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Dele Momodu: Another Word Of Advice For Buhari And His APC

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 04:53 PM PST

Chief Dele Momodu and President Muhammadu Buhari
Fellow Nigerians, please permit me to say happy new year to you all. May God almighty make this a peaceful year for our dear beloved country. There is nothing greater to ask for than peace in an election year. And this is the main crux of my message to you on this page today.

The tension in the land is so hot and suffocating because of the general elections coming up from next month. In case you are wondering why I'm specifically appealing to President Muhammadu Buhari and not to his main rival, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, and the deluge of other aspirants, let me explain quickly. I'm a social media addict and through this, I'm able to gauge the mood in public domain. I have been active in politics since 1982. The first crazy election I witnessed was in 1983 when the ruling party, NPN, declared itself winner in several unlikely places. The result was fatally cataclysmic as people in those areas reacted spontaneously and violently. Some parts of Yorubaland went up in flames and human beings were roasted like barbecue meat. About three months later, the government of Alhaji Shehu Shagari collapsed like a pack of cards.

The military coup that came capitalised on the recklessness and profligacy of the Shagari regime as a veritable excuse to torpedo that government. Politicians were promptly arrested, detained, prosecuted and jailed and given horrendous prison terms that made a mockery of the justice system in Nigeria. There were too many examples of double standards which portrayed the government as vengeful or outrightly neurotic. Laws were made and backdated. Journalists were tried by decrees and jailed by fiat, God's case, no appeal. Before long, the Nigerian economy took a nosedive and and plunged into a bottomless pit of misery. The situation was so chaotic that Nigerians queued for mere commodities like victims of war or famine. It never recovered until the Buhari government itself was sacked and banished to the dustbin of history. The full story is for another day.
The next election, thereafter, was that of June 12, 1993, which turned out to be the best conducted and the least controversial until the military government of President Ibrahim Babangida decided to intervene and aborted a full grown baby just before it was born. Since then, Nigeria has known no real peace, possibly, as punishment for this pre-meditated murder of an innocent political baby. Instead of learning our lessons and apologising to Nigerians for this unfortunate saga, government after government, like the ostrich, buried its cocky head in the sand, pretending that there was nothing special about the election and that life can move on as normal.

From 1993 to 1999, Nigeria, once more, came under the jackboots of the military after the short-lived Interim Government, headed by Chief Ernest Adegunle Shonekan. General Sani Abacha led junta ruled with iron fists from November 1993 to June 1998, when he suddenly took ill, mysteriously, and died, and General Abdulsalami Abubakar took over and handed over to a former military ruler, General Olusegun Obasanjo, who led a new civilian administration from May 1999 to May 2007.

Interestingly, for a man that many had clearly forgotten about, General Muhammadu Buhari resurfaced from nowhere, around 2003, and promptly announced his interest in the Presidential race. It was like a script out of Shakespeare's Macbeth, "we have scorched the snake, not killed it…" Buhari was well and alive. While many laughed, scornfully, at him, there were those who admired his guts. Poverty was already growing in the land and politicians had returned to their days of psychedelic existence. Thus many Nigerians longed for those days when Buhari took over power and punished the politicians mercilessly. The only thing they forgot was that Buhari would no longer be a military dictator with all the appurtenances of State coercion. And he would no longer have the collaboration of his second in command, Babatunde Idiagbon. But Buhari was very smart, or better put, his packagers. He had transfigured into a friend of the poor and champion of Northern interests. He returned triumphantly from the throes of disgrace and incarceration after the Babangida coup. He contested serially, and stubbornly, on three occasions, against Presidents Obasanjo, Umaru Musa Yar'Adua and Goodluck Jonathan and lost monumentally, but he garnered millions of votes from his catchment areas, especially in the North.

By 2011, Buhari had become battle weary and it seemed it was over for him. He was quoted to have said he would no longer contest. But one thing led to another and Buhari's interest was re-awakened, and re-activated, by certain interest groups looking for a way to scatter the ruling party to the winds. PDP was becoming too comfortable and very self-conceited. It was also engaged in a silly war of attrition that led to the exit of some key members of the party. Perhaps, if PDP had not mismanaged its internal wrangling, the end would not have come at the time it did, and the manner it happened. Lord have mercy, the grand conspiracy against the incumbent President, Dr Goodluck Jonathan, would ultimately go into the history books as one of the most lethal. Anyway, Buhari returned to the race and contested in 2015, and won resoundingly.

Buhari's victory was a popular mandate from all over the country. We were all very happy and excited and many friends of Nigeria from everywhere in the world rejoiced with us. The goodwill Buhari commanded was almost unprecedented. But no sooner than he took over power that things began to fall apart. I will spare you the horror of how Buhari frittered away that massive equity, as we watched helplessly, with our arms akimbo. A few that warned him about the sad turn of events were soon labelled enemies of Buhari, friends of looters, corrupt people, who are no longer making and enjoying free money in the system. It didn't take long before the economy collapsed, as scare-mongering crept in on the country again.

As he did in 1983-85, Buhari renewed his war against corruption but, this time, without military power to enforce anything. Again, like it happened to his predecessors, he was accused of witch-hunt because most of those under siege were members of the opposition. The blame game also became over-amplified. Every failure, and frustration, of government was explained away as the stultification of governance that was brought about by Jonathan and his crew. Buhari and his acolytes have never stopped groaning and complaining about Jonathan, PDP, or both. According to the APC, PDP was responsible for all the bad things that happened in Nigeria. That's fine. But the real enemy is time.

Now, suddenly, reality has dawned on the Federal Government that it has spent nearly four years in power. Yes, time truly flies. And the next cycle of election has come. The pressure is usually on the ruling government. This is the reason for my long preamble. The Federal Government and its ardent supporters would want members of the public believe they have performed wonders, and that President Buhari is the 21st century wonder, but this is far from the truth. Many APC chieftains would normally confess privately, and confidentially, that they have fumbled, big time, but we should, please, give, or just dash, them another term, with promises to do much better.

Personally, I believe it is up to Nigerians to vote for any candidate of their choice, or fancy. As for me, I'm convinced that Buhari has already exhausted the capacity to govern a country as complicated, and convoluted, as Nigeria. I may be wrong. My support in 2015 was based on certain misplaced hopes and permutations. 1. That, after 30 years in retirement, he has had enough time to reflect on his past mistakes and he is ready to make amends. 2. That he would hit the ground running and pursue the onerous task of nation-building with assistance from some of the brightest people it has pleased God to bless Nigeria with. 3. That he would give more power to his highly cerebral and cosmopolitan Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo. 4. That he would abhor nepotism, unite our divided country and treat all Nigerians as free citizens of this great nation. 5. That he would build stronger institutions and not tougher dictatorship. 6. That he would empower our anti-corruption agencies and embolden them to operate without fear or favour. 7. That he would make the welfare and well-being of our security forces his top priority in this season of unprecedented anomy, as a retired General himself. 8. That he would reduce waste in government to barest minimum based on the promises he made, before God and man, during his campaigns. I can go on, ad infinitum. But, to my chagrin, Buhari's government failed on most of these counts.

