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The truth about waist trainers revealed

Posted: 14 Jul 2019 12:30 AM PDT

Waist training is the process of reducing your natural waist size and accentuating curves with the aid of waist trainer or a tight-laced corset.

The hourglass figure has regained popularity in recent years. with celebrities like the Kardashians, Jennifer Lopez, Nicki Minaj, and Beyonce helping to bring back the coveted hourglass figure.

These waist shapers are supposed to give the wearer an exaggerated hourglass figure, which is a tiny waist and curves over the hips. The waist trainer has been around since the Victorian times and was known as corset.

The first corset dates back to the late 1500s or early 1600s according to Fashion Time, since then, the original design has altered quite a bit, but with the same adverse health effects that come with cinching one's waist.

Firstly let's look at how waist trainers are marketed and what companies claim that waist trainers can do for you.

The claims are plenty and almost too goof to be true but the common ones include helping you lose fat and inches from your waist, metabolising fat, releasing toxins, compressing your core, and helping you eat less.

Firstly, the experts do not support the use of waist training as there isn't sufficient support for the benefits and too many risks. They claim that there are simply too many risks involved.

If you're considering using a waist trainer for extensive periods of time, it's important you have all the facts and make sure you're not causing more harm than good.

Take a look at these 7 waist trainer tips that you need to know!

1. It makes you look slim at the waist
They do have that instant effect, just put it around your waist immediately looks smaller, taut and tiny. Waist training can also serve as a constant reminder of your present shape, aiding a sense of restriction which can motivate individuals to diet.

2. It may lead to temporary weight loss
Some people find that during workouts waist training can increase body temperature, causing you to sweat more and this might temporarily show up as weight loss. However, be aware that this is just a temporary solution and it it will only work for you long-term if you combine it with regular exercise and a good diet.

3. It doesn't get rid of body fat in the long run
The problem is that waist training only makes you look slimmer while you are wearing the corset. Once you take it off, your body will soon revert back to its normal shape.

This is because wearing a corset will have no effect on the amount of body fat that you have. In order to get long-term results from waist training, you would need to wear the corset all the time.

4. It can cause your organs to shift with potentially dangerous consequences
With waist training, the upper organs move upwards, and the lower organs shift downwards. This can then put a similar pressure on the abdomen – which has been known to cause constipation.

A shift in the pressure on your internal organs means you will be less tolerant of certain foods, including gas-producing and fatty foods, and some individuals might find that normal portion sizes are too much. It can also lead to unwanted bouts of acid reflux and upset the functioning of your stomach.

5. It can cause dehydration
You might see an increase in body temperature and excessive sweating whilst 'waist training' during exercise, which can cause dehydration. To minimise any symptoms, we would advise people to stay fully hydrated.

6. It can affect your back muscles
Prolonged waist training means your abdominal muscles aren't as active, even if you are exercising regularly. Waist training has the potential to cause a weakening of the back and abdominal muscles, as you are not relying on using these muscles for posture when wearing the corset.

The corset provides the support, not the muscles, and if the muscles are not used they will waste.

7. It can affect your breathing
Tightness and repeated use of your waist trainer can cause cramps, discomfort and pinching if it is too tight. This restriction and tightness around the waist could interfere with the appearance and general health of your skin.

Furthermore, the quality and depth of your breathing, particularly if wearing your 'waist trainer' while exercising, is also affected.

In This Story: #Truth #waist #trainers #revealed

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The founder of Miss Curvaceous Femi Jegede discusses beauty at all sizes and giving opportunities

Posted: 14 Jul 2019 12:00 AM PDT

Miss Curvaceous, a pageant which celebrates curvy women was first created in South Africa in 2013 by Femi Jegede. Their vision was to be the symbol hope for all big and bold women in Africa and by all means, they've succeeded.

Miss Curvaceous' mission was to empower women of a certain size and to boost their self-esteem and Behind it all, the pageant had a very important goal and that was to eradicate any form of women abuse and body shaming. 

