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Army repels Boko Haram attack in Yobe

Posted: 05 Feb 2019 12:16 AM PST

Nigerian Troops
Troops of 159 Battalion, Forward Operational Base (FOB), Sector 2, Operation LAFIYA DOLE, on Monday evening repelled attempted terrorists incursion into the border town of Kanama, Yunusari Local Government of Yobe.

The Acting Assistant Director Army Public Relations, Lt. Njoka Irabor made this known in a press statement issued in Damaturu.

Irabor said "The terrorists came in at about 5:30pm and started shooting sporadically and vigilant troops of the FOB engaged them.

"Consequently, the terrorists were overwhelmed by the superior firepower of the gallant troops of 159 Battalion and the well-coordinated air support from the Air Component of Operation LAFIYA DOLE.
"This resulted in inflicting casualty on the terrorists, while some of them retreated with gunshot wounds.

"The resilient troops have embarked on hot pursuit of the fleeing surviving attackers towards Niger Republic border.

"Further details of the casualties on the terrorists and recoveries would be provided on completion of the mop up and pursuit operations", he said.

In This Story:#LafiyaDole #NjokaIrabor #BokoHaram

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You don't need a relationship to be happier than you are now

Posted: 05 Feb 2019 12:14 AM PST

Especially with Valentines day approaching, you may be tempted to think that being in a relationship is the only prerequisite to happiness. It is not.

Look around you. You can literally see, feel and maybe even sniff the need for love and relationships in the air.
Relationships and emotional matters are big topics of human interest. A huge number of people talk about love all the time - on social media, during lunch breaks at corporate settings, at home, on dates, social calls and friendly visits... every time... everywhere.

My boyfriend this, my girlfriend that. Relationship goals here, love tips there. Everyone wants to fall in love, to have someone to call their own and to feel the enchantment of being in a relationship with someone. In the midst of all this, not many people pause to actually reflect and question their readiness for a relationship.

Agreeably, love is a terrific, beautiful thing; something of pure joy, immeasurable bliss and ceaseless happiness... but only when done right. I am of the opinion that even when people approach relationships as they should, there are still chances that they won't find the dreamy levels of happiness and every other good thing that we've come to believe love entails.

It is sometimes grim, and it is the truth.

Love is as risky as almost every other thing in life. No matter how prepared and cautious you are, there is still an outside chance that something might go wrong. The possibility of success is high, but it is never absolutely certain.
Even the best people get terribly hurt in love.

If you are not in a relationship, be advised that you are not to feel under any pressure to enter into one. Relationships do not increase your chances of being happy, neither do you need to have someone to call your own before you enjoy a good life.

Snap out of the relationship craze; this annoying, unfounded belief that some have that only relationships will bring you the kind of complete happiness you need.
This is not to discredit the fact that relationships can be lovely and satisfying, but look around you, how many relationships are actually truly lovely and satisfying?

Scarily low, right?
That is so because many of those people you see are not even knowledgeable so as to know themselves, let alone why they are in the relationship or what they are meant to give or take from it

If you do not know where your life is headed, or who you actually are, help yourself and others, steer clear of relationships and instead enjoy being single and unattached to anyone while you take a personal trip into self-discovery and self-understanding.
When you know who you are, you will know when you are ready to have a relationship, who to have a relationship with and how to be in a relationship.
Let no one coerce, force or shame you into falling into a relationship let alone a marriage that will break not just your heart, but the whole of your being.
Your age and life achievements have nothing to do with this. Don't let them push you into it.
You have the exclusive right to decide when that time comes.

Just you.

In This Story: #Relationship #happier

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APC, PDP step up attacks

Posted: 05 Feb 2019 12:11 AM PST

Uche Secondus and Adams Oshiomhole
It was a day of allegations yesterday, with the Federal Government accusing the opposition of planning to discredit the general elections.

The opposition parties have targeted the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and the Police for the attack to prejudge the polls, which will begin in 11 days, the government said.

The government said the opposition, led by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), had raised a 10-man propaganda delegation to visit some Western capitals, including London, Brussels and Washington, DC.

The PDP launched its allegations, claiming that the APC government and the INEC planned to rig the elections.

The mandate of the opposition team, said the government, is to push the "concocted" line that the President Muhammadu Buhari Administration planned to rig the polls.

It alleged that the opposition had become desperate to seek victory by subterfuge. Besides, the government accused a presidential candidate of having suspicious meetings with some envoys.

Information and Culture Minister Lai Mohammed revealed: "the latest intelligence" at the disposal of the government at a briefing attended by many local and international media.

Mohammed said the opposition was doing everything possible, including instigating widespread violence as well as relentless attacks on key institutions, to discredit the forthcoming elections.

He said the opposition was already predicting carnage in the event of the President's victory.

His words: "With just 12 days to the 2019 election, we have called this press conference to alert Nigerians to the evil machinations of the opposition, which is not campaigning to win the election – because they know they can't win a free, fair and peaceful election – but are busy planning how to scuttle or discredit it

"Recall that on Monday, January 21, 2019, we alerted the nation, also via a press conference, to the plot by some opposition elements to scuttle the 2019 general elections by instigating widespread violence across the country. Of course, we didn't just make this up. It was based on credible intelligence.

"We revealed that the plan to scuttle the polls is part of moves to push the nation into a constitutional crisis, with the plotters hoping they can leverage on that to push for an interim government.  When we raised the alarm, the opposition dismissed it. Of course, they were shocked to have been found out, so we understand their panic reaction.

"To underscore the seriousness of our alert, a week after our press conference, the National Security Adviser (NSA) met with state governors to also inform them of this same plan to scuttle the polls via widespread violence. As I said at my last press conference, the alarm we raised is based on credible intelligence.

"Today, still based on credible intelligence, we can reveal that the opposition is moving a step further. They are working hard to discredit the forthcoming election before, during and after the polls.

"Specifically, they are sending a delegation to some Western capitals, including London, Brussels and Washington, DC, to push the concocted line that the Buhari administration has perfected the plan to rig the polls. They are therefore pushing for a rejection of the results if the President wins re-election. They are also predicting carnage in the event of the President's victory."

Responding to a question, Mohammed said: "There is nowhere there is any insinuation that the Federal Government has lost confidence in the international community. I think, less we are misunderstood, we never say the opposition is hobnobbing with the international community.

"The opposition parties have decided to, instead of facing their campaigns, resort to international blackmail. We have seen a particular presidential candidate having some suspicious meetings with some envoys.

"When we have credible intelligence that the opposition is going to carry out some sinister actions, the best and most effective way is to go public."

