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Implications A Written Admission of Wrong Declaration Of Assets Under The Act By Emmanuel Jakpa

Posted: 27 Jan 2019 04:00 PM PST

Justice Walter Onnoghen
Word on the street is that the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Honourable Justice Walter Onnoghen admitted guilt to the Code of Conduct investigators and tried to excuse it by pleading mistake. The next line of argument is that ignorance of the law is not an excuse. I heard it from a layman like Fisayo Soyombo who said that the Honourable Chief Justice of Nigeria has already been convicted in the court of public opinion. Then I heard it from Prof. Oyebode on national television and then from a radical young lawyer I admire so much Mr. Umar Sa'ad. The question really is who is ignorant of the law?

According to the reports in the news, Chief Justice Onnoghen was visited by operatives of the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) on 10/1/19 and he admitted in writing that a Standard Chartered Bank Account declared by him in 2016 for the first time was opened sometime in 2011. Going by a strict interpretation of Section 15 of the Code of Conduct Act it ought to have been declared at least 4 years before in 2012 or thereabouts, it is implied. It is this admission in writing that emboldened the CCB and Attorney General in filing charges to file an application for the CJN to resign from office together with the charge. I don't know how a court can grant a request for a defendant to resign. Maybe it is the defendant that will grant the prayers of the prosecutor? But that is by the way side.

The real question is this; did the CJN's admission prove that he is guilty of a crime? The law is that he is not guilty of anything and in fact under the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act his admission in writing rather than being proof of guilt is in fact a defence – perhaps, the strongest possible defence under the law. Yes, you heard me right!

The Chief Justice's hasty investigation and botched arraignment made his traducers overlook the law. They were in a hurry to bag their prey, but they got the wrong one. Speed is nothing if you are travelling in the wrong direction. Especially if you are travelling in the opposite direction to the law.

On the 9th of January 2019 the Code of Conduct Bureau received a petition from President Buhari's sidekick and former party publicity secretary, one Dennis Aghanye. The CCB investigated the petition on the 10th of January 2019 and charged the Chief Justice of Nigeria to the Code of Conduct Tribunal on the 11th. Not to be outdone the CCT fixed the arraignment for the very next working day, the 14th of January 2019. Talk of a rush to an extrajudicial lynching!

I submit that the there is absolutely no basis in law for the charge before the CCT.

Section 3 of the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act, Chapter C15, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 provides as follows;

The functions of the Bureau shall be to –

Receive assets declarations by public officers in accordance with the provisions of this Act; Examine the assets declarations and ensure that they comply with the requirements of this Act and of any laws for the time being in force;Take and retain custody of such asset declarations; andReceive complaints about non-compliance with or breach of this Act and where the Bureau considers it necessary to do so, refer such complaints to the Code of Conduct Tribunal established by Section 20 of this Act in accordance with the provisions of sections 20 to 25 of this Act;

Provided that where the person concerned makes a written admission of such breach or non-compliance, no reference to the Tribunal shall be necessary.

Lawyers know what a proviso is. That last part of the section where it says, "provided that where…" is a proviso in law. You can call it a condition precedent or an exception, as the case may be. Black's Law Dictionary says a proviso is (1) a limitation, condition or stipulation upon whose compliance a legal or formal document's validity or application may depend. (2) in drafting, a provision that begins with the words provided that and supplies a condition, exception or addition.

If you look at entire Act, you would see that Section 3(d) is the only provision that gives the CCB power to refer cases of investigation to the CCT. And if you look closer, you would also see that the power of the Bureau to refer a person under investigation to the Tribunal for trial is subject to the proviso. But what the proviso clearly says is that once the person under investigation makes a written admission of the breach or non-compliance of which he is accused, the Bureau no longer has power to refer the matter to the Tribunal. The word used is SHALL, a word which lawyers know is mandatory and cannot be interpreted as permissive in this context.