How did you come about the idea of Miss Curvaceous?
I would say by looking at the industry and the platform I created thus far. Women in the middle are yet to be given platform and what I mean is that, as a skinny model/woman you have a place in the industry and same goes to plus-size but there's nothing for curvy women like Ini Edo, Mercy Johnson, Anita Joseph to mention few. We have millions of women out there who can relate with the above mentioned celebrity. Don't forget majority of African women are not skinny.

Why do you want to promote such when it is believed that modelling is actually for skinny people?
Modeling is not for skinny people, modeling is for all. Modeling is for skinny, curvaceous and plus size. Our target is let our audience knows the different between the skinny , curvy and plus size and that there is room for all to co-exist.

What are the plans to get the winner to the desired pageantry achievements? 
We are currently working with an international designer who will be one of our designers at the grand finale, she's an American- based designer and believes in our vision. We are also going to collaborate with different brands who will work with the winner as their brand ambassador. We also going to work with different fashion houses and magazines for more visibility for the winner.

What does the winner receive? 
Winner wins, $10k, furnished apartment at Lekki, a car and endorsement.

5. We have seen beauty pageants started and later failed, how do you intend to sustain this pageant?
This is because Miss Curvaceous is not just a pageant, it is the first pageant in the world to be staged via a reality show and through that, their talents will be discovered and the contestants will have a chance to actually discover themselves and theirs strength through the tasks and challenges they will face during their stay in house.

In addition, this pageant is to empower youth and raise awareness against any form of women abuse .

6. What brought about your passion for creating Miss Curvaceous?
As man, I got my passion through my late mother, May her soul continue to rest on peace. I love you Mama. She thought me how to treat and respect women and she made it clear to me that women are to treated like eggs.

One of my quotes says "To build a nation build a woman". So when we build a woman she can become a person that changes the world. 

What core values does Miss Curvaceous represent?
This is a brand that stand against any form of women abuse and we do not believe in favouritism and therefore, discipline is the order of the day in our pageant and no contestants can say she has experience such or will experience such.

In This Story: #Founder #MissCurvaceous #FemiJegede #discusses #beauty #sizes #opportunities

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Do this and your relationship would last longer

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 11:30 PM PDT

Do this and your relationship would last longer
The ultimate relationship goal, for many of us, is to get someone to spend a lifetime with. The desire, and it is a very valid one, is to be with someone for long and in happiness; a relationship that does not ask for too much and does not drain our reservoir of peace while lasting a lifetime.

What we see around us however shows that this feels like a tall order. Crumbled relationships and crashed marriages make it feel like happily-ever-after is too much to seek, too much to ask for.

But that is really not the case. Your relationship can last really long and in the next paragraphs below, we present some practical steps to take to achieve this goal:

You really can't sidestep communication
This can't possibly be said enough. Communication is key. Whether you are living together or it's a long distance relationship, it takes good conversations to strengthen the bond and keep the magic happening. Indulge in some sweet talks, talk about the mundane stuff, talk about anything, everything.

It's a rule you cannot sidestep or do away with if you intend to be with someone for a long time. Communication adds a lot of meaning to your relationship.

Do something special on a regular basis
Special things don't even have to be grand things. For many, it is actually little things done in love and with romantic timeliness that actually count the most.

Call them every day just to touch base for a few minutes. Make their favorite meal once a week. All those little things that just make them smile and feel thought about and cared for. Be ceaseless with them.

Grand gestures of love are welcome, too.

Teach your partner what you like
This applies in both a sexual sense and non-sexual sense. Let him or her know what makes you feel good, what makes you feel loved and happy.

Making you happy will surely make your partner feel good. And research shows that the sexual pleasure of one partner increases the pleasure of the other partner.

Learn your partner's love language
There really is something about knowing what someone likes, and doing it the way the want it done. So it is not enough to teach your partner about what you like and enjoy, you have to be selfless enough to learn about them, too, and the things that they like and enjoy.

Crazy is better than boring
To avoid getting bored and in your relationship, make sure that you're still goofing around like you did when you first met.

According to Jonathan Bennett, an American relationship/dating coach, it is important to "give yourself permission to be silly — it's easy to take relationships way too seriously,

"you don't always have to be on your best behavior. Sometimes, it's OK to simply have mindless laughter and goof around with your significant other."

Not only should you be silly together, you should keep that fun side going when it comes to flirting. Simply because, it is better to be infinitely crazy than to be boring.