Asked which of the 73 political parties contesting the presidential race is behind this "plot", the minister said: "There is PDP, CUPP and their allies."

Mohammed alleged that the opposition had been using a "nebulous" group, the Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP), to push its agenda.

He described CUPP as nothing more than a reincarnated Association for Better Nigeria (ABN), which was employed to scuttle Nigeria's widely-acclaimed freest presidential election in 1993.

Said Mohammed: "Already, they have started flying the rigging kite domestically. They have been engaging in incendiary rhetoric and in making outlandish claims, using several fronts, including the nebulous Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) which, by the way, is nothing more than a reincarnated Association for Better Nigeria (ABN). Of course, you all know the role that the ABN played in the failed 1993 political transition process.

"They have targeted, for attack, the two key institutions that are most critical to the success of the election: the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and the Police. They have used every malleable and malicious personality to make wild allegations against INEC.

"Their strategy is simple: discredit the election even before it is held, and continue during and after the polls with a view to convincing the West – which they believe they have won to their side, using lobbyist-propelled propaganda – that the election is not credible."

Mohammed attributed the "desperation" of the opposition to the emerging electoral reality that they might lose the presidential poll.

He added: "Some may ask: why would the opposition go to this length? The answer is simple: They know, and are convinced, that they cannot win free, fair, credible and peaceful polls. The handwriting is on the wall for all discerning people to see.

"While President Buhari has received warm and genuine reception and adulation from huge crowds everywhere he has gone to campaign, their candidate has been exposed to apathetic and thinning crowds! Their numbers just don't add up!"

But he restated the commitment of the President to a free and fair poll.

"On our part, we as an Administration, we are undaunted by their antics, even though we believe it is necessary to expose their evil plans – as we have been doing – to the world. President Muhammadu Buhari has repeatedly stated his commitment to ensuring a free, fair and violence-free election.

"He has no doubt – based on testimonies of change from Nigerians – that the achievements of his Administration, in the three cardinal areas of fighting corruption, revamping the economy and fighting insecurity, will speak for him at the polls. He did not rig his way into office and has no need to rig now that he is in office.

The Minister urged Nigerians and the international community to beware of the antics of the opposition.

"We are, therefore, compelled to alert Nigerians and the global community to the following:

"The desperate opposition is doing everything possible, including instigating widespread violence as well as relentless attacks on key institutions, to discredit the forthcoming election. They know they will lose the election, but they want victory by subterfuge.

"To further their plan, the opposition is dispatching a 10-member delegation to some Western capitals, including London, Brussels and Washington, DC, to sell the idea that the Buhari Administration has perfected the plan to rig the election. They have no empirical basis for the idea they are pushing, beyond relying on exploiting the nation's 'fault lines' of religion, ethnicity and regionalism.
"The opposition is approaching the election with an incredible level of desperation. In this regard, they have activated their own version of the infamous Association for Better Nigeria (ABN), under the guise of CUPP, to engage in unrestrained rabble-rousing and frivolous court cases. Of course, the activities of CUPP in recent times are there for all to see, even though the coalition seems to be a very poor imitation of the original ABN.

"The Buhari Administration is committed to free, fair, credible and peaceful polls. We are glad that local and international observers are already fully mobilized to monitor the election.

"We call on all Nigerians to be vigilant as we begin the final countdown to the election. Eternal vigilance, as the saying goes, is the price of liberty. We must not allow desperate politicians to crash our democracy on the altar of their personal – and sometimes inordinate – ambition!"

In a swift reaction, the spokesman for the PDP, Kola Ologbondiyan said: "Each time the Minister of Information, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, comes out to make allegations, he does so in a composite way that leaves no one in doubt about the plan they have already made.

"We can demonstrate this with his recent alarm, wherein he claimed that members of the opposition were bringing in people from the Niger Republic to cause mayhem in the country.

"And behold, who brought in people from the Niger Republic for election campaign in Kano? It's President Buhari and the All Progressives Congress.

"As far as the PDP is concerned, all we are asking for is a free, fair, credible, clean, clear and transparent election that will be acceptable to the majority of Nigerians. That's all we seek and that's all we ask for.

"If Alhaji Lai Mohammed and his co-travellers in the APC and the Buhari Presidency have other plans, the PDP is unaware. . . like President Buhari."

In This Story:#LaiMohammed #MuhammaduBuhari #APC #PDP #INEC

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Nola Black, the emerging Nigerian womenswear label that embodies balance and harmony

Posted: 05 Feb 2019 12:09 AM PST

Nola Black
We will never not get excited about new fashion brands and Nola Black is certainly one that has peaked our interest.

Having been spotted on stars like Eku Edewor and Stephanie Coker, both veritable fashion girls, we know that Nola Black is a label that we NEED to know.

Nola Black, launched by Arinola Olowoporoku, is an emerging womenswear label that challenges the norms of the Nigerian fashion industry with it's interesting silhouettes and a unusually muted colour palette.

The label, who deals mostly with a monochrome aesthetic, creates bold and expressive pieces which are made to stand out. Not for the faint-hearted, it's a brand that celebrates what it means to be a women and play around with fashion in the most authentic way.

According to their Instagram, the brand aims to embody contraries, a direct reference to their penchant for black and white pieces.

Nola Black is a label for fashion-forward women who want to make statements with their pieces. The colour palette makes Nola Black versatile, easy to style and transitional; what more could one want in a brand?!

On their website, the label writes:

Nola Black is a Nigerian-based Contemporary Womenswear Brand.
For modern ladies and women, Nola Black offers high quality, finely
finished premium garments solely in black and white, to provide a combination of
contemporary quirkiness, transcendent artistic style with a thoroughly practical appeal.

The core of the brand and its aesthetics transcends into every aspect and association, which emphasizes harmony, counter-balance and duality in a dynamic system. Nola Black is a lifestyle brand that provides its customers with pristine yet soulful black and white pieces.

The soul/essence of Nola Black seeks to finding balance in all extremes and creating a harmony in an existing system. We offer fashion with a focus, providing quirky and peculiar fashion for the modern woman, representing the times, the woman of now. We aim to include women in our story of balance and harmony not just in fashion but as an ideology in life. Nola Black is an acquired taste for the woman with peculiar needs and wants in her fashion, lifestyle and life choices.

In This Story: #NolaBlack #NigerianWomenswear #label #BalanceAndHarmony
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CCT insists on Onnoghen’s appearance

Posted: 05 Feb 2019 12:06 AM PST

Walter Onnoghen
SUSPENDED Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) Walter Onnoghen must appear in person before the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) before any further businesses could be conducted in the case pending against him, tribunal Chairman Danladi Umar insisted yesterday.