So when commentators like Prof. Oyebode gloat on prime time television that the CJN admitted non-compliance and thereby he finished himself. You can now see why he is the CJN and they are not!

Too many lawyers have started thinking like President Buhari – that you can select what part of the law you want to apply depending on whether your friends or your enemy is concerned.

There are at least three implications of the proviso to Section 3 of the Code of Conduct Act I want to draw attention to. First, that the Bureau has no power to refer the CJN or any person to the tribunal for trial if indeed such a person has admitted to certain non-compliance in writing. Second, without the Bureau's reference/referral the Tribunal has no jurisdiction to try the CJN for any act of non-compliance. If you look at the legislative scheme, you would notice that there is no independent power of the Tribunal to originate cases. That is to say all cases must come from the Bureau on the condition that the person sought to be tried has denied the non-compliance or breach of the law. Finally, it means that the Bureau failed in its responsibilities to act in line with the provisions of the Act only and violated Section 5 of the Act which obligates a public officer not to allow conflict between his personal interests and his duties and responsibilities.

By virtue of Section 24(2) only the Attorney General of the Federation or his delegate can prosecute. Thus the Bureau's power of reference can only be exercised through the office of the Attorney General. My question is did the CCB or the Attorney General read the proviso to Section 3(d). it is the same Attorney General that has now instructed the NFIU to freeze the CJN's accounts. Under what law?

It is clear that the true intention of the Code of Conduct Act is to enforce disclosure of the assets of public officers. It does not only punish false disclosure and non-disclosure it positively rewards truthfully disclosure even if done late. It is thus clear that Section 3 overrides Section 15 of the Act.

Section 15 of the Act provides,

A public officer shall, within fifteen months after the coming into force of this Act or immediately after taking office and thereafter –At the end of every four years;At the end of his term of office; andIn the case of a serving officer, within 30 days of the receipt of the form from the Bureau or at such other intervals as Bureau may specify

Submit to the Bureau a written declaration in the Form prescribed in the First Schedule to this Act or, in such form as the Bureau may, from time to time, specify all his properties, assets and liabilities and those of his spouse or unmarried children under the age of twenty one years.

It is this section that is relied upon to say that the CJN ought to have declared his Standard Chartered Account opened in 2011 at least in 2012 and hence his admission that he did not do so until 2016 is proof that he breached the Act.

Assuming that his non-declaration in 2012 is a breach of the Act, the proviso to Section 3(d) provides that if he admits as much in writing, the Bureau SHALL not refer his case to the Tribunal.

What the CCB and Attorney General of Federation has done is to divorce Section 15 from Section 3 and treat the categories of offences created by Section 15 as strict liability offences. I submit that it is impossible to do so without doing violence to the law, unless an exception can be found to the proviso to Section 3(d).

By standing the law on its head, the CCB and the Attorney General maybe encouraging public officers to break the law. A public officer who declares an asset after the due date (going by Section 15) instead of making an additional declaration and admitting in writing this non-compliance, will be encouraged to retrieve his early declaration and retrospectively declare.

Anyone familiar with the process of filing assets declaration forms, know that it is signed before a high court judge. A corrupt senior judge who makes a mistake would have retrieved the earlier one and destroyed it and commissioned another one. Which high court judge would not jump at the opportunity to be of assistance to MiLord, the Chief Justice of Nigeria? If the CJN had done this in 2016 when he realized his error and removed the earlier ones, no one would have embarrassed him today. But he did the right thing.

Section 3(b) of the Act says the Bureau's functions include examining the assets declarations and ensuring they comply with the requirements of law. Read together with the proviso, it follows that if in the course of examining the assets declaration forms the Bureau finds any lapse it can draw the attention of the declarant to the fact and if he admits in writing that the observation is true, that is the end of the matter. That was how the law was meant to function.

Until President Buhari came along, that is. Nowadays, those parts of the law which are exculpatory are ignored and the entire legislative scheme distorted. Isn't it interesting that we have yet to see a single serious anti-corruption legislation made by the Buhari Presidency? Maybe they will do something before May 29, 2019.