In This Story: #Relationship #Last #Longer

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Tough conversations you will need to have during your relationship

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 11:00 PM PDT

Tough conversations you will need to have during your relationship
You may have to have some difficult talks at some point of your relationship.

Looking at happy relationships from outside in, it may be so easy to assume that all that goes on is sunshine, roses, cute talks and endless cute photo sessions. But even the happiest, most peaceful couples will tell you that before the peaceful, smooth and hitchless phase of their relationship, there have been necessary, awkward conversations and tough speeches that needed to be had in order that a perfect understanding might be reached between both partners.

And if your goal is to have a relationship that runs smoothly and is devoid of repeated squabbles, misunderstanding and conflicts, you, too, may have to have these difficult talks at some point of your relationship.

Money Talks
Who gets what? Who settles what? Is the man expected to foot all bills or the woman is going to pitch in too? If so, to what extent?

It's been said that you should never talk about religion, money, or politics in polite company. When it comes to your relationship, that rule couldn't be further from the truth and according to American relationship expert, Candice Cooper-Lovett, scheduling an intentional space for conversations about what's going well and areas of growth and improvement can be helpful for bringing up difficult subjects with your partner.

You are not satisfied with the sex
This is awkward because while your partner needs to realise that they are not doing enough to please you sexually, you do not want them to feel bad.

But no matter how difficult it is to say it, you've just got to say it because a failure to do so will only leave you sexually frustrated and that could spill into other aspects of the relationship.

Bad past
It won't be so easy to speak of a former life littered with unsavoury things. But it is important to have this conversation with your partner so they know who they are with. Your life at any point is a summation of all of your experiences and without letting your partner in on that history, they may never know how to treat you right, or understand why you do some of the things you do. And, really, that could cause endless arguments that you can just avoid by having a conversation about the past.

A broken upbringing
According to Cora Boyd, a relationship expert in Seattle, USA, "your relationship with your family is hugely formative for how you approach any kind of intimate interpersonal relationship," she says.

This may be extra important for people whose early years were less than ideal.

Talking about family politics can be complicated, painful, or even embarrassing, but opening up about them helps you both know and care about each other more deeply.

In This Story: #Tough #conversations #relationship

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Importance of sexual compatibility in a relationship?

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 10:30 PM PDT

Importance of sexual compatibility in a relationship?
A relationship in which partners' views on life's issues are so divergent might soon find itself hitting the rocks.

This is because any romance that will stand the test of time needs more peaceful moments than acrimonious ones. You literally can't have arguments and displeasure in place of laughter and satisfaction yet expect the relationship to end up anywhere but six feet under.

But with all of that said, it is necessary to point out that a relationship does not require partners to agree on everything before happiness can dwell between them. All that is needed is an agreement on the important, core values that matter most to both of them as individuals, and those values that are naturally required of every romantic relationship that intends to thrive for long.

Enter, great sex.

Among other things, sex is by nature, incidental to romantic relationships. You cannot enter into a relationship without an expectation of sexual interaction one form or another. That is why it is very important for couples and lovers to be on the same page as regards what is expected and acceptable when it comes to sex in the relationship.

As a matter of fact, it is not wrong to inquire into someone's libido level, and sexual preferences before you get too involved, just as you would ask about their religious, financial and family orientation.

Steven Stewart, a certified counselor in Tennessee, USA, says: "finding a sexually compatible partner is in every way as important, if not more important, than the other aspects of relationship that we concentrate on. People will agonize over finding a partner that shares similar political, religious, and family viewpoints.

"If you absolutely want children and a potential partner absolutely does not, then that is usually a simple and guilt-free deal breaker for most people. So why… [are] so many people… reluctant to consider [sexual incompatibility]… a deal breaker as well?"

The truth is, whether or not you agree to it now or later, a disconnect in the sexual vibe of partners will always tell negatively on their relationship.

As aptly explained by Dan Savage, another American columnist and podcaster,  "the relationship graveyard is full of tombstones that say 'everything was great… except the sex".

To have everything else in a relationship and lack sexual satisfaction because your partner could never satisfy you no matter how hard they try, or if they would never even bother to do what it takes to gratify your sexual appetite is a disaster.