Please, note that I did not even mention issues of the economy, infrastructure, youth employment and empowerment. I'm aware they have been distributing ten thousand naira in market places but I'm not sure how far this can go in a country where over 80 percent of the population live in abject poverty. Of course, President Buhari is blessed with some fanatical supporters who see him as the only saint in Nigeria who will help them deal ruthlessly with the enemies who have impoverished them. Buhari appeals to this young Nigerians and they don't mind if Nigeria is engulfed in mass poverty. Their attitude is since they are already poor, Buhari should tear down the whole system and make the rich poor. The sad part is the fact that they can't distinguish between those who worked hard and the so-called looters. Herein lies the danger to society at large.

I have spent the past weeks engaging with these guys on social media. Many of them are loose cannons who have become totally obsessed with the fake mantra that whoever is not with Buhari is a thief. This may work in favour of Buhari in the short run but may hurt Nigeria and Nigerians, irredeemably, in the long run. I foresee them turning into an uncontrollable army if Buhari does not win the Presidential election next month. Our usually taciturn President must not keep quiet on this danger waiting to explode. At 76, officially, God has been very kind to him. There is nothing in democracy that guarantees two terms for a President, so it should never be a matter of life and death. If you win, you win, and if you lose, you lose. Every effort must be made to make sure the precedence bequeathed by President Jonathan is maintained, even if not improved upon.

I was privileged to accompany the former President of Ghana, Dr John Dramani Mahama, to The Gambia during the imbroglio that engulfed that tourist destination after President Yahya Jammeh refused to hand over power despite the obvious fact that he lost election in 2017. I saw the great efforts of President Buhari, Eileen Johnson Sirleaf, Mahama, Mackey Sall and others. It would be a monumental disgrace for the world to start begging our own President, in the same manner, to hand over power if he does not win.

My appeal is to President Buhari to prepare the minds and souls of his supporters for any eventuality in the next couple of weeks. If he wins, fair and square, the whole world will celebrate him. I will join them, as an avowed democrat. But if he does not win, he should do us the favour of going in peace, and not leave our dear country in pieces.

God bless Nigeria.

Dele Momodu is a Nigerian journalist, publisher, and former presidential aspirant. He tweets from @delemomodu. This article is culled from ThisDay.

In This Story: #DeleMomodu #Buhari #APC #2019Elections

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NANS Reacts On Alleged Receipt Of N150m Bribe From Presidency Over ASUU Strike

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 04:38 PM PST

The leadership of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has distanced itself from the purported allegations by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) claiming it received N150 million from the presidency.

The students' Union body disclosed this in a statement signed by Mr Adeyemi Amoo, it's National Public Relations Officer (PRO), and made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja on Saturday.

Amoo called on Nigerian students to discountenance the allegations by ASUU, saying that the association was ready to protect the interest of all the students.

He said President Muhammadu Buhari, who is a known person in character and style to virtually all Nigerians, would never dole out such amount of money for any reason, which would not be of any national benefits or developments.

President Buhari on January 3, met with the leadership of the Nigerian Students to resolve issues with ASUU.

The meeting centred on ways to smoothen unresolved issues that led to the industrial action.

"Our attention has been drawn to the purported and sponsored allegation, that NANS had been bribed by President Muhammadu Buhari with a whooping sum of N150million to protest against ASUU.

"We commend the well meaning, intellectual and genuine civil society groups for not falling cheap for this blackmail, as we've gotten informed and reliably that they've also been lobbied by ASUU to join them in pushing such blackmail.

"We are not surprised that this blackmail isn't flying beyond the pseudo groups they've been able to arrange and mobilise with cash.

"President Muhammadu Buhari, is a known person in character and style to virtually all Nigerians, even the oppositions knows that Buhari will never give out such amount of money for any reason(s) that is not of national benefits or developments.

"No doubt this propaganda might have seen the acceptance of the masses if it wasn't targeted towards Buhari himself."

Amoo explained that NANS had earlier declared November 17, 2018 as a nationwide day of mass action tagged: "SAVE EDUCATION RALLY " held simultaneously across the states of the federation, to protest the incessant strikes across universities, polytechnics and colleges of Education.

He added that in October 2018, NANS national leadership, met with the Minister for Education, to fine-tune ways of putting a long term end to the regular carnival of strikes in the educational sector.

"We thereby demanded as the major stakeholders in the sectors, to always have representatives at the meeting of ASUU with Federal Government, as this was targeted towards adding to the strength and voice of ASUU, so as to make government yield to there demands in time.

"The Federal Government on her own side sees the request of been an observer at the negotiation table with ASUU as a welcome development.

"NANS was invited twice to the meeting of Federal Government with ASUU, ably represented by the NANS national president, Danielson Akpan, but was walked out twice by the ASUU leadership, insisting that such negotiations must not be done in the presence of younger ones.

"NANS leadership begins to wonder what reasons might be behind the blind insistence of ASUU that NANS must not observe the meeting, when the Federal Government has wholeheartedly approved our attendance at such meetings."

Amoo said the NANS leadership, ordinarily would have informed the students and the general public on this actions by ASUU, but decided not to give room for the government, to see the actions as an advantage to blackmail the ASUU.

He added that NANS after exhausting all means, resolved to issue an ultimatum to the Federal Government and ASUU to return to negotiation table to urgently safe students from getting involved or addicted to various forms of social vices.

According to him, NANS, in the course of getting things resolved urgently, sorted an audience with president Muhammadu Buhari, which was granted and held on January 3 at the presidential villa.

"At the meeting, NANS appealed to president Muhammadu Buhari to as a matter of urgency resolve the ASUU strike, for him not to loose the support of over 20million Nigerian students.

"This was the statement of the NANS president at the meeting as against the cheap blackmail that NANS has assured Buhari of mobilising 20million votes for him.

"NANS, therefore, uses this medium to inform Nigerian students and Nigerians at large, that its leadership will not, has not and will not for any reason sell the interest and integrity of our dear organisation.

"We want to tell ASUU that NANS is not for sell, we have not and will not turn our struggles to source of empowerment," he said.

