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Davido fancies himself a tool for change in the upcoming elections in Nigeria

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 12:30 AM PST

Davido peeps at a future role in politics as he hopes for a reformed Nigeria
Perhaps, the Presidential and Parliamentary elections holding on February 16, 2019, would provide the type of leaders Nigerians are seeking -- perhaps this might prevent Davido from seeking a future role in politics.

Until then, the idea of taking up a responsibility to reform Nigeria is still fresh on his mind. Already he has developed an initiative to encourage balloters in the imminent polls to stay guard of their votes after it must have been cast.

There is already a conversation about the problem in leadership in contemporary music. In January, rapper Falz got a good score from Pulse following the release of his 4th studio album "Moral Instruction" on Tuesday, January 15, 2019. The project calls for a change in attitude especially in governance to inspire a prosperous nation.

Davido seemed to be driven by this interest in his interview with UK's Channel 4 News. At the MOBO Awards in 2017, the pop star called the attention of the world to the problem of leadership in his country while receiving a prize for the Best African Act.

The Channel 4 interviewer brought his attention to his speech at the event appearing to have suggested an interest in politics based on how passionate he spoke on the stage. Providing a response Davido said that if he was in a position of power, "there are a lot of things I would have done differently" though he wasn't able to get into his strategy for execution.

He might not get involved in internal affairs like a traditional politicians, but he is interested enough to stay within close proximity to be able to make an impact.

"If I am not in it 100%, I will probably be around it," Davido tells a reporter who interviewed him. The pop star takes his social responsibility serious. It has inspired him to sensitize his countrymen on the best ways to avoid being cheated by scheming politicians.

"In Nigeria, we have elections coming up in February. And there is thing I am doing called defend your vote.

"You know you vote, you leave and then they mess everything up. After the vote you wait there.

"After you vote wait there let them count everything and I am not gonna stop until they change."

Getting groomed for state affairs

Change is exactly what the current president Muhammadu Buhari administration promised the Nigerian people before taking charge of their affairs in May 2015.

Opinions have been divided concerning Buhari's performance. The president and his party the All Progressives Congress (APC) have been accused of using unconventional tactics to lure voters.

For example, the TraderMoni scheme offering N10,000 to petty traders across the country as an interest-free loan. The Vice-President Professor Yemi Osinbajo has been useful in distributing these monies in major markets.

Davido prefers to dine with the APC's main opposition the People's Democratic Party (PDP) whose presidential candidate Atiku Abubakar has promised to provide Nigerians with sufficient employment.

The singer was on hand to entertain delegates at the PDP's National Convention held in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, on Saturday, October 6, 2019. It was at this event that Atiku emerged as presidential candidate.

To support his uncle Senator Ademola Adeleke in his campaign to become the governor of Osun State at the election on September 27, 2018, he shared messages on social media campaigning for the PDP.

And there was the performance that impressed the crowd but the senator was no match for Alhaji Gboyega Oyetola of the APC, declared winner after a re-run.

In This Story: #Davido #UpcomingElections #Nigeria

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When Do I Need to See a Doctor About Low Sex Drive?

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 12:30 AM PST

When Do I Need to See a Doctor About Low Sex Drive?
A lot of men assume that low testosterone is to blame for most libido issues, but the truth is often more complicated than that. 

There are many factors that can influence sex drive apart from a hormone deficiency, says T. Mike Hsieh, M.D., an associate professor of urology at the University of California, San Diego who specializes in sexual dysfunction. These reasons can range from mental health disorders to medication side effects, he says.

Even if youre completely healthy, its natural for your libido or erectile function to dip now and then, Hsieh says.

Companies that make ED drugs or libido supplements, however, like to promote the idea that every guy should be walking around with the sex drive (and pipe-hard boner) of a 16-year-old, but thats unrealistic. In a lot of ways, its helpful to think of your sex drive the same way you think about your mood. Sometimes its up and sometimes its down, and these sorts of fluctuations are normal.

If its only been a few days or a week and youre also burned out or stressed, you might want to give it a little more time before seeing someone about your [libido] concerns, says Ian Kerner, PhD, a licensed psychotherapist and author of Sex Recharge .

So when should you see a doctor about your sex drive concerns? These guidelines could help you decide.

If Youre Experiencing These Symptoms

While many libido issues have nothing to do with a mans testosterone levels, there are clusters of symptoms that doctors look for if they suspect hormone issues or imbalances, Hsieh says. We have a validated questionnaire-the ADAM questionnaire-that we use if we suspect hormone deficiencies, he says.

ADAM stands for androgen deficiency in the aging male. And if you answer yes to two or more of the questionnaires criteria, Hsieh says, that may be an indication that a hormone deficiency is to blame.

Here are those criteria:

  • Do you have a decrease in libido or sex drive?
  • Do you have a lack of energy?
  • Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance?
  • Have you lost height?
  • Have you noticed a decreased enjoyment of life?
  • Are you sad and/or grumpy?
  • Are your erections less strong?
  • Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?
  • Are you falling asleep after dinner?
  • Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance?
  • Its important to note that many of these symptoms are non-specific, meaning theyre caused by a range of health conditions-including mental health disorders like depression, Hsieh says. Some researchers have also argued that the yes/no nature of the ADAM questionnaire lacks nuance and precision.