Better take your future sexual satisfaction as seriously as you take every other aspect of the future of your relationship. A refusal to do this might end in the same bad ending you think you are avoiding by paying attention to every other thing to the detriment of your sexual satisfaction.

In This Story: #Importance #sexual #compatibility #relationship

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What to do when you no longer find your partner attractive

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 10:00 PM PDT

What to do when you no longer find your partner attractive
While looks and attraction are not everything needed for a relationship to continue existing, it is hard to imagine a relationship in which both partners no longer feel attracted to each other.

Attraction is actually so important that even if one partner loses that feeling of being drawn to their partner physically, cerebrally or in any other possible form of attraction, the relationship might as well be done and dusted.

It goes to show you just how indispensable attraction is. So if you ever find yourself unattracted to a partner, you should know there is cause for alarm. And is such situation, here are things you can do:

Communicate with your partner
As awkward and tough as it may be, you should talk to your partner about this.

If your goal is to continue the relationship and stay together with him or her, then it is sensible to tell them about it in a kind, positive way.

For instance, physical attraction has been known to decrease if we feel our partner has let themselves go. It sends a message our partner no longer cares about looking nice for us.

If your lack of attraction is down to a prolonged lack of effort on your partner to, as Wizkid said, stay sexy for Daddy, then you should not hesitate to communicate this with him or her.

Dr. Julie Gurner, a clinical psychologist, says that it could even be more than looks. "Attraction isn't simply about physical appearance," she tells SheKnows, adding that people evolve over the duration of relationships, which can lead to them being less attracted to their partners.

Gurner also says people lose their attraction for their partners when it comes to things like being unsupportive, as it causes us to see an ugly side of our partner and we lose attraction.

If any of these is the case, do not hesitate to have that needed talk with your partner.

Don't freak out
As troubling as the idea sounds or how crazy it feels if you find yourself in such situation, it is important to realize that it is not something out of the ordinary and you are not the only person experiencing this. Loss of sexual attraction happens to most couples as life goes on, according to Dr. Tina B. Tessina, a psychotherapist and author who tells SheKnows that decreased attraction "is very common as time passes in relationships."

The way forward
You can get the attraction back if you and your partner care enough to put in the work it takes to get there. If it means seeing a therapist or an expert or talking to a professional in order to get help, do it.

If the relationship means a lot to you both, you will find a way to bring attraction back and fix it.

Man narrates how he finally got his seized Bachelor’s results from UNIUYO after 10 years

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 07:30 AM PDT

Man narrates how he finally got his seized Bachelor's results from UNIUYO after 10 years
A Nigerian man Uduakobong Nquot has narrated how he battled successfully for his result with University of Uyo authorities 10 years after he graduated from the school.

Since he graduated in 2008, Nquot finally received his result in 2017 and he took to Facebook to narrate the gruelling battle.

He wrote:

Look at the document attached:

1. No official letter head of the University of Uyo

2. No reference number

Meaning of "forgery" –by virtue of section of 465 of the Criminal Code Law a person who makes a false document or writing knowing it to be false, and with intent that it may in any way be used or acted upon as genuine, whether in the state or otherwise, to the prejudice of any person, or with intent that any person may, in the belief that it is genuine,be induced to do or refrain from doing any act, whether in the state or elsewhere,is said to forge the document or writing.

This is the extent Officials of the University of Uyo can go" FORGERY".

1.The Senate issued an official statement that I abandoned studies,which is a lie.

2.Officials of this University destroyed my course forms which I had submitted during my studentship..

3.This same University produced an illegal Master Mark Sheet in 2017 with Second Class Honours in a bid to cancel my original result which was approved in 2008.

All their plans failed and they were put to shame.

God was/is with me and I defeated them.God taught me about the Freedom of Information Act 2011.He directed me to apply under the FOI Act for my examination scripts, the illegal master mark sheet with Second Class Honours and other documents.

The next day, the Head of Examinations Mrs Akpan called me and said "your result have been in this school for many years".The University refused writing to me but resorted to phone calls.So that I will not have more written evidences.