The essence of the Code of Conduct Act is to ensure that public officers declare their assets and not to punish them for doing so (even if late, since that is a non-compliance with the time frame requirements). The proviso to Section 3 is a breakwater that the Bureau cannot pass over, unless the person being investigated denies the act of non-compliance. Section 15(2) buttresses that point, when it provides that "any statement in any declaration that is found to be false by any authority or person authorized in that that behalf to verify it, shall be deemed to be a breach of this Act."

For a statement in a declaration to be actionable it must have been found to be false by the authority or person authorized to verify it. In other words, after the person has been given opportunity to deny or admit and he denies, the verifying authority (the Bureau) can investigate and prove it was false. It is in such cases and such cases alone that the person is referred to the Tribunal. However in cases like the CJN's where he has admitted his non-compliance since 2016 the Bureau was wrong to refer his case to the Tribunal.

Why then did the CCB overstep its boundaries in the face of the clear provisions of the law? Politics.

Mr Dennis Aghanya who wrote the petition said it all, in his petition to the Bureau referenced the forthcoming elections and said we are only 30-something days away from the general elections in which the CJN will play an important role. The motive was political. It was a two way gamble, on the one hand if the CJN is stampeded into resigning, he would be removed from office and whoever takes over after him would be made more pliable by the climate of fear created by this unusual event. The biggest beneficiary of such a seismic event would be the sitting President. If on the other hand the CJN refuses to resign but chooses to fight on in court, the Buhari media octopus can then pillory him all over the place. This would impede the smooth functioning of the judicial arm. Every act whether administrative or judicial that he performs as Chief Justice of Nigeria would be considered fair game. In the event that an election petition comes to the Supreme Court and the judicial outcome is not in favour of President Buhari or his party, we are likely to witness massive protests or other acts which will imperil national security.

Having acted in ignorance of the law or in bad faith or both, the entire Bureau ought to resign. The Attorney General who is saddled with the task of commencing prosecutions but did not bother to read the law and proceeded with haste to institute proceedings should equally fall on his dagger. But then, am being carried away, this is Naija. They will not.

Emmanuel Jakpa.
A Legal Practitioner wrote in from Warri.
He can be reached on japsmanuel@gmail.com

In This Story: #Buhari #JusticeOnnoghen #CJN

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2019 Presidency: Oshiomhole, Amaechi Puting Pressure On Me To Support Buhari – Dave Umahi

Posted: 27 Jan 2019 03:10 PM PST

Governor Dave Umahi
Governor Dave Umahi, the Chairman of South East Governors' Forum and Governor of Ebonyi State, has said that he is under intense pressure to support President Muhammadu Buhari, candidate of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in the February 16 polls.

According to a statement during the weekend by the Chairman, Strategy Committee of Divine Mandate, Umahi's campaign organisation, Chief Emmanuel Igwe, APC National Chairman, Adams Oshiomhole, and the Minister of Transport, Rotimi Amaechi are leading the pressure to get the governor support President Buhari's reelection bid.

However, he said all Governor Umahi asked of President Buhari is to allow free, fair and credible election in the state, Daily Post reports.

He said that Umahi, as a mark of respect for the president, had promised to mobilise 2000 PDP members to come out and receive the president during his campaign stopover in Abakaliki, the state capital, this week.

His words: "The governor wishes Buhari and his entourage a happy stay as APC Presidential Campaign Council visits Ebonyi on the 30th of January, 2019.

"Governor Umahi wishes to put it on record that the President, Muhammad Buhari is his personal friend and a friend of the state. He has much respect for the office of the president.

"The Governor has been under pressure to support the re-election of my president by APC bigwigs especially the party chairman, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, Chibuike Amaechi just to mention but a few who come under various guises that the APC has no interest in Ebonyi guber race.

"The Governor has no need for external forces to win convincingly in Ebonyi since over 95 per cent of the electorate is supporting his re-election.

