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Why Some Women Love Watching Gay Porn

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 11:30 PM PDT

Since the inception of pornography, men have loved to watch two (or more) women have sex. That's why it comes as no surprise that lesbian porn has consistently dominated PornHub searches for well over a decade.

But what is a little surprising is that that women are watching gay porn, too. Yes, they're watching lesbian porn like guys even straight women but they're also watching a lot of gay sex happen between two (or more) dudes.

But why? What do women get out of watching men head directly downtown to poundtown? Since we could only speculate, we asked a dozen women to share why they watchand in many cases prefer viewingtwo dudes go to town on one another.

Here's who you'll hear from:
  • Melissa Vitale (26)
  • Cate West (43)
  • Beatrice S.* (35)
  • Cory B. (23)
  • Habit (36)
  • Lera (38)
  • Sonia Harcourt (32)

How often do you watch porn?
Melissa : Varies by season, but between weekly to daily depending on how horny I am too.

Cate : I watch porn 3-5 times a week.

Beatrice : A few times a week.

Cory : I watch porn almost every time I masturbate, so lets say around 3-5 days a week.

Habit : I watch porn about once or twice a week.

Lera : I watch porn every time I masturbate, anywhere from 1-7 times a week.

Sonia : 3-5 days a week at least.

What percentage of that is gay male porn?

Melissa : Half.

Cate : Id say 25% is gay male porn or bisexual MMF (male, male, female) porn.

Beatrice : It fluctuates! Usually, I'm very into watching really well made queer porn for women. Sometimes I'll get into very specific little subcategories for a period of time and this ends up being one of them.

Habit : About 90% of that is gay male porn.

Cory : Anywhere from 20-30%.

Lera : I jump around from video to video, but gay male porn is always present, with bi male porn taking preference recently. So, 100% as I watch it every time, or about 50%, as that is the approximate breakdown of the type of videos I watch.

Sonia: A good 50-60%.

Why do you like watching gay male porn?
Melissa : For porn, my approach is [the] more cocks the better, so I gravitate towards gangbangs. Sometimes, it's refreshing to not keep seeing the same gangbang of a loudly moaning gal.

Cate : Men have a hunger and intensity to their play that I find fascinating. I have a little penis envy, no doubt. That plays out in my own sex life through pegging , which gives me the best of both worlds. Theres nothing masculine about me, I dont want to be a man, but prostate owners have fun equipment. I suppose watching it also satisfies voyeuristic tendencies as well. This is a window into a world that I can only view from the sidelines, and thats hot.

Beatrice : While straight porn has gotten a little bit better in recent years, I'm not really into huge, hairy, muscly guys. While I know those guys are still popular in gay porn, I'm much more likely to find men I'm more interested in generally [who fall] on the more androgynous side of things. Straight porn is very much focused on the women, and a bonus of gay porn is that they show men being attractive, as opposed to them just being a means to an end.

Cory : I think gay men (or at least gay male porn stars) have a really powerful way of communicating with their bodies on camera. Also, because Im a cisgender woman, I can sometimes tell in porn if the women featured are faking or overdoing it because I have personally been in that position before. Its harder for me to tell when a guy is faking it because Im not a dude. I also dont have to think about me and my gender when Im watching gay porn because Im watching people with bodies that are different from my own. It's liberating. I dont have to imagine that Im the woman thats being fucked, I can just enjoy the porn for the sake of enjoying the porn.

Lera : I find gay porn more appealing and way sexier. Also, I find gay porn actors more attractive than those in hetero scenes.

Sonia : I love the sounds of a turned-on partner, but in straight porn, the men arent the stars of the show, so theyre much more quiet. Plus, more hot guys, more hard dicks, and more cum shots!

How does gay male porn differ from straight porn, outside of being two (or more) dudes?
Melissa : For me, the real difference is actually a bit of a social rebellion: I'm so used to seeing women degraded [in porn] and whenever I get with a new partner, their first thing they want to see is if I like being degraded. Seeing a man [get penetrated] is a nice rebellion on the status quo of dudes just giving women as much as they can take.

