is of course about the alleged Catholic Racists. There's only one problem: It's false. "The media, who took the original, out-of-context clip and blew it up into a literal lynch mob mentality that has now caused real harm to real people in Covington, must be held to account and, if any acts of violence or other harm come to any of those who they called racists and other slurs occurs the directors, officers and 'reporters' involved must be charged as accessories before the fact and inciters of a riot, both felonies." 

 ... about that Native American... "They were literally telling those kids they were demons who deserve to die, be raped and turned into slaves. Fking hell. What upsets me isn't that the media lies, it's that everyone falls for it.

"How do we know RBG is going to be off the SCOTUS bench soon? The frantic effort to fuel #Catholic hate. What's the connection? Trumps pick to replace her is believed to be Amy Barrett, a devout Catholic. The "Controllers" think her faith is their best chance to destroy Amy. EVIL!" Snake Plissken 

{Blood Sacrifice: When thinking of pre-Columbian America, forget what you've seen in the Disney movies. Think "slavery, cannibalism and mass human sacrifice." From the Aztecs to the Iroquois .... & HERE.} 

but, what (((they))) never tell you ... please note that is a Benedictine Cross on Sitting Bull:

"I read that many of the North American Tribes embraced Christianity responding, "It's easy for us to believe in your Jesus, because we already believe in your God." " #3
Pray without ceasing for time is of the essence. Millions are deceived, and caught up in the snares of Satan. Evil runs rampant, and unchecked. Your society encourages deceit, dishonesty, and lies to spread. Beloved, be gardians of the Truth. Hold your ground. Take up your swords, and fight for My glory. message to jabez 1/21/19
what happened to their children: These parents have been lied to and will be silenced no longer.  however,...  According to the NYT, the "enemy" is anyone who questions the safety and efficacy of any vaccine.

The shutdown is NOT about the wall. This about shutting down the treasonous deep state so it can be dismantled and the perpetrators sent to tribunals. No deals with traitors because they are going to be executed by firing squad. ...   I wonder if the USAF chemtrailers are still being funded? Curious guinea pigs wanna know!

Attn. #PRAYERWARRIORS: the Wolf Blood Moon Eclipse

Posted: 21 Jan 2019 09:27 AM PST

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Jesus & Mary, check in please.

The Wolf Blood Moon Eclipse passed over us here w/great peace, & serious turmoil ... which ended w/all the Brothers united, hand in hand, in prayer @ midnight. May we have succeeded in quashing w/the Blood of The Lamb Christ Jesus, all evil ritual.

We are always reminded that our Savior Jesus has Plans for us & they are GOOD! IT IS SO!

-1 degrees here & we are putting out hot water for our winged friends. Stay in, stay warm, PRAY w/out ceasing!

Yours in Jesus & Mary,
the little brother
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