Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

BREXIT TENSIONS, Human Trafficking in Caribbean,

Posted: 24 Mar 2019 11:23 AM PDT

Hillary and Jacinda working together; plan to disarm NZ.

& this: Apocalypse-fearing billionaires are shipping bunkers to New Zealand

Human Trafficking is Rife in The Caribbean "Coincidentally, It was just announced on March 19, 2019 that President Trump would be meeting with five Caribbean leaders at Mar-a-Lago on Friday March 22,"

meanwhile, in Cape Town: Lost Boys of Bird Island author not backing down on sex ring accusations

BREXIT TENSIONS: 'Questions Raised' As 10K Foreign Troops arrive in UK for 'major exercise' questions are being raised about the timing as tensions rise across Brexit Britannia over a perceived 'sellout' of the historic vote, that seems to have been betrayed. ... "But neither tells us anything we didn't already know. Millions of people in the UK don't want Brexit, millions do. And 80%+ of MPs were elected to deliver it."

In light of Trump's slam dunk victory yesterday: Cavalcade of Clowns burping

▶Anonymous 03/24/19 (Sun) 09:55:09 ec2cbc (5) No.5862062
> a means of justifying Trump's lack of action in draining the swamp and compelling his private social media army to battle.

Nice try, pilgrim. Trump's lack of action is due entirely to factors outside of his control. It needs no justification because it is a fact.

As far as "compelling his private social media army to battle"? Anon's are compelled on their own. The Q teams brilliance lies in the strategy of empowering the masses to assert their liberty & do it themselves. We no longer need Q, Trump, or anyone. We are the news now, we are the future, we are taking our country back in spite of Q/Trump & anything they may do.

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