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How to clear blocked breast milk ducts: A step-by-step guide

Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:00 AM PST

When it comes to reduced breast milk supply, the reasons are aplenty — from formula feeding, low nutrition, insufficient glandular tissue, pre-existing medical conditions and more. But what happens when your milk ducts start to clog and add on to your stress in breastfeeding?

No doubt that it becomes more painful and challenging for you. But fear not, mums! We share how to clear a clogged milk duct through breast massage in 5 gentle, simple steps.

But before that, do you know what are the symptoms of a clogged milk duct?

  • Symptoms Of A Clogged Milk Duct
  • pain in a specific location in the breast
  • a swollen, tender lump in the breast
  • heat and swelling in the breasts
  • slower milk flow on one side
  • skin that looks lumpy in one area
  • a small white dot on the nipple called a milk bleb
Leaving your ducts blocked could lead to a low fever in some cases. And doing so could lead to mastitis, a painful infection in the breasts.

As such, if you experience a fever alongside breast pain, it is recommended to visit a doctor.

How To Clear A Clogged Milk Duct Through Breast Massage: A Step-by-step process
When you're facing clogging of the breast, your breast can tend to look solid, thick or lumpy in some areas. The skin surrounding the nipple could also swell red with white spots on the nipple as well.

Here's a massage technique that involves 5 simple steps you can do on your own, mums, to help you ease the milk flow through your milk ducts. Besides, you know your bodies best.

Step 1: The back and forward motion
Place your breast between your hands while holding them horizontally. Keep that position while moving the gland tissue back and forward — as shown in the picture.

Afterwards, repeat the same procedure by placing your breast between your hands held vertically (more on the next picture).

Step 2: Massaging in circular motions
Support your breast with one hand and place three to four fingertips of your other hand flat on the breast. Do all of that while massaging the gland tissue in a circular motion.

Shift the fingertips 2-3 cm from time to time and repeat the procedure, until you have massaged the entire breast.

Step 3: The gentle caress
Use your fingers to gently caress the breast from the base of the areola (the area surrounding the nipple) to the nipple. Through this movement, you can induce the milk to flow.

Step 4: Applying slight pressure
Place your thumb and finger behind the areola and press slightly in the direction of the chest; gently try and squeeze out a drop of milk.

After doing so, gently squeeze the breast. Then, move your thumb and finger towards the nipple without rubbing the skin.

Step 5: Release the tension through "rhythmic repetition"
You can wet your nipple with the resulting drop of breast milk and encourage your baby to suck the breast. The rhythmical repetition around the areola can help to relax your tense breast or even unclog it.

Alternatively, you can use a gently-functioning breast pump to help stimulate and express the breast milk.

How To Clear A Clogged Milk Duct: What To ALWAYS Take Note Before A Breast Massage
Here are some things to be mindful of when understanding how to clear a clogged milk duct:
1) Timing is key
Perform this massage briefly before any breastfeeding session.

It's advised to do this particularly in the first days and weeks after your little one's birth so as to prevent engorgement. If you want to prevent breast inflammation, this is especially useful.

2) Watch out for the signs
Breast massage should always be carried out gently.

If it's painful, then you're not doing it right. There's always a good and a bad kind of pain, but don't let the pain be a sign that things are working out. Always go with what your body is telling you and stop if it gets out of hand.

3) Keep your hands clean!
A simple but often overlooked step. Always remember to wash your hands before any breast massage and make sure to wash them thoroughly!

Sources: Ardomedical, Medical News Today, Australian Breastfeeding Association

Is Canned Tuna Really Healthy?

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:30 PM PST

Canned tuna is the ultimate lazy-girl way to get some fish into your diet (because fresh fish gets stanky real quick and can be tricky to cook).

Convenient as the canned stuff is, though, it comes with some questions. Like, uh, how can fish possibly be okay to eat after its been hanging out in a can? Is it loaded with heavy metals? Ultimately, is canned tuna actually healthy?

Rest assured: Generally, canned tuna is a safe alternative to fresh fish, says Keri Gans, RD, dietitian and author of The Small Change Diet . The processing it undergoesand sealing of the canmake it shelf-stable.

However, those heavy metal concerns are real. Certain species of tuna contain higher-than-average amounts of mercury, a toxic metal that can cause severe health issues, according to the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). Thats why you should keep tabs on your canned tuna intake, especially if youre pregnant.

As a whole, though, the health benefits of tuna generally outweigh the potential risks associated with trace levels of mercury detected in some tuna, says dietitian Julie Upton, RD, cofounder of nutrition website Appetite for Health .

Still have questions? Here's the breakdown of everything you've ever wondered about canned tuna.

How do they catch the fish in canned tuna?
The tuna that ends up in cans is caught a few different ways, according to the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF). Most is caught using a method called "purse seining," in which a net is drawn out into the water around a school of tuna. Weights carry one end of the net deep into the water, which is then pulled up to trap the fish once they're surrounded.

"Long-lining" is another method, in which a long float-supported line is put into the water. Attached to that long line? A whole string of lines sporting baited hooks.

Finally, some tuna are also caught by "trolling" or "pole and line fishing." In these methods, live bait is dumped into the water to attract the tuna. The fishermen then drop in their individual hooked lines to catch the interested tuna.

The process that turns a fresh-caught fish into the canned stuff varies a bit from company to company.