Still, if you answer yes to two or more of these questions, it may be time to talk with a doctor or therapist, Hsieh says.

If Your Sex Drive Drops Suddenly

There is no such thing as a normal sex drive, Hsieh says. Some men seem to need sex or sexual release every day, while others arent bothered by a lot less, he explains. But whatever your baseline, if your libido falls abruptly and doesnt recover within a couple weeks, let your doctor know, Hsieh says. If you have an acute drop-off in how you normally feel, thats not normal, he adds.

If You're Considering Popping Pills

A lot of men are quick to throw OTC pills or supplements at their libido issues. They assume that, because its over-the-counter, these things are safe, Hsieh says. The U.S. consumer supplement market, however, is largely unregulated, he explains. If youre shopping for testosterone supplements online, you could end up in a world of trouble.

We see patients coming into the hospital, including young men, with liver failure as a result of taking these supplements, Hsieh says. A testosterone supplement could also cause your body to stop making that hormone naturally, which can lower your sperm production, Hsieh says. Another common side-effect of OTC hormone supplements is elevated red blood cell counts, which can lead to clots and bleeding problems, he says.

If you dont feel normal, talk to a health care professional rather than turning to Dr. Google or over-the-counter supplements, he adds.

If Your Issue Is Messing with Your Life

In many cases, there are no strict criteria that separate a run-of-the-mill libido lull from a more serious problem. Also, many libido issues are very specific or dependent on context.

I see patients who say they have no problems when they watch porn, but they cant do it with their partner, Hsieh says. I also have guys who say things like, I can only have sex for an hour, but I want to have sex for two hours like I see in porn.

While these concerns can be distressing, they have little to do with your physical health or hormone levels. A safe rule of thumb: If you find yourself becoming preoccupied with your struggles, or if your issue is messing with your relationship or ability to date, its time to see someone, Kerner says.

If it feels like youre in an extended period of low libido or its distressing you, I would recommend seeing a psychotherapist-preferably one who specializes in sexuality, like a sex therapist, he says.

Many M.D.s dont have the specialized training-let alone the time-to talk through all the different psychological and lifestyle variables that may be affecting your sex drive, he says. A therapist may be better equipped to work through all that with you, he adds.

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Ways to Avoid a Communication Breakdown in Your Relationship

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 12:00 AM PST

Communication Breakdown in Your Relationship
From the outside looking in, relationships seem pretty straightforward. Once you couple up, you have a built-in person to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine with and wrap your arms around at night. But the hard truth is that relationships take work. Any relationship therapist will tell you that approximately 90 percent of having a successful, healthy relationship is about communication. 

So what happens if you never know what to say or how to say it, especially when it comes to telling your partner how you feel (about them, about your shitty day at work, about the way you feel when they make googly eyes at that one celebrity with the rock-hard abs...)?

Generally what happens when you cant or wont communicate properly is a bunch of blow-out fights. Most [cisgender] men dont understand the importance of validating their significant others emotions, and therefore arguments can become very heated very quickly, says Monte Drenner, LHMC, a licensed counselor and therapist with MTC Counseling in Florida. And a big fight typically means your communication skills suffer even more, because whos really good at talking out their feelings when theyre seething mad?

Learning how to communicate is key if you want to avoid those big fights, or if you want to patch up a recent argument. Of course, changing the way you interact with your partner isnt going to be easy, and itll take some time. But these seven steps will get you started.

Embrace the awkward.
Most people (men especially) havent learned how to talk about their feelings directly and honestly, so that makes trying to communicate a little awkward and clunky at first. Its not intuitive to us to ask someone if we can kiss them, for example. But recent conversations about consent have made it clear that direct communication (literally saying Can I kiss you?) is the best form of communication. That holds up for any kind of conversation, whether youre asking for consent, explaining why youre in a sour mood, or feeling insecure about your relationship and trying to explain why. Although she recognizes that its clunky, sex therapist Rosara Torrisi, PhD, suggests using method. It encourages everyone to have better vocabulary about their needs, emotions, and values, she says. You can watch videos explaining Rosenbergs method on . But whether you decide to try his approach, to use the classic (focusing on how you feel, rather than projecting how you feel onto your partner), or to try something else, recognize that its going to feel weird at first. And thats okay.

When in doubt, over-communicate.
If youre not sure how much you should be sharing, start with the assumption that you should share everything. Most of the men who I work with tend to withhold rather than indulge, and communicate telepathically rather than expressly, says marriage and family therapist Paul Hokemeyer, Ph.D. For these reasons I encourage them to say the very things they feel don't need to be said and over-explain their experiences and feelings.