Cate : I find the situational context more believable. Its less outrageous than straight porn, which often adds a lot of fantasy nonsense that gets distracting. Gay porn tends to get down to business, and I like that. Im here for the action, not the storyline.

Beatrice : Unlike a lot of women in straight porn, the gay dudes actually seem into it. That makes a difference for me.

Cory : I feel like a lot of mainstream straight porn can feel really stale sometimes. I also think theres just a completely different sexual energy when its two men as opposed to a man and a woman or two. The masculine sexual energy thats portrayed in gay porn can be very primal and animalistic, and I dont see that as much in straight porn.

Lera : The fact that there is no woman being "used" is important. This is why I now prefer bi male porn with one woman and two or more men. Women appear to be enjoying themselves more and directing the men. In gay male porn, participants appear to be sincerely into it, whereas in hetero versions, I can't help but think that the woman on screen would rather be doing something else!

*Name has been changed to allow subject to freely on private matters.

Petition To Move Halloween Goes Viral

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 11:00 PM PDT

  • A petition to move Halloween from October 31st to the last Saturday in October has gone viral.
  • So far, it's received 70,000 signatures, with the ultimate goal of 75,000.
  • The Change.org petition was created by the Halloween & Costume Association, asking for a "safter, stress-free Halloween."

Tens of thousands of people have signed a petition asking President Donald Trump to move Halloween from October 31stAll Hallows Eveto the last Saturday in October, in order to make trick-or-treating easier on both parents and kids.

The Halloween & Costume Association is asking for a "safer, stress-free Halloween" in a Change.org petition that so far has accumulated more than 71,000 (!) signatures. Ultimately, the organization is hoping to reach 75,000.

Because Halloween often falls on a weekday, kids end up trick-or-treating after school, and since it gets dark early in October (duh), many children end up trick-or-treating in dark, some unsupervised. In fact, according to the petition, "70 percent of parents dont accompany their children trick-or-treating," and there are apparently "3,800 Halloween-related injuries each year."

The petition even includes an argument to get millennials, who likely spend Halloween at a house party, on board. "51 percent Of Millennials say Halloween is their favorite holiday," it reads. "Why cram it into two rushed evening weekday hours when it deserves a full day?" (Tbh, I'm convinced.)

The Halloween & Costume Association (HCA) describes itself as the "preeminent authority on Halloween" and says it "serves as a non-profit voice of the industry," on its website. It was incorporated in 2005 and was previously known as the Halloween Industry Association.

Already thinking about your costume? Watch this video for some scary-good inspo:

And while Halloween might be a light-hearted holiday, the Halloween industry is no jokelast year, Americans spent $9 billion celebrating the occasion, according to the National Retail Federation . The HCA represents the entire Halloween industry and produces industry events like the International Halloween Show and the Halloween and Party Expo. Its mission statement is reportedly to "promote and grow the safe celebration of Halloween and year-round costumed events throughout North America."

In This Story: #Petition #Move #Halloween #Viral

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Beauty guru Dodos Uvieghara spills her skincare secrets

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 10:30 PM PDT

Dodos Uvieghara, celebrity makeup-artist and beauty guru, may be a wiz with the makeup brush but she looks after her skin too. Take a look at the secret to her glow!

Human beings tend to work better with a routine, and when you're battling with acne-prone skin, it will respond much better if you take time to care for your skin daily, instead of the odd occasions you remember to take care of it. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it should be taken care of well, especially if you suffer from breakouts.

If you take care of your skin every day as you should, following an easy skincare routine, you'll benefit from clearer, healthier skin.

Having glowing skin will increase your confidence and make your makeup go on smoother.

Writing about her skincare experience, Dodos said:

Here is my updated skincare routine (finally)! I've also been following the Korean skincare steps and it has done wonders! AND I share my secrets on how I maintained clear & smooth skin! 

I hope you enjoyed this skincare routine where I show you how I've maintained clear and smooth skin using my favourite products. I've also managed to improve my skin texture and dryness in my skin. I found that not enough people talk about dry skin and how to avoid flaky skin.

P.S. This is my morning skincare routine and I follow these steps every morning. I know this is a really long skincare routine but think of it as a mini at-home facial every single morning. It's truly amazing and works!

