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Make This Cheesy Scallion Scramble For Breakfast

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 07:30 AM PDT

Make This Cheesy Scallion Scramble For Breakfast
The combination of eggs, scallion, and cheese from the Men's Health MetaShred Diet is glorious! I dare you to eat it and feel like you are dieting to get lean. The scallions provide a nice crunch and bite of flavor that complements the smooth chewiness of the eggs and melted cheese. Watch the video above to see how to make it.

If you are in a real time pinch, you can even make this dish in a bowl in the microwave. Just add all the ingredients together, microwave for 45 seconds, stir/scramble, and microwave for another 45 to 60 seconds.

Per serving: 578 calories, 34 g fat, 30 g carbs, 6 g fiber, 40 g protein

How does one deal with living with a cheating husband?

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 07:00 AM PDT

These are the advisable ways to deal with a husband who has problems being faithful.

Having a man who is either codedly or blatantly cheating on you is such a traumatic, stressful, disturbing, unsettling ordeal that no woman deserves, most certainly not you.

However, many women live daily with this reality, enduring the experience instead of having the peace and enjoyment that they thought their marriage would come with.

For everyone who finds herself dealing with a man who is a cheat, chronic and unrepentant or not, here are ways to deal with the situation as wisely as possible.

1. Try to understand why he does it
Sure there are men who have all relational needs met but still choose to cheat, so in that case, his reason for cheating is certainly not you. If you meet his sexual, emotional and all other reasonable, possible needs and he still chooses to cheat on you, you can rest assured of the fact that it's not about what you have done or omitted to do.

This, however, does not take away the need to try to know. If you can, get to the root of it. It could be some childhood scar, or some other thing inflicted by past experiences. Just try to know.

A professor of psychology at the University of Lagos, Oni Fagboungbe, tells Punch in April, 2017 that the reason spouses cheat is because they have an unmet need.

Fagbounge says, "Cheating in marriage revolves around need for satisfaction. Whether it is a man or woman that cheats, that person cheats to satisfy a need – sexual or material.

"When a spouse is aware of that fact that the other spouse cheats, the first thing he or she should do is to find out why the spouse cheats."

2. Seek help
Knowing what we know about Nigeria as a society, getting professional counselling may sound alien to you reading this and that's fine. But whether or not you are open to the idea of getting marriage counselling from trained experts, you should; particularly if you intend to salvage your relationship with your philandering husband.

It may mean opening up to your religious leader or some elderly couple you trust, and have become comfortable with.

Even though there is no 100% assurance that this will stop him from cheating, there is still a chance that it is the solution you have been looking for.

3. The other woman is not your problem
Just as we have previously explained here in detail, Dr. Chika Ndubuisi, a psychologist at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and marriage counsellor, also advises that fighting the outsider interfering in your relationship/marriage is not the answer.

He tells Punch in the aforementioned interview that; "engaging in a fight with your spouse's affair partner is not the best solution. I would prefer the woman… to engage in a dialogue with the 'cheating' spouse.

"Make him… realise the consequences of his… actions. Effective communication is key to solving the issue of cheating in marriages."

4. Leave
It's a sad ending you may not have envisaged but if, at some point, you discover that there's nothing you can do to the situation and you can't bear it, it may be time to move on.

Better alone and happy than married and miserable. And don't let you feel ashamed for doing so regardless of the presence of kids. As we have already stated here, staying in a relationship solely for the sake of your kids is not a very good idea.

How to Make the Ultimate Chef Salad

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 06:30 AM PDT

No one likes to eat diet foods. Guys like to eat regular foods. Food they would find on a menu when they go out to eat. Nothing could be more classic than a chef salad. However, traditional chef salads run light on the protein and too heavy handed on the fats. This one, from my new Men's Health book The MetaShred Diet , gives you the nutritional balance you need to get lean and fuel your muscles without compromising on the taste and ingredients that you have come to love. Watch the video above to see how to make it, and here's the recipe for easy reference.

What you'll need:

3 cups shredded Romaine lettuce

1/2 cup cucumber, finely chopped

1 tomato, chopped

9 baby carrots, finely chopped

1 hard-boiled egg, quartered

3 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar

1 slice Swiss cheese, cut into strips

1 slice provolone cheese, cut into strips

3 oz. roasted turkey, sliced

How to make it:

Place the lettuce on a plate and top with the cucumber, tomato, carrots, and egg. Drizzle with the oil and vinegar. Top with the cheeses and turkey.

550 calories, 41g protein, 32g fat, 26g carbs, 8g fiber

How Is Brad Pitt as Cool Now as He Was in 1999?

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 06:00 AM PDT

How Is Brad Pitt as Cool Now as He Was in 1999?
Quentin Tarantino's latest movie, Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood, just had its world premiere. And while the plot partially follows real-life Manson victim Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie), the movie is really a showcase for its two male leads: Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt. The film's premiere was preceded by a lengthy profile of DiCaprio in The Hollywood Reporter which essentially posited that he is the greatest working actor of his generation. But Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood also helps cement what we've known to be true for years now: Brad Pitt is one of the most charismatic human beings alive.