Bumble Bee , for example, says their tuna is delivered to their cannery from the fishing boatsor from reefer ships, which deliver the tuna from foreign fishing companies.

From there, the tuna is frozen and grouped according to size and weight.

Then, it's inspected, thawed, cleaned, loaded onto metal racks, and baked. Once cooked, the tunas skin and bones are removed and the remaining meat moves on to be canned.

The meat is added to cans, which are automatically filled with the fish, salt, vegetable broth, water, or oil (depending on the variety). The lids are then attached and sealed, and the cans are cleaned and sterilized.

And is that canned tuna healthy? Talk to me about nutrition.
When you hit up the canned goods aisle at the supermarket, you've got lots of tuna optionsincluding different types of tuna prepared in different ways.

The most commonly eaten type of tuna in the U.S. is skipjack (which is also what most "light tuna" is made from), according to Starkist . White tuna, a.k.a. albacore, is another popular option.

Generally, these different types of tuna offer similar nutrition.

The most notable nutritional differences amongst cans of tuna stem from whether they're packed in oil or waterand how much sodium they contain. (The only real difference between oil- and water-packed tuna is the calories and fat, says Gans.)

Heres what you can expect from a one-ounce serving of canned tuna, packed in oil, according to the USDA Nutrient Database :
  • Calories: 56
  • Fat: 2.3 g
  • Protein: 8.3 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g
  • Fiber: 0 g
  • Sodium: 416 mg
And, from a one-ounce serving of canned tuna, packed in water, according to the USDA Nutrient Database :
  • Calories: 24
  • Fat: 0.3 g
  • Protein: 5.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g
  • Fiber: 0 g
  • Sodium: 247 mg
In addition to being a great protein source, canned tuna also contains key nutrients like vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, says Jessica Cording, RD, dietitian and author of The Little Book of Game-Changers: 50 Healthy Habits For Managing Stress & Anxiety .

Vitamin D and omega-3s are both essential nutrients for brain development and cognitive function, as well as reduction of inflammation, she says. Vitamin D also plays an important role in bone health, immune system function, and cell growth, while omega-3s help support cell structures.

Cool. So how much tuna can I eat per week?
Concerns about how much tuna is safe to eat come back to the mercury situation.

Certain types of tuna typically contain more mercury than others, with light tuna being your safest bet. The reason light tuna is generally lower in mercury is because its made from smaller, younger fish that havent had as much time to absorb the heavy metal, Cording explains. Albacore, meanwhile, typically packs more.

The average person can safely eat up to 12 ounces of light tunaor up to five ounces of albacore tunaa week, Gans says.

If youre pregnant or breastfeeding, though, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends consuming between eight and 12 ounces of a variety of seafood per week. That means no more than two to three servings of light tuna per week, per the FDA .

What does a quality can of tuna look like?
Next time you're in the canned goods aisle, make sure your can of tuna meets the following four criteria to ensure it's the highest quality possible.
  • Its light tuna . (Again, see mercury concerns.)
  • It has a limited ingredients list . You really want a can in which the only ingredients are tuna, water or oil, and maybe salt, Cording says.
  • It features pole-caught tuna . Because overfishing is a concern with tuna, keep in mind that pole-caught tuna better supports sustainability, Cording says.
  • It has certifications. Brands certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), the Monterey Bay Aquarium, or the Safina Center tend to be more sustainable, Gans says.
Bonus: Pick a brand that tests their tuna for mercury and other contaminants, says Sonya Angelone, RD, dietitian and spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. It should say right on the can, she says.

Sweet. And the best ways to eat canned tuna are...?
Canned tuna can be a healthy part of your dietas long as you dont eat it every day.

Toss a little tuna on top of salads for extra protein, spread tuna on crackers and add a squeeze of fresh lemon, or mix with avocado, salsa, or Greek yogurt for a zesty dip.

However you like it, give yourself a pat on the back for getting a little more seafood into your diet.

The bottom line: Canned tuna is generally healthy, just opt for "light tuna" and don't eat the stuff every day to be mindful of your mercury consumption.

We Can End Measles—but Scientific BS Is Keeping It Alive

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:00 PM PST

ISRAEL ROSMAN SEEMS like someone you can trust. Some of that is his rekel, a long coat worn by Hasidic men that evokes a religious connection. But some of it is his round, kind face sporting round, wire-frame glasses, so that sometimes it seems like his whole face is the glasses and he is smiling shyly from far behind them, and he would like you to sit down right herehe pats the chair next to himwhile he explains whats going to happen next.

In October 2018, an Orthodox Jewish child with a rash and respiratory symptoms arrived at NYU Langone Healths Tisch Hospital, where Rosman works. Doctors in the emergency department, unsure of the specific cause of the symptoms, sent the child up to an inpatient unit with a diagnosis of viral syndrome and respiratory illness. The child moved through the hallways, potentially shedding virus particles near patients who had arrived for broken legs, upset stomachs, and chemotherapy treatments. No one knew the childs situation would soon become national news, so no one was especially alarmed. Then, on the treatment floor, an astute pediatrician recognized the distinctive rash. See it once and youll never forget it: measles.