Finally I received my result despite their criminal negligence,deceit,concealment, abuse of office,victimization,theft,alteration,forgery and violation of freedom of information act.

The question to the Senate of UNIUYO is how did a student whom you had issued an official statement that he abandoned school in 2006, receive a Bachelor of Science Degree with 2nd Class Honours in 2017?

A result which was approved on 7th November 2008 but released by #UNIYO on 6th September, 2017.

Back to this forged letter of 9th August, 2018.

I received this forged letter of invitation to appear before a panel. In fact one of the staff called me that I should be at the panel.

I got to the Council Chambers and met with four strange men!These men had my file and documents.

They asked for my name,which I gave them and started asking questions.A closer look at the Invitation Letter revealed this invitation was forged.

I asked a simple question "please can you introduce yourselves?

They refused,the one who claimed to be Chairman said we should continue because they are the "Management of the University of Uyo".

I presented this forged letter and asked " why is there no letter head and reference number of UNIUYO on this letter?

They were dumpfounded, the one who claimed he is the Chairman told me" the issue is that you have honoured the invitation of UNIUYO through the Office of the Registrar, so let us continue…

I was shocked and it dawned on me that these men were criminally minded. I took my phone to record, one of them said " Mr Chairman, does he have the right to record what we are doing here?

He told me "you cannot record what we are doing here".He further stated " the Secretary of this Panel is writing everything ".

Hmmm I was shocked- Forgery in the Council Chambers of the University of Uyo?A Public Institution funded by the Federal Republic of Nigeria?

I left and immediately wrote to the Vice Chancellor of UNIUYO stating among other things " This letter without reference number and logo is a deliberate act by the University of Uyo..Any invitation or meeting without a Reference Number and Official Logo of the University of Uyo as a Public Institution is null and void".

It is almost a year now,the University of Uyo have been silent about this letter and what transpired in the Council Chambers on 14th August,2018.
For their information, UNIUYO is a Public Institution and open to investigation by security agencies.

Lastly you can NEVER fight and win God.HE defeated the Senate of UNIUYO, the Professors and turned their wisdom to foolishness.

Actress Kudirat Ogunro gives reasons why she would like her husband to have a sidechick

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 07:00 AM PDT

Actress Kudirat Ogunro gives reasons why she would like her husband to have a sidechick
Nollywood actress, Kudirat Ogunro, says she will allow her husband to have a girlfriend after their marriage in order to have a settled home.

Ogunro told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in an interview in Abuja that men are, by nature, polygamous.

She advised women to stop deceiving themselves by trying to wholly own their husbands.

"I'm not a jealous lover. In fact, when I get married, my husband has to have a girlfriend. That's how my home can be settled and peaceful instead of him telling me 'it's only you baby'. No, I don't believe in those words. I'm very serious. Men are polygamous by nature; so don't let us fool ourselves," the actress said.

Kudirat Ogunro, a versatile actress, was in 2017 nominated for City People Movie Award for Best Upcoming Actress of the Year (Yoruba).

In This Story: #Actress #KudiratOgunro #reasons #husband #sidechick

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Davido And Chris Brown Announced New Music Collaboration

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 06:30 AM PDT

Davido And Chris Brown Announced New Music Collaboration
Chris Brown announced that he has a music collaboration with Davido and it's intact set for release anytime soon.

According to details, the new song is titled, 'Blow My Mind.' It is important to note that this will be the first joint project we will be getting from the two singers.

The announcement, which was made via Chris Brown's Instagram page comes on the heels of the viral video of Davido enjoying a session with members of 30BG, Asa Asika and a seemingly forlorn Sarz. The caption that accompanied with, "Coming Soon."

Davido then replied with a bunch of fire emojis and a simple phrase, "F*****ING HIT."

In This Story: #Davido #ChrisBrown #Announced #New #Music #Collaboration

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Anthony Joshua Finally Visits Nigeria, cheered in Lagos

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 06:00 AM PDT

Anthony Joshua Finally Visits Nigeria, cheered in Lagos
Anthony Joshua is currently in Nigeria. The Ex World Boxing Heavyweight Champion, has arrived Lagos, Nigeria on Thursday for a visit

He was cheered by many fans when he arrived the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos.