Pitt's first memorable appearance on-screen was as the young cowboy in 1991's Thelma & Louise, a role which, together with romantic drama Legends of the Fall a few years later, helped him on the path to becoming a Nineties sex symbol. But even back then, Pitt was more than just a pretty boy: as Louis in the 1994 baroque horror Interview with the Vampire, he held his own performance-wise against Tom Cruise, who had been leading movies for almost a decade at that point.

Looking back, it was perhaps unavoidable that Pitt would become one of the most in-demand actor of his time. He looked like a young Robert Redford, and had the innate coolness of Steve McQueen (not to mention a likeable, swaggering, slightly cocky quality that would probably be identified as big dick energy today). And his output over the next ten years proved that he had the acting chops to go with the movie star persona: Seven, 12 Monkeys, Sleepers, The Devil's Own, Seven Years in Tibet and Meet Joe Black were all huge hits, and a number of them remain cult faves to this day.

And then came the movie that propelled him to even greater heights: 1999's Fight Club. It was the perfect storm: a darkly comical satirical script that gave Pitt the chance to take his natural charm to a darker place and cut loose with a character that literally embodied the worst human impulses... and those abs. 20 years later, Tyler Durden is still one of the most gleefully destructive characters in pop culture.

And ever since, Pitt's presence in a movie has been all but guaranteed to sell tickets, whether it's backing up George Clooney in Ocean's Eleven, donning a sword and sandals in Troy, ageing backwards in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, or (somehow) making math cool in Moneyball. He's also used his clout to help lesser known filmmakers get their projects made: he produced both Selma and Moonlight.

At the recent Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood premiere, Pitt, 55, said that he has no plans to retire any time soon, although he did say that acting is, overall, "a younger man's game." But if he did want to age gracefully into another phase of his acting career la Robert Redford or Sam Elliott, he'd probably look damn good doing it.

Why Cheat Days Won't Boost Your Metabolism

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 05:30 AM PDT

Why Cheat Days Won't Boost Your Metabolism
Whats not to love about a cheat day? You can ditch your diet, eat all the chocolate chip cookies you want, and boost your metabolism. Right?

Wrong, says Michael Roussell, Ph.D., author of . (A cutting-edge nutrition plan thats helped guys drop more than 20 pounds in 28 days.) Overeating simply isnt going to enhance the rate you lose fat.

Roussell acknowledges there are people who maintain low body-fat percentages even as they regularly indulge in daylong cupcake benders. But for every one of those people, I could show you five others that only allow themselves just five to six cheat days per year in order to maintain single-digit body fat levels, he says.

To step back, the idea is that a big cheat mealor even an entire cheat dayfixes the decrease in your metabolic rate that normally occurs with dieting. One problem: Thats not what happens when scientists study the phenomenon.

For example, in a 2006 study, researchers at the Mayo Clinic had study participants overeat by 1,000 calories a day. After seven days of binging, the subjects average metabolic rate increased by a whopping 18 calories. (Note sarcasm.) You dont need your Ph.D. in nutrition to realize that eating an extra 1000 calories to burn an additional 18 isnt a formula for fat loss.

This is just one study, but there are plenty of examples and the punch line is always the same: You never end up burning more calories than you consume, says Roussell. Any increases in your metabolic rate are temporary at best, and never enough to produce a noticeable effect.

Do Certain Foods Slow My Metabolism?:

Roussell does advocate for having the occasional discretionary meal when dieting, but with the reminder that overdoing it will just slow your progress.

So if cheat days dont boost your metabolism, then what does? Exercise, says Roussell.

Lifting weights, specifically, will have the biggest impact on increasing your metabolism, he says. Whats more, getting enough sleep and trying to maintain low levels of stress can also help keep your metabolism revving.

Want a complete 28-day rapid weight loss plan? Check out : Its scientifically designed to maximize your metabolism, boost your fat-burning hormones, and stave off hungerto help you speed fat loss like than never before.

5 ways to rebuild broken trust in a relationship

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 05:00 AM PDT

5 ways to rebuild broken trust in a relationship
Without trust, a relationship can only go so far before breaking down, oftentimes, beyond repair.

And here's one more thing about trust: it doesn't stay in place forever unless it is maintained by constant communication, backed up with actions that partners perform in the best interest of the other person.

If trust gets broken, its effect on the overall wellbeing of the relationship could be quite drastic but it does not have to be final. Broken trust can be fixed, resuscitated.

Here is how to make that happen:

1. Sincere apologies
"The one who was untrustworthy must obviously have sincere remorse," says Paul Coleman, PsyD, an American psychologist and author.

There isn't much to do if partners won't first admit that they were wrong about whatever caused the relationship to break apart in the first instance. Whether outrightly broken or still being held together ever so slightly, a relationship's chances of getting back to full strength is hinged on this first step, this very important thing.

2. Fitting actions
Apologies are good only when there is a follow-up with actions. Without this sequence, apologies become meaningless and the whole rebuilding thing isn't more than a joke.

To get back trust again, partners are supposed to demonstrate a pattern of dependable behavior over time. That's how trust gets solidified again.

3. Forgiveness
All that said and we come to forgiveness and how much of an important role it's got to play here.

Once you have communicated and gone through the process of really sitting down with your feelings, you can start the process of forgiving each other.

Forgiveness is a choice, but it is a choice that needs to come from an authentic place. You can't pretend to forgive one another. You need to absolutely come to terms with it.

Make a conscious decision to choose to forgive one another.