Measles is a big problem. Aggressively contagious, the virus can live in a room for two hours after a stricken person has coughed or sneezed in it. It would soon flash through the chronically undervaccinated Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn. Hospital staff, worried about it spreading within the halls, called the New York City Department of Health. Staff made signs, set out face masks, began weekly meetings. Normally, eight rooms in the pediatric ward function under negative air pressure, but when the hospital realized there was an outbreak in the city, it converted every room in the pediatric ward to that status. This way, rogue virus particles could not escape into waiting rooms where vulnerable patients sat. The precautions steeled the institution against an epidemic.

Rosman was one of the staff members charged with talking to the families. Hed worked at NYU Langone for years as a community liaison, helping to orient Orthodox patients and their families within the medical system. Now he joined weekly meetings with a pediatric infectious-disease specialist. When parents came in, panicky and embarrassed, Rosman sat down with them and explained how not vaccinating led to disease. He explained that no one would be persecuted for bringing their sick children in. He quickly learned it was useless to berate people for their choices or even push them to get their shots immediately. His job, as he saw it, was to be a compassionate arm of the response, to say, Calm down. Whatever happens now, well take care of it.

Were on your side, he was saying. Weve been on your side the whole time.

SINCE ABOUT 2014, when nearly 150 cases of measles were traced back to Disneyland in California, articles about outbreaks have shown up in the news every year or so. They read about like this onefocused on progressive private institutions, such as Waldorf schools, or insular communities like Brooklyns Hasidic population or Minnesotas Somali-American community, because that is where the hot spots happen. The articles explain how anti-vaccine sentiment spreads in a community, how immunity rates drop below an acceptable threshold, and how diseases such as measles are dangerous to young children and people with compromised immune systems. People go online and rant about anti-vaxxers. And then the relevant health department gets everything under control and the epidemic ends.

It would be reasonable to ask why you have to keep reading about these outbreaks at all. If they keep happening in isolated communities but the herd immunity in the rest of the country remains high, how, exactly, is measles going to affect you? Is measles even something you need to worry about? The answer is yes, but not for the reasons you might think.

Vaccines exemplify a lot of the stuff we analyze when we look at how people distort health information, says Carl Bergstrom, Ph.D., who, along with professor Jevin West, Ph.D., offers a course at the University of Washington titled Calling Bullshit: Data Reasoning in a Digital World. A few years ago, Bergstrom and West, both biology-trained research scientists, realized that their students were having a difficult time reasoning their way through the science that involved quantitative data, which suddenly seemed to include most science. We felt like, wow, learning to call bullshit on this stuff is sort of the most important skill, Bergstrom says.

If you were going to be blunt, you could call every one of the recent measles outbreaks an egregious failure of calling bullshit, a problem that is growing. Although anti-vaccine rhetoric has been around since the beginning of vaccines, only recently has it metastasized into a network of grassroots organizations, political groups, and Twitter opinion columnists that is increasingly difficult to sort through. In Brooklyn, the myths were spread by pamphlets created by an in-community group called PEACH (Parents Educating and Advocating for Childrens Health), which was started by a Hasidic mother who felt her concerns were being dismissed by doctors and found succor in online videos and disinformation. Most of the people Rosman met at the hospital hadnt even bought into the pamphlets that strongly. They had simply heard enough to have questions. They were confused.

Confusion around health information is nothing to be ashamed of. To fact-check every new health claimBacon is bad! Chocolate is good! Are you running enough? Are you running too much?youd have to have a biology degree, a statistics degree, and a detailed understanding of p-values, sample size, the peer-review process, and the way grants work. But information about vaccines is particularly fraught: In recent years, some people have tried to make the science confusing on purpose. Bergstrom calls it an agnotological campaign, which is a truly great phrase to throw around at your next presidential-debate party. Its the study of how people create uncertainty about scientific results where there really shouldnt be any, he says.

The real pioneers of agnotology, a term coined back in the trustworthy days of 1995, were the tobacco companies and the campaign to discredit doctors who claimed tobacco smoke was a carcinogen. (It is.)

The word refers to the purposeful spread of ignorance, untruths repeated so frequently and vehemently that they seem just as valid as real truths. You may recognize the strategy from advertising, Soviet propaganda, and such historical political moments as right now, all the time. Recent offenders include climate-change deniers and the folks whod have you believe that 5G wireless networks cause cell damage. (They dont.) The real threat these isolated measles outbreaks pose to most Americans isnt that you, a vaccinated person living far from an outbreak ZIP code, are likely to come down with spots. Its that the techniques of politics have come for your body. And if you dont have a trusted community member like Israel Rosman to lead you out of the darkness, youre on your own.

WITH THE ADVENT of deepfake video technologies and a continuing erosion of trust in public institutions, deciding whom or what to believe is only going to get harder. Its clear that most people could benefit from strengthening their bullshit-detecting abilities, but how?

Strategies anti-vaccine groups employ to bring people over to their cause are often similar to effective critical-thinking advice, in a fun-house-mirror sort of way. They like to invoke dusty counterculture slogans implying that youre being misled by powerful, shadowy forces: Follow the money. Look behind the curtain. Dont you want to discover the truth for yourself? It can destabilize people, like the old riddle about the one man who always lies and the other who always tells the truth. In some of these cases, the anti-vaccine people have a better narrative than the pro-vax people, says Valerie Reyna, Ph.D., a Cornell scientist whose research focuses on how we make decisions. Theyre actually answering the question why? How does this work? Why does this work this way? Why is this happening? Even if the information is bogus.