In This Story: #ASUU #NANS #Presidency #N150MillionBribe

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ASUU STRIKE: LASU Give Hints On Resumption Date

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 04:31 PM PST

The Lagos State University (LASU) has urged its students to disregard any notice directing them to resume for lectures amidst the ongoing strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).

Spokesman of the University, Mr Ademola Adekoya told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos that the information was a lie and handiwork of mischief makers.

"Similar information was released for Ladoke Akintola university students some days ago. Kindly disregard the information as it does not emanate from the office of the LASU Registrar,'' he said.

NAN reports that a notice had gone viral on the social media recently directing all students of the university to resume for academic activities on Jan. 8.

The notice also claimed that the management of the university at its meeting of Jan. 3, said all students be notified of the commencement of academic activities including course registration and lectures.

DAILY POST reports that ASUU had on Nov. 4, 2018 embarked on what it described as a 'total, comprehensive and indefinite strike' to press home some demands from the Federal Government.

In This Story:  #ASUU #LASU #ASUUStrike

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NBS Set To Release 179 Reports On Nigeria’s Economy

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 04:24 PM PST

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), is set to release no fewer than 179 reports on different sectors of the economy this year.

According to the 2019 tentative data release calendar posted on the bureau's Website, the NBS is expected to release 47 data in the first quarter.

According to the calendar analysed by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), the bureau will release data on consumer price index and inflation, price watch on diesel, petrol and kerosene.

Other items on the calendar are National Survey on Drug Use in Nigeria 2017/2018, Telecom data, Pension Asset and Membership data and Monthly Federal Account Allocation Committee Disbursements.

Road Transport data, Banking Sector data, Prison statistics for 2018 and 2018 Sustainable Development Goals Indicators are also listed.

The bureau is expected to release 45 data in the second quarter of the year.

The data will focus mainly on Statistics on Immigration, Nigerian Domestic and Foreign Debt 2018 report, Food Security Survey, Daily energy generated and sent out data.

It will also focus on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data, Foreign Trade in Goods Statistics, Rail Transportation Annual data, in addition to petroleum products data and inflation reports.

In the third quarter, the bureau will release 47 data ranging from social statistics, Air Transportation Data (Half Year 2019), Demographic Statistics Bulletins and Socio Economy Survey.

In addition, the bureau will release manufacturing sector survey report, crime statistics and National Agriculture Sample Survey.

However, the bureau will be releasing 40 reports in the last quarter of the year.

It will be releasing Sectoral Distribution of Value Added Tax report, Selected Food prices, Transport Fare Watch and National Living Standard Survey, among others.

The bureau will also be releasing monthly reports on FACC disbursements, Consumer Price Index and inflation reports as well as Price Watch on diesel, petrol and kerosene.

In This Story: #NBS #NigeriaEconomy

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Wizkid Dumps Music, Reveals Plan For 2019

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 03:56 PM PST

Starboy records boss and frontline act, Ayodeji Balogun, known professionally as Wizkid, has announced his intention to quit music temporarily.

The "Fever" crooner took to the micro-blogging site, Twitter, to announce that he would be taking a much-deserved rest till March, 2019.

Wizkid, who did not reveal the reason for his intended break, uploaded on Twitter a video of him having fun with his crew members with the caption: "Gone till March! Thank you".

Also, an associate of Starboy, @YungmilliRazaki wrote: "Wiz needs rest. We gone miss you till March"

Meanwhile, Wizkid has revealed his one target for the year 2019.

The singer, in a chat with Sahara TV after his 'VIP Experience' concert at Eko Convention Centre, said he had an amazing year in 2018, noting that he plans to make more money in 2019.

Asked what his plans for 2019 were, the Starboy records boss simply responded: "More money, gbayi".

In This Story: #Wizkid #Starboy #Fever

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Nigerians Applaud Genevieve, As She Makes History With Netflix Nollywood Film

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 03:45 PM PST

Genevieve Nnaji
Popular Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnanji has stirred reactions from Nigerians online following her new historical feat in the movie industry, worldwide.

Genevieve recently made history with her directorial debut, Lionheart. The film, which debuted on Netflix Friday, centres around a woman who has to step up to help run her father's company. It became Netflix's first original film from Nigeria.

The movie, which centers around Eastern region of Nigeria had Nollywood veterans like Pete Edochie, Nkem Owoh, Onyeka Onwenu, Kanayo O Kanayo among others.

Genevieve has since her debut on Friday stirred diverse reactions from Nigerians over the movie.

Here are some comments gathered by DAILY POST on Twitter:

@UcheJombo "Lionheart is Genevieve's love letter to the East, it's for the culture!
My best scene is the family dinner,a simple family story told brilliantly. So proud to see it on Netflix."

@Chochitm "Lionheart making Nigeria proud, you have dignify women, imagine the time to bring out a masterpiece like this, the money, the energy, God bless you forever Genevieve Nnaji. Even if you wake up every morning and can't pray, you still can't fail, your fans love you."

@Stevechuks "Currently watching Lionheart on Netflix again! This movie is such a blessing! I'm so proud to Igbo and Nigerian! Thank you Genevieve Nnaji for giving us this magic again! Thank you for believing in our stories and culture."

@Geeweeny "The thing is if we invest in entertainment,the nollywood can do exceptionally well,i have never doubted the talents we have and i'm impressed with Genevieve."

@Effa_anyi "Truth be told. Genevieve's LionHeart on Netflix has no content. The hype is just hype. It's a first from her though, hopefully her next movie will be better."

@Iamrealjayson "I just watched #LionHeart on Netflix and I literally couldn't contain my joy from the impeccable job done by Genevieve and her team. This movie makes me more proud of my Igbo heritage and our astute business acumen. Everything about the movie was perfect. Respect to Pete Edochie!

@Vinny_Chuks "So proud of Genevieve Nnaji. Watched LionHeart again after seeing it in the cinemas, beautiful work!

"Story, Cinematography, Acting, the beautiful showcase of culture. That igbo!

@Mactorr "I just saw #LionHeart on Netflix! Genevieve Nnaji must be protected at all cost, she's a true gem!

"Pete Edochie to Nkem Owoh, to Kanayo to Onyeka Onwenu to Jemima, all superb casting!
A sure nominee for Oscars Best Indigenous Language Film."

@Longlivetoyosi " I am very proud of Genevieve on representing culture. I'm very proud of all African creatives on the "Africa to the world" movement."