4. Getting back slowly
Especially if the betrayal or conflict that disrupted the relationship was a major one, it is important for couples to get committed to rebuilding trust, treating the relationship like a new one that need nurturing from the scratch again.

Both sides must ask for what they really need and not expect their partner to simply know what it is they want. Work toward rebuilding the relationship by doing the work required in building trust and rebuilding a mutually supportive connection. Come to an agreement about what a healthy relationship looks like to you both, considering the special history you've had up to that point.

5. Let bygones be
If you both decide to work on this, you have to leave the past in the past and start to work on the goal that you both agreed to. Instead of harping on the past, try to focus your energy on the present and take things one day at a time.

Here's all the ways bleaching destroys your skin and health

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 04:30 AM PDT

Here's all the ways bleaching destroys your skin and health
The appeal of lighter skin may seem irresistible but here are the hidden dangers of bleaching creams and why you're doing more harm than good.

The psychological effects behind bleaching cannot be overstated. From lack of self-esteem to the idea that lighter skin makes one more beautiful. Between colourism and lack of confidence, women are buying into the skin bleaching industry at an alarming rate.

However, do we really know what goes into those products. Due to the stigma surrounding bleaching, companies have become more clever with the language they use and instead, tend use less problematic words like lightening and brightening but the devastating effects remain the same.

So what exactly is in bleaching creams and how does it work? Well, when bleaching ones skin, the goal is to reduce the amount of melanin deposited within the top layers of the skin.

Melanin is the product that gives skin and hair its dark colour. Reducing its quantity in the skin will make it less dark, whether it's in scar tissue or all over the body. The degree of whitening depends on the amount melanin that is removed from the skin. There are various methods used to achieve this, and different skin bleaching agents might contain ingredients that use one or more of these methods.

According to skin bleaching manufacturer Skintrium, these include:

Inhibiting the Activity of an Enzyme Known as Tyrosinase

Melanin is produced within cells known as melanocytes. It is a complex protein made by using an amino acid known as tyrosine, and then converting it through a series of steps into melanin. During this process, an enzyme known as tyrosinase is needed to convert this amino acid. There are some products that reduce the formation or effectiveness of this enzyme, which means that the amount of melanin formation will be reduced as well. In addition to that, there are some biological agents which modify the expression of the gene that is responsible for the manufacturing of tyrosinase, which has the same effect. The bleaching agents which depend on inhibition of this enzyme are very effective.

Preventing Melanin from Being Deposited onto the Skin

In order to make the skin dark and protect it from UV radiation, the melanin formed has to be transported to the upper layers of the skin. All the particles of melanin are then arranged in order. This transfer process depends on the movement of a number of cells, and also expends energy. Some bleaching agents act by preventing this from happening. This means that while the melanin is formed, it is not transported to the upper layer of the skin. This is usually a continuous process since melanin that is already in the upper layers of the skin is regularly lost when skin naturally sloughs off. If this process is inhibited, the skin will get lighter with time, since the existing melanin will be lost but not replaced.

Destruction of Melanin and Melanocytes
The pigment that darkens the skin can also be destroyed by chemical agents that can be found in some skin bleaching products, leading to a lighter skin tone. Alternatively, the cells that produce the melanin, known as melanocytes, can also be damaged and therefore not produce any melanin. An ideal bleaching agent should not only destroy the surface melanin without affecting any other system, since the melanocytes will simply increase the rate at which the melanin is formed to replace them. This is why it is common to find that skin bleaching agents which target the melanin directly also influence another part of the system, such as transport of melanin to the surface or production of the melanin.

What exactly is inside bleaching cream?
Every bleaching product contains two main chemicals, Hydroquinone and mercury, both are toxic. Hydroquinone is a chemical used for photo processing and hair dyes. It is also used in the rubber industry as an antioxidant. Mercury is another product often used in some cosmetic products as a bleaching agent. Incredibly toxic, it can cause skin to go grey or blue black, rather than lighter, and in many cases has resulted in the user suffering from mercury poisoning. Mercury is also a carcinogen.

These products both work in the short term to lighten the skin by stopping the production of melanin in the body. The more melanin you have in your body, the darker your skin.

Doctors suggest that the two toxic chemicals, Hydroquinone and mercury, react with ultraviolet rays and ironically lead to more pigmentation and premature aging. The more this product is used, the less melanin the body produces, and this leads to an increased risk for skin cancer. Also, continued use of hydroquinone, will roughen the skin, making it look like an uneven patch of colours with a patchy appearance.

Why your body needs melanin?
Melanin is a natural substance in the body that gives the iris of the eye, hair and skin its color. Skin cells called melanocytes produce melanin in the body. Melanin also acts as a kind of natural sunscreen to protect against harmful UV rays, however it cannot prevent sunburn all on its own.

The more melanin you have in your body, the more protection you have against the sun. Melanin is deposited near the surface of the skin. It absorbs dangerous ultraviolet rays from the sun, working as a protective barrier to prevent the UV light from travelling deeper into the skin. Ultraviolet light can cause DNA damage in cells and skin cancer, so melanin is an extremely important molecule.

Bleaching completely destroys the amount of melanin in our skin making it more vulnerable and making those without it more susceptible to ailments such as skin cancer.