To figure out if its real, standard bullshit-detection principles apply: Trace claims back to their original sources; watch for emotional language, which is very rarely used in science; and consider plausibility. Vaccine threats, along with other widespread health hoaxes, often are catchall bogeymen, stand-ins for fears about toxins, impurity, government overreach, and random misfortune. Does it seem like one technology product or medical intervention couldnt possibly cause so many different problems? Maybe it doesnt.

A little cynicism is healthy. This is the country in which researchers kept penicillin from nearly 400 black men in a 40-year syphilis study. (Google syphilis and Tuskegee if youre not familiar.) Its also the country in which Martin Shkreli raised the price of an antiparasitic drug by more than 5,000 percent just to make money. You might be right not to entirely trust someone with something to sell, but problems occur when everything starts to seem suspicious or controlled by nefarious institutional entities. And the best way to protect yourself from that kind of magical thinking is by developing a strong base of information about a subject, not by Googling terms that confirm your suspicions, like vaccines and injury, but just by Googling the most basic vaccines.

The classic cycle of measles is outbreak, news stories, people ranting about anti-vaxxers, and then health departments, like this one in LA, getting things under control. Until it happens again.

For vaccines, information to look for might include how they create immunity in the body, why they were invented, and how long theyve been used. Its also worthwhile to learn about the diseases they prevent. For example: Did you know that measles can cause your immune system to forget for up to two years other diseases it has already fought, so children who get it are more likely to get sick again with something else? Doing basic research sounds like a lot of work, but many organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics, have created easy-access pages and videos to make it all more digestible. Its actually key, says Reyna. When these decisions come around, [people] at least have some notion about whats plausible and whats not plausible.

Another option: Find someone who has been to medical school, or at least is a health professional with academic bona fides, and dare to trust them again. NYU Langone isnt the first organization to successfully tackle a public-health crisis by bringing in a community member people felt they could trust. Public-health officials in Minnesota employed in-community experts when measles struck Somali-American groups there. It is a standard public-health strategy. While many time-strapped doctors could do a better job of listening and explaining their reasoning to their patients, there are still great doctors out there. Why not find one before you end up in the hospital?

So Whom Can You Trust?
These sources are among the best for reliable health information.

Avoid these foods if you want to perform your bedroom duties better

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:30 PM PST

If you have been battling with low sex drive and you seem to have tried everything possible to increase it, you might be leaving out your diet.

Studies have shown that food and sex have a long history. Your sexual desires have a lot to do with your performance in the bedroom. Sexual desires are controlled by what is known as the libido (sex drive). If you already have a low libido, you need to stay away from certain foods to increase it.

To help you make sure your romantic evening isn't cut short because of a low libido, we've put together a list of foods you need to avoid. Here are foods to avoid if you have low libido.

1. Alcohol

Alcohol may work to give you "liquid courage" to approach someone at the bar, but it can seriously damage your ability to perform. This is because heavy drinking can lead to lower testosterone and higher estrogen levels. According to studies, excessive drinking can cause erectile difficulties in men or trouble achieving an orgasm, in both men and women.

2. Fried foods

If some of your favorite meals are fried, they may be tasty but they go a long way to affect your libido. The trans-fat found in most fried foods is known to decrease the libido in both men and women by increasing abnormal sperm production in men and interferes with gestation in women.

3. Chocolate

Chocolates are good for you but when they are too much, it lowers your libido. While delicious, chocolate is full of methylxantines, which can make us lethargic and sleepy, naturally lowering your sex drive. Chocolate makes women feel sleepy during sexual activities, thereby, temporarily lowers their sexual drive and libido.

4. Cheese

Cheese is delicious, especially when you have a carefully selected a platter, it can mess with the hormones of both men and women, affecting testosterone and oestrogen, which in turn lowers the libido.

5. Sweets/Sugar

You've probably heard of the infamous "sugar crash," and it's the last thing you want to happen when it's time to get in the mood. Sweets causes your blood sugar level to spike, both your energy and your blood sugar then fall dramatically, increasing fatigue, food cravings, and brain fog. Not surprisingly, you might not have the focus and energy required for a dynamic sexual experience.

14 Ways To Get Over A Breakup For GOOD

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:00 PM PST

If you're reading this, chances are you're somewhere in between the "listening to Kacey Musgraves album on repeat" phase and the "social media stalking of the new S.O." phase of a getting over a breakup. You're already acknowledging the fact that you need to move past the relationship, so that's step one (acceptance is key).

Moving on post-breakup isn't just hard because of that acceptance bit. It's also notoriously tough because reminders of your past relationship seem to be everywhere, says Terri Orbuch, PhD, a professor at Oakland University in Michigan and author of Finding Love Again: 6 Simple Steps to a New and Happy Relationship . If you were living together or you worked out at the same gymall of those things remind you of the past, she says.

And if you thinking getting over a breakup gets easier with age, that's not always the case: It can be even more difficult to move on after a relationship ends in your twenties or thirties than say, in your teen years (sorry). For one thing, the pool of good potential partners shrinks as people pair off (and stay paired off) in their twenties and thirties, says Jane Reardon, LMFT, founder of the app Rx Breakup .

Then there's the fact that the stakes are higher: Developmentally, most people arent ready for long-term commitment until their mid- to-late twenties, at which point theres much more riding on having a successful relationship, she says. So it's natural that a breakup at this stage is going to hit harderthe 'ship was much more serious to begin with.

