The New Security Beat

The New Security Beat

Resource Nexus Approaches Can Inform Policy Choices

Posted: 08 Jan 2019 05:16 AM PST

The unabated growth of natural resource consumption raises risks that we will outstrip the capacities of ecosystems and governance institutions. At the same time, to achieve important global goals related to poverty alleviation, public health, equity and economic development such as those embodied in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we will simultaneously need […] Related posts: From Communities to Landscapes: Multi-Scale Approaches to Climate Adaptation in Nepal...

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The Tetherball Effect: How Efforts to Stop Migration Backfire

Posted: 07 Jan 2019 06:14 AM PST

Fears of Central American caravans and Saharan smugglers keep European and U.S. leaders up at night. Desperate to manage migration, they turn to short-term fixes, which include blocking borders and supporting authoritarian leaders to contain people—their own citizens and others—before they get close to Europe or the United States. This bit of political theater appeals […] Related posts: Beyond Violence: Drought and Migration in Central America's Northern Triangle The New Slave Trade:...

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