Umar gave the directive at the resumption of proceedings in the case involving the CJN, shortly before agreeing to the request by parties for adjournment till February 13.

He said: "Under the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA), a defendant, who is served with a charge and represented by lawyers, must take his plea before raising any objection.

"The defendant has continued to stay away from this tribunal. I am going to grant this adjournment at the instance of the prosecution and defence, but must state that the defendant must attend court at the next adjourned date so that all the issues would be resolved in his presence."

The CJN is accused of violating the code of conduct for public officers by allegedly failing to declare some of his assets.

At the commencement of yesterday's proceedings, an official of the tribunal noted that the defendant was absent.

Lead prosecuting lawyer Aliyu Umar (SAN) said the case was adjourned till February 4 for the arraignment of the defendant and the hearing of pending applications.

But the lead defence lawyer, Adegboyega Awomolo (SAN), said he had a discussion with the prosecutor to allow his application for adjournment in view of some recent developments in the case.

Awomolo said: "We filed a process this morning, indicating that the Minister of Justice & Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF) forwarded a petition to the National Judicial Council (NJC). It is the same petition that was forwarded to the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) that founded the complaint before this tribunal."

He added that the NJC has, in the exercise of its powers, forwarded the petition to the suspended CJN for his comment within seven days.

The senior advocate noted that the seven days given Justice Onnoghen to respond to the petition will lapse tomorrow.

Awomolo expressed optimism that the NJC will meet shortly after receiving Justice Onnoghen's response and take a position on the issue.

He added:  "Our application is that the proceedings be further adjourned to prevent the defendant from suffering double jeopardy. Parties are ready to argue the pending applications, but in the interest of justice and due process, we seek an adjournment to enable the NJC take a decision.

"No harm will be done to the res (subject). The integrity of this tribunal will be enhanced if this application is granted and the NJC will be afforded time to take a decision in this matter."

Umar admitted engaging in discussion with Awomolo before the tribunal commenced sitting.

The CCT chair said he was not opposing an application for adjournment, but that his decision to agree to the request for adjournment was not because the AGF forwarded the petition to the NJC.

The prosecution lawyer hinted about the possibility of the charge being withdrawn by the AGF, in the exercise of his power. He said it was within the discretion and power of the AGF to discontinue the proceedings.

Umar noted that the defendant was not in court. He said: "If, on the next adjourned date the defendant is not here, I may be compelled to exercise the power conferred on me by making the necessary application."

At the conclusion of Umar's submission, Awomolo stood up to further address the tribunal. He barely spoke when Umar interjected and said the tribunal was not ready to further entertain any submission, but that it will proceed to hear pending applications.

The CCT chair said by his conduct, Awomolo was encouraging delay in court proceedings, an observation the lead defence lawyer objected to.

Awomolo said the tribunal chairman was not fair to him by accusing him of encouraging delay. Awomolo was yet to conclude his statement when Umar asked him to sit down.

Again, Awomolo said it was wrong for the tribunal's chairman to address him that way, arguing that the practice was the exchange of mutual respect between the Bench and the Bar.

Awomolo said he had been at the Bar for about 42 years. He added: "I respect you as the chairman of the tribunal; you have to respect me too. You cannot order me to sit down."

The tribunal's chairman ignored his protest and maintained his position that pending applications be heard.

Umar said: "Whether you take exception or not, the fact remains that you must move your application. Do you think we are here to play? We mean business here."

The pronouncement by the tribunal chairman angered Awomolo, who noted that it was wrong for the tribunal to seek to compel parties to proceed with their case even when they have agreed to an adjournment.

At that point, temper rose, as the tribunal's chairman and Awomolo stuck to their positions. The prosecuting lawyer intervened to prevent further degeneration of the situation.
Umar (the prosecuting lawyer) stood up and sought a brief stand down for tempers to simmer, a request the tribunal acceded to.

At the resumption of proceedings about 30 minutes later, Awomolo apologised to the tribunal for the rise in temper and the altercation experienced earlier.

The lead prosecuting lawyer (Umar) also apologised on behalf of the Bar. He said the altercation was unnecessary.

The second member of the tribunal, William Agwadza Atedze, called for the understanding of all and advised that parties in the case of exercise patience.

In his intervention, the CCT chair said he was ready to grant the adjournment agreed to by both the prosecution and defence, but that the defendant must be present on the next adjourned date.

He said: "By the provision of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA), it was wrong for a defendant to raise an objection without first pleading to the charge."

The Court of Appeal in Abuja yesterday fixed February 12 for the hearing of three appeals filed by Justice Onnoghen in relation to the case before the CCT.

The appellate court chose the date upon request by lawyers to the suspended CJN.

The appeals are challenging the January 14 ruling of the tribunal electing to hear the applications pending before it; its ruling, refusing to be bound by the order of the Federal High Court and the National Industrial Court; and the ex-parte order on which President Muhammadu Buhari acted in suspending Justice Onnoghen.

In This Story:#WalterOnnoghen #CCT #WilliamAgwadza #MuhammaduBuhari #DanladiUmar

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Disruption of polls won’t be tolerated, COAS warns

Posted: 05 Feb 2019 12:02 AM PST

Lt.General Tukur Buratai

THOSE plotting to disrupt the forthcoming elections yesterday got the yellow card from the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt. Gen. Tukur Buratai.

He warned that the military will deal decisively with local and foreign elements who try to subvert the polls billed for February 16 and March 2.

The COAS, however, warned personnel to remain apolitical and professionally responsive in the discharge of their constitutional duties, especially during the elections.

According to Lt. Gen. Buratai, the Army has received information about plans by some unpatriotic groups within the country alongside some foreign collaborators to scuttle the peaceful conducts of the coming elections in some parts of the country.

The COAS flashed the yellow card at the opening of the Chief of Army Staff Operations Conference at the Army Headquarters Command Mess, Abuja.

Lt. Gen Buratai said: "Let me at this point state that we have information of subversive motives by some unpatriotic groups aided by foreign conspirators to scuttle the peaceful conduct of the 2019 General Elections in some parts of the country.

"We hereby warn such detractors to immediately mend their ways. The Nigerian Army is working closely with the Nigeria Police and other security agencies to ensure an enabling environment for the good citizens of our dear country to exercise their civic rights.

"In this regard, GOCs and field Commanders at all levels are to deal decisively with any form of security breach."

The COAS, who warned participants at the conference which comprise of General Officers Commanding, (GOC) Principal Staff Officers (PSO) and selected Commanders, said any army personnel who take side with any candidate or political party during the elections would be shown the way out of the service.