And if the breakup legit feels insurmountable, like on a physical level, you're not wrong. There are very real, very physical effects of heartbreakresearch shows, for example, that simply looking at a photo of an ex who recently dumped you is enough to activate areas of the brain associated with actual pain. And other reports have shown that broken heart syndrome is a quite real physiological phenomenon that feels a lot like a heart attack. Ugh.

Fortunately, there is good news: You can and will get over this (and any future) breakup, especially if you make the following moves. I called in the pros to coach you through it.

1. Rediscover old interests.
What did you love doing as a teenager? What passions got pushed aside when you made room for your former mate? Reigniting those interestsor what Gary Lewandowski , Ph.D., a psychology professor at Monmouth University who delivered the TED Talk, Breakups Dont Have to Leave You Broken calls rediscovery of the selfis a powerful way to move on since it allows you to reestablish your own identity outside of the one thats caught up in your partner.

In fact, his research has shown that pursuing dormant interests is a more effective coping mechanism than trying new things, since theres no guarantee youll actually enjoy those new activities or incorporate them into your identity.

2. Eliminate triggers.
Since regular reminders of your ex can deepen your wounds, the obvious solution is to avoid or eliminate them. That means getting rid of furniture, jewelry, clothing, or photos that remind you of your former flame (check out NeverLikedItAnyway.com to sell old gifts), as well as changing your routines. If you went to Starbucks together, go to a different one, Orbuch advises. If you took the 8 a.m. train, take the 7:45 a.m.

3. Let off steam.
If you're feeling very Carrie Underwood "Before He Cheats" about the situation at the moment, go with that. Try rage yoga , a rage room (literally all the rage), or even a kickboxing class . But make sure you get it all out at the beginning stages of the healing process, Reardon says, because you'll feel better in the end.

"Anger management can be super cathartic, but the sooner you can move through the emotional aspects of the breakup [as in, feeling sad, angry, hurt, devastated] and move on to making sense of what happened and why, the quicker youll recover," says Reardon.

4. Cut ties.
While you may feel like talking or meeting up with your partner may help with closure, keeping in touch tends to ultimately prolong the heartache, Lewandowski says. Think about it like a job: It would be really hard to be good at your new job if youre still worrying about whats going on at your old job, he points out. You want to be as successful in that next relationship as possible, and you wouldnt want your new partner to still be obsessed with their previous relationship either, so you shouldnt be that person.

And this should go without saying, but...absolutely no, NO breakup sex !

5. Unfollow.
Cutting digital ties is important, too. How important? One study found that people who Facebook stalk their exes are more distressed, harbor more negative feelings, feel a greater sense of longing, and stunt their personal growth more than those who cut social media ties, too.

By keeping tabs on them electronically, youre maintaining those connections in a way thats not healthy for your recovery, Lewandowski says. Your best bet is to go cold turkey. (Yes, that includes Instagram and Snapchat, too.)

6. Do a social media detox.

In addition to stopping with the social media stalking of your ex, taking a break from social altogether can also speed the process. "It makes it infinitely easier to get over a breakup when you have no contact for a few months. That includes social media, so see if you can take a 30-day online hiatus," Reardon says.

It's not just about unfollowing your ex. "I always notice a big setback after someone sees a mutual friends post with the ex in the picture, having a great time, of course," she adds. (Isn't that always the case?!) Do yourself a favor and delete Insta from your phone for a week, even, so there's no chance they'll pop up in a random Story. You'll also feel better by spending more time doing than scrolling.

You're not alone! These celebs went through maaajor breakups (in the limelight, at that!):

7. Do a refresh of your space.

You may have already ditched all evidence of the relationship in the form of your framed photos together and gifts from your ex, and that can actually be healthy. "If the breakup was the exs idea, and you have no children, then throw all those pictures and mementos in a bag and put it out of sight," Reardon says.

Take this as an opportunity to give your room or home a little makeover, and add some new accent pieces that will help you make new memories. "Giving your space a little refresh is great self-carefill in the spaces with something fun or inspiring to see," Reardon adds. After all, that's where you'll be most days during the healing process, so you might as well add only items that spark joy to the place.

8. Make a list of the red flags in the relationship.

One of Reardon's favorite tips from Rx Breakup is the red-flag list: Jot down everything that was an issue in the relationship that you chose to ignore, she says. And scientifically, this may work. A 2018 study found that thinking negative thoughts about your ex, rather than ruminating on why you loved the person, may temporarily put you in a crappy mood, but can help you get over them faster in the long run.

"This can be a total game-changer. Anytime youre feeling sad or mushy, or like you did something wrong or feeling anything at all, pull out that list of red flags and add to it. It snaps you right back into reality: This may be a super-hard time, but youre actually better off and probably dodged a giant bullet," Reardon says. It'll take you one step closer to realizing what you deserve in a relationship and how you can have a better one the next time around. "Use the breakup as a major opportunity for personal growth and better self-awareness, so you never have to feel this way again," Reardon adds.

9. Seek therapy to talk things through.

If you're feeling particularly stuck in a period of sadness after the breakup, therapy might help, especially if the way in which the relationship ended is a similar pattern (for example, the partner cheated on you before the breakup).