If the moment is charged, take a step back.
Anger and communication dont mix. Think back to the times youve hurt your partner - you were probably angry when it happened. When were fighting with our partners, were being ruled by the most base and primitive part of our central nervous system, Hokemeyer says. So rather than trying to fix the problem, we tend to say whatever we know will make our partners feel terrible. It's a very destructive dynamic, he says.

In order to avoid this damaging spiral, he suggests taking a step back from the intensity of the fight. Walk away and give both yourself and your partner time to cool down. Its okay to say, Im not in a good place to talk about this right now. Im going to take a walk and clear my head. Ideally, you take at least 30 minutes away from the fight to let your heart rate rest, your mind to calm down, and to think of a better way to express yourself, Torrisi says.

If your partner really wont allow you to walk away, Hokemeyer suggests counting to 50 two times in your head before responding. The point is to allow reason to intervene in the situation and to move your reactions from those of your primitive brain to the more elevated part of your brain that provides you with an intelligent strategy to resolve the conflict, he says.

Dont try to fix everything.
One of the biggest mistakes men tend to make in communication is trying to fix a problem that might not even exist, Drenner says. Many times, their significant other is merely sharing a struggle or venting about something, he says. Theyre not really looking for a solution. When you give them a solution instead of a shoulder to lean on or an attentive ear, they might be disappointed because what they wanted was to be heard, not fixed. A good rule to live by is dont attempt to fix something unless specifically asked to do so, Drenner says.

Dont just speak. Listen.
When couples argue, its often because one or both people havent tried to hear their partner out. You may be so focused on proving your own point, that youre not really listening to your partners. Even if you dont agree with what your partner is saying, its important to listen and actively try to understand their perspective. Work harder to understand than to be understood, Drenner says. Its hard to argue with someone whos trying to understand your point of view. And if you truly believe youre in the right, youll be able to make more effective counter-arguments if youre listening to their points.

Let yourself be vulnerable.
Men have been acculturated to think rather than feel, Hokemeyer says. Because young boys are told both consciously and subconsciously that theyre weak for showing emotion, men tend to struggle with being vulnerable. But if you really want to be good at communicating with your partner, youll need to learn how to share your feelings. Communication, especially communication in the realm of intimate relationships, requires a level of vulnerability that often invokes uncomfortable and out of control feelings, Hokemeyer says.

In fact, being able to talk rationally and honestly about your feelings is more attractive than coming off as an emotionless automaton. Women view emotional vulnerability as a strength, Drenner says. So while its scary to let someone see your vulnerability, its also essential for a healthy and lasting relationship.

Ask for help.
The great thing about learning to communicate while in a relationship is that youre not alone. Maybe your partner is already a master communicator, or maybe theyre learning, too. Either way, they should be open to helping you, even if that just means being patient while you figure it out. Men can ask their partners to be patient and help hold them accountable while they struggle to improve their communication skills, rather than criticize and shame them for their stumbles and imperfections, Hokemeyer says. Learning to communicate more directly, honestly, and emotionally is a process, and part of it is acknowledging that youre not going to be perfect right away. That doesnt give you permission to stop trying, but it does afford you some leeway from your partner as you work through it.

In This Story: #WaysToAvoidACommunicationBreakdown #Relationship

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Ghanaians faces one of its most hostile foreign relations with the US

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 11:30 PM PST

What does the recent US visa ban on Ghana mean for applicants?
The United States has made true on its threats of visa sanctions to the Ghanaian government for refusing to allow repatriates back into their country.

Ghana joins the likes of Guinea, Sierra Leone, Eritrea and Cambodia, in a visa sanction by the United States, since the country has been deemed uncooperative in receiving repatriates.

For citizens to be deported, the accepting countries must issue travel documents for those being repatriated before the U.S. can deport them. However, Ghana refused to provide these documents, reported the Washington Examiner.

This means that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement would be forced to release the arrested aliens in its custody after six months as it is unconstitutional to indefinitely hold unto a person that does not have a pathway toward being deported.

Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), said on Thursday: "Ghana has failed to live up to its obligations under international law to accept the return of its nationals ordered removed from the United States.

Hence, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo "has ordered consular officers in Ghana to implement visa restrictions on certain categories of visa applicants," according to a statement by the DHS.

What does this mean for Ghanaian applicants to the US?

Quartz Africa has reported that Ghana had a whooping sum of 1.73 million applicants to the US diversity program, which accounts for 7% of the country's population.

This means that a lot of Ghanaians are hopeful towards travelling to the United States.

With its fast-growing economy, Ghana has being a good rep, in recent times, in terms of visa acceptance and number of countries that allow less stricter visa policies, such as visa-on-arrival. Late 2018, Ghana was announced as the only West African country that was allowed visa-free entry into South Africa.

It isn't clear what the visa ban entails or what category of applicants it covers, but it is clear that the sanction poses a great threat to Ghana's international rep.

According to the statement by the DHS, "without an appropriate response from Ghana, the scope of these sanctions may be expanded to a wider population." 

Hopefully, Ghana works with the US to resolve the issues soon.

