Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Enter Infanticide Militant Lesbian: THE WHOLE THING WAS A SET UP, Generation Z could turn this sht around.

Posted: 22 Jan 2019 09:05 PM PST

Apparantly this is the girl who made the original post that created the illusion of the Covington kid harrassing the Indian. Spreading on 8ch now.

100% a setup. Leftist agitators out in force, canvassing the March for Life

meanwhile: Native American activist Nathan Phillips has repeatedly misrepresented several facts about a viral incident between himself and a group of boys from Kentucky high school Covington Catholic that took place after Saturday's March for Life. 
............................ & THIS: Drum-Banging Nathan from 4 Years Ago "However, after multiple minutes of Mr. Phillips beating his drum directly in the face of my friend (mere centimeters from his nose), we became confused and started wondering what was happening. It was not until later that we discovered they would incriminate us as a publicity stunt," 


"Did a Major Network reporter just ask a 13 year old boy if he had an apology for being a victim of a social media mob that fabricated horrible stories about him and now are causing his family to deal with death threats on a daily basis? DID THAT REALLY JUST FUCKING HAPPEN???? HOLY FUCKING SHIT."

HRC Campaign Law Firm, Perkins Coie Busted for Human Trafficking - The Smoking gun to bust everything Wide Open?

This shtshow's gone on long enough: �� Chief TellsBigLies tried to crash Mass @ DC’s National Shrine ��, Pelosi Blocks Don John, Invasion Of the Drug Cartels,

Posted: 22 Jan 2019 05:18 PM PST

Washington D.C.: While chanting and playing ceremonial drums, a group of Native American rights activists reportedly led by Nathan Phillips attempted Jan. 19 to enter Washington, D.C.'s Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception during a Saturday evening Vigil Mass for the UnBorn.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Blocks President Trump Entry into Capitol Building – Confirms State of Union Speech Cancellation…

Cartel territory and drug routes maps along with other routes maps (overlays, trends). Reminder... the sinaloa and zetas cartels work with MS13, and were helped by Hussein.   srayzie @ voat

"I was thinking about that last night, and it's actually, I think a good sign. If Q were a LARP, there is no way he/she/it/they would have stayed quite with all the red meat news that has broke in the last couple of days. A larp would have made all kind drops around the Pelosi trip, and the Brazile Tweet for sure. It would have been irresistible to a larpQ. But consider what effect a planned assignation including knowledge of the escape plan, and the signaling by Brazile would have on high level players on both sides.

What has happened in the last few days represents major moves by deep state,, and requires a well aimed, and planned counter move. Q has been silent for the following reasons I think. 1) Heads down firefight focus on enemy . 2) Can't risk giving any signal to enemy. 3) Sees that we get what is happening, therefore no need to point out anything." MuckeyDuck

#WakeUpAmerica ATTN. #CatholicNation: This isn't going away, �� HINT, it is not the shrieking Indian's 1st rodeo �� &, DAVOS

Posted: 22 Jan 2019 01:37 PM PST

& what isn't being mentioned here: these Catholic young men were @ THE MARCH FOR LIFE. let that sink in.
Court Approves Texas Ending Abortion Payments to Planned Parenthood

"What an embarrassment to good native americans who love this country!" ...  the point!!

Media treatment of Covington students 'way worse' than Kavanaugh coverage

NO MEDIA INTEREST, NADA, ZIP: Desmond & The Party Monster
Wake up America: Our Children's Lives are Being Endangered by Leftist Social Media, Fake News and Hollywood
Why attack kids? Because Ginsburg has died, Trump will nominate Catholic Amy Barret, and the MSM needs to attack Catholics now because sexism won't work against her


Kavanaugh Bashing 2: Just finished a conversation with someone from Covington Highschool

"Had an interesting conversation that should be heard. I asked if they would be interested an AMA, and was told that they were afraid to.

The families of the school have received death threats. The school has received threats ranging from being shot up, blown up, or "burned down with the kids inside."

I made the comment "threats from celebrities, at that!" thinking that they were referring to the Twitter threats.

"I don't give a damn about them. These are from people that live here."

There is apparently something of a civil war brewing between teachers/parents/alumni and the Diocese & Principal, for their Saturday night condemnations of the children. There are demands for the Principal as well as the Bishop that made the statements to step down, particularly after remaining silent as the truth became apparent.

On the bright side, it would seem that a LARGE number of attorneys are alumni at the school, including a big-name attorney (I'm guessing his name will be in the public sphere soon) that has offered to do pro-bono work for the families and school in suing the pants off of the media. They mentioned going after the NYT in particular.

This isn't going away. Fake News is actually going to have to pay for their crimes, for once, and wake up a lot of people in the process."

meet the black isralites
fingernails @ 3:10

Q explained this long ago. They want you DI VI DED

&, filed under IRONY: Record private jet flights into Davos as leaders arrive for climate talk

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