According to Reardon, there are a few important things you should work on with a therapist to move toward healing. Start by looking at the patterns of the relationships in your life, between family, friends, and other intimate relationships. "A crucial bit of information to look at is how the experience with this partner mirrors other relationships, including the one you have or had with a parent," says Reardon. Once you analyze those and the patterns of your own responses within your relationships, you can move forward toward bettering your relationships.

"Its said that it takes a traumatic event to affect meaningful change, and a really devastating breakup can be great motivation to disrupt old patterns, resolve old traumas, and honestly look at how you relate to a significant other," Reardon says.

10. Change your "blame statements."
What story do you tell yourself about why the relationship ended? Orbuch says most people either blame their former partners (He couldnt commit. She didnt treat me well.) or themselves (I should have never gotten involved. Im not cool enough.). But to effectively cope, you need to rewrite your story in "we terms." (We werent right for each other. We were too young.) Any of those statements allow you to let go and reduce emotional baggage thought-wise, Orbuch says.

11. Turn what you don't have into what you can do.
Similarly, its helpful to change your internal dialogue from one about all the things youve lost in the breakup to all the things youve gained, experts say. Instead of thinking, Im so lonely. Ill never find another partner. Whats going to happen over the holidays? Think about the things you now get to dowhether thats hanging out more with your friends, making a career move that takes you to another city, or simply appreciating less relationship stress in your daily life.

Lewandowski recommends writing these thoughts down: Research shows that while journaling about the negatives is more helpful than not writing at all, forcing yourself to focus on the positives of your new singlehood is especially effective when it comes to moving on, he says.

12. Write letters to your exbut dont send them.

Speaking of writing, Orbuch advises writing a letter or letters to your exbut dont stamp it or click send. (Seriously. Don't.) Write down how you feel, how the breakup is affecting you, and anything else youd hypothetically like to tell that person.

Do it weekly, if you want, so you can record how your emotions are shifting as time goes on and you start to get over the breakup. It has nothing to do with getting the partner back or telling the partner whats happening, Orbuch says. Its a way of you getting closure and you letting go of a lot of the emotional baggage connected to the past.

13. Enlist your fan club.
Immediately after a breakup, social support is crucial, says Orbuch, who suggests reaching out to a best friend, parent, therapist, or anyone else who can reinforce your positive qualities, remind you why the relationship didnt work out, and otherwise be a loving sounding board for your woes.

Unlike unhealthy coping mechanisms (drinking a lot of alcohol, sleeping all day), purging that anger and loneliness and frustration in a constructive way is so important, Orbuch says.

One super-healthy coping mechanism? Cleaning up your diet and exerciseand getting that revenge body you always wanted...

14. Volunteer.
Its tempting to throw a pity party when youre mourning the loss of a romantic relationship. And while youre allowed to feel sad for a stretch, Orbuch recommends getting involved in something like volunteer work to get your head out of your own problems and into something that helps others. Indeed, research has linked volunteering with less depression , more life satisfaction, and enhanced well-being.

My personal suggestion? Volunteer at an animal shelter. You can't not feel better with a happy ball of fur in your arms. Ex-boyfriend, who?

An egg a day could help your child grow bigger and taller

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 09:30 PM PST

Is egg for kids good on a daily basis? As a mum of a little egg lover, I've always wondered if my seven-year-old's love for eggs might not be so good for his health in the long run.

This is why I researched on the matter and wrote this article about egg for kids, a few years ago. In essence, an egg a day is just fine for your child.

But very recent research now claims en egg a day is more than just fine. Egg for kids can actually help them grow taller and bigger.

The study
The study, "Eggs in Complementary Feeding and Growth," was published online June 6 in the journal Pediatrics.

Lora Iannotti, lead author of the study, is also a leading expert on child nutrition at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis.

In 2015, Iannotti and her team conducted a randomized, controlled trial in Ecuador. In the study, 160 babies aged six to nine months were give a egg daily, for six months. They also received less sugar-sweetened food. A control group with kids the same age did not receive a daily egg.

The research team monitored the youngsters for any problems, such as allergic reaction to eggs. They also made sure the families were following the research plan.

The results

In some pretty amazing results, the research showed that eggs significantly increased length-for-age and weight-for-age scores in the group of kids who ate them.

In fact, eggs increased growth and reduced stunting by an incredible 47 percent.

"We were surprised by just how effective this intervention proved to be," Iannotti said. "The size of the effect was 0.63 compared to the 0.39 global average."

Egg for kids: Importance of good nutrition

Given that the first two years of a child's life are crucial for their growth and development (stunting within this age range is irreversible), the result of this study are certainly valuable.

Eggs are cheap, tasty and they are essential in a large range of recipes. And even if a young child going through a fussy phase were only to eat an egg for one meal, this would still give him a good range of nutrients such as:
  • Choline: for brain development, function and memory;
  • Folate: produces and maintains red blood cells;
  • Iron: carries oxygen to the cells;
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin: maintain good vision and protect the eyes against harmful UV rays;
  • Niacin: promotes normal nerve function and helps release energy;
  • Omega-3 fats: improve blood cholesterol;
  • Protein: helps keep body strong;
  • Vitamin A: protects against cancers;
  • Vitamin B12: protects against heart disease;
  • Riboflavin: helps keep body tissues healthy;
  • Vitamin D: keeps bones and teeth healthy;
  • Vitamin E: acts as an antioxidant;
  • Zinc: promotes a strong immune system.
Having said this, it's important to remember that little ones need a balanced diet and adding an egg as a complementary food to a well-rounded diet can certainly benefit a child in many ways.