He: "Over the past one year, I have given very clear directives on the posture the Nigerian Army (NA) should adopt during the 2019 general elections. The need for the NA to remain apolitical and professionally responsive in the discharge of its constitutional roles has been stressed. All NA personnel must remain neutral, non-partisan and transparent in all their actions.

"I need to reiterate that there will be zero tolerance for any action and in-action by commanders at all levels that is deemed tilted towards giving undue advantage to any candidate, political party, ethnic or religious leanings to the detriment of the unity and integrity of Nigeria.

"This includes knowingly or unknowingly receiving any form of inducement from politicians or other entities, be it public or private.  GOCs and Field Commanders at all levels are to warn all officers and soldiers under their command to remain forthright and not in any way deviate from the professional ethics of the Nigerian Army.

"I urge you all to remind officers and soldiers under command to be guided by the stipulated Code of Conduct and rules of engagement in the discharge of their duties during the Elections.

"We will all recall some of the events of the 2015 general elections which subsequently led to the sad exit of some fine officers, who were found culpable. I, therefore, enjoin you all to impress on your personnel to avoid a repeat of such occurrences."

In This Story:#COAS #NigerianArmy #TukurBuratai  #2019Election

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Kunle Afolayan’s ‘Mokalik’ trailer is a classic for an upcoming movie

Posted: 05 Feb 2019 12:00 AM PST

Kunle Afolayan's 'Mokalik' trailer
After a series of teasers for Kunle Afolayan's upcoming movie, 'Mokaliki' the official trailer premiered on Friday, February 1, 2019.

Featuring music star, Simi and Big Brother Naija ex-housemate, Tobi Bakre, the movie is scheduled for cinema release in 2019.

Written by Tunde Babalola and directed by Kunle Afolayan, the film is set in an automobile repair workshop (mechanic village) and follows the story of a young boy, who decides to find his path in life as an apprentice at the automobile repair workshop.

Ayo Ogunshina, Dayo Akinpelu, Femi Adebayo, Ayo Adesanya, Lateef Adedimeji, Fathia Williams, Damilola Ogunsi, Charles Okocha, Jumoke George, and Olayiwola Razaq all starred in the movie.

'Mokalik' follows the career of an 11-year-old boy, Jaiye, from the middle-class suburbs who spends the day as a lowly apprentice at a mechanic workshop in order to view life from the other side of the tracks.

When his father arrives to take him home; Jaiye has to make up his mind if he wants to return to school or take on his apprenticeship full time.

'Mokalik' will, not only, bring to life relatable humour but also mirrors the world of local automobile repairers and the people around them. For example, the audience will definitely immediately relate with a scene where a young boy crushing on an older lady asks if she will ever marry a mechanic.

 In This Story: #KunleAfolayan #MokalikTrailer #ClassicUpcomingMovie

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Atiku paid his way into the US, says report

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 11:58 PM PST

Atiku Abubakar
A TEMPORARY suspension of a travel ban linked to decade-old bribery scandals paved the way for the former vice president and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential candidate Atiku Abubakar to make his Washington DC trip last month, a report in Reuters said yesterday.

The report quoted diplomats and those with the trip.

It (report) said several U.S. diplomats and others familiar with the visit told the news service that Atiku, has been banned from entering the United States (U.S.) after he allegedly featured in two prominent corruption-related investigations.

Atiku's visit to Washington was put together with the help of two U.S. lobbying firms. Holland & Knight. The firms were hired by Atiku personally in December to help him secure a visa, in part by enlisting members of Congress to request one on his behalf, according to a lobbyist for the firm. It has been paid $80,000 so far, the report said.

Ballard Partners was hired by the PDP at a rate of $90,000 per month in September, before Atiku emerged as the party's candidate, according to U.S. disclosure filings.

The Nation, in a January 24 report titled: "APC enraged over PDP's N388m U.S. lobbying deal", said that the opposition party had voted huge cash to push its ongoing lobbying in the U.S.

In the report, former Aviation Minister Osita Chidoka said the contract was designed to "promote free and fair elections".

For Atiku's supporters believed that his visit to the U.S. on Jan. 17 and 18 without being arrested showed that the allegations were baseless.

"It is fake news, and we showed that," said Harold Molokwu, who heads the U.S. chapter of Atiku's People's Democratic Party of Nigeria.

Several U.S. government officials said the travel ban was waived temporarily by the U.S. State Department after lobbyists mounted a campaign among congressional lawmakers arguing that the administration should not snub the leading challenger to President Muhammadu Buhari in the Feb. 16 election.

A source said Atiku was allowed to enter the U.S. because the authorities saw no need to antagonise him.

In This Story:#AtikuAbubakar #TravelBan #HaroldMolokwu #MuhammaduBuhari #U.Sgovernment

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Timaya: The tracklist to the dancehall superstar's upcoming EP has officially been released

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 11:30 PM PST

Timaya has shared the tracklist to his new project, titled, Chulo Vibes.

The singer who remains one of the most consistent names on the scene since his emergence over a decade ago is set to come through with a new EP for 2019.

The 9-track EP is expected to be released on Friday, February 8, 2019 with the lead single, 'Balance' and its accompanying visuals already out.

This was announced on the singer's Instagram page on Monday with the caption, "CHULO VIBES" 4 Days to go.''

The EP will feature guest appearances from the likes of Burna Boy, Tanzanian singer Alikiba and Trinidad and Tobago dancehall star Machel montano.

This will be Timaya's seventh official studio project and his first since he released his Epiphany album in 2014.

In This Story: #Timaya #UpcomingEP #released

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Four Nollywood actors were among the 5,000 Nigerians that auditioned for the 2019 Big Brother Naija season 4.

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 11:30 PM PST

According to Pulse.ng who authoritatively reported that 'The Johnsons' actor, Olumide Oworu, Yoruba actor, Joseph Jaiyeoba, fast-rising actors, Emem Ufot, and Joshua Richard, were spotted at the audition venue.

Pulse investigation revealed that the actors showed up at the Lagos audition venue, Edmark D'Podium events center on Friday, February 1, 2019.

Olumide and Ufot were spotted making their way to the final round of the auditioning process at about 1:45 pm on Friday, February 1, 2019, after being spotted at different times on the long queue.

Richard was and Jaiyeoba were spotted on the queue at a different time while some upcoming comedians were also spotted at the audition process.

Pulse cannot confirm if any of the actors made it through the auditioning.

Previous editions of Big Brother Naija and Big Brother Africa had comedians and actors as housemates.