Check it out below!

Why The Rock Is Angrily Protesting in Hawaii

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 10:00 PM PDT

Why The Rock Is Angrily Protesting in Hawaii
Community members in Hawaii protesting against the construction of a massive telescope on Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano of great spiritual significance in Hawaiian culture. Large groups of demonstrators blocked the road to the summit, leading to a number of elders, known as kpunasome of whom are as old as 80being forcibly removed, or even arrested.

Hollywood actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (who grew up in Honolulu) has lent his voice to the cause, joining protestors in Hawaii and bringing the issue to the attention of his 151 million Instagram followers, reiterating just how grave a blow it would be to the local community if the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project were to go ahead on their sacred land.

"At the heart of any matter, is where the truth lies," Johnson wrote on Instagram. "Truth is, these people - our people - are the backbone and spirit of Hawaii and our culture. They are willing to die here to protect this very sacred land we stand on. This is not about stopping the progress of science. Ill always be an advocate for science advancement, but not at the expense of human beings who are hurting. When we lead with empathy, we make progress thru humanity. I remain optimistic our leaders will do right by the people. Because in the end, thats really the only thing that matters - people."

Johnson also appeared on local news station Hawaii News Now to speak about the need for respectful dialogue. "When things escalate to an emotional level, that is a sign that something needs to be done," he said. "This is a very steadfast culture... they are peaceful, but they are so powerful, and no-one's going anywhere. So I'm optimistic that something positive is going to come out of this."

Actor Jason Momoa, who hails from Honolulu, also took to social media to express his solidarity with the protestors, and praised Johnson for using his platform to raise awareness.

Construction of the telescope on Mauna Kea has been fiercely debated for over a decade, with the Hawaiian Supreme Court finally ruling in 2018 that the project would go ahead. However, project manager Gary Sanders said in 2017 that the site could be moved if building on the mountain proved too much of an issue: "If we keep on encountering obstacles to placing it [TMT] on Hawaii we would be very happy to build it in the Canaries. With the TMT on La Palma we could do marvelous astronomy."

In This Story: #Rock #Angrily #Protesting #Hawaii

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#MercysMenu: Chigul opens up to Mercy Johnson on her divorce in the show

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 07:30 AM PDT

Chigul recently opened up to Mercy Johnson-Okojie on her divorce in the first episode of the actress' food show, 'Mercy's Menu'.

Mercy Johnson-Okojie hosted Chigul in her kitchen on the first episode of 'Mercy's Menu' and she opened up on a variety of personal life matters.

The comedienne, who was born Chioma Omeruah, told Mercy Johnson that she is divorced but admitted she was young and naive when it happened.

"I am divorced," she responded when Mercy Johnson asked. "With no kids," he added. 

During the discussion in the kitchen which saw the actresses prepare Banga rice with coconut milk, Mercy Johnson hinted that her eight-year-old marriage has not been a totally easy ride. 

"I am married, for seven years going to eight years now and trust me, it's not been easy. There are happy times, dancing times and the crying times. The crying times, people are not there to see but the smiles are the ones they get to see," she told Chigul as they discussed the comedienne's divorce.

Responding to how and what led to her divorce, the 'Banana Island Ghost' star said, "I think in retrospect, looking back at and thinking about it now, I think I wasn't prepared as I thought I was, you know you sort of plan your life, you know you say when I finish school, what next? Marriage and then you go along that path and then you get into it and you are like, nobody told me about this path, nobody told me about how difficult it could be. 

"Thinking about it now, I'm more matured now and I think if I knew then what I know now, we would probably still be okay. There are so many things that I would have changed."

Speaking further, Chigul said, "I learned about men and that word called ego and allowing a man to be a man and sort of allowing someone to take charge because that, in my opinion, is literally what they should do."

In the first episode of the TV show, Chigul narrated how she lived with chronic pain condition for while during her work.

The funny woman spoke about her daily struggle with chronic pain, explaining that she had to take medications to help her cope with it.

She encouraged people who are quick to pray for her life as a successful celeb to try and understand that pains also comes with it.