The British Nutrition Foundation advises: "While eggs are a nutritious food to include, it's very important that young children have a variety of foods in their diets. Not only is this necessary to get all the vitamins and minerals they need, but also to allow them to become familiar with a wide range of tastes and textures.

"A range of protein-rich foods should be provided when feeding young children, which can include eggs but can also feature beans, pulses, fish, especially oily fish, meat and dairy products."

If you are concerned about egg allergies, monitor your child well when you first introduce eggs to his diet.

Also keep these eggy hygiene tips in mind:
  • Be sure to eat fresh eggs with shells intact.
  • Wash the outside of the egg shell before you crack it.
  • While it is recommended not to give soft-boiled eggs to children, pasteurised eggs are the better option.
Remember: The expert recommendation is that you wait until your child is six months old before introducing solids.

The World Health Organisation recommends that until babies start solids, they should be exclusively breastfed.

Battling with a stomach ache? use bitter leaf

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 09:00 PM PST

Bitter leaf as the name implies is actually a bitter plant whose leaves, extracts, stems, and barks are used for several purposes, including medicinal.

The vegetable contains nutrients that supply the body system with lots of health benefits. One of those benefits is treating stomach aches.

Numerous things could lead to stomach pain, including indigestion after eating, menstrual cramps, lactose intolerance, abdominal hernia, pancreatitis, to mention but a few.

Perhaps you are struggling with a stomachache, and you'd love to treat it with bitter leaf, all you need do is to chew its tender stem as though you were chewing a stick and then swallow the leftovers. You should notice some significant changes within a few minutes.

Better still if you can't chew the stem as suggested above, you can pound the fresh leaves in a mortar and squeeze out the juice, add a pinch of salt to the undiluted drink and drink.

JUST IN: Orji Uzor Kalu’s Properties Sealed by EFCC

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 03:07 PM PST

JUST IN: Orji Uzor Kalu's Properties Sealed by EFCC

The properties of  Chief Orji Uzor Kalu, the former governor of Abia State has been marked by  the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on Saturday, December 14, 2019.

According to a report by the Nation, the marking is prompted to ensure that the properties are not dissipated, following the December 5, 2019 order of Justice Muhammed Idris sitting at the Federal High Court in Ikoyi, Lagos that Kalu's company, Slok Nigeria Limited, be wound up and all assets forfeited to the Federal Government.

Kalu, who is currently the Senator representing Abia North in the National Assembly, had been arraigned alongside his company, Slok Nigeria Limited and Udeh Udeogu, his Director of Finance and Accounts at the Abia State Government House, over an amended 39-count charge bordering on conspiring and diverting the sum of N7.65bn from the coffers of the state.

JUST IN: Orji Uzor Kalu's Properties Sealed by EFCC

The defendants pleaded not guilty to the charge preferred against them by the EFCC, thereby leading to their full trial.

In the course of the trial, the prosecution counsel, Rotimi Jacobs, SAN, called 19 witnesses and tendered several documents that were admitted in evidence by the court.

The defendants, however, testified on behalf of themselves during the trial.

The parties, during the proceedings on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, adopted their final written addresses.
JUST IN: Orji Uzor Kalu's Properties Sealed by EFCC
In his final submission, the prosecution counsel, Jacobs, urged the judge to jail the defendants, saying the prosecution had proved the allegations against them.

Jacobs also urged the court to wind up the company as provided by the Law and all its assets forfeited to the Federal Government.

However, the defence counsel urged the court to "dismiss the charges, acquit and discharge" their clients.

Delivering his judgment, Justice Idris found the defendants guilty on all counts.

Justice Idris held that the prosecution had established its case against the defendants.

The Judge further held that "the case was conclusively investigated, as the prosecution conducted thorough investigations."

Justice Idris, therefore, convicted and sentenced the first defendant,
Kalu to five years imprisonment on counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; three years on counts 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
33; 12 years on counts 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 and five years on count 39.

The second defendant was convicted and sentenced to three years imprisonment on counts 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32 and 10 years on counts 34, 37, 38 and 39.

Justice Idris further held that "In respect of the third convict, Slok Nigeria Limited, an order is hereby made that the company shall hereupon and without further assurances, but for this order, be wound up and all its assets and properties forfeited to the Federal Government of Nigeria."

Trump Impeachment Latest: Democrats kicks as Republicans put weight behind President

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:01 PM PST

Trump Impeachment Latest: Democrats kicks as Republicans put weight behind President
Donald Trump attends the Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia. Photograph Credit: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images

Donald Trump has done "far worse than anything Nixon did", a leader of the impeachment process in the House said on Sunday, adding: "The question is why are Republicans placing this president above their oath of office."

Nixon resigned in 1974, before he could be impeached over the Watergate break-in and his efforts to cover it up.

Trump faces two articles of impeachment related to pressure he applied on Ukraine to launch political investigations that would help his bid for re-election as well as obstruction of Congress by blocking the appearance of key witnesses before congressional hearings.