The late singer, Goldie, actor, Uti Nwachukwu, Karen Igho, and Ifu Ennada are ex-housemates of Big Brother.

In the last and third edition of the Big Brother Naija, a fast-rising comedian, Dee One, was a housemate.

In This Story: #4NollywoodActors  #Nigerians #Auditioned2019BigBrotherNaija #Season4

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SOURCE: Pulse.ng

Emeka Ike has shared with fans the new woman in his life and we think she is fine shaa

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 11:00 PM PST

Emeka Ike has a new lover and she is fine
Emeka Ike has a new lover and he isn't even hiding it from the world after some of their photos on social dropped.

The veteran actor took to his Instagram page on Sunday, February 3, 2019, where he shared photos from her birthday and had some really cute words to say to the celebrant.

"Happy Birthday my Love🎂🍷🍾LLNP ... trust nija kitchens 🍅🍉🥧 l bet u having fun🍇 its ur day....my one and only. My peace my joy ...@yolandacurvysupermodel17 ❤❤❤❤❤," he captioned the photos.

Emeka Ike and his mystery lady
We guess no one saw this coming as Emeka Ike has always kept his love life away from the media. We love this beautiful love story and maybe we are going to have another celebrity wedding in 2019...fingers crossed.

However, his failed marriage to former wife, Emma was one of the messiest celebrity marriage collapses ever covered. It was filled with so much drama and counter-accusations from both quarters.

All you need to know about Emeka Ike's messy divorce

In 2017, Emeka Ike spent a better part of the year battling his estranged wife Emma in a messy divorce scandal. In 2015 the actor's wife, Suzanne Emma filed for a divorce on the allegation of domestic violence leading to the end of their marriage. Emeka Ike had earlier denied the divorce rumours.

Fast forward to March 2017, a Lagos Island Customary Court finally dissolved the marriage. The panel dissolved the marriage in judgment following a petition filed by Suzanne.

"From all evidence before the court, the marriage between the couple had broken down, and it is irreconcilable, consequently, the marriage is hereby dissolved," said the court.

The court then proceeded to grant Emeka the custody of their four children but ordered that Suzanne should be granted unhindered access to them. Emeka Ike is yet to sign the divorce documents as he says he wants to clear his name which his estranged wife is already tarnishing. The actor while granting an interview with Punch, made some shocking revelation about his wife's antecedence while they were married.

In This Story: #EmekaIke #Fans #NewWoman #Divorce

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Kendall Jenner strips to nothing but heels and gloves for Vogue Italia editorial

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 10:30 PM PST

She's the supermodel of the Jenner/ Kardashian clan and Kendall Jenner lands yet another cover with coveted Vogue Italia.

The 23 yr old model looked sensational on the cover with her hair in black curls, bold blue eye shadow, a floral gown and a signature seductive pose.

Kendall Jenner showed off why she was voted one of the highest paid supermodels in the world and why she's of the most coveted young models in the fashion industry as she stripped off for a very sexy editorial.

In a newly unveiled spread for Vogue Italia, the stunning model is pictured completely naked except for a pair yellow rubber gloves, nude pantyhose and white stilettos. Kendall looks over her should seductively as she stares directly into the camera.

The second youngest of the infamous Kardashian/Jenner family shows off her petite, toned physique and as she stands in a doorway with a defiant hand on the frame.

Her dark locks were styled in a retro up-do and she wears a full face of bold makeup and little else.

The photos, taken by highly-respected fashion photographer Mert Alas , of fashion duo Mert and Marcus fame were revealed on Instagram over the weekend and sent fans of the model into a tizzy.

Kendall, who has faced lots of criticism over the span of her career, has shown no sign of slowing down despite the backlash. With numerous Vogue covers under her belt and brand campaigns including a new one with Stuart Weitzman, Kendall is concentrating on securing the bag.

In This Story: #KendallJenner #Strips #Heels #Gloves #VogueItaliaEditorial

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Fandom is allowed in music but there must be a limit to its madness

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 10:00 PM PST

Fandom on Wizkid and Davido
''Fandom is not a cult, but cultism has come out of fandom,''... Scotland Yard.

#WorldWizkidDay is the number one trending topic on Twitter Nigeria, today, February 4, 2019, but does anyone know exactly what is being celebrated?

The moment I saw the hashtag trending, I had to check again if by some blip of nature [We do have constant rain now in January, so anything seems possible], that Wizkid's birthday had 'moonwalked' from July to February, but Google confirms otherwise.

The talented singer who is arguably Nigeria's most prized asset both at home and on the international scene has consistently popped up as a trending topic on Twitter in the past few days and this is not for any reason created by him.

His last post on his Twitter page was on January 3rd when he announced he was going on a break, since then there has been no new music from him, nor feature, with his only recent activity being a concert in Mali on Sunday night.

So what exactly is the WorldWizkidDay hashtag about?

Nothing actually, just excited fans eulogizing the pop star and listing out his achievements, both factual and imagined, to spite those they consider his rivals.

Popular musicians across the world have been able to inspire a bubbly fan base, that becomes pre-eminent especially when there is a rival star.

Fandom is not a culture totally alien to the Nigerian music industry, as witnessed with the likes of Fuji legends, Kollington Ayinla and Sikiru Ayinde Barrister in the late 80s and the fan base of Eedris Abdulkareem and Ruggedman in the early 2000s, but that of Wizkid fans, popularly called Wizkid FC are proving to be a totally different breed.

Fandoms and how they work

Across the world, fans usually find a way to come together and show their support, creating a community, online and outside it, discussing their interest in the music or love for a particular celebrity and engaging with 'like minds' on both individual and collective basis.

These superstars appeal to a large audience of teenagers or young adults in their early twenties who celebrate their every feat and are not modest to identify with their favorite celebrities or their art.

The internet and social media have in recent times further blown the 'relevance' of a fan base, empowering them and changing the balance of play in how this relationship plays out.

Platforms like Twitter and Instagram have seen music appreciation and celebrity followership grow at an unprecedented rate in the last decade.

There is now direct accessibility to one's idol, with the celebrities interacting more with their followers and even doing giveaways on occasions and simple acts like a follow-back or a responsive tweet/comment serve as some form of validation to the course.

Fans are now building relationships across geographic boundaries. Blogs, fan forums, and other online communities are hubs by which enthusiasts now dissect not just the music but the lives of the celebrities.

Subsequently, we have seen the rise of fan bases for artists like Beyonce's 'BeyHive', Ariana Grande's 'Arianators', Nicki Minaj's 'Barbies' and even Lady Gaga's 'Little Monsters' who are quite commanding when topics surrounding their idols are discussed online.