"Don't just look at the glory, also look at the story, maybe you might want to stay in your lane … don't be afraid to allow yourself to dream, don't settle for less, let the reality live in your head and let your life catch up to it," she said.

Both Mercy and Chigul had hilarious banter in the episode with actresses sampling the different names for food items and ingredients.

Biwon sells herself as a singer with visuals for 'G-Wagon'

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 07:00 AM PDT

Artist: Biwon

Song Title: G-Wagon

Genre: Afrobeats

Date of release: July 19, 2019

Album: TBA

Producer: Krizbeatz

Video Director: Clarence Peter

Details/Takeaway: Biwom tells a poignant, and sometimes hilarious story. The gbedu/afrobeats song uses the 'precious' nature of a G-Wagon SUV to describe the worth of a human being.

Lyrical cohesion isn't a requirement for quality lamba music, but that doesn't matter to Biwom. Her second verse is particularly impressive as her story aligns. The only problem is that the soundscape has changed.

'Alternative afrobeats' is the new cool - don't tell anybody I said that. This song will get Biwom some buzz because it's good and her talent is obvious, but it might not be enough to truly help her breakout - except she has a sizeable budget to push it, that is. Nonetheless, I might be wrong.

For now, the song will do the job, but going forward, it might not be enough. The beat has to sound more contemporary. It might represent a sharp change for Biwom, but that might be what it requires.

You can listen to the song below;

In This Story: #Biwon #sells# herself #singer #visuals #GWagon

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I Go Dye advises people who say social media is for noisemakers

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 06:30 AM PDT

Nigerian comedian I Go Dye taken to social media to address people who think social media is for noisemakers.

While some people believe being on social media is a waste of time, Nigerian comedian , I Go Dye, believes otherwise. He recently took to social media to advise people who believe social media is for noisemakers.

The comedian whose real name is Francis Agoda, revealed that social media is rather a means for social change because the outcry witnessed on social media has changed lots of lives. He went on to advise people to also lend their voices towards advocating for change in the society.

He wrote: "FOR those who think people make noise on social media, you are wrong. Social media is means of mass communication that has given hope and caused uprising in many countries . It has created a means of protest to many issues, generating attention and mediums of social change and revolt against government, helping those who have oppressed to be heard."

"You may not believe in the out cry on social media, but I can gladly tell you that it has liberated many people and it's the most formidable means of speaking and reaching out to the larger society in this 21st century. We can't make progress as a nation if all we do is remain silent and take up arms as the only means of expressing our displeasure on certain issues against government. Please try and lend your voice to any issue with positive outcome, instead of looking for easy means to castigate those whose voice of reason have impacted the course of a change. To further bring to your notice, the likes of Fela had no reason to speak against government at the time he did, because he wasn't from a poor home, but he spoke against many people and government policies, which really changed a lot of issues. I thank all the bloggers in Nigeria especially you for using your social media platforms for positive change. Words are powerful and there is nothing compared to the strength of collectively speaking against injustice or promoting the success of others in good faith. From Amb Francis Agoda logic and reason without guns."

Andy Ruiz Jr rules out UK rematch with Anthony Joshua, says it’s a trap

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 06:00 AM PDT

Andy Ruiz Jnr has declared that he will not agree to a rematch to fight Anthony Joshua in the United Kingdom as he fears a 'set-up'.

The Mexican champion stunned the world on the 1st of June when he defeated Joshua in the seventh round to become WBA, WBO, IBF and IBO champion of the world.

While reacting to the news of Dillian Whyte's alleged failed drugs test, the Mexican-American posted a tweet saying: 'I'm not going to the UK for the rematch #issasetup.'

Whyte reportedly tested positive 'for at least two banned substances' before to Saturday's victory over Oscar Rivas.

Daily Mail reported that the British Boxing Board of Control allowed the fight to go ahead according to legal protocol pending B sample tests and appeals. If Whyte's B sample is negative then he would be cleared of any wrongdoing.

BBNaija Princess celebrates her birthday in cleavage-baring outfit

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 05:30 AM PDT

2018 BBNaija housemate Princess is a year older and has released stunning new images to celebrate her new year.

The former reality TV star has since taken to her Instagram page to release beautiful new photos of herself to celebrate her day.