On ABC's This Week on Sunday, Adam Schiff, chair of the House intelligence committee, said: "If anything this president's conduct is far worse than anything Nixon did, far more sweeping in its obstruction of accountability, far more damaging to our national security and the cover-up that was Watergate."............READ MORE>>>

#DonaldTrump      #USPresident

Nigerian Couple who met on Tunde Ednut’s Instagram page set to get married

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 06:30 AM PST

Nigerian blogger, Tunde Ednut has shared his joy on his platform after a Nigerian couple who met themselves on his Instagram page got engaged.

Madu Ifeanyichukwu and his fiancee allegedly met through the Instagram influencer's page, fell in love and are now set to walk down the aisle.

Sharing the good news on his platform, Tunde Ednut stated that this makes the 4th couple who would be getting married after meeting on his platform.

Tunde wrote;

"Awwww! They met on The Tunde Ednut Page, now they are about to get married and this will make them the 4th couple that will get married through meeting via this page. Praise God. Congratulations @izzieofficial1. May bless your union".

Anita Joseph shares photos of her beautiful daughter

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST

Nollywood actress, Anita Joseph has taken to Instagram to share photos of her beautiful daughter whom she fondly calls Lala. Anita shared the photos to mark her daughter's birthday.

The curvaceous actress, Anita Joseph rocked matching outfit with her daughter as they happily posed for photos.

There has been rumours over time that Anita Joseph initially got married before the union unfortunately crashed, but not before giving birth to a daughter.

Singing the little girl's praises on her birthday, Anita Joseph who calls herself the 'Mother Hen' thanked God for such a beautiful daughter and thanked fans and celebrities who took out a little time to celebrate her.

Kemi Olunloyo reveals “Ned Nwoko bought Linda Ikeji a Bentley”

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 05:30 AM PST

Popular journalist, Kemi Olunloyo recently got into an altercation with a social media user who compared her assets with that of Linda Ikeji, and belittled her.

Reacting to it, Kemi Olunloyo who claims to be a highly professional journalist, noted that Linda Ikeji is only living her past life, adding that Regina Daniel's husband, Ned Nwoko bought Linda a Bentley.

Stressing further, Kemi Olunloyo stated that she was richer than Linda Ikeji during her own days and that the blogger is only enjoying what she has enjoyed during her younger days.

"I was richer in my says at her age, she is living my past life, Let her enjoy my past with her smokescreen blog, Ned Nwoko bought Linda's Bentley abeg", Kemi said.

Naira Marley’s trial adjourned till February 27 and 28

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 05:00 AM PST

The court trial of Naira Marley who was docked over alleged criminal conspiracy and credit card fraud will be re-arraigned by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission on February 27, 2020.

During his resumed sitting on Thursday December 12, the first prosecution witness identified as Dalhatu Buhari was cross-examined by his counsel Olalekan Ojo (SAN).

Upon being cross-examined, Dalhatu stated that he doesn't need a password to access the defendant's computer by the standards of his training and that cyber security training was available to anyone.

When asked if any expert in cybersecurity could access a computer and do what he likes on it in relation to the credit card details that were allegedly found on the defendant's computer, he said;

" It is not possible for just any expert in cyber security to access a computer and do anything he likes on it.

"This is because there are various aspects in cyber security and not all the tools used in cyber security are accessible to all the various aspects."

Buhari also told the court that his analysis only recovered card details that were allegedly found on Naira Marley's laptop even though he couldn't get the date of registration of the administration of the account "because it is exclusive to the Apple Operating System and is only accessible to the company."

EFCC's statement added that their witness concluded his testimony by affirming that only the investigator could determine if the cards were fraudulently used.

The case was adjourned to February 27 and 28, 2020 thereafter.

Regina Askia, her mother, and daughter pose for lovely three-generation photo

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 04:30 AM PST

Veteran Nollywood actress, Regina Askia has shared a very adorable photo of herself, her mother and her daughter in one photo.

Sharing the photo, Regina wrote;
"3 generations of us. Mom, myself, and Ms T,"

Regina Askia made history by becoming the first Nigerian at Miss International in Japan, where she made an impact with the most outstanding traditional costume.

After gaining public recognition in Nigeria as a beauty pageant winner, she began a modelling career. As a model, Regina appeared in several Nigerian print and television commercials including Kessingsheen Hair Care, boutique chain Collectibles, and most famously, Visine.

See her post below!

Gifty Powers celebrates daughter, Alisha says “The world’s prettiest child, my rock, my muse”

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 04:00 AM PST

Reality Tv Star, housemate, Gifty has taken to social media to celebrate her daughter, Aaliyah Powers with a lengthy post.

Sharing photos of her beautiful daughter, she wrote;

"Dear Alisha Aaliyah Powers,

"I was already two months pregnant when I found out that I was pregnant. Truth be told, It was a huge surprise because I wasn't ready to be a mom, my life was mentally, emotionally financially & spiritually castrated. I didn't know where or how to begin building up my life all up again.

But you my daughter, the moment I found out that you were in my tummy, I realized that the storm is truly over. You opened doors for mommy, you brought uncountable joy into my life, you gave me hope again, you gave me opportunities I thought were forever gone, you fixed my life back up again, you turned the confused mommy into a glowing mommy.

I promise that for as long as I breathe, I will build an empire that you and your siblings will enjoy from, you will never lack, you will be an outstanding queen that you are meant to be, you already are, I will never allow a fly or a pig to touch you. You