In This Story: #GenevieveNnaji #NollywoodMovie #LionHeart #NETFLIX

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Jigawa: Man attempts suicide as he sets self on fire after wife left him

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 03:32 PM PST

                                                                                                                                                    Image credit: SnowBrains
The Police in Jigawa on Friday said a 40-year-old man, Abdullahi Jafaru, was hospitalised after he attempted to commit suicide by setting himself on fire.

The command Spokesman, SP Abdu Jinjiri, confirmed the incident to newsmen in Dutse.

Jinjiri said Jafaru attempted to commit suicide because he failed to convince his wife, Halima Abdullahi, to return home after a misunderstanding that made her abscond from their matrimonial home.

"On Dec. 31, 2018, a woman by name Halima Abdullahi absconded from her matrimonial home because of misunderstanding with her husband, Abdullahi Jafaru, aged 40, of Shunar village in Kafinhausa Local Government Area.

"And attempts made by the said Abdullahi to console Halima to come back to his house being his first wife with six children proved abortive.

"In this regard, Abdullahi found it unbearable to survive without his lovely wife, hence he found petrol and set himself ablaze.

"And as soon as the police in the area got the hint, they swiftly moved to the scene and rescued the suspect/victim and rushed him to hospital.

"While still on sick bed receiving treatment, Abbullahi is still calling the name of Halima despite the fact that his second wife remained with him at the hospital," Jinjiri said.

According to him, the case was under investigation.

In This Story: #ManSetsSelfOnFire #Jigawa

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EPL: See What Solskjaer Said After Fifth Victory With Manchester United

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 03:11 PM PST

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
Manchester United caretaker manager, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, admitted that his side didn't play well against Reading on Saturday.

The Red Devils beat the Championship side 2-0 at Old Trafford but Reading were the better side.

Speaking to BBC Sport after the game, the Norwegian said: "There were nine changes," said Solskjaer. "It's never easy to get the rhythm and the tempo and the relations because they take a touch and then look at each other, they're not used to playing with together.

"Even though we train together it's different when you're out there at Old Trafford. So, that was down to me a bit and again I need to see them out there to see how they reaction when we concede a goal. We struggled today but we came through."

"It was a tough game, but 2-0 and a clean sheet [is good]," the 45-year-old said in a separate interview with MUTV .

"I made it tough for us because when you make nine changes it is never easy for a team that has never played together so delighted that we are in the next round.

"We work together every single day, every single game and of course we know we need some fitness work and work on relations but today I put a team together that has never played together and we are through so that is good."

In This Story: #OleGunnarSolskjaer #OldTrafford

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FA CUP: Arsenal, Man Utd, Chelsea, Qualify For 4th Round

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 02:54 PM PST

Arsenal, Manchester United, Chelsea are some of the big Premier League teams, that qualified for the fourth round of the FA Cup on Saturday.

Juan Mata and Romelu Lukaku scored for United, as they brushed aside Reading 2-0 at Old Trafford.

The Blues also defeated a spirited Nottingham Forest side 2-0 at Stamford Bridge, thanks to Alvaro Morata's second-half brace.

Unai Emery's faith in his youngsters was rewarded, as they thrashed Blackpool 3-0 in the late kick-off.

Joe Willock netted a brace in the first half, before Alex Iwobi added one more goal after the break.

In This Story: #Arsenal #ManchesterUnited #Chelsea #PremierLeague

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Boko Haram: Shettima enumerates role in war against terrorists in Borno

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 02:45 PM PST

Governor Kashim Shettima
Kashim Shettima, the Governor of Borno State, has reacted to criticisms of his handling of the Boko Haram insurgency.

A statement by his spokesman, Isa Gusau, said Shettima spoke on Saturday on an Arise News programme.

According to Gusau, Shettima explained that his government from 2013 to date, remained the sole financiers of hundreds of successful operations against Boko Haram carried out by more than 20,000 volunteers of the Civilian JTF.

Gusau quoted his principal as saying the Civilian JTF play crucial roles in intelligence gathering, easy identification and arrest of suspected insurgents and supporting the military in the war fronts.

The spokesman said it was a laughable irony that in recent days some "mischief makers are doing everything possible to smear Governor Shettima over the Boko Haram crisis, whereas the same mischief makers regularly acknowledge the roles played by patriotic members of the civilian JTF"

"They deliberately ignored the fact that in the last six years, Governor Shettima has been the sole person giving approvals for the operational vehicles and logistics, recruitment, training, payment of allowances, kitting and surveillance equipment to these over 20,000 heroes, under the Civilian JTF that have given everything to the fight against Boko Haram.

"The mischief makers ignore that back in 2013, it was Governor Shettima who drove the process of getting making office of the National Security Adviser to approve the operational activities of the Civilian JTF and he has remained the only one funding all their operations including the coordination of their recruitment and deployments after clearance by the DSS.

"The same Governor approves funds to support gallant members of the Civilian JTF including allocation of lands to the to own houses so as to encourage them and guarantee their future" Gusau noted.

"Only last month, the Chief of Army Staff at the closing of his annual conference in Maiduguri and before the media, described as "overwhelming", the commitment of Governor Kashim Shettima to the Nigerian Army in the fight against Boko Haram.

"Similarly, in 2014, then Director of Operations at the Defence headquarters, Major General Lawrence Ndugbane (now retired) said before the media, that Kashim Shettima is one of the Governors who helps the military to generate actionable intelligence through the Governor's regular interactions with community leaders in Borno State. )

"These are all on record. So, attempts by anyone to change these public records will, like previous other attempts, become futile exercises," Gusau added.

In This Story: #KashimShettima #BokoHaram #BornoState

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Police arrest Akwa Ibom House of Assembly, Clerk, Cashier over alleged refusal to pay APC lawmakers

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 02:34 PM PST

Nigeria Police
Men of the Special Squad of the Nigerian Police have stormed Uyo and allegedly arrested Clerk of the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, Mrs. Mandu Umoren.

Mrs. Umogen was allegedly arrested on Friday alongside the Assembly's Cashier, Mr. Monday Akpan.

They were reportedly arrested over "unpaid working imprest" of five lawmakers of the All Progressives Congress, APC, whose seats were declared vacant by the House in November 2018.

The five sacked APC lawmakers: Idongesit Ituen, Nse Ntuen, Gabriel Tobby, Victor Udofia and Otobong Ndem were said to have written a petition to the police demanding the "forceful" payment of their imprest for the month of December.

Akwa Ibom State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Odiko Macdon, confirmed custody of the two Assembly officials to Uyo based Inspiration FM.

He said that "those officials were under investigation and not under arrest."

Recall that Speaker of the House, Barr Onofiok Luke, had cited infringement of Section 109(1) g (2) by the former lawmakers after they dumped the PDP for the APC, before he declared their seats vacant.