She captioned one of the photos;

ITS HER BIRTHDAY💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼 •

Looking back at the past year…i am so proud and grateful for the woman I have become •

From baring my self to the world to watching opinions and misconceptions being hurled at me from all sides…

I can say i turned the stones of disappointment to success •

2019 has definitely been a year of immense growth and fulfillment •

Trust me when i say u have no idea…what u see on the gram is only a minor % of the grace that abounds!! • •

Princess Onyejekwe….u have definitely been through it all… but just like A diamond 💎 you are a testimony of STRENGTH!! •

Mother calls her own baby ugly and funny looking

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 05:00 AM PDT

A disturbing video of a woman tagging her own baby "Ugly" has emerged on social media.
The woman who appeared inside a car carrying the baby has expressed unhappiness and satisfaction on how her baby looks.

In the viral video, she made it known that the baby is ugly and funny looking which caused a lot of controversies online.

Many of the comments on the video is against the woman as many suggested the child should be collected from her by the neccesary agencies as the look of a child is caused by the parents not the child.

Nigerian lady kicks against dating guys with potentials

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 04:30 AM PDT

A Twitter user with the handle @glory_osei, has narrated her experience dating a man with potential and warned that she will not recommend it.

@glory_osei tweeted: "1. One time I dated a guy with potential (100% would not recommend). For 3 years this guy did not hammer. He moved from one business to another. I had to share my pocket money and even lied to my dad to collect money for non existent school projects."

She continued: "2. I did all this to assist with his delusions of grandeur. Dude had big dreams but couldn't back it with action. Now I have have sense. I stay way from potential, any moron can have potential. Let's link up when your potential turns to kinetics??."

Local man cries out “My Fiancee Sleeps Around For Money”

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 04:00 AM PDT

A Nigerian man has written relationship expert, Cynthia Valerian Raphaels to ask for help after finding out that the woman he plans to marry by December sleeps around for money.

Read his post below:

Good morning madam,how are you and your family? Something has been bordering me since 2days now,I just found out someone I planning to wed by December sleeps around with her best friend for money.

She's currently doing her 1year IT I've helped her find a job she said she can't do marketing rather she's insisting I open up a fashion shop for her. I found out that whenever she visits her best friend it's usually for sleeping with men for money and it's not as if I don't spend on her or give her enough money. she's currently in Lagos with her best friend on the same mission as I'm writing this.

I'm sober and it got me wondering what love is all about, the worst of it all is that someone I knew requested to have both my woman and her best friend both at the same time.Please how best do I tackle this issue?

In This Story: #Local #man #criesout #Fiancee #Sleeps #Around #Money

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Chimamanda Adichie and husband Dr Esege dine with former US President Barack Obama & First Lady Michelle Obama

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 03:30 AM PDT

Chimamanda Adichie and husband Dr Esege dine with former US President Barack Obama & First Lady Michelle Obama
Renowned Nigerian author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was pictured at a private dinner with former US President Barack Obama, former First Lady Michelle Obama and other VIPs.

The Americanah author attended the dinner with her husband Dr Ivara Esege. Others present included Shaw-Scott, Steven Spielberg and wife, Kate Capshaw.

Ms Adichie's brother, Chuka posted the photo to his Instagram page with the caption:

"When my definition of a great evening is some of the greatest minds I admire meeting to have a private dinner and when the great minds include my darling little sister @chimamanda_adichie, President Barack Obama Michelle Obama @michelleobama, Steven Spielberg and his wife."

In This Story: #ChimamandaAdichie #Husband #DrEsege #dine #former #US #President #BarackObama #FirstLady #MichelleObama

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"Davido's Blow my mind track with Chris Brown na trash" Fans react after listening to “Blow My Mind”

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 03:00 AM PDT

After so much anticipation, "Blow My Mind" by Davido featuring Chris brown has finally been releaaed.

But Davido fans have not been happy after listening to the track because Davido refuse to Blow Their Mind.

A fan even said "Davido need to stop hyping his songs"

See some reactions below:

* Davido So dis is how you ended up…..what im i doing In Davido thread sef……Make i continue they go b4 baba go call me lazy Nigerian youth..