"The Governor has been too magnanimous to the APC by donating the sum of five million naira to her guber candidate, Senator Sonni Ogbuoji to enable him print campaign posters and promised to mobilize two thousand people that will welcome Mr President on the proposed campaign rally," Igwe stated.

Warning that Ebonyi people will resist any form of manipulation or rigging and intimidation with the last drop of their blood, Umahi urged the APC presidential campaign council to make out time and inspect both completed and ongoing projects in the state during their campaign tour.

In This Story: #DaveUmahi #Buhari #Oshiomhole #RotimiAmaechi #APC

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JUST IN: All DIGs Retired By New IGP– Sources

Posted: 27 Jan 2019 02:36 PM PST

IGP Muhammed Adamu

The Inspector-General of Police,  IGP Muhammed Adamu has retired seven Deputy Inspector-General of Police who were his seniors, PREMIUM TIMES has learnt from police sources.

The affected officers are Maigari Dikko, the DIG in charge of finance and administration and Habila Joshak, the DIG in charge of operations.

The remaining five DIGs are Emmanuel Inyang, information and communications technology; Agboola Oshodi-Glover, logistics and supply; Mohammed Katsina, research and planning; Sani Mohammed, training and development; and Peace Ibekwe-Abdallah, federal criminal investigation and intelligence.

Their retirement came Sunday evening, and it would be announced formally later, it was learnt. Police spokesperson, Frank Mba's telephone was switched off at the time of this report.

The seven officers were amongst 15 senior officers PREMIUM TIMES reported were likely to be retired on January 17.

The seven DIGs and eight assistant inspectors-general were identified as having joined the police before Mr Adamu, who was appointed on January 15 after the former IG Ibrahim Idris was retired as he attained 60 years.

The seven police chiefs' departure was in furtherance of the convention that recommends the retirement of senior police chiefs when an officer junior to them in service or lower in rank is appointed to lead the institution.

When Mr Idris was appointed IG in 2016, more than 20 DIGs and AIGs were compelled to retire from service to enable him constitute his management team.

Mr Adamu has now followed the tradition, which has been criticised as wasteful and demoralising because of huge resources the nation had spent on the vast knowledge the senior officers had acquired over the years.

Source: Samuel Ogundipe, Premium Times

In This Story: #IGP #AdamuMohammed #NigeriaPolice

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APC vs PDP: Saraki Reveals State That Will Produce Senate President Slot If Atiku Wins

Posted: 27 Jan 2019 02:02 PM PST

Dr. Bukola Saraki, Senate President campaign train in Offa, Kwara State

Dr. Bukola Saraki, Senate President, on Sunday disclosed that Kwara State will get the Senate President slot if the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), candidate, Atiku Abubakar, wins the 2019 presidential election.

Saraki spoke at a reception by residents of Offa, where he led members of his party at a campaign rally in the local government.

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, will slug it out with President Muhammadu Buhari of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) on February 16.

The Senate President said: "I had earlier told my people that they can't do the Offa campaign in my absence. They may do those of others but not this one. Offa and Ilorin have a long history of relationship. Once the two would agree on anything it is taken. I see myself as a son of Offa.

"Our campaign has a definite plan for Kwara state and Nigeria. Since we joined the PDP the party has honored Kwara state, they gave us DG of Campaign, National Leader of the party and have agreed that if the party wins, Senate President is our slot in Kwara. But what has the other party to offer? If I have skeleton in my cupboard this government would have silenced me and forced me to drop the campaign.

"But for God and the support of the people I would not be standing today. They didnt want to honor our agreement. We all laboured and what they couldn't get in three times they got it and we demanded that they give to Kwara what we deserve.

"We need to teach our seasonal politicians a lesson on the poll date. We want community development, let everybody come and contribute their quota to our communities; when Saraki do his own and let them too do their own. I heard that some politicians have been buying JAMB forms in 2019. The question to ask is where were they in 2016, where were they in 2017?