In This Story: #Ghanaians 3HostileForeign #Relations #US

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5 businesses you can start with little or no cash

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 11:30 PM PST

Don't let money discourage you to start something, check out the businesses you can start without capital.

5 businesses you can start with little or no cash
One of the most common financial advice you have repeatedly heard is to start your own business. So many people have given you reasons to become an entrepreneur but for some reasons, you've never considered it.

The common excuse people usually give is lack of capital. But, you really don't have to have a huge sum of money to become your own boss.

There are businesses you can start with little or no capital and here are five of such businesses.

1.   Content provider
Are you a writer, editor, photographer, artist or video maker? If you have any of these skills, you can start a business with zero kobo. Sites like Fiverr offers opportunities for people with skills mentioned above to book gigs from businesses and provide content for them. You can make lots of money from this platform depending on your drive and talent. To start, just log on to fiverr.com and sign up.

2.   Repair/Skill based services
If you have a specific skill, you really don't need to wait looking for capital to start a business to make money. You could use your skilled labor as the main revenue driver for your business.

3.   Consulting
Think about the industry you are in. Think about how much knowledge, experience and skill you've gained over the years in that industry. You can make money from your expertise by offering expert advice to up and coming professionals, businesses and start-ups.

4.  Tutoring
Another business you can do which doesn't require any capital is tutoring. If you have the ability to teach people and they find it easy to understand you, then you should give it a try. It now on depends on the age range you'll love to tutor.

5.  Social media influencer
Thanks to social media, you can become an influencer. If you're social media savvy, then you should consider becoming a social media influencer. Every business and brand today is going online to grow their business and they can't do it alone without the help of someone who knows about social media platforms well.

If you have a good online presence, you really don't need any capital to start up. With just a phone or laptop and good internet connection, you can become a social media influence

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Survivors: Cancer not death sentence

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 11:00 PM PST

The Abuja Breast Cancer Support Group says cancer is not a death sentence and encouraged Nigerians to get screened.
President of the group, Ms Gloria Orji, said this in Abuja during a walk to commemorate the World Cancer Day, tagged #Choke Cancer.

According to her, people have the fear that cancer is an epidemic that kills but as a cancer survivor, she noted that there is hope if detected early.

She also said that awareness was the key to addressing issues of cancer, adding that most people were not aware of the disease.

The survivor said that speaking out, creating awareness and seeing cancer survivors of 20 to 25 years or more would give hope to those that had been diagnosed of the disease.

Orji further advocated for the awareness to be taken to rural areas, adding that educating people on the issue will help reduce the myth associated with the challenge.

she also stated that early detection was not enough and therefore advocated for treatment if diagnosed of any type of cancer.

Orji however advised patients with cancer and others with or without family history of cancer to imbibe healthy lifestyles, stressing that it is key in combating the disease.

Mrs Adenike Ademola, another cancer survivor of 11 and half years, advised cancer patients to always obey their doctors.

She acknowledged the fact that the disease was not a death sentence and admonished everyone to be an advocate of cancer in order to curb the disease.

Ademola urged the federal government, stakeholders and private sector to help create awareness on cancer in order to reduce deaths associated with the disease.

In This Story: #Survivors #CancerNotDeathSentence

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R. Kelly banned from entering the city of Philadelphia in the US

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 10:30 PM PST

R. Kelly banned from entering the city of Philadelphia in the US
R. Kelly will be feeling more left out following a ban by a public council in Philadelphia restricting him from entering the city.

Since the testimonies of a group of women who alleged that the R&B singer sexually abused them when they were kids, there have been noticeable resentment from a large number of Americans, some of them celebrities just like the singer.

The pain of the alleged victims is shared by the Philly city council who reportedly passed a declaration preventing Chicago-born Kelly from visiting.

Helen Gym is a member of the council. She considers the imposed ban on him as a show of solidarity and "public declaration that R. Kelly and sexual predators like him don't belong in a public sphere" in a report published by Complex on Friday, February 1, 2019.

Showing how distasteful R. Kelly is to the public eye, a group of Americans have called for the boycott of his music under the #MuteRKelly movement.

Gym recognized in a tweet on Thursday shared that the move to ban Kelly was done in honour of sexual abuse survivors.

Sony's RCA Records obliged to this pressure when it reportedly removed the legend from the list of artists signed by it.

On Friday, January 18, 2019, the singer's name was reportedly found to be omitted on the company's website. This has posed a problem for R. Kelly who is believed to be planning an album release.

In This Story: #RKelly #Banned #Philadelphia #US

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Naeto C and wife Nicole, baptize second daughter!

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 10:00 PM PST

Naeto C and wife Nicole, baptize second daughter!
On Friday, February 1, 2019, Naeto C and his wife Nicole, surrendered their second daughter Naeso for baptism two months after the child was born.

The important ritual coincided with Nicole's birthday who shared the pictures from the family event on her Instagram.

It is the best day ever according to the mum who is still feeling "snacky" having turned 31.

"Today is my birthday. Today was Soso's baptism into the Faith. Today is the Best Day Ever," Nicole writes with motherly glee. Later she posted a more intimate picture of herself, husband and the newest family member.