Natural is best
There are a variety of natural ways that one can treat hyper-pigmentation and revive dull-looking skin that does not involve any harsh chemicals. Though it takes longer and the results are gradual, it promotes overall skin health and will give you a natural-looking glow.

Before you start using home remedies, it is important to understand that taking care of your skin and protecting it is necessary. The skin becomes dull and pigmented mainly due to the accumulation of dead skin cells and damage from pollutants and harmful UV rays.

Cleansing and exfoliating your skin daily will ensure that all the dirt and impurities are removed as well as dead skin cells which clog up the pores. Moisturising regularly makes sure your skin remains hydrated and sufficiently nourished. It's also important to invest in a  good quality sunscreen which will provide and extra layer of protection against the sun's harmful rays.

1. Honey face wash
Honey has amazing benefits, not only for whitening your skin but to add moisture where moisture is due. If you have sensitive skin, it's also a great alternative to traditional face washes  containing antibacterial properties to prevent further damage.

2. Lemon juice works wonders
Vitamin C encourages new cell growth whilst lemons themselves act as a natural bleaching agent. Dip a cotton ball in a little bit of lemon juice and dab onto your skin. Apply for at least an hour and then wash off with lukewarm water. Consistency is key before you begin to see reuslts.

3. Make a yogurt mask
Mix plain yogurt with a spoonful of honey. Apply this mixture on your face and leave on for a few minutes like a face mask. It works wonders with regular use!

Here's how you know if you have a yeast infection and how to treat it

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 04:00 AM PDT

A vaginal yeast infection is an infection caused by yeast (a type of fungus). Vaginal yeast infection is sometimes referred to as yeast vaginitis or candidal vaginitis.

The scientific name for the yeast that causes vaginitis is Candida. Over 90% of vaginal yeast infections are caused by the species known as Candida albicans. Other Candida species make up the remainder of yeast infections.

Candida species can be present in healthy women in the vagina without causing any symptoms. In fact, it is estimated that 20% to 50% of women have Candida already present in the vagina. For an infection to occur, the normal balance of yeast and bacteria is disturbed, allowing overgrowth of the yeast.

While yeast can be spread by sexual contact, vaginal yeast infection is not considered to be a sexually-transmitted disease because it can also occur in women who are not sexually active, due to the fact that yeast can be present in the vagina of healthy women.

Vaginal yeast infections are very common, affecting up to 75% of women at some point in life. In that respect it is completely normal to have a bout of yeast from time to time but make sure you get yourself treated immediately to prevent further complications.

Symptoms can include:
  • a vaginal discharge that is typically thick,
  • odorless, and
  • whitish-gray in color.
  • The discharge has been described as having a cottage-cheese-like consistency.
  • An intense itching of the vaginal or genital area
  • Irritation and burning
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Redness, irritation, or soreness of the vagina or vulva in women; swelling of the vagina
One must beware however because yeast infections might be a sign of something more serious and you must listen to your body if you feel your symptoms are more sinister.

If your symptoms are severe or they don't get better after treatment with an over-the-counter cream or suppository, call your doctor.

Signs of a complicated infection include:
  • Severe symptoms (such as redness, swelling, and itching so severe that it causes tears or sores)
  • A yeast infection that occurs four or more times in a year
  • You've developed other kinds of symptoms.
  • This is your first yeast infection.
  • You're not sure whether you have a yeast infection or something else.

There are many reasons you could get a yeast infection, including:
  • Hormones: Changes during pregnancy, breast-feeding or menopause (or if you're taking birth control pills) can change the balance in your vagina.
  • Diabetes: If your diabetes is not well-controlled, the increase in sugar in the mucus membranes (moist linings) of your vagina can create a place for yeast to grow.
  • Antibiotics: These drugs can kill off many of the good bacteria that live in your vagina.
  • Douches and vaginal sprays: The use of these products can change the balance in your vagina.
  • A weakened immune system: If you are HIV-positive or have another immune system disorder, the yeast may also grow uncontrolled.
  • Sex: Though a yeast infection is not considered a sexually transmitted infection, it can be passed from person to person through sexual contact.
Home treatment
  • Short-course vaginal therapy. Taking an antifungal medication for three to seven days will usually clear a yeast infection. Antifungal medications — which are available as creams, ointments, tablets and suppositories — include miconazole (Monistat 3) and terconazole. Some of these medications are available over-the-counter and others by prescription only.
  • Single-dose oral medication. Your doctor might prescribe a one-time, single oral dose of fluconazole (Diflucan). Oral medication isn't recommended if you're pregnant. To manage more-severe symptoms, you might take two single doses three days apart.
When to see a doctor

Women should see a healthcare provider the first time vaginal yeast infection symptoms occur or if they are unsure as to whether they have a yeast infection. If certain, the condition can be treated with over-the-counter medications.

However, if symptoms do not respond to one course of over-the-counter medications, yeast infection may not be the problem.

Pregnant women or those with weakened immune systems should contact a doctor before beginning any over-the-counter self-treatment.

Women who experience recurrent vaginal yeast infections, or yeast infections that do not clear up with treatment, should immediately contact a healthcare provider for professional diagnosis and management.

If a woman has more than four episodes of vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) in a year, she is deemed to have recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis, a chronic yeast infection problem.