In This Story: #NigeriaPolice #AkwaIbomStateHouseOfAssembly

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Python Dance III: South East Governors Sound Warning To Nigerian Army Against Clashing With MASSOB, IPOB

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 02:26 PM PST

South East Governors
The South East Governors' Forum on Saturday, called on the Nigerian Army to be more professional while carrying out their operation Python Dance III in the zone scheduled to take place this January to February 28 ahead of the general elections.

Chairman of the Forum and Governor of Ebonyi State, Chief David Umahi, stated this while receiving the General officer Commanding 82 Division of the Nigerian Army, Major General Abubarka Maikobi, who paid him a courtesy call at the Government House, Abakaliki.

Umahi acknowledged the fact that the South East had been greatly troubled by the presence of the army especially because of the recent clash between the army and members of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, and called on the army to remain neutral and maintain high level of professionalism in the discharge of their duties while the operation lasts, Daily Post reports.

He charged the Army to restore the confidence of the people in the south east zone especially in the face of heightened tension ahead of the 2019 general election, that there will be no clashes.

"Your job is not an easy one. You are coming at a time the members of the Movement for actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, in the south east said there will be no election. It is coming at a time the society suspects the security agencies as an agent to rig election. It is coming at a time we have so much crisis with our neighboring states.

"The neutrality of the security agencies in the forthcoming election is very important, if Nigeria will contiune to remain one because every act done by anybody, they must understand the consequences. We must do every thing possible to assure the masses of this country the neutrality of security agencies. God has already known who will win in the coming election starting from the House of Assembly to Governor and so on."

He challenged them to come up with workable policies that would earn them the confidence of the people of the zone in the cause of their duties, adding that the army and other security agencies must remain neutral in the coming general election in the state and by extension, the South East.

"We have people that are agitated and I always say that what IPOB are demanding should not be a force. Some of them have genuine reasons to complain. But should not get to the point of insulting people and calling their tribes names, even castigating their own leaders. I get thousands of calls from a frustrated people in the name of IPOB. Yes, they have genuine reasons to complain but they shouldn't continue the way they are going. We have proscribed IPOB because of their activities and I have no apologies to them."

The Governor said the zone will not have any problem with the place the army may deem fit to establish their operational headquarters as long as they maintain their professional standard of protecting the people of the zone instead of being seen or accused of killing them.

He said Ebonyi State and indeed the entire South East will resist with every sense of vigour any attempt to rig the general elections using the security agencies as tools, adding that the only way Nigeria will exist beyond 2019 is for credible election to hold where all security agencies are seen to be neutral.

Earlier in his remark, the General Officer Commanding the 82 Division Enugu, Major General Abubarkar Maikobi, said he was in Ebonyi State to familiarize himself with the government and people of the South East zone and also inform him about the plan of the Nigerian army to commence the operation Egwu Eke III in the zone.

"I am also here to inform you that I have been mandated by the Chief of Army Staff to formally inform you as the Chief Security Officer of the State that exercise Egwu Eke III was flagged off in Maiduguiri, Borno State. The exercise is scheduled to take place from January 1 to 28 February, 2019. We have selected Ebonyi under your purposeful leadership as the location for the step-up headquarters for the exercise"

He disclosed that the army will remain neutral, saying "I assure you and good people of Ebonyi State that the Nigeria Army will remain neutral, professional and totally apolitical. Nigerian army will not compromise its constitutional roles under any guise," he stated.

In This Story: #SouthEastGovernors #DavidUmahi #PythonDanceIII #IPOB

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2019 PRESIDENCY: Atiku Reacts To Amina Zakari Being Buhari’s Niece, Controversy

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 02:04 PM PST

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar
Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, the Presidential candidate, of the main opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has reacted to the controversy surrounding the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, appointment of Amina Zakari as its Head of Collation Center for the 2019 election.

Following her appointment, PDP, had claimed that she was the niece to President Muhammadu Buhari, hence should be removed from such a position.

However, Buhari dismissed the claim as false, saying he had no blood relation with Zakari.

But speaking through the spokesperson of his Campaign Team, Kassim Afegbua, Abubakar said the history of Zakari's Amina's engagement in INEC has been a subject of "public criticism" for quite some time.

Featuring on the Channels Television breakfast programme Sunrise Daily, yesterday, he said "We have seen her roles in previous elections, and so to that effect, we know she is being accused of being partisan in the way and manner she has been conducting herself within the INEC and her responsibility, hence, somebody cannot just come and rub off all that.

"If we say somebody is a niece, that means maybe the mom is a sister to President Buhari and this is a daughter to a woman who is a sister to the president."

He stated that the relationship between Zakari and Buhari was not the main issue, stressing that the bane of discussion was the standards upon which INEC operates.

"INEC must as a matter of responsibility allow the electoral process to be seen to be transparent, to be devoid of any partisan inclinations to an extent that the participants in the electoral process would see that INEC is fair enough in the way and manner in which they deploy staff (whether ad-hoc or permanent) in the process of conducting elections," he said.

He stressed that the beauty of elections and the transparency of it, "is the fact that people who are participants should naturally own it, are buying into your own (INEC's) decisions and policy framework, so that in the final analysis they will say yes given a level playing field in the respective aspects of the election, INEC has been able to live up to its bidding".

In This Story: #Atiku #Buhari #AminaZakari #INEC #2019Presidency

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See How Young Boy Fought Masquerade To Standstill

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 11:53 AM PST

Masquerade Fight
The video of a young man who engaged a masquerade in a fight has taken over the internet. The video which was shared by one @Anietie, a Twitter user has since gone viral.

However the location of this incident can not be ascertained at the time of writing this!

Anietie wrote: 'At about when I thought there was calm, the gods got angry'

Watch the video below:

In This Story: #Masquerade

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See Presidency's reaction to ‘leaked’ audio of Amaechi criticising Buhari

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 11:34 AM PST

Tolu Ogunlesi
The Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Digital, New Media, Tolu Ogunlesi, has reacted to a short audio that has gone viral online, in which Minister of Transportation, Rotimi Amaechi allegedly spoke ill about the President.

Reno Omokri, a former aide to ex-president Goodluck Jonathan, posted the clip on his page.

In the short audio released by Omokri on his twitter page, Amaechi was allegedly heard saying Buhari does not listen to complaints of Nigerians, nor read comments concerning his administration.

"The President does not listen to anybody. Does he even read," Amaechi allegedly said.

The former presidential spokesman wrote: "Nigerians hear the audio of Rotimi Amaechi's conversation, they may weep. The man has no iota of respect for Buhari.