We recall the totally new experience Naeto C explained when he was holding his daughter Naeso shortly after she was born in last November. On his IG, he remembers the birth of the child as an engaging encounter, one that made him fall in love again.

"My 2nd daughter Naeso is finally here and I can't stop looking at her...I'm in love again," the rapper shares.

So much love in Naeto C's heart has encouraged him to give back to the society. On December 23, 2018, at the Muri Okunola Park in Victoria Island, Lagos, he launched SuperFest, a platform seeking to discover talents and groom them.

The event reportedly inspired support from fellow rappers Falz, M.I, Show Dem Camp who performed alongside others.

In This Story: #NaetoC #Wife #Nicole #SaptizeSecondDaughter

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Nigerian Hip-Hop and the impact of street culture

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 09:30 PM PST

Street culture on Nigerian Hip-Hop
xAs the year 2018 petered out, an ambitious, materialistic song wrapped around a Pentecostal, prosperity gospel prayer point became the defacto hit of the holidays.

'Able God' by Chinko Ekun featuring Lil' Kesh and Zlatan played at every street carnival, night club, concert, rave and house party that you could think of.

The line 'no more insufficient funds' became a catchphrase for people praying for the heavens to open up and let Naira notes fall.

In the music video, the three street savvy rappers delicately stomped their feet one leg at a time before crossing their hands to form an 'X' and ending it with a kick in the air. It's called the 'Zanku' or 'legwork' or both.

'Able God' is a direct product of street culture from the bustling city of Lagos. The rappers themselves hail from the streets.

The man of the hour is Zlatan, the hottest rapper on the streets of Lagos. While 'Able God' still has a presence on streaming charts, his collaboration with Burna Boy 'Killing Dem' is bound to take over as the first bonafide hit of 2019. Zlatan formerly Zlatan Ibile has also gotten the seal of approval from Baddo. They worked together in 2018 on the track 'My Body'.

Zlatan's dance step 'Zanku' (which he claims is an abbreviation for Zlatan Abeg don't Kill Us') has taken over from the viral 'Shaku Shaku'. It is the latest influence of street culture in Nigerian rap music.

What exactly is street culture or the 'streets' as they say and how has it influenced Nigerian rap music and Hip-Hop culture?
The streets is the mecca, the Garden of Eden, the lifeblood where Hip-Hop culture gets its spiritual essence from. It's the birthplace of the struggle that led to the creation of Hip-Hop as a cultural force to address issues of economic injustice and institutional racism.

The inner cities, the slums, the project housings, ghettos are the streets.

The art of rap, dancing, deejaying, graffiti and beat-boxing, the five elements, were all created from the streets, so as other elements fashion and Hip-Hop philosophy.

What we wear, how we wear what we wear, what not to wear, gesticulations, mannerisms, lingo, slangs all stem from that origin point known as the streets.

Hip-Hop has a culture code which comes from the streets. Street culture has been fueling rap music since the late 70s. In essence, the streets is where Hip-Hop culture comes from.

The streets won't pop up in Nigeria until the 90s with the rise of the galala sound from Ajegunle and the ascent of Fuji music into the mainstream music scene. Both genres were propelled by musicians from impoverished areas.

As for rap music, street culture didn't come into play as a full force until 2009 when a rapper by the name of Dagrin released his classic sophomore effort 'C.E.O'. The album majorly produced by Sossick is the haunting tale of a gifted young rapper trapped in the lower rungs of society.

His album is a visceral collection of intimate rap songs that would inject street culture and attitude of rap music into the Hip-Hop scene. The impact his album would have would be near instantaneous, however, he wouldn't get to see the bigger impact.

Dagrin died a year later but his album had kicked the door open. Rappers such as Olamide, Reminisce and Phyno would capitalize on the opportunity to bring the streets to Nigerian rap music and vice-versa.

These breed of street rappers just like Dagrin have used their native tongues to create personal and intimate relationships with listeners, creating vignettes about life at the rock bottom.
It's no wonder that a large number of people who never used to listen to rap, could recite lyrics of street-oriented rappers.

The impact of streets culture
Street culture has brought a way of life that was previously not acknowledged, curated and celebrated. It has told the story of the underdog and the obstacles placed in front of him.

The inner-city struggles, dreams, nightmares, ambition that is in Nigerian rap music today is as a result of rappers more in tune with the streets. They have brought the attitude, lingo, and points of views from the streets into Nigerian rap music.

And you can say these things were missing in Naija rap for a long time. Prior to 2009, rap was mostly technical and a tad bit elitist by not incorporating the way of life of the oppressed in the society. This was a fundamental flaw because Hip-Hop is all about championing the underdog and the unheard.

The streets, street culture is the life source of Hip-Hop and it's not a coincidence that the rise of indigenous rappers (who are by default the street rappers) coincided with more people from the slums listening to more rap music. Just think about it, Phyno sells out a stadium yearly. It won't be shocking that most of the people who show up at PhynoFest yearly have never heard of Rakim or Wu-Tang Clan.