Differences between a real and a fake relationship

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 03:30 AM PDT

Differences between a real and a fake relationship
Fake love is not something anyone would want to live with. Sadly, it is exactly what many people have to deal with in their relationships.

Here is the difference between a relationship of two people with genuine intent and one between people with fake intent.

One takes and never gives, the other does not
If you are in a relationship where all your partner does is take and take from you without giving back, it could be a pointer to what they see the relationship as.

In a relationship that is real and both partners have the right intent to grow the relationship and form a happy partnership, energy and effort is given and taken in love.

If you are in a relationship with someone who never does but always want stuff done for them as an expression of love, that is not love. It is a distorted, fake version of it.

Emotional distance
How close are you with this person you call partner? Can you honestly say you are bound emotionally? Are they close to you as they should be? Do you talk, do they expose their mind, heart and innermost thoughts to you?

Whether they do or not is another indicator to the kind of relationship you're in with them.

Where there is an emotional disconnect between partner, obviously that speaks of a fake relationship. No real relationship exist in perpetual emotional disconnect. That's more the default mode of a fake relationship.

Do they come running whenever you need them, or are they never in sight when you need them to be there for you?

"If you love someone but rarely make yourself available to him or her, that is not true love." - Thich Nhat Hanh

In This Story: #Differences #real #fake #relationship

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Wondering how to use a pregnancy test strip?

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 03:00 AM PDT

If you're trying to figure out how to use a pregnancy test strip, rest assured that you'll learn everything you need to know about doing a pregnancy test at home.

What is a pregnancy test strip?
Pregnancy tests strips are excellent for confirming pregnancies in the early stages. The strips are used in conjunction with a person's urine to check for the level of the human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). You can confirm a pregnancy as early as two weeks after fertilization.

Test strips are very easy to use, and you can get instructions on how to use a pregnancy test strip just by reading the instructions on the pack.

HCG levels and pregnancy

HCG levels usually rise about six to 14 days after fertilization. This hormone commonly spikes until it is noticeable in early pregnancy tests. You will normally get an accurate pregnancy test result around this time whether you choose a blood test or a urine test. However, since no two women are the same, the rise in hCG will vary from one woman to the next.

Pregnant women have hCG levels of 25mIU/ml and above while women who aren't pregnant will have a much lower reading of about 5mIU/ml.

Things to look out for in a pregnancy test strip:
Before you get to the point of trying to figure out how to use a pregnancy test strip, you should know to find strip brands that will give you accurate results.

There are lots of brands offering strips for home pregnancy tests, and you'll need to know a few things before you settle for a brand.

• Use test strips from reputable pharmaceutical brands

• Know the type of pregnancy tests available to you and pick the one that best suits your needs

• It is advisable to buy more than one strip at a time, so you can retake the test if you doubt the result

• You can use the strips at any time, but for urine tests, early morning urine will give you a more accurate reading

• If you doubt the results, you may have to forget about how to use a pregnancy test strip and actually get a blood test done in a hospital.

How to use a pregnancy test strip at home?
These strips are convenient and easy to use. To get started, you will need the following items:

A clean cup or any other container

Pregnancy test strips

Now that you have assembled the tools needed to pull off the test, you can following steps to get an accurate reading.

1. Urinate into the clean cup or container

2. Take the strips from the packaging and open them

3. Don't touch the business end of the strip so you don't damage the test window

4. Dip the strips into the cup of urine, making sure that the urine doesn't pass the max line

5. Take the strip out of the urine and place them on a clean surface

6. Wait for the test window to show you the results

How to read the result of the home pregnancy?
Now that you've dipped the stick and the results have shown up on the test window, there's a possibility that you don't really understand what you're seeing on there.

If that's the case, please try not to worry. It is very easy to know how to use a pregnancy test strip and actually understand the results.

You will have to wait for about 10 minutes for the result to show up. Also, you shouldn't trust any result that has been lying around for more than 30 minutes.

1. When the test strip shows one line, it means that the pregnancy test is negative and you are not pregnant.

2. If two lines appear, then you may actually be pregnant. The lines don't have to be deep for it to mean that you are pregnant. Two faint lines also indicate a pregnancy.

3. If the control line doesn't come up, it means that the test is invalid. You need to use another test strip to repeat the test. Remember, you should always buy more than one pregnancy test strip.

Pregnancy strips have a high success rate. However, you must follow the instructions on the package so you can get an accurate reading.

This is how to learn your partner’s love language

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 02:30 AM PDT

As we've already written here, everyone has a particular thing that signifies the most affection to them. It could be getting gifts, spending quality time with them, physical touch, words of affirmation, or acts of service.

To enjoy the best of relationships, a partner needs to realise which of these five languages appeals to his/her partner most. And how do you learn this?

Ask them

The clear, most obvious way to figure this out would be to ask your partner for clear pointers on how to please them and make them happy. Ask him or her: 'how can I make you happy?' What do you want me to do? How can I please you?

By asking questions like this, you get to understand them, their needs and desires. Surely, they would have something that makes them feel special; an act that makes them feel like the only man or woman in the world.

It does not matter whether they can categorise it under one of the well-known love languages or not. Just ask and let them talk about what love means to them. It's all you need to listen to.


At other times, you may not even have to ask before you get into their minds enough to know what's going on in there.

Some of the things they say in passing could be the difference between knowing them and being clueless on the best ways to please the person you call partner.