Fandom is a thing, every notable artist has them, some passive, others quit dominant.
The extreme and dangerous sides to Fandom

In 2000, from his Marshall Matters LP, Eminem allowed us into the world of an obsessed fan and how extremism can naturally escalate to something much more dangerous.

The energy the fans share when they play an active role in the art is always a beautiful thing to watch.

In sports, 'trash talk' is a thing at stadiums and when you hear rival fans singing at a game, throwing bants, you can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline towards the club or athlete you support. As long as it never crosses the lines of bants, it is always fine.

Emotional connection and fan praise is fundamental to any public person. And these emotions should fairly not be used only in times of successes or chart-topping feats, it is also allowed when fans share their unhappiness or regrets at the actions of the celebrities.

But to everything in life, there are restrictions and when these impulses take a rather aggressive, intolerant, gung-ho and not giving room for contradictory opinions stance, then it becomes a problem where if not properly handled can lead to a violent and dangerous situation.

Of particular interest on this subject are the fan bases of the two most prominent pop artists in recent times, Wizkid and Davido.

A number of their fan bases exist for various reasons, why there are some that are sincerely committed to supporting the artists and sharing his/her music, there are others with selfish reasons, solely created to benefit from the popularity.

These fanbases are the very large and vociferous bunch and the rivalry that ran for a couple of years between them has also festered some rabid and insensitive traits in the fanatics.

We have had a situation where members from both camps reportedly engaged in a physical clash during the 2017 One Africa Music festival in Dubai.

Recently on social media, we have seen a section of these fans 'attack' individuals, bullying and harassing people, calling them names and shutting down any opinion they do not agree with.

There is a special and heinous fury piled in veiled warnings hidden in a series of tweets that are reserved for anyone with a contrary opinion.

To almost every rebuttal, there is a sly threat and these threats are becoming real even outside the cyberspace.

While the fandom culture is one a bad thing in itself, we should, however, be careful not to promote its notoriety or allow it to become a tool for violence.

Being a fan involves affection and emotions, which at times as humans can go overdrive but it should come with some rein especially when the tendencies can lead to harm, abuse, online bully or even savagery .

Passion can no longer be excused for stupidity and the harassment that now takes place on a more prominent basis.

A lid needs to be placed on this unchecked entitlement that only you have a right to like an artist or your preferred artist should always be the 'Lord of the Manor' and where the occasion arises, the celebrities also have a responsibility to step in and call their fans into order. 

In This Story: #Fandom #Fan #Madness #MusicIndustry

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Bimbo Ademoye: My father took me to my first audition

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 09:30 PM PST

Actress Bimbo Ademoye
The actress made the revelation on her birthday, Monday, February 4, 2019.
'My dad fully supported me. He even took me to my first audition. I mean, my dad raised me alone as he was a single father; so, it was the only opinion that mattered and he was in full support,' the award-winning actress said.

Speaking further, 2018 Best Supporting Actress at the Best Of Nollywood said, ' I've always had the passion for acting since I was a kid. It just had to be acting. I started by going for auditions. I went for every audition that I heard of and could find. Eventually, I got discovered by the amazing Uduak Isong-Oguamanam. The first movie I acted in was a short film by Eva George titled, 'Where Talent Lies.'

The most challenging movie I've worked on is titled, 'All Shades of Wrong.' I had to play a rape victim. That's definitely not me but I'm glad it came out well,' she said.

The 'Personal Assistant' star looks forward to working with Genevieve Nnaji.

In This Story: #BimboAdemoye #Father #FirstAudition

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Toke Makinwa: “I want to fall sooooooo deeply in love”

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 09:00 PM PST

Toke Makinwa has a number of things she desires and it includes falling in love.
Today on Toke Makinwa giving us some dose of her relationship desires, her sole wish right now is to fall deeply in love.
The media personality made this known via her Instagram page on Monday, February 4, 2019. In her post, she prayed not just to fall in love but achieve other set goals.

"I want to fall sooooooo deeply in love, make lots and lots and lots of money, travel the world, discover new places and see the world 🌎, have some Bambinos, serve God and glow till eternity ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨⚡️⚡️🔥💥☄️#everythinggoodwillcome #Onbecomingmore #Iambecomingmore," she wrote.

We feel like Toke Makinwa is an unapologetic romantic and she is never shy to say it.
Toke Makinwa says she is no longer into dark-skinned men
She always quick to say the kind of things she desires in life and kind of find it really genuine and cool.

In This Story: #TokeMakinwa #WantsToFallDeeplyInLove

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Rivers 2019: Tonye Cole Speaks As Appeal Court Grants Stay Of Execution Order Request By APC

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 10:05 AM PST

Mr. Tonye Patrick Cole

Mr. Tonye Patrick Cole, the Governorship candidate of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in Rivers State, has reacted to a court ruling ordering a stay of execution of the judgment of the Federal High Court, stopping the party from fielding candidates in all elections in the state.

Reacting, Cole in a statement he personally signed on Monday, expressed gratitude to God.

While commending the ruling of the court, Cole described the order as a 'victory for the people of Rivers state.

He also noted that steps have been taken to ensure that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), was served with the ruling, Daily Post reports.

He said: "I just want to take a minute to thank the Almighty God for his grace upon us all. I know without Him, this would be totally impossible. We were up against it. We still are but our God who has been with us throughout this journey will see us to the end.

"I want to spare a thought for the brave judges and the entire judiciary for simply standing firm on the side of justice. We have faith in you. To all our supporters and leaders in the APC, I want to say a big thank you for keeping the faith. The times have been tough – I know, but you have showed that with God, we are already winners.

"To my Rivers people, fear not. Nothing good comes easy. This is but one giant step to the Promised Land.

"We have taken immediate steps to serve INEC by tomorrow with the ruling which will see APC back on the ballot box in time for the elections."

In This Story: #TonyeCole #APCRivers #INEC #AppealCourt

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JUST IN: Protest At The US Embassy Over Judiciary

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 06:57 AM PST

Presently, there is an ongoing protest by CSOs and well meaning Nigerians on the purported illegal detention of Prince Adeyanju Deji, the convener of a NGO, Concerned Nigerians who was arrested for protesting against the partisan activities of security operatives in Nigeria.

Upon his rearrest over a case he had earlier been acquitted by the court, many civil society organizations and human rights agencies has called for his unconditionall release which has come to indicate that the present administration has obvious disdain for the rule of law.

The ongoing protest at the US embassy is to further strengthen the call for respect for the rule of law and release of Deji as it is no crime to speak up against a government that does not seek to follow due process.