"In fact, he hero worshipped former President Obasanjo in the tape and said he is the only worthy Nigerian leader. They know the truth, but hide it!"

Omokri further threatened to release more audio of Amaechi criticizing Buhari if the minister does not own up to the statement.

However, Ogunlesi has taken to his Twitter page, to claim that the recording is from 2014 and was in fact, directed towards Jonathan.

"Audio from 2014 or so. At the height of Amaechi's fight with GEJ.

"In the (paraphrased) words of Victor AD – WETIN YOU GAIN #DubaiStrategy," Ogunlesi wrote.

In This Story: #ToluOgunlesi #RotimiAmaechi #Buhari

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INEC APPOINTMENT: Fayose Responds To Presidency’s Claim That PDP Appointed Buhari’s Niece, Amina Zakari

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 11:18 AM PST

Mr. Ayodele Fayos

The immediate past Governor of Ekiti State, Mr. Ayodele Fayose, has stated that the Amina Zakari saga is a moral burden on the Presidency and the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC.

Fayose said the Presidency was being pushed by desperation to rig the coming elections.

He described the outcry over the appointment of President Muhammadu Buhari's niece, Zakari as head of the INEC collation centre for the general elections as a moral burden on the President Buhari, his party, the APC and the electoral commission in particular.

He said the defense of the appointment by the Presidency and INEC was a further show of despiration to rig the February 16 presidential election despite the president's glaring rejection by Nigerians.

He said this in a statement forwarded to DAILY POST on Saturday, by his Media Aide, Lere Olayinka.

He added that, "A president, who took oath of office that he will be equitable and fair to all must be seen to be acting in accordance with this oath and the moment issues like this are raised, it is not for INEC and the Presidency to be rigid and act as if they don't care."

He described the Presidency's defense that Amina Zakari was appointed by a PDP government as puerile and unacceptable, saying, "When Amina Zakari was appointed as INEC National Commissioner, President Buhari, her blood relation was not a presidential candidate.

"In fact, the President had even vowed never to run for the presidency after the 2011 election. Now that he is candidate and also a sitting President, fairness and equity demands that she should step aside from playing any role in this election."

"Certain things can be good, but might not morally right. This issue of Amina Zakari, a known blood relation of the APC presidential candidate functioning as INEC head of collation centre is morally wrong.

"Possibility of bias is being raised, INEC and the Presidency should be reminded of the position of Lord Denning on how the issue of likelihood of bias should be viewed.

"Even if Amina Zakari can be as impartial as she can be, nevertheless, now that Nigerians are thinking that there is real likelihood of her being bias, she should excuse herself. More so that she is not the only National Commissioner in INEC.

"Should the PDP candidate, Atiku Abubakar and other presidential candidates also have their relatives as part of INEC committee on collation of results?

"Therefore, the Presidency and INEC have the moral burden to prove to Nigerians that they are not in any way out to shortchanged them."

Accusing the APC federal government of desperation to rig the elections, Fayose said "it won't be a surprise if tomorrow, Nigerians are told that the tenure of the Inspector General of Police, Idris Ibrahim has been extended, not because he has done well protecting Nigerians, but in furtherance to the plot to use the security agencies to rig the elections."

He said former President Goodluck Jonathan's patriotic decision to appoint Prof Atahiru Jega as INEC Chairman was the reason President Buhari won the 2015 election and the President should rather be concerned with sustaining that legacy of credible elections that he inherited instead of desperate pursuit of his reelection.

In This Story: #INEC #Buhari #Fayose #AminaZakari #GoodluckJonathan #Atiku

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How Amaechi Destroyed Buhari – Jonathan’s ex-aide, Omokri Leaks Audio

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 11:03 AM PST

Reno Omokri
Reno Omokri, a former aide to ex-president Goodluck Jonathan has released short audio online of Minister of Transportation, Rotimi Amaechi allegedly speaking ill about President Muhammadu Buhari.

In the short audio released by Omokri on his twitter page, Amaechi was allegedly heard saying Buhari does not listen to complaints of Nigerians nor read comments concerning his administration.

"The President does not listen to anybody. Does he even read," Amaechi allegedly said.

The former presidential spokesman wrote: "Nigerians hear the audio of Rotimi Amaechi's conversation, they may weep. The man has no iota of respect for Buhari.

"In fact, he hero worshipped former President Obasanjo in the tape and said he is the only worthy Nigerian leader. They know the truth, but hide it!"

Omokri further threatened to release more audio of Amaechi criticizing Buhari if the minister does not own up to the statement.

"We have more of the secretly recorded audios of Chibuike Amaechi, DG of the Buhari campaign, saying terrible things about Buhari's government. I hear Amaechi wants to lie that he was referring to Goodluck Jonathan.

"Let him do that and I will release part two, which clearly shows he referred to Buhari."


In This Story: #RinoOmokro #RotimiAmaechi #Buhari #Obasanjo #GoodluckJonathan

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$16bm power project: See What Will Happen To APC Members If Obasanjo Is Probed – Shehu Sani

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 10:38 AM PST

Senator Shehu Sani
Shehu Sani, the senator representing Kaduna Central, has revealed what will happen if the ruling All progressives Congress, APC, probe former president Olusegun Obasanjo for $16 billion power project.

It could be recalled that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) had in May 2018 launched a probe on the controversy surrounding the $16 billion allegedly spent on power projects during the administration of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Daily Post reports.

Chief Obasanjo in his response, declared that he was ready for investigation, after President Muhammadu Buhari suggested that funds earmarked for power projects under his tenure were mismanaged.

However, speaking on the development, Senator Shehu Sani said members of APC will be fingered in the 16 billion power project if the ruling party decides to probe Obasanjo.

The Kaduna lawmaker disclosed this on his Twitter page on Saturday.

Shehu Sani wrote: "The ruling party will put Baba Obasanjo for trial for the"$16 Billion power" project, as they are threatening, they will literally find tonnes of stolen cables, high tension wires and transformers in the houses of some of their members, whom are now inducted into the hall of saints."

In This Story: #ShehuSani #Obasanjo #Buhari #APC #EFCC

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JUST IN: Atiku Abubakar In Sokoto To Pay Condolence Visit To Shagari Family

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 09:28 AM PST

His Excellency Alhaji Atiku Abubakar GCON, 2019 Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP & CUPP consensus candidate, arrived Sokoto state to pay condolence visit to the good people and government of the state over the demise of the Second Republic President, late Alhaji Shehu Shagari.
He was accompanied by HE Gen. Abdusalam Abubakar (former Military Head of State) and other dignitaries.