Joshua lost his WBO, IBF and WBC heavyweight belts to Andy Ruiz in America recently.

In This Story: #AnthonyJoshua #Visits #Nigeria #cheered #Lagos

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Peter Okoye gushes over his family says he doesn't Joke with his wife and 2 kids

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 05:30 AM PDT

Peter Okoye, former member of the defunct duo, P'square, has taken to social media to celebrate his love and commitment to his family.

The entertainer shared a very beautiful photo of his wife, Lola with his two kids and wrote;

I don't joke with dis 3👩‍👧‍👦… They are the only reason i double my hustle and they are simply amazing😊😍 I just can't imagine life without them🥰

In This Story: #PeterOkoye #gushes #family #wife #2kids

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Alaafin Of Oyo Teaches Subjects How To Disarm A Thief

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 05:00 AM PDT

The Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III in many ways has proven that he is still as fit as a fiddle.

The 80-year-old traditional ruler, who recently welcomed a son with one of his queens, Olori Mojisola was spotted in a video demonstrating to his subjects on how to defend themselves when they are being attacked.

His subjects, who were present at the scene, cheered him in amazement.

In This Story: #Alaafin #Oyo #Subjects #Disarm #Thief

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Chioma Akpotha Rants Publicly over bill charge of N15,000 for a 5-minute call from a telecom firm

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 04:30 AM PDT

Chioma Akpotha Rants Publicly over bill charge of  N15,000 for a 5-minute call from a telecom firm
Popular Nollywood act Chioma Akpotha engaged in a public rant after a telecom firm did her wrong. According to the actress, she was charged an exorbitant amount for making a 5-minute call to her daughter.

The beautiful actress who is currently on a Caribbean sea trip said she missed her girl so much that she decided to call. Upon ending their conversation, she found that N15,000 had been deducted for the five minutes call.

Angry and shocked, Chioma shared a video in which she demanded an explanation from the telecom company. She also shared a screenshot which counted as a proof to her claim. This clip has attracted the comments of many celebrities like herself.

Omoni Oboli, who happens to be on the trip with Chioma, said that she was also angry and sad that the telecommunication company had 'exploited' her friend.

In This Story: #ChiomaAkpotha #Rants #Publicly #bill #charge #N15000 #5minute #call #elecom #firm

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Princess Shyngle’s small waist leaves fans concerned about her intestines

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 04:00 AM PDT

Princess Shyngle's small waist leaves fans concerned about her intestines
Ghana-based Gambian actress, Princess Shyngle, has been able to gather numerous fans and admirers not just for her acting skill but also for her unique curves.

The film star has sort of become a sensation for her very small waist and hourglass figure. The actress who is known for showing off her curves recently shared a photo flaunting her tiny waist.

In the new photo, the actress was seen wearing a black waist trainer that even further cinched her tiny waist.

Interestingly, Princess's photo raised a number of reactions on her page. A number of her fans raised concerns about the well-being of her intestines while others expressed that they did not find the photo attractive.

Rapper AKA reacts to South Africa’s defeat by Nigeria

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 03:30 AM PDT

It was really a bad night for Bafana Bafana and South Africans in general, and AKA couldn't hold back ranting on Twitter following the 2-1 defeat by the Super Eagles of Nigeria in the quarter-finals match of the 2019 African Cup of Nations.

AKA in his tweet about the match, described it as the biggest rivalry on the continent and wondered why South Africa loses to Nigeria in everything.

He tweeted;

Apparently the dollies are saying … "but if Nigeria loses, who's gonna buy the champagne?! I'm f*cking gutted. I'm hurt man. This match was bigger than football. The biggest rivalry on the continent. Why do we always have to lose against Naija at EVERYTHING. It's a hard pill to swallow man. We keep on losing to Nigeria in every way. We should have just lost to Egypt … rather than Nigeria.

Charles Inojie pens open letter to Nigerians breaking the laws of other countries by preaching the gospel

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 03:00 AM PDT

Charles Inojie in a message to Nigerians in foreign countries, addressed the infringement on the rights of other residents by publicly preaching the gospel.

Sharing a throwback video of a Nigerian man arrested while preaching in the streets of London, the veteran actor stated that if the laws of a country frowns at certain things as illegal, then immigrants should not engage in them.