In This Story: #ProtestAtUSEmbassy #Judiciary

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BREAKING: Proceedings At CCT Trial Of CJN Suspended Abruptly

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 06:42 AM PST

Justice Walter Onnoghen

Proceedings at the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT), in the case against the suspended Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Walter Onnoghen has been brought to an abrupt end to allow temper to seamer in view of the hot exchanges between tribunal Chairman, Danladi Umar and lead counsel for the defence, Adegboyega Awomolo (SAN).

Trouble started when the tribunal Charman insisted that proceedings must continue despite agreement, by lawyer to the prosecution, Aluyu Umar (SAN) and Awomolo, that the case be adjourned to a later date in view of some recent developments in the case.

Rather than rule on the joint position presented by lawyers to the parties, the tribunal Chairman insisted on proceeding to hearing pending applications, The Nation reports.

While Awomolo stood up to appeal to tribunal Chairman to consider the position presented by lawyers to the prosecution and defence, for an adjournment, Umar ordered Awomolo to sit down.

He accused the defence lawyer of encouraging delay and waste of time, observation Awomolo objected to and told the tribunal Chairman that it was wrong today such things about him.

While Awomolo spoke, complaining about the way the tribunal Chairman described him, Umar said he was not bothered, but was only interested in continuing with the case.

At that point, the prosecution lawyer sought for a short stand down, which was granted.

In This Story: #CCT #CJN #JusticeOnnoghen #DanladiUmar #AdegboyegaAwomolo #AluyuUmar

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JUST IN: Buhari Will Be Defeated – Shiites Declares

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 06:03 AM PST


The Islamic Movement in Nigeria (Shiites) on Monday declared that President Muhammadu Buhari was on his way out of office.

"Buhari can feel the inevitable defeat coming his way, so the desperate attempt by the administration to cause chaos so that the elections will not hold, at the same time becloud its brutal and inhuman Saudi-sponsored Zaria genocide that resulted in the brutal death of 1000+ innocent children, women and men in Zaria in December 2015", IMN spokesman, Ibrahim Musa, said in a statement on Monday, Daily Post reports.

IMN also alerted that it had obtained a secret circular written by the Department of State Service (DSS) which was dispatched to all Service Chiefs, Inspector General of Police and heads of other security agencies.

It said the DSS, in the memo, urged them to take aggressive stance against the Islamic sect.

The letter reads in part: "Intelligence availed to this service revealed plans by the leadership of IMN to mobilise its membership in large numbers for a massive protest and other hostile activities, including the use of explosives and firearms in the days ahead. It was gathered that the group intends to besiege some major Northern cities and towns in Kano, Kaduna, Sokoto and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) for the planned attack.

"The planned attack is to be carried out in league with members of the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), some opposition elements and a section of human rights movement, with a view to providing massive violence and attracting the attention of the International Community ahead of the 2019 general election."

Reacting, IMN, assured Nigerians and the international community that the allegation was malicious and unfounded, aimed at maligning the Movement with a view to painting it in bad light.

"There is no iota of truth in their claim, and it is just mere fabrication to justify the killing of members of the Movement ahead of February 16, Presidential election.

"We have said it several times that our protests are peaceful and have demonstrated that on the streets. All protest staged by the Islamic Movement in Nigeria are peaceful including the Free Zakzaky protest in Kaduna, Kano and the Federal capital city, Abuja.

"It is the Nigerian Army and Police that turn some of these peaceful protests violent by their attacks with live ammunition and in some cases battlefield weapons on peaceful protesters. The comprehensive revelation by the New York Times video on the Abuja Shia Massacre by the Elite presidential guard is a pointer to this fact.

"Not only that, it is on record that during the 2011 election violence, Sheikh Zakzaky and other members of the Islamic Movement did all they could to stop the violence and even gave refuge to victims of the senseless killings, as a demonstration of its peaceful nature and its belief in mutual understanding between people of different tribes, regions and religions.

"For a secret security service to now accuse us of planning violence is the height of the rot in its intelligence gathering and manufacturing systems.

"In view of the foregoing, we categorically reject the unprofessional, unintelligent and baseless allegations made by the DSS and confirm that we do not know the existence of or have any link what so ever with any group called Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) and we have no plan to besiege or attack any town, place or person."

In This Story: #Shiites #DSS #ISWAP #Buhari #SheikhZakzaky

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President Buhari Expresses Shock Over Death Of PDP Senator

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 05:49 AM PST

President Muhammadu Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari has expressed shock over the death of a former Senator of Nigeria, Senator Joseph Kennedy Waku.

The President has sent a condolences to the family of the Senator, who represented Benue North-West (1999-2003) and the government and people of Benue State.

Buhari recalls Waku's contributions to the growth of education when he served as Pro-Chancellor, Federal University of Technology, Akure.

President Buhari urges the children, friends and political associates of the late elder statesman to keep alive his commitment to the unity, peace and stability of not only Benue State but also the entire country.

He prays Almighty God to comfort the family and all those who mourn the septuagenarian and grant his soul eternal rest.

In This Story: #Buhari #JosephKennedyWaku

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JUST IN: PDP Senator Dies In United States

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 06:30 AM PST

Late Joseph Waku

A former Peoples Democratic Party, PDP Senator, Joseph Waku paases on at 72.  Waku, was a former Senator who represented Benue North West Constituency at the National Assembly in 1999 - 2003.

According to a report shared by newsmen, Waku died on Sunday after a brief illness.

The deceased was appointed to committees on Senate Services, Works and Housing, Health, Establishment, Water Resources (Chairman) and Privatization.

More details will follow later.......

In This Story: #JosephWaku #PDP #BenueNorthWestConstituency

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Man tired of waiting strips at audition centre #BBNaijaAuditions

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 05:30 AM PST

A Nigerian man tired of waiting, has stripped at the Big Brother Naija audition ongoing at different location across the country. The BBNaija Auditions kicked off off in several key cities in Nigeria today.

The sweaty Nigerian man who got tired of waiting to be let in, stripped at Big Brother Naija audition as he held on to the fence.

The Big Brother Naija audition has met with various criticism across many platforms today as young people trooped out in their thousands to try out their luck at the foremost reality TV game show in the country.

Lady jumps over fence at #BBNaijaAudition Lagos

In This Story: #ManStripsAtAuditionCentre #BBNaijaAuditions #Lagos

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2019 Presidency: Shiites Discloses Candidate It Will Vote For

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 05:19 AM PST


The Islamic Movement in Nigeria, IMN, also known as Shiites, has revealed that it never endorsed any presidential candidate.