In This Story: #Atiku #LateShagari #Abdulsalam #SokotoState

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Mikel Obi Dumps Tianjin Teda, His Chinese Club

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 09:17 AM PST

Mikel Obi
Nigerian football legend, Mikel Obi has broken his contract with Chinese club Tianjin Teda, a year earlier, before the agreement he had with club was due to run out.

The Super Eagles captain who is likely seeking a return to Europe for family reasons did not travel with the Tianjin Teda first-teamers to Spain for pre-season training as he is said to be negotiating with the club to break his contract.

In an interview with Tianjin TV Sports New Vision program, Mikel said:

"I broke the contract with the club, which means I will leave Teda. As for my next stop, I am not sure yet, maybe I will return to Europe, maybe stay in China. Anyway, I would like to wish the TEDA team good luck next season."

In This Story: #MikelObi #TianjinTeda #ChineseFootballClub

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Ronaldinho Banned From Leaving Brazil Over Huge Debt, Following Bankruptcy

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 08:57 AM PST

Ronaldinho, Brazilian football legend has been dragged to the courts in Brazil amid claims his charity foundation owes fines for breaking environmental rules and has been banned from leaving Brazil by a judge.

The ex-Barcelona is scheduled to appear at the Dubai International Sports Conference this week.

But the 38-year-old has been barred from making the trip to the United Arab Emirates by a court in South America.

Brazilian judge Newton Fabricio demanded that Ronaldinho and his brother Assis Moreira have their passports taken off them by authorities.

The seizure order was made to guarantee the payment of a £1.75million fine imposed on the pair for breaking environmental construction regulations four years ago.

They were prosecuted for causing damage to the environment in the building of the Ronaldinho Gaucho Institute in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre.

The charity helps work with young and impoverished people in the city and has been lauded for its work.
But authorities are still demanding the fine be paid, and prosecutors say Ronaldinho and his brother have been impossible to pin down over the money.

When the judge first ordered the passports should be seized in November, Ronaldinho was out of Brazil.
And he continued travelling around the world before eventually returning to his home country for the Christmas period.

In This Story: #Ronaldinho #Brazil

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Katsina govt says insecurity may affect 2019 general elections

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 07:16 AM PST

Aminu Bello Masari

The Katsina State Government has admitted that the present state of insecurity which has gripped the state may affect the conduct of a peaceful general election in the state if not properly tackled by a combined synergy of actions involving security agencies in the state through ground and air operations

Dr Mustapha Inuwa who is the secretary to the State Government and Chairman of the 10 man Security Committee, which also included the Emirs of Daura and Katsina, set up after an an extraordinary security meeting that comprises security chiefs and other stakeholders, told newsmen at a briefing in his office that movement of personnel and materials to especially the affected frontline state s will be hampered by insecurity

He further listed the affected frontline Local Government Areas that borders Zamfara to include: Jibia, Batsari, Safana, Dandume, Faskari, Sabwa and Kafur.

He said'' certainly the security situation will threaten the general elections especially in those affected local government areas because if you post personnel to the affected area, he may refuse to go there in fear of his or her safety''

Inuwa further outlined several emergency measures taking by the Government including reaching out for cooperation with neighboring states like Kaduna, Zamfara and Kano states, clearing the forests located especially within the urban centers which he said has become a hideout for criminals, awareness campaign amongst inhabitants of the rural areas through traditional rulers and district heads and equipping security agencies

Meanwhile, the state government has requested the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Mr Ibrahim Idris to make available Armored Personnel Carriers (APC) and related equipment to police personnel to enable them to deal with the rising cases of kidnappings, banditry and rustling in some parts of the state.

The state government also said it discovered that the lack of synergy between the police, military and other security agencies in the state was responsible for the rise in cases of kidnappings, banditry and rustling especially in council areas sharing the border with the Rugu forest.

The Nation recalled that Governor Masari had during an extraordinary security meeting that comprised of security chiefs and other stakeholders lamented the rise in insecurity, adding that security reports showed that one or more of the mentioned crimes were perpetrated in some parts of the state on a daily basis.

On the issue of Cattle rustling, he said the government was considering the possibility of carrying out an enumeration of the number of cattles in the affected areas and their owners, as same would serve as a check on the issue. He said'' certainly the security situation will threaten the general elections especially in those affected local government areas because if you post personnel to the affected area, he may refuse to go there in fear of his or her safety''

Inuwa further outlined several emergency measures taking by the Government including reaching out for cooperation with neighboring states like Kaduna, Zamfara and Kano states, clearing the forests located especially within the urban centers which he said has become a hideout for criminals, awareness campaign amongst inhabitants of the rural areas through traditional rulers and district heads and equipping security agencies

Meanwhile, the state government has requested the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Mr Ibrahim Idris to make available Armored Personnel Carriers (APC) and related equipment to police personnel to enable them to deal with the rising cases of kidnappings, banditry and rustling in some parts of the state.

The state government also said it discovered that the lack of synergy between the police, military and other security agencies in the state was responsible for the rise in cases of kidnappings, banditry and rustling especially in council areas sharing the border with the Rugu forest.

The Nation recalled that Governor Masari had during an extraordinary security meeting that comprised of security chiefs and other stakeholders lamented the rise in insecurity, adding that security reports showed that one or more of the mentioned crimes were perpetrated in some parts of the state on a daily basis.

On the issue of Cattle rustling, he said the government was considering the possibility of carrying out an enumeration of the number of cattle in the affected areas and their owners, as same would serve as a check on the issue.

In This Story:#IbrahimIdris #APC #MustaphaInuwa #Masari

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The Impact Of 4IR Technology Advancement On The Engineering Sector

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 07:08 AM PST

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr (CDH)
We are living in a connected society – with technology changing the world around us – making it smarter, more autonomous and increasingly data-rich. This is the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), and businesses who don't embrace this disruption simply will not survive.

While many fear losing relevance in the 4IR, the work of engineers will remain valuable. In fact, it is engineering that will drive many of the 4IR's pending advancements.
What is the 4IR?

The first industrial revolution arrived when steam and water were used for production machinery; the second introduced electric power and mass production; then information technology allowed for automated industrial processes in the third industrial revolution. Today, the 4IR is being driven by digital technology and its ability to fuse physical, digital and even biological elements.

What makes the 4IR particularly revolutionary is its speed (everything happening at a much faster pace than ever before); breadth and depth (with a great number of radical changes are occurring simultaneously); and the complete transformation of entire systems.

Currently, the main drivers of change in the 4IR are:

● High-speed mobile internet

● Artificial Intelligence (AI)

● Big data analytics

● Cloud technology

● Blockchain technology

● Biotechnology

● The Internet of Things (IoT)

How the 4IR advances the engineering industry

The 4IR will see the convergence of multiple digital fields, including (but not limited to) robotics, AI and machine learning, nanotechnology and biotechnology. As new technology emerges and new markets develop, the scope of engineering influence will continue to grow.

Key roles that engineers will need to play

We cannot begin to fully conceive the scope and progression of the 4IR. Nevertheless, listed below are some examples of the key roles that engineers will need to play in the 4IR:

● Forming nanotechnologies

● Developing machinery and robotics compatible with automation technology

● Crafting 3D printers that can be used for a wide range of components

● Building sustainable, self-driving cars

● Constructing smart tracking tools and systems

● Producing tools to be used in space

● Improving sustainable power technologies

● Designing drone technology for various industries

● Creating modern medical technology

Automated production = design-focused engineering

Although the 4IR will necessitate engineering of all types, there will be a shift towards a focus on design. With new technology (such as factory automation and 3D printing) starting to handle most production tasks, design work is left to human engineers.

The automation of production has already been proven to optimise workflows and reduce costs, ensuring greater production capacity. This presents the opportunity for the surplus budget to be spent on other areas of development, such as robotics and biological engineering.

The impact of the 4IR on engineering jobs

A report by the World Economic Forum titled "The Future of Jobs" claims that engineering specialists in materials, biochemical, nanotech and robotics will become critically important to such industries by 2020. This means that some jobs will become less popular while others will become obsolete. Although we don't yet know which these will be, we can assume that the jobs that robots are unlikely or unable to perform will become more popular.

Embracing a digital future

The engineering workforce needs will be fundamentally changed by technology in the 4IR – old jobs will become redundant, new jobs will be born, cutting-edge tools will change work methods, and a connected workforce will allow for vast collaboration. With these new developments imminent, the engineers of today need to start adapting, committing to continually learning and upskilling.

It's safe to say that engineers are in the driving seat of the 4IR, forging an exciting new future for human society as a whole.

In This Story:#3DPrinting #4IndustrialRevolution  #WorldEconomicForum #Workforce

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LG Set To Launch Smart Kitchen Innovation At Upcoming CES

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 07:02 AM PST

LG Launch
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) isn't here just yet, but LG is already excited to show what it's been working on. The Korean electronics manufacturer will spend the event showing off new partnerships with a number of companies that will help expand the smart kitchen beyond just appliances.

LG has developed a partnership with Drop, the makers of the Drop Kitchen OS platform designed to create a unified smart home experience. The companies plan to integrate the operating system into appliances to make the smart kitchen even smarter.
CES which is set to take place between 8 – 12 January 2019 will provide the venue for the presentation of LG's new collection of smart ovens, refrigerators and dishwashers, and the company's latest smart speaker (the XBOOM AI ThinQ WK9). Equipped with an eight-inch touch screen, the stereo speaker which runs Google's virtual assistant allows for the hands-free consultation of recipes and voice control of appliances.

As an illustration of the new technology, LG cites the example of a recipe that can be sent directly to the oven, which will preheat to the correct temperature. Once the meal has been cooked, the oven's EasyClean function will remove any traces of food that may have splashed its interior, and the dishwasher will be configured to optimize the cleaning of the cookware and utensils that have been used.

LG's smart kitchen will also include a surprising brewing machine the LG HomeBrew, which aims to simplify the process of making your own craft beer.

In the space of a few days, the capsule-based system can produce five litres of any one of five different types of beer: an American IPA, an American pale ale, an English stout, a Belgian-style Witbier, and a dry Czech pilsner.

In This Story:#LG #AmericanIPA #ConsumerElectronicsShow #Technology

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Westcon and F5 To Offer Range Of Proactive Bot Defences

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 06:57 AM PST

Westcon Group

Seventy-five per cent of data breaches start with identity attacks and the majority of these are now made by attackers using advanced automation techniques. These self-same automation techniques are now being used to scan applications for vulnerabilities, attack account credentials, or cause the denial of service (DoS).

So where do you even start to help button down your customer's defences? Through the partnership with F5, Westcon resellers have access to a full range of proactive bot defences that are designed to stop automated attacks. They also leverage a combination of challenge and behaviour-based techniques that then identify and filter out bot traffic. Key to this premise is that by stopping the bots – you reduce the opportunity for opportunistic attacks.

Ways to protect your business

Now throw in the cloud, multiple clouds and dispersed clouds, and your security becomes even harder. While the cloud was thought to simplify IT, it has introduced a fair amount of security complexity. To this end, Westcon customers have access to F5's comprehensive set of multi-cloud application services and management tools. This includes BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM), Access Manager, Advanced WAF, BIG-IP DNS, BIG-IP Advanced Firewall Manager (AFM) and BIG-IQ Centralised Management.

Notably within the stack, F5 Advanced WAF deploys web application firewall (WAF) services close to apps, so they're protected wherever they reside. Bear in mind that WAFs are an effective means to protect your business, as they protect applications from data breaches by fixing vulnerabilities and stopping attacks.

Within this, Westcon resellers can leverage the F5 Advanced WAF solution to help defend against attacks with bot protection, application-layer encryption, APIs, and behaviour analytics. It also combines machine learning, threat intelligence, and deep application expertise – key security hot buttons in a growing application world.

Security through partnership

Furthermore, based on our experience in security across the African continent we understand that not all security threats are created equal. It is with this that Westcon applies a very specific services model to the delivery of our security solutions.

Skills remain one of the major challenges facing the South African ICT environment in the security space. And because of its leadership position and demand for its solutions, F5 skills are even harder to come by, which is why we have partnered with them as an official accredited training centre for our Sub-Saharan African resellers.

The training we deliver takes into cognisance that in order to face these new threats head on, we need to create a new breed of the technologist. These skills are capable of manipulating the entire application stack from traditional network knowledge, all the way to advanced application layer understanding, and who are then able to integrate the two.

With our own skills in-house, we are also able to deliver pre- and post-sales skills and support to help you better deliver on projects, while at the same time ensuring your competencies and skills are in place.

To summarise

In the world of bots, AI, and clouds, forward-thinking IT leaders and enterprise architects must plan for a new digital world. F5 is providing our resellers with a way to standardise tools, policies, and operations across a diverse estate of computing environments – the end result is more robust security that is efficient, simple, and supportable.

In This Story:#ICT #LocalTrafficManager #AdvanceFirewallManager #WebapplicationFirewall Manager

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