Wondering how one can obey God's law if they can't obey the laws of man, Charles Inojie pointed out that governments are instituted to ensure order and coexistence.

He wrote;

If the laws of your country of residence frown at certain things as illegal, by all means don't engage in them.
By disobeying you are invariably sinning because disobedience is sin

How well can you obey God's law if you cannot obey the laws of man? The governments of this world are there to ensure order and coexistence. Otherwise there would be anarchy, social disorder and political strife.

It is okay to preach the gospel, but your right to so do should not infringe on the rights of others.

This is why Skiibii Faked His Death In 2015

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 02:30 AM PDT

This is why Skiibii Faked His Death In 2015
A quick throwback to 2015 reminds us about how singer, Skiibii faked his death and went viral when he was under Five star music.

Recounting the occurrence, Skiibii said he faked his death because he was ready for everything but people never saw beauty in his talent.

He made this known in an interview on the midday oasis with OAP Dotun.

"I was ready for this. For everything. What I feel is that people don't know what I'm capable of. They don't see the beauty in my talent. More bangers coming. Na dem say na hit me I no know say na hit sef" he said. .

On the backlash he faced after the stunt took a negative turn, Skiibii said; . "I was down. I picked up myself. You can't be like this. You know the truth. Fight for it." .

Skiibii however concluded by saying he always knew he was going to be successful regardless.

In This Story: #Skiibii #Faked #Death #2015

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R.Kelly Arrested Again over Sex Trafficking Charges in Chicago

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 02:00 AM PDT

R.Kelly Arrested Again over Sex Trafficking Charges in Chicago
New York police detectives have arrested award-winning musician, R. Kelly in Chicago on Thursday night over sex trafficking charges.

CNN reported that the singer was arrested while walking with his dog, and has been charged with sex trafficking in New York.

His arrest comes after a 13-count indictment in the Northern District of Illinois that includes child pornography and obstruction of justice charges. For over 20 years, R Kelly has faced accusations of abuse, manipulations and inappropriate encounters with girls and young women.

In February, Kelly was charged with 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse involving four alleged victims, with three of them being underage girls. He, however, pleaded not guilty.

In late May, a grand jury had indicted him on 11 more charges pertaining to one of the four accusers, including aggravated criminal sexual assault, a Class X felony; and criminal sexual assault, a Class 1 felony and according to Illinois law, a person convicted of Class X felonies can get up to 30 years in prison.

However, Kelly was freed on a $1 million bond set in February until Thursday when he was arrested again by the New York Police Department.

Confirming the arrest, the international broadcaster quotes R Kelly's attorney as saying the singer was arrested but declined further comments.

Burna Boy’s New Album ‘African Giant’ "All You Need To Know About "

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 01:30 AM PDT

Burna Boy's New Album 'African Giant' "All You Need To Know About "
Burna Boy announced on social media that he is set to release a new album, 'African Giant' which has put his fans in the peak of excitement.

He released the album cover and the music release date.

Burna Boy planned to release the African Giant album in August 2019 but he changed the date to July 26, 2019.

He shared a post reads: "July 26th African Giant Album."

The following songs 'On The Low,' 'Dangote,' and 'Anybody' are likely to be on the album.
You can preorder Burna Boy's African Giant album here

The album download information will be made available to you on Nigeriatunes.com on July 26, 2019.

Funke Akindele Hits 8 Million Instagram Followers

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 01:00 AM PDT

Funke Akindele Hits 8 Million Instagram Followers
Top female Nigerian actress, Funke Akindele who is the maker of 'Jenifa's Diary' is very excited as she hits 8 million followers on Instagram.

Top female Nigerian actress, Funke Akindele celebrated 8million active followers of her social media page on Instagram — @funkejenifaakindele — and she wanted to share her patriotic spirit with her fans.

On Friday, July 12, the star maker of 'Jenifa's Diary' took to the popular social media platform to share a sweltering snapshot of her smiling face to appreciate her fan base for the love so far.

In the photo, she inscribed a "Thank You" message to her 8million fans on instagram.

In This Story: #FunkeAkindele #Hits #8Million #Instagram #Followers

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