Dancing is a core element of Hip-Hop. Prior to streets rappers taking over, dance was a not visible element in Nigerian rap music.

In 2014, rapper Lil Kesh would popularize the dance step 'Shoki', that originated from Agege, making it a fave in Africa and certain parts of the world.

The Generalissimo of the streets, Olamide, was behind the shakitibobo dance. He also popularized the 'shaku shaku', another dance move originated from Agege.

And yes we have the Zanku.

In essence, street culture has added grit, colour and vibrancy to Nigerian Hip-Hop. It is telling the tale of those who were neglected for quite a while in our society. It is also creating something of a Hip-Hop culture that Nigerian rap music badly needs.

South African rap has been able to infuse its street culture to make it vibrant and intimate to people trapped in poverty. It's a blueprint that should work wonders in Nigeria but that's a topic for another day.

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"Up North" to be screened at Facebook's headquarters for Black History Month says Tope Oshin

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 09:00 PM PST

"Up North" to be screened at Facebook's headquarters for Black History Month says Tope Oshin
The Black History Month is an annual celebration that recognizes significant events in black history and its culture -- Tope Oshin's "Up North" movie has made it for a screening at the Facebook Menlo Park headquarters in honour of this.

"Up North" is a movie directed by Tope Oshin. It was released to Nigerian cinemas in December 2018, and explores socio-cultural topics. [The Cable]
On Saturday, February 2, 2019, Vanguard and Guardian Nigeria both confirm that the screening will hold on Wednesday, February 20, 2019. Banky W is one of the cast in the movie written by Editi Effiong.

The actor plays the character Bassey, a rich kid who learns to be reformed during his youth service in Bauchi, one of the locations featured in the film. Lagos was also visited to shoot some of the scenes in the flick which premiered on Sunday, December 16, 2018.

It is exciting to be shown to an international audience according to movie writer Effiong when he noted on social media.

"We are very excited, this is a huge step for us and what better way to screen a movie that promotes culture and black excellence than the month that celebrates black history. We are happy and confident everyone who sees this movie will enjoy it as much as we did.

"This is such an amazing moment for us, we are elated to know that many other people will be a part of the culture we are trying to showcase to the world through 'Up North'.

"We cannot wait for everyone who sees this movie to enjoy the magic and experience its greatness. We also cannot wait to get feedback."

"Up North" is rich in its display of indigenous values as well as opening up a discussion of female empowerment. Particularly noticeable is its exhibition of the beautiful environment in the north of Nigeria.

In This Story: #UpNorth #Screened #FacebookHeadquarters #BlackHistoryMonth #TopeOshin

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2019: Atiku Replies Nnamdi Kanu; I Am Not From Cameroon

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 04:03 PM PST

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar

Atiku Abubakar, former Vice-president and presidential candidate of the main opposition party, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has challenged Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) to provide evidence that he is a Cameroonian.

Kanu in his recent broadcast had said Atiku is not a Nigerian as he has always claimed.

"Do you know that Atiku Abubakar is from Cameroon? His area of Adamawa was in Cameroon," he had said.

However, speaking in a chat with Daily Independent, Paul Ibe, Atiku's media aide, said the onus lies on Kanu to supply proof that his principal is an indigene of Cameroon.

"You media should ask him to supply the proof. It is not the man that is being accused that you will ask. It is the person who made the allegations that you will ask to bring his proof of where he (Atiku) is from or where he is not from," he said.

In This Story: #Atiku #PDP #PaulIbe #NnamdiKanu #IPOB

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Justice Onnoghen: Political Solution Collapses As Suspended CJN Insists On Trial Must Go Ahead

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 03:34 PM PST

Justice Walter Onnoghen

The firm resolve of the suspended Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Walter Onnoghen, to see his judicial ordeal through has led to the collapse of the political solution worked out by certain interests in the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari and the judiciary, to save him the embarrassment of being arraigned tomorrow at the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT), Sunday Tribune has reliably learnt.

The political deal offered him by Presidency elements required him to resign voluntarily to have the criminal charge of alleged non-declaration of assets preferred against him completely withdrawn.

If he didn't feel like walking away by himself, there was also a proposal to have him prematurely retired with full benefits, including the retention of his membership of the Council of State.

The deal proposed by some elements in the Federal Government was packaged by a security agency and offered to him last week.

Again, on Friday, the same deal was offered him after the Presidency made it clear to certain go-between persons that he had violated the agreement entered into with him, on the need to cleanse the judiciary, before he was appointed in substantive capacity.

He flatly rejected the deal on all the occasions it was presented to him.

According to a very close source to him, "Oga (Onnoghen) is not going to resign. Take that from me. He has resolved to clear his name by seeing this trial through to the end. Yes, they asked him to resign, but if they are very sure he had committed any offence, why asking him to resign when they were the one that took him to court in the first place? With all they have done, and all the lies told the world against him, they expect him not to defend himself and just resign and walk away? No, he is not resigning."