* Lets be Honest with our Selves Davido does not have Talent, has a Croaky voice and Doesn't know how to write songs……..he just has good management and marketers and has enough Cash to buy any song he wants to buy and Push it to any limit he wants to take it to.

* davido needs to go back to his pon pon sound he should go back tekno bcause if he is thinking of trying to copy burna afro fusion him go disgrace him self patpata

Here are some other reactions on Twitter:

Burna Boy: ‘Nigerians love me now because the rest of the world does’

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 02:30 AM PDT

From winning the BET awards for Best International Act and featuring in Beyonce's Lion King Album, Burna Boy says Nigerians love him now because the rest of the world does.

Talking about his album which will be released tomorrow and his music in an interview with Billboard, the Rivers State born singer said his plan is to take his music worldwide and also play in a stadium in China.

But first, he'll embark on a 17-date global tour of 1,000- to 3,000-capacity venues starting Aug. 9 in Toronto.

"This has always been my vision," he says. "Not like I planned it, just that I knew I should stick to doing what I'm doing. It's almost like climbing steps — you keep going up."

Also speaking on his local growth, Burna Boy stated that Nigerians only acknowledge him now because the rest of the world does.

"Nigerians love me a lot more now because they can see that the whole world likes me, too. They think I'm something special, but I'm not. I'm just a human whose skill is making music. Way I see it, everyone plays their own role in the world, and no role is more important than the other."

On becoming one of the richest Nigerian artists, he said, "You are only as rich as where you come from, and Nigeria has a lot of poverty."

Nigerian Evangelist 'Victor Edet' warns Tope Alabi to stop using wigs, makeup, earrings

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 02:00 AM PDT

Nigerian Evangelist 'Victor Edet' warns Tope Alabi to stop using wigs, makeup, earrings
There are some Christians who believe people should desist from wearing wigs, putting on earrings, applying makeup and among those is Evangelist Victor Edet.

The Evangelist took to his social media page to remind Tope Alabi on the consequence of wearing wigs, makeup, and earrings.

While appreciating Tope Alabi of being Talented and gifted, he advised her not to allow her labour to be in vain because any body who put on such is a candidate of hell fire.

"Tope Alabi, you are talented and gifted, but don't allow your labour to be in vain. Take off the weavon, Attachment, Earrings, Make-up and Artificial Nails. Anyone who wear this things won't make heaven.", he wrote on Facebook.

See his post below;

#BBNaija2019: Ike to Frodd “I Want To Play With Tacha”

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 01:30 AM PDT

BNaija housemate, Ike has recently revealed that if not for his current love interest with Mercy, he would be playing with Tacha. However, he was stopped by Frodd who carefully advised him.

Ike stated that it was not about having a relationship or even sex with Tacha, it is more about the energy to play or vibe she was giving off.  Frodd, who went against it, advised him to be satisfied with what he has.

In his words, "don't play yourself, don't be foolish, don't count your eggs before you hatch it, My brother ehn, I don't know if you are promiscuous" Ike later stated that he just wanted to inspect the eggs.

Recall that Mercy had revealed that she hates  seeing Tacha talking to Ike.

In This Story: #BBNaija2019 #Ike #Frodd #Play #Tacha

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Adekunle Gold Reveals he was 'so stupid' at 15 when he first asked a Girl out

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 01:00 AM PDT

Popular Nigerian highlife singer,and songwriter, Adekunle Gold, has revealed in a video, the things he did for love as a teenager, which he termed as 'stupid'. He made this known while speaking about the time he had his first date.

As he said in the interview that he was 15 years of age, when he wrote a love letter to his crush with perfume sprayed on it and love symbols as well. He termed himself to be so stupid because he never believed he could do such.

Adekunle Gold later got married to singer Simi after a secret engagement and wedding.  The couple met on Facebook and their first physical meeting was at a show she headlined in Lagos.

Simi revealed that she never knew Adekunle Gold was a musician like herself during their first meeting, but as 'King of Photoshop'. They went on to become friends, dated and eventually got married.

In This Story: #AdekunleGold #Reveals #SoStupid #15 #first #Girl #out

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