If you love someone, one of the best things you can do for them is to stay sensitive to their needs, and to them generally. Some of the things they'd interpret as a love language would be things they didn't even know they need. It may be something said in passing, something they didn't intend to articulate but it somehow spilled out from the abundance of their hearts.

If you listen enough, you'll understand your partner's love language and how to speak it.


There are rules of observation that would prove helpful if you are looking to learn your partner's love language.

Be a keen observer of how they react to things. It could be the clue you need to know what they need most emotionally.

Do their eyes light up at certain things, cloud at others and remain straight and unreadable at other times?

Those are the things you want to pay attention to and use to your advantage.

In This Story: #learn #partner #love #language

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Men, these foods are to be avoided if you and your partner are planning for a baby!

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 02:00 AM PDT

If you and your wife are trying to conceive, then it would be best to avoid these 8-sperm killing foods in order to make conception easier!

1. Sweets and soft drinks
Too much sugar can not only make you overweight and give you heart problems, but it can also lower your sperm count and your sperm quality. That's why it's important to control your sugar intake.

2. Processed meat
Processed meat such as bacon, hotdogs, and ham have a lot of preservatives that can hurt your sperm quality. Some processed meats also contain more hormones than regular meat, and can thus affect your testosterone levels.

3. Canned goods
Cans are lined with BPA, a chemical that can have effects similar to estrogen, and thus can lower your sperm count and quality.

4. Organ meats
Organ meats such as liver, intestines, etc. might be tasty, but they're not good for your sperm since they are rich in cadmium, a mineral that affects your sperm count.

5. Alcohol
Large amounts of beer can increase the estrogen in your body, and thus lower your sperm count. Alcoholic drinks also take a toll on your liver, so it's best to avoid them if you can.

6. Soybean products
Soy might be healthy and tasty, but if you're trying to conceive, it might be a good idea to stop eating a lot of soy and soy-based foods since consuming large amounts of soy can mimic the effects of estrogen in your body, leading to a lower sperm count.

7. Full fat milk and dairy
Pesticides and chemicals from the environment can sometimes get eaten by cows, which bind to the fat in a cow's body and also goes into the milk. These chemicals can then cause sperm problems such as having low quality sperm.

So it would be best to ease up on your daily intake if you're trying to conceive.

8. Fruits and vegetables with pesticides and preservatives
Pesticides and preservatives might be good when it comes to keeping vegetables fresh and free from insects, but these can have adverse effects on your body. Some pesticides have been known to cause infertility in men, so it's best to eat organic vegetables and fruits so that you can be sure that the food you're eating is free from any harmful chemicals.

Source: smartparents.sg

This article is republished with permission from theAsianparent Philippines. 

4 home remedies to treat wrinkles around the mouth

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 01:30 AM PDT

4 home remedies to treat wrinkles around the mouth
Bombarding the skin cells with harsh chemicals can have effects which will eventually show itself in the form of skin disease, accelerated aging, and toxic build up in other organs.

For younger looking skin, try kitchen ingredients, which has been tried and tested for maximum results.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera soap and gel come loaded with several nutrients like glycerin, sodium palmate, sodium carbonate, sodium palm kemelate, sorbitol, etc. These are good for the skin and nourish your skin from within, giving you the skin that glows with health.

To apply this remedy, simply take some aloe vera gel and apply it to any affected area. Leave for around 30 minutes until it's properly done its absorbing thing, and then rinse off.

Olive oil
Olive oil does have some reported benefits to the skin. According to the International Olive Council, olive oil has many vitamins, including A, D, and K, as well as vitamin E, a key ingredient that your skin needs.

Prepare yourself some olive oil before applying it to your mouth just before you go to bed for the night. Leave on overnight.

Then, rinse off the next morning.

Tomato juice
Did you ever imagine that the ubiquitous tomato is a powerhouse of nutritional benefits?

The acidity in tomatoes helps in reducing and clearing up your acne. Vitamin A and vitamin C are commonly found in a lot of acne medicines and tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K.

Prepare yourself a glass of fresh tomato juice before applying it to the affected areas and gently massaging into your skin. This stimulates better blood circulation and helps with the creation of new skin cells.

Leave for a few moments before rinsing with water.

Pineapple juice
Over the last decade, everyone has been harping on the beauty benefits of pineapple juice, but the truth is this kitchen staple has been used on the body since ancient times.

Pineapple juice is mostly recommended for skin treatment because it contains an enzyme called Bromelain, it's the most effective for treating wrinkles – especially those pesky ones around your mouth.

To apply this home remedy, prepare yourself some pineapple juice. Apply it to your face – let's do the whole face – before leaving for up to 20 minutes. Then, rinse off with water.

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How Training In Heat Can Improve Your Performance

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 01:00 AM PDT

How Training In Heat Can Improve Your Performance
"We call this the awkward shower, says Robert Huggins, Ph.D. Im on my knees in a tarp-lined tub while a Ph.D. student named Cody sends a waterfall of deionized water down from the plastic jug he holds over my head. Here at the University of Connecticuts Korey Stringer Institute (KSI), theyre trying to collect every drop of sweat I just worked up on a bike ride. Just scrub with your hands wherever the water hits, says Huggins. Sweat likes to hide in those little body hairs.