When asked why he isn't defending himself in the face of the damaging allegations against him, the source said the suspended CJN had decided against getting into public domain with his accusers, but waiting for the court proceedings to begin fully, for him to say all that is to be said in his defence.

The offer from the prosecuting government is reportedly polarizing the CJN's legal team, as some senior lawyers on the defence team are reportedly considering the terms of the deal and without being direct, are subtly encouraging Onnoghen to consider certain parts of it.

As of Friday, the government peace offer still dominated discourse within the defence team. For senior lawyers asking Onnoghen to have a second look, the wider implications of outright rejection are said to be their main consideration.

Their most-profound fear is said to be the high possibility of the tribunal, under Danladi Umar, to give a bench warrant when the trial resumes tomorrow, ordering the arrest of the CJN for appearance before it (the tribunal).

Umar is also believed to have made up his mind to convict the suspended jurist, a development that would ultimately rob him of his status as a member of the Council of State.
With the way government agencies have handled his case so far, those egging him to consider the deal fear that he might be completely humiliated tomorrow by the police, if a bench warrant is eventually issued by Umar.

"Who will stop the police from arresting him, if they could lock his office up? Imagine how bad it will look if he is arrested and brought to the tribunal. We are talking about the Chief Justice of Nigeria. His case is very painful, but the situation doesn't look good at all and this is beyond his name and integrity now," a pro-deal source in his camp told Sunday Tribune at the weekend.

The same source was also knowledgable of the meeting with top presidency officials where the deal was unveiled.

He told Sunday Tribune that support was gradually ebbing for Onnoghen because many political structures that should support him in the fight to regain his seat and credibility are gradually backing off in order to be "politically-correct."

With his resolve to see the case against him to a logical conclusion, Onnoghen, according to checks with his camp, will be challenging the jurisdiction of the tribunal to try him when the case resumes tomorrow.

He will not be making an appearance still, making the planned arraignment almost impossible.

The propriety of Umar, leading a tribunal to try him, will also come up, as the defence, according to a source, will be asking him to recuse himself, having allegedly shown bias against the CJN.

The alleged corruption case against Umar, for which the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) is seeking his prosecution, may come in handy in pushing the recusal case.

The controversial order which the tribunal granted in-chamber will also be debated at the Court of Appeal tomorrow.

Onnoghen is challenging the order which Lagos lawyer, Femi Falana, described as suspicious and full of contradictions.

If Umar assumed jurisdiction tomorrow, he may insist of the arraignment of the CJN since the Court of Appeal had ruled last week that trial proceedings could not be halted because of the pendency of appeal.

In This Story: #JusticeOnnoghen #Buhari #CCT

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2019: Atiku Is From Cameroon’ – Nnamdi Kanu Tells Govt Only Boycott -Nnamdi Kanu

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 03:18 PM PST

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has alleged that presidential candidate of the main opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party,PDP, Atiku Abubakar is an "indigene" of Cameroon.

Kanu stated this on Saturday during his live broadcast from London, UK.

The IPOB leader further blamed Atiku for the failure of Alex Ekwueme .
Kanu said: "Some of you do not understand that the person behind the failure of Ekwueme in 1999 during PDP convention was Atiku, Daily Post reports.

"Do you know that Atiku Abubakar is from Cameroon? His area of Adamawa was in Cameroon.

Kanu, however, warned Nigerians against voting in the forthcoming 2019 election.

"By voting, all you are doing is perpetuating the misery of our people.

"To vote in the zoo means to endorse 1999 fraudulent constitution. By voting, all you are doing is perpetuating the misery of our people.

On calling off the referendum given to Biafrans to boycott the 2019 election, Kanu called on the government to sign the document given to them.

According to him, that is the only way the 2019 election would not be boycotted by Biafrans.

In This Story: #NnamdiKanu #Atiku #IPOB #Ekwueme

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2019 Elections: Court Okays Suit Seeking To Disqualify Gov. Wike Over Forged Birth Certificate

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 03:00 PM PST

Governor Nyesom Wike

The Abuja Division of the Federal High Court, will on Wednesday, hear a suit seeking to disqualify Governor Nyesom Wike from participating in the forthcoming governorship election in Rivers State, over an allegation that his birth certificate was forged

Justice Inyang Ekwo directed the service of hearing notice on the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, Governor Wike and the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, who were listed as Defendants in the suit marked FHC / ABJ / CS /1430/3018, which was filed by one Mr. Elvis Chinda. The plaintiff, alleged that the certificate of birth Wike attached to the Form C. F. 001, which he submitted to INEC on November 2, 2018, for clearance to participate in the 2019 general election, was forged.

He told the court that the certificate titled "Statutory Declaration of Age", attached to Wike's Form C.F.001, and purportedly deposed to on October 3, 1986, by one Collins Nyeme Wike had claimed that Nyesom Wike at the time of deposition, was a native of Rumuepirikom in Obio / Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State According to the Plaintiff, "As at 3rd October 1986, there was no local Government Area known as Obio /Akpor Local Government Area in existence in Rivers State.