In This Story: #Saraki #Atiku #Buhari #APC #PDP #OffaKwaraState

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Justice Onnoghen: Buhari Is Illiterate President, Primitive Tribalist, Addicted To Parochial And Selective Governance By Bayo Oluwasanmi

Posted: 27 Jan 2019 01:10 PM PST

Bayo Oluwasanmi

The unconstitutional illegal removal of Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen by President Muhammadu Buhari is yet another bloodless coup on our presidential democracy. Nigerians are gasping for breath why Buhari should remove Onnoghen few weeks to the presidential elections. The issue is not why a corrupt justice or corrupt Nigerians should be removed from office, but the constitutional and legal process of how they are removed.

It is no exaggeration to say that Buhari might be the dimmest President Nigeria has ever had. The four-year presidency of Buhari convinced us that he primarily lacks sophistication, knowledge of the Constitution, of the world, and understanding of government, how it works, and a rudimentary grasp of economics. It is also an open secret that President Buhari doesn't read, has no intellectual friends, and no knowledge of how a president, better still, a leader leads.

His tragic performance at the Town Hall Meeting two weeks or so ago, is a proof that he remains blissfully illiterate in all subjects. He surrounds himself with yes people who know little or nothing more than him. His behavior, utterances, and decision making portray Buhari as a neophyte, hopelessly unschooled and naive in the governance of a nation as diverse and multi ethnic as Nigeria. Throughout his presidency, Buhari didn't read the Constitution, didn't acquaint himself with the Constitution, didn't see it as the law and ethical guide but as an inconvenient hindrance that must be ignored, disrespected, and trampled upon. Judging by the way he flouts the Constitution, it is evident that Buhari sees the presidency as his personal property where he can behave anyhow, and do whatever he likes or wants.

As an illiterate, President Buhari's constitutional illiteracy is amusing. The appointment and removal of the Chief Justice of Nigeria is clearly stated in the Constitution. I'm not a lawyer. Many legal experts have written on the unconstitutionality of Buhari's action. I need not bore you with legal jargon. However, references to some relevant sections of the Constitution will suffice. The CJN can only be removed from office by the recommendations of the two thirds majority of the senate. See sections 231 (1), 292 (1). The Nigerian Judicial Council (NJC) is the only body that can discipline and suspend the CJN. See section 158 (1). The NJC hasn't recommended the removal of Justice Onnoghen, nor has the senate acted on his case. Where then did Buhari gets his authority to fire the CJ? The illiterate President Buhari struggled laboriously albeit unsuccessfully, to justify the unconstitutional removal of Justice Onnoghen saying he was acting on the recommendation of the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT). Mr. President, the Constitution does not say CJN can be removed by the president based on the order of a court, or CCT.

President Buhari has the reputation of picking and choosing which judgments to comply with. Long time ago, the Supreme Court ruled that he must publish names of thieves who looted our treasury, how much was looted, and how much was recovered. Till date, he's yet to comply with the order. President Buhari has defied seven judgments of the high court since 2015 in the case of former national security adviser Sambo Dasuki that ruled Dasuki should be free on bail. Dasuki still held in jail. What's wrong in granting bail to the accessed and prosecute him? A leader of Nigeria's Shi'ite community, Ibrahim El-Zakzaky and his wife have been held by state security forces since 2015 in defiance of court orders for bail. Activist Deji Adeyanju continues to languish in detention without bail. Prolonged detention of Nigerians without trial is against the Constitution. It echoes Buhari's days as ruthless military dictator.

As a primitive tribalist, President Buhari said he cannot fire Babachir Lawal over "mere allegations." He argued that Lawal was entitled to presumption of innocence until proven guilty. He reluctantly removed Lawal from office. Lawal is a free man today and as a matter of fact, he's one of major campaign coordinators of Buhari. He didn't reprimand or repudiate Governor Ganduje of Kano who was caught stashing bribe proceeds into the pockets of his Babariga. Abdulrasheed Maina chairman Presidential Task team on pension reforms cart away N2B in the office of the head of civil Service of the federation. Maina fled to Saudi Arabia to evade arrest and prosecution. Maina was smuggled back to the country with the knowledge of Buhari and rewarded with a juicy federal agency appointment as director general. The case has since gone cold.