The shower is only one part of todays test. Im here to find out how my body responds to heat, having heard that training in hot weather can make you a better athleteif you dont die of heatstroke first. The past five years have produced the highest average temperatures ever recorded, and with 2019 tracking to be hotter still, Im hoping that my heat-lab visit will help me discover some extra power, since Im a cyclist whos comfortable toward the back of the pack. KSI says that if I can learn to handle the heat, I may be able to move up, maybe even lead.

To see how I react to training in the heat, scientists track my temperature and heart data. They collect sweat from my body and clothes, measuring its volume and electrolytes to create a custom hydration plan to help me perform better. Under the water, I drag my fingers through my scalp, swimsuit modellike, and its every bit as awkward as Huggins warned. But then I hit the electrodes stuck to my chest, which brings me back to the fact that Im a lab rat. I even have a tail of sorts: a thermometer poking out of my ass with a cable that attaches to a computer. It doesnt hurt, exactly, but every time the tail moves, I feel like I really need a bathroom.

Moments before the awkward shower, I was pedaling a 55-pound flywheel hooked to a stationary bike while technicians monitored my heart and core body temperature inside the $700,000 Mission Heat Lab . The small room has the sterile veneer of a hotel gym but with giant fans and rolling carts of specialized testing equipment.

The climate inside the lab can reach 110 degrees with 90 percent humidity. Conditions like that are grueling to work out in, but they can make athletes stronger and fasternot just in the heat but at any temperature. Its like legal blood doping, says Huggins, who still runs competitively himself. If you train in high temperatures, youll have performance benefits in both the hot and cold.

Douglas Casa, Ph.D., runs KSI and the heat lab. In his office, surrounded by memorabilia from organizations hes worked with, including the NCAA and the NFL, he explains to me how it works.

Before heat speeds you up, it slows your workout down
During a standard gym workout, your skeletal muscles and heart both require extra blood. If the gyms AC were to break on a hot day, suddenly your skin needs a lot more blood too, Casa says. Thats how you cool yourself downyou send hot blood right to the skins surface so you can sweat the heat out. All of a sudden, your body is trying to send blood to three placesskin, muscles, and heartinstead of just two. Somethings gotta give, and it ends up being your speed and stamina.

Im reminded of my own embarrassing hot-weather moment last year during a bike-packing trip. Id spent months training in 60-degree weather in South America. When I returned, I went straight to Fort Collins, Colorado. I felt strong at the start, but as the heat passed 90 degrees, my legs grew heavy and my riding pals eventually left me behind.

The problem, as Casa explains it, was that I was air-conditioning fit but not heat fit, so my hypothalamusthe brains governorbegan cutting back my available energy. Its called volitional exhaustion, says Casa. Its so you dont kill yourself.

Thats where heat training becomes useful. In response to hot, humid workouts, along with other helpful physiological changes, your body increases your blood volumethe amount of fluid circulating in your vesselswhich makes you more efficient at regulating temperature. And thats why Im at KSI today: to see what it feels like to work out close, but not too close, to the threshold of heatstroke, so I can get the benefits of training there.

Training in the heat can make youunless it breaks you
I cant tell if its the heat or the probe in my rectum, but Im sweating even before I pedal. The quickest way to acclimate to the heat so you perform well here is to crank your temperature up to a level thats just below dangerous. As my test progresses, Hugginss students periodically tap a few computer keys to dial up the resistance. I watch my temperature tick upward on one of the wall-mounted TVs. The goal is to hold steady between 101 and 103 degrees, and I hit that range within ten minutes.

When an athlete hits 104, we shut it down, says Huggins. Cell damage generally occurs around 105.5 degrees. Thats enough to begin frying your guts like eggs, and the result is heatstroke.

In the run-up to something like the Ironman World Championship in Kona, athletes pay $200 for the heat-lab experience. By going two days on, one day off for seven to ten days, you can significantly increase your blood volume and decrease your heart rate and resting body temp. That alone provides 80 to 90 percent of the heat-acclimation benefits, says Casa.

After three weeksif you were fit when you startedyoure ready for hot-weather competition at an elite level. Without maintenance, most of the acclimation benefits will last for about a week or two, but with a couple hot-weather training sessions per week, you can hold on to these benefits indefinitely.

But Im not competing in Kona, and I dont have $200 to spend on an hour in the gym. For me, this is about understanding what I can do on my own to avoid being dropped on a ride. Learning how hot to be is a big part of it, and I discover that I have to drink enough, too. The less you drink as you sweat, the more your hard-earned blood volume decreases. Which means less cooling and either a slowdown in pace or internal fried eggs. For every 1 percent body-mass loss, your heart rate will be three beats faster and your core temperature will be half a degree higher, says Huggins. To figure out how much you should be drinking, you can do a rough at-home test: Subtract your weight after a workout (add how many ounces you drank during it) from your weight before that workout. If your weight drops by 2 percent, youre not drinking enough. If it increases by more than 2 percent, youre drinking too much, which can be more dangerous than dehydration.

Train for the heat without the lab
To prepare me for my next adventure in the heat, Huggins offers an at-home acclimation method: Set up two space heaters and a humidifier and crank them up while youre working out. Huggins also wants you to use a rectal thermometerfor accuracy and safetyto keep your temperature between 101 and 103. Pushing your body temp over 104 can put you in danger.