"As at 1986, Rumuepirikom was not in Obio /Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State , but in Port Harcourt Local Government Area of Rivers State being the parent LGA from where Obio /Akpor Local Government Area was carved out". He told the court that Obio /Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State was created in 1989 by Decree No 12 of 1989, two years after the alleged forgery was committed.

"That the certificate of birth ( Statutory Declaration of Age) was purported sworn to and issued at the High/Magistrate's Court Registry, Port Harcourt but allegedly bears stamp of the Judiciary Probate Registry ,Port Harcourt.

"There was no Court Registry, whether in 1986 or afterward known as High/Magistrate Court Registry Port Harcourt. No such Registry existed or exists any where in Port Harcourt or Rivers State". Plaintiff said the forged certificate of birth misled INEC into believing that Wike had a genuine birth certificate that confirmed his alleged date of birth given as 13th March1963. The alleged that Wike presented the bogus birth certificate to maintain consistency and coverup falsehood and lies, which he started in 1998.

He said the coverup, "began in 1989, when Wike expressed desire to contest for the local chairmanship of Obio/ Akpor Local Government Area Council election in Rivers State which INEC had fixed 35 years age for eligibility. "Wike was 30 years of age then and ineligible for that election. In order to qualify for that election, he forged the Certificate of birth now in contention. He has used it in subsequent elections."

The plaintiff argued that INEC, "is not in a position legally to disqualify Wike from contesting the governorship election except the court gave an order disqualifying him for the breach of Section 182 (1) (j) of the Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria". Consequently, he is praying the court to among other things, determine:

"Whether the certificate of Birth titled Statutory Declaration of Age deposed to by one Collins Nyeme Wike purportedly sworn to on 3rd October 1986 at the High/ Court Magistrate's Court Registry, Port Harcourt lied about/against itself and contained falsehoods.

As well as, "Whether by the combined provisions of section 182(1)(i ) and 1 (1) & (2)of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended), the 2nd defendant ought to be disqualified and declared ineligible to contest the 2019 governorship election in Rivers state made pursuant to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended).

In a 39 paragraphs affidavit in support of the originating summons, Elvis Chinda said that he is aware that the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria disqualified any person seeking election into the office of the Governor, who presented a forged certificate to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)".

He is further seeking, "A declaration that the Certificate of Birth titled Statutory Declaration of Age deposed to by one Collins Nyeme Wike purportedly sworn to on 3rd October 1986 at the High/ Court Magistrate's Court Registry, Port Harcourt and presented by (Gov Wike)the 2nd Defendant to (INEC) the 1st Defendant on the 25th December 2014 for the purpose of the 2015 General Governorship Election in Rivers State was forged.

"A declaration that, the information contained in the Affidavit Form C.F. 001 deposed to by 2nd Defendant on the 29th October 2018 and presented to the (INEC)1st Defendant on the 2nd November, 2018 for the purpose of the 2019 Governorship Election in Rivers State was false.

"A declaration that by the provisions of section 182(1)(i) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended)/,(Wike) the 2nd defendant is not qualified or eligible to contest and participate in the 2019 Governorship election in Rivers State or any other such election, having presented a forged certificate to (INEC) the 1st defendant.

"An order of the Court directing the disqualification of (Wike) the 2nd defendant from contesting or holding out himself for the 2019 General Governorship election in River State or any other elections made pursuant to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria , 1999, (as amended) having presented a forged certificate to the 1st defendant.

Likewise, "An order of perpetual injunction restraining INEC, the 1st defendant from receiving or accepting from (PDP),the 3rd defendant or any other person any nomination of the 2nd defendant , from processing such nomination, or from presenting Wike the 2nd defendant on ballot, in respect of the2019 Governorship Election or any other elections made pursuant to the Constitution of the federal Republic of Nigeria.

In This Story: #Wike #BirthCertificate #RiversGubernatorialPolls

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2019 Election: PDP Is Completely Dead, Will Be Buried February 16 – Oshoimhole

Posted: 03 Feb 2019 03:02 PM PST

The ruling All Progressives Congress, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, said while speaking at the party's presidential campaign rally in Dutse, the capital of Jigawa State.

He expressed optimism that President Muhammad Buhari will win the February election, considering the Mammoth crowds receiving President Buhari during his campaign rally across the country.

"President Muhammadu Buhari is a phenomenon that must be respected, which was why there has been an undiluted love between him and the people," he said.

Jigawa State Governor, Alhaji Muhammad Abubakar Badaru, thanked the President for the continuation of the dualisation of Kano to Maiduguri road, the Shuwarin to Kwanan Huguma road, the N-Power initiative.

He urged the people to massively vote for the candidates of APC across board to ensure a decisive victory ‎of the party in the polls.

Badaru, also solicited for the president to commence the dualisation of Kafin Hausa road to alleviate the suffering of the people.

In This Story: #Oshiomhole #Buhari #AbubakarBadaru #JigawaState #APC

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