President Buhari's caricature of federal appointments is a mirror to his presidency which accepts nepotism as the norm. His 'physical blindness' is a metaphor for his wilfull emotional blindness. His complete unwillingness to either face reality or accept responsibility for the travesty of justice, parochial and selective governance, continue to hunt and hurt his disastrous regime. It is leadership derailment at the cross roads of our history. Buhari's only feeble justification for blatant nepotism in appointing service chiefs, directors of federal agencies, justices, etc, because they are the ones he "trust." Whereas, he won the presidency by the votes of people he didn't "trust."

Nepotism is self-destructive imperative. Buhari is facing extreme criticisms from Nigerians because of his brazen nepotism, he's losing their respects, their collective goodwill, their trust and confidence, and he's seen as a weak, coward leader. Today, Nigeria is a national tragedy, a monument of collective shame. As February 16 beckons on us, it is instructive to remind Nigerians that nepotistic octogenarian Buharis and Atikus are incapable of providing unclouded vision that matches the oversize expectations of our poor people for a new Nigeria where justice, freedom, equality, and pursuit of happiness are guaranteed... Let's go there!


Source: Bayo Oluwasanmi

In This Story: #Buhari #JusticeOnnoghen #CCT #CJN

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Justice Onnoghen: Why Osinbajo Should Be Stripped Of SAN Title, He Is An Embarrassment – Fayose

Posted: 27 Jan 2019 05:13 AM PST

Mr. Ayodele Fayose, the immediate past Governor of Ekiti State, has described the Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo as an embarrassment to the law profession.

The former Governor based his claim on Osinbajo's silence over the suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice Walter Onnoghen.

Fayose urged relevant authority to strip Osinbajo of his SAN title over his purpoted silence.

President Buhari had on Friday suspended Onnoghen and appointed Tanko Muhammed as acting CJN.

Giving his reason, the President said he suspended Onnoghen, following an order from the Code of Conduct Tribunal, CCT, asking him to wield the big stick.

In his speech sent to DAILY POST, Buhari said the order demanded that the CJN be suspended pending the determination of his ongoing trial at the tribunal.

However, Fayose claimed that Osinbajo's desperation to remain the Vice President has allegedly closed his eyes to the illegalities in the current government.

In a tweet, Fayose wrote: "@ProfOsinbajo, a SAN is no doubt an embarrassment to the legal profession. Out of desperation to retain his position as VP, he has shamefully chosen to close his eyes to the illegal suspension of the CJN.

"His likes in this government of tyranny should be stripped of the SAN title."

In This Story: #Osinbajo #JusticeOnnoghen #CCT #AyoFayose

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Justice Onnoghen: Reps Side CJN, Says Buhari Is Desperate

Posted: 27 Jan 2019 04:48 AM PST

House of Representatives

Members of the House of Representatives elected on the main opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, platform, have vowed to stand together to fight anti-democratic forces desperate to subvert Nigeria's constitution.

This was contained in a statement signed by the Deputy Minority Leader, Chukwuma Onyema, and issued to reporters on Saturday.

According to the statement, the PDP Caucus condemned the forceful suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria ,CJN, Justice Walter Onnoghen by President Muhammadu Buhari

The statement read, "It is no surprise that within a short while, President Muhammadu Buhari's unprecedented unilateral replacement of Justice Walter Onnoghen with Justice Tanko Mohammed has reverberated so loudly across the world; so has news of how Onnoghen's residence was unjustifiably blanketed by forces of coercion during the weekend.

"We note too, that the United Kingdom, the European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) and the United States have joined their voices with that of credible and progressive Nigerian democrats, legal professionals and civil society in expressing very deep concerns over the constitutionality or lack thereof, of the Presidency's suspension of the chief officer of the judicial arm.