The group further called on the general public to disregard the recent statement by one Amir Sadiq Muhammed, who paraded himself as the National Secretary of the movement, a position not known to IMN.

In a statement signed by a member of Resource Forum of IMN, Muhammad Ibrahim Gamawa, a copy of which was made available to reporters in Abuja on Sunday, Shiites said that no adherent of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky would ever support a party or any candidate that has taken it upon itself to wipe out Shia Muslims in the country.

Gamawa said that IMN wishes to draw the attention of the general public, especially political parties to be wary of fraudsters like Amir Sadiq Mohammed and others who might come their way again.

He said the movement had expressed readiness to support a candidate that believes in fairness and religious freedom.

"Ordinarily, this fraudster would have been ignored if he had not mentioned the Zaria and recent Abuja massacre planned and executed by men of the Nigerian Army of which the victims are one hundred per cent all followers of Sheikh Zakzaky.

"It is important for the general public to know that contrary to the five million votes the fraudster, Amir Sadiq Mohammed mentioned in the said report, the movement has more than eight million registered voters who would go out on the election day and cast their votes to the candidate that believes in justice, fairness and religious freedom.

"Furthermore, it is equally important to mention that we do not have anything against any political party in Nigeria, neither are we political group. It is pertinent to know that no adherent of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky will ever support a party or any candidate that has taken it upon himself to wipe out Shia Muslims in the country," he insisted.

In This Story: #Shiites #IslamicMovementofNigeria #SheikhZakzaky #2019Elections

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Ghanian Actress Haillie Sumney: Many African actors risk contracting STDs, HIV

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 05:00 AM PST

Ghanian Actress Haillie Sumney
Despite the fact that budding actress, Haillie Sumney, decided to quit her nursing career at the Riverside Hospital, USA, for acting in Africa, she seems not to have forgotten her background as a nurse.

During a chat with Saturday Beats, the rising star stated that from talking to her friends about sex-related issues, she had come to realise that a lot of African entertainers have a high risk of contracting STDs and HIV simply because they do not like to use condoms during sex.

"Many African actors stand the risk of contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV; I say this because African people can be very promiscuous and a lot of them do not believe in using condoms or using protection. They feel like they are 'supermen', and that HIV is not real.

"I have friends and I talk to them, especially my male friends and a lot of them say that they do not use protection because they do not like it and that is the only reason that they give. When you mention HIV, a lot of them act as if it does not exist. So I would say that a lot of them are susceptible to HIV and STDs.

"This is one of the reasons why I want to have a section for health on my television show; to educate the youth in a fun and laid back way. I also hope to have seminars, rallies and school visitations, where I would talk about these issues. It is a very big issue but we do not talk about it. We will go to hospitals; there are a lot of people dying of HIV. There are a lot of people that have HIV and do not even know that they are living with the virus because they have not tested themselves.

"As for me, I practise what I preach. My parents own a TV station in Ghana called Mission Africa TV and I will anchor a show there called, Vibe With Haillie, which is in the pipeline. It is a talk show that focuses on health-related topics, as I have that background. I would be giving health tips and discussing health issues as well as entertainment," she said.

Born to a Ghanaian mother and a French father, Sumney said though she loved her time as a nurse, she offered the course to please her parents.

"I offered to study nursing because of my parents. They did not really see my vision as an actress and initially, they wanted me to have a professional degree. I enjoyed nursing but it was not my true passion and when I got back home, I decided to chase my dream.

"I worked as a nurse for about two and a half years and I enjoyed taking care of people because I have a good heart. I worked at Riverside Hospital, which was not far from the university that I attended. I enjoyed the job, to be honest, but I felt it was not really my calling. I enjoyed it while it lasted," she said.

While asked to compare Nigerian and Ghanaian men, she simply said, "If I am going to compare Ghanaian men with Nigerian men, it will depend on what I am looking for. If I want 'wahala', headache and no rest of mind, then I would choose a Nigerian man, however, if I want to be taken good care of, I would choose a Nigerian man. Ghanaian men are very relaxed and sometimes they could be lazy. So, it depends on what I am looking for."

The actress, who has been shuttling between the US, Ghana, and Nigeria, also advised Africans desperate to leave their countries in search of greener pastures abroad.

"I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth, though I lived abroad for a long time and that is the mentality that most people have. When people hear that you are based abroad, they think that you are rich but you should see the way people are struggling abroad. For me to leave nursing and return to Africa; if it was so good, then why would I have left?

"Even if you are making money, it is spent on paying bills. The American system is all about paying bills and that is why I tell people who want to relocate abroad that they should just go to school and return to Africa because it is very easy to make it here than there. I say that they have a 'zombie' system whereby you would work like a robot and keep paying bills; to me, you cannot excel that way," she said.

In This Story: #AfricanActorsRiskContractingSTDs #HIV #Popular #GhanianActress #Haillie Sumney

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Omawumi reveals her special ritual before going on stage and why she still boards okada and keke

Posted: 04 Feb 2019 04:30 AM PST

Singer Omawumi
Star musician, Omawumi, has given an insight into some of the special things she does before going on stage to perform.The Itsekiri-born entertainer, who was shot to limelight through West African Idols in 2007, revealed  that unlike some others that would take all sorts of substances before each performance, she usually spent a few minutes to pray to God before going on stage.

According to the law graduate of Ambrose Ali University, Edo State, the strategy is her own special ritual and it has worked like magic for her over the years.

She said, "The rituals I perform before going on stage include prayers. I pray to God before every performance. It is a ritual I have carried out over the years and is working for me.

"I do not think entertainers should rely on anything, especially negative things before a performance because they could become dependent on such and the day those things are not available, it will affect their performance.

"People have indeed tried to cajole me into taking some substances before performing on stage but I politely turn such persons down."

Speaking further, the musician, who advocated for women to be saddled with more responsibilities in the society, encouraged young people to fully participate in the general elections through the exercising of their rights by voting for credible candidates.

According to her, it is the only way young people can have the Nigeria that they dream of.

Revealing that being a star hasn't changed that simple part of her, Omawumi said that to the surprise of many people, she still takes commercial motorcycles if the occasion demands that she does so.

"I still take Okada (commercial motorcycles) and Keke (commercial tricycles) if the occasion demands that I do so. That is how simple I am.

"Even though people may feel that as a celebrity I should not be doing that, I feel being a star mustn't stop me from living a normal life.

"I have never been one to be pressured by the fad. I do not easily conform to certain expectations, I live my life based on what I am convinced is the right thing to do at every point in time."

In This Story: #Omawumi #SpecialRitual #Stage #BoardsOkada #keke

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