Of course, theres always the casual option: Spend more time outside and less time in a climate-controlled gym. And when the forecast shows heat and humidity, make that a training day.

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The Charles Manson Murder House In Los Angeles Just Got Sold To Zak Bagans

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 12:30 AM PDT

  • The Los Angeles mansion that was the scene of two gruesome murders committed by Charles Manson and his followers in 1969 just got sold.
  • The murders are one of the storylines in Quentin Tarantino's new film, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.
  • Zak Bagans, the star of Ghost Adventures, bought the mansion with views of the city and two bedrooms.

The real estate listing for a beautiful Los Angeles mansion around the corner from the Hollywood sign states: "You may never want to leave." Unfortunately, two of its former residents didn't much have a choice in the matter. Fifty years ago, in 1969, the home was the scene of two grisly Charles Manson murders, which is one of the story lines in the new Quentin Tarantino film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

The highly-anticipated movie stars Brad Pitt , Leonardo DiCaprio, and Margot Robbie and premieres in theaters on July 26. Meanwhile, the home came on the market about two weeks ago. Coincidence? I think not.

So what exactly happened back in 1969? Charles Manson and several of his followers entered the home and killed the middle-aged couple, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, living there. Manson's motive for their murder still remains a mystery.

It was a brutal Tarantino-esque scene, with a carving fork sticking out of the husbands stomach, per The Washington Post . Manson's followers also murdered five others, including actress Sharon Tate , not far away.

Still, the Spanish style architecture of the $1.98-million property, which dates back to 1922, is quite dreamy. The two-bedroom house comes with a pool and hot tub, as well as a patio overlooking the city of Angels.

Apparently, its, ahem, storied history wasn't much of a deterrent for one buyer: Zak Bagans, the star of Ghost Adventures, a spirit-hunting reality TV show. According to TMZ , he made a "close-to-asking offer" and the sale will close in early September, just after the 50th anniversary of the infamous murders.

Zak told the publication that almost everything inside is original, and that was one of the main things that attracted him to the house. According to the listing, this house is: "Truly, one of a kind." And so, it seems, is its new owner.

Beyond Zac, the Manson house reportedly had "multiple backup offers," per TMZ. Real estate is competitive in Los Angeles, and those views are to die for. (Too soon?)

Baking Soda To Treat Acne: Good Or Bad Idea?

Posted: 28 Jul 2019 12:00 AM PDT

Baking Soda To Treat Acne: Good Or Bad Idea?
You might keep baking soda in your fridge to get rid of odors, bake with it for leavening purposes, or even use it as a home remedy for acid reflux. But for acne? Sorry to break it to the home remedy enthusiasts out there, but dermatologists aren't exactly sold on the idea of putting baking soda on your face when you've got a zit. 

Why not? Welp, there's unfortunately not too much in the way of scientific research looking into the use of baking soda for acne, says Marisa Garshick, MD, a clinical assistant professor of dermatology at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City. There are studies, however, on the importance of balancing skin's pH when treating acne .

A little chem class refresh for you: The pH scale goes from zero to 14. Anything six or below is acidic, seven is neutral, and eight and above is alkaline. A healthy skin pH should be about 5.5, which is slightly acidic. When your complexion is at its optimal pH, it functions, looks, and feels better...meaning less breakouts.

And here's the problem with baking soda: It has an alkaline pH of about nine. Using baking soda as a skincare treatment regularly can throw off your skin's naturally acidic pH, disrupt its protective outer layer, and cause irritation, says Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. As an acne treatment, it can work...but dermatologists agree that there are better, more gentle solutions than baking soda.

Big into DIY skincare? Make sure you watch out for these other dermatologist no-nos:

pH aside, can baking soda actually help my acne?
Short answer, yes. But it does come with a few disclaimers other than pH issues mentioned above. People have been reaching for baking soda for years to treat acne because it does have powerful oil-absorbing and exfoliating properties (two things that are important when dealing with breakouts). But powerful is the key word here. Pure baking soda can be a bit harsh for your skin.

It easily dries out skin, says Dr. Zeichner, who advises those with very sensitive skin to avoid baking soda completely as an acne treatment, as it can be super drying and cause inflammation. Instead, he suggests sticking to traditional exfoliators with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or gentle, gritty physical exfoliators .

Baking soda is better for oily skin types, but even those people should limit the use to prevent overly drying out the skin, says Dr. Garshick. If you arent sure exactly what your skin type is, it's always a good idea to check with your dermatologist before getting crafty in the kitchen.

If you want to try baking soda to help acne, aim for one to two times per week max. Overuse can cause baking sodas alkaline pH to interfere with skins acidic pH and strip the skin of its natural oils. And make sure to keep your skin well moisturized to help maintain your natural barrier.

I want to trywhat's the best way to DIY baking soda skincare?
Its important to avoid prolonged contact with the skin, as it can lead to irritation, says Dr. Garshick. So rather than going with a face mask or spot treatment, both of which sit on skin for minutes at a time, try using it as a scrub or cleanser. Mix a few teaspoons with your normal facial cleanser to add exfoliating properties.

The other alternative: Buy a product that has done the mixing for you, like the Bior Blue Agave + Baking Soda Balancing Pore Cleanser. This face wash includes natural blue agave that soothes skin to offset the deep cleaning properties of baking soda.

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