"With less than 20 days to the presidential and National Assembly election and with few hours to the constitution of election tribunal judges done on Saturday, the APC/Buhari administration has unequivocally shown its determination to use sleight of hand methods in forcing an election win by all undemocratic means possible.

"As many have rightly noted, the hurried timing of the action, so close to the next election suggests a hidden and perverse agenda by a government that lives in an echo chamber of self-adulation, promising change and transparency while perilously endangering democracy and short-circuiting due process.
Without citing any explicit constitutional authority and hiding behind 'an order from the Code of Conduct Tribunal,' President Buhari flagrantly violated the provisions of Section 292 (2) of the 1999 Constitution that clearly lays out how the Chief Justice of Nigeria can be removed from office Unequivocally, Sections 153, 158, and Parts 1 and 2 of the 3rd Schedule to the Constitution provide that a Judicial Officer cannot be so arbitrarily removed from Office until he has first been tried by the National Judicial Council (NJC) while Section 292 (2) makes it clear that the President can only remove the CJN from Office while acting on such decision reached by two-thirds majority of the Senate.

"Without doubt, theirs has been a government of lies, lies, propaganda and then more lies and every conscious Nigerian knows that the entirely contrived and hurried circumstances was orchestrated based on the so-called petition dated January 7 by President Buhari's erstwhile aide, an APC man while another APC sympathizer is neck deep in the persecution case.

"Everyone in Nigeria knows how Justice Onnoghen's substantive elevation to the CJN position was unduly delayed by the Buhari government in 2016 until reason prevailed and Osinbajo, as Acting President did the needful in 2017.

"When Buhari's former aide's January 7 petition came to light, they initially lied that the Presidency knew nothing about it but the exceedingly lightning speed put behind it all by the Buhari presidency speaks volumes.

"Even a Thursday Court of Appeal ruling, ordering the CCT to stay action, pending the determination of Onnoghen's application that the CCT had no power to try him, was waved aside for President Buhari's unprecedented decision of Friday, January 25!

"The military invasion of Daily Trust newspaper, disregard of court orders and non-release of the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Ibrahim el-Zakzaky and his wife, Zinat since December 2015, flagrant disobedience of court orders for the release of former NSA, Sambo Dasuki on bail and this crude, anti-democratic arbitrariness on CJN Onnoghen only attest to fears that we are back in the era of President Buhari's dark-goggled late ally, with loathsome memories of Buhari's Decree 4 dictatorship era.

"The PDP Caucus of the House of Representatives hereby assures millions of law-abiding, democracy-loving Nigerians who have respect for process that we shall stand together against anti-democratic forces who are desperate to subvert Nigeria's constitution, short-circuit the legal process and truncate our democracy out of sheer desperation to cling to power at all costs."

In This Story: #HouseOfReps #Buhari #JusticeOnnoghen

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Aisha Buhari Reacts To Suspension Of Justice Onnoghen

Posted: 27 Jan 2019 04:19 AM PST

Mrs Aisha Buhari

Mrs Aisha Buhari, Nigeria's first Lady, has reacted to the suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen.

The first Lady, in a statement signed by her Director of information, Suleiman Haruna, denied the report that she faulted Buhari's decision to suspend Onnoghen.

The statement read: "The attention of wife of the President has been drawn to a post on social media to the effect that she condemned the suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria.

"It is important to inform Nigerians that the wife of the president has not made any public statements on the matter and therefore the commentary is untrue and fake.

"This is highly condemnable and we, therefore, advise the purveyors of such news to recant and desist henceforth,"

Recall that President Buhari has on Friday suspended Chief Justice of Nigeria, Walter Onnoghen based on an order of Code of Conduct Tribunal, CCT, and had been under criticisms for the action.

In This Story: #AishaBuhari #CCT #JusticeOnnoghen #SuleimanHaruna

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