ECON Undergraduates Blog

ECON Undergraduates Blog

ECON Honors Program Info Session

Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:56 AM PST

Economics Majors:

If you would like to impress future employers or graduate programs with compelling evidence of your intelligence and willingness to take on a challenge, then consider participating in the Economics Department's honors program.  The major-specific honors program is designed to benefit students who are interested in conducting academic research, regardless of whether you are already a member of the Honors College or not.  If you want to consider applying to the economics honors program to start next Fall OR the following year, then you should attend an information session on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd at 2pm in 3100 Tydings Hall

Dr. Nuno Limão, director of the economics honors program, and Dr. Cindy Clement, director of undergraduate studies, will discuss:
(i)               The pre-requisites for the program and the application process,
(ii)              The benefits of pursuing honors and what it takes to succeed in the program.   
If you plan to graduate in May 2021 and want to pursue honors, then there are specific courses that are important to register for in the coming spring and we would be happy to advise you on these at the information session.

We look forward to meeting you and answering your questions about the honors program.  If you can't make the meeting, please send an email to to discuss honors.

Global Classroom GVPT356 Spring 2020

Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:42 AM PST

Greetings from MIDCM! We still have open slots for GVPT356  section 0201, the Global Classroom course we run in coordination Leiden University College in the Hague,  and we would like to open up the class to other undergraduate students in relevant colleges and departments who are not in the MIDCM minor.

GVPT356 section 0201: This blended-format course (part traditional, part online), sponsored by the University of Maryland's Office of International Affairs, will pair 12 UMD students in the Minor in International Development and Conflict Management with 16 Leiden University College students in Governance and Global Affairs. They will spend the bulk of the semester collaborating in small teams working to research and produce creative, viable, and sustainable solutions to major contemporary development problems. Each team will be challenged to build expertise about a specific problem in a specific locale. The primary assignments ("deliverables") for each team will be a jointly written project concept note and a final presentation, with smaller deliverables along the way on which these final products will build. By the end of the course, all students should develop both hard skills and issue expertise. This course will be team-taught by faculty members from both participating programs.

Interested students should complete the application found here and submit it by Friday, Nov. 29th. 

Important notes: MIDCM will waive the GVPT354 prerequisite for students not enrolled in the minor. Also, this offer/application is for section 0201 only. 

BSOS Scholarship Application

Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences offers a variety of scholarships to current students!

Students can apply now for an award for the Fall 2020 semester. Before submitting your application, make sure to review each scholarship's unique eligibility criteria. To explore all of our scholarships, and determine which best suit you, please visit this link.

Applications for the Fall 2020 semester are due on February 10, 2020 by 9 AM. Click here to apply.

Questions regarding the scholarships or the application process can be
e-mailed to
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