Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Oct 12th, 2013, Most Holy Mary to America, Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable. Q, This should be the end of the Democratic Party!

Posted: 08 Feb 2019 05:41 PM PST

Court rules video of Planned Parenthood selling body parts is authentic 

All 14 videos
Oct 12th, 2013, Most Holy Mary to America

"I have drawn my sword of division against America. .. I will divide America from head to toe. All will be division.

I do this, America, because you have drawn your sword against your unborn. They have never lived to see their own country. Why should I allow the mothers, the fathers, the doctors, the politicians, those who made money and all those who have voted for abortion to enjoy a peaceful America?

When America puts away forever its sword of abortion, I will put away my sword of division.

The Woman and George Washington Sep 3rd, 2014 - Mary

"I must begin to prepare, especially since all are seeing, for the first time, the extent of the evils and the possibilities for destruction that they hold. Many evils are still hidden, soon to appear, claiming even more of what seemed to be so stable. A hopelessness and an inevitability set in, as if the only choice is just to watch passively as this new force makes its conquests.

My message is quite different, "Prepare", I say. "Awaken to the powers that lie in your faith. Your faith alone can save you. This is my promise, 'Fill your churches and I will raise up leaders who will guide you in my ways. I will strengthen the hearts of the people and make firm their resolve. They will sweep away the years of debauchery. They will instill new ideals of morality. The hearts of the young will turn back to me (for they especially will see their future being taken away)'".

The Spirit of God must come upon America. The conversions must be true and deep. All of these evils would never have arisen if America had stayed true to the light. It is not too late but there must be no delay. An unprepared America will shatter into many pieces. An America prepared by an outpouring of the Spirit will respond. I prophesied these times to George Washington, the son of the Republic. Read my words. They will reveal a woman who has always cared for America and has promised her salvation."

COMMENT: One morning at Valley Forge, a woman appeared to George Washington (15. George Washington) and prophesied three events. First, he would win the Revolutionary War and bring about the union. Second, there would be a civil war but the woman would preserve the union. Both of these have happened. The third event concerns ten nations that come against the United States, which is saved only by the actions of the woman. This account was published in the Philadelphia Tribune and is available on the internet.


because the Human Heart is Good, &, Our Lady of Medjugorje to Vicka on the Eternal Fire

Posted: 08 Feb 2019 01:45 PM PST

Our Lady of Medjugorje to Vicka on the Eternal Fire
"We also saw a very beautiful girl throw herself into the fire: afterwards she looked like a monster. The Gospa then explained what we had seen and told us: – Those people went to hell of his will. It is their choice, their decision. Do not be afraid! God has given everyone freedom. On earth everyone can decide for God or against God. Certain people on earth always do everything against God, against his will, fully aware: so hell begins in their hearts; when the moment of death comes, if they do not repent, it is the same hell that continues.

Boom �� & The Hearing Room Exploded: the MASTER TROLL & little Schitt's "tarmac" moment, Robert Swann Mueller III & J.F.K., SUBWAY's DHMO

Posted: 08 Feb 2019 01:24 PM PST

this is panic in DC.

but 1st: the DemCrazy is thick on this one

This Whitaker hearing is a HISTORIC ARCHIVE of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Democrat Jayapal Screams At Matthew Whitaker

"Mr. Chairman, I see that your five minutes is up.": "The panic being displayed by Steve Cohen and Sheila Jackson Lee in AG Whitaker's questioning is AUDIBLE/PALPABLE/REAL. They are worried - and it's awesome to see just how fked they really are through their behavior."

Check mate Whitaker! FACT Releases Worst Ethics Violators of 2018

Adam's Pointless Investigation: Donald Trump Busts Adam Schiff for Hanging Out with Fusion GPS Founder In Aspen ... Schiff & MSM Have drawn out the Master Troll

Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, are set to hold the first overseas Visegrád summit in Jerusalem

French Anon news from France: "22 countries within E.U only celebrate it so yes it's very common ... It's also an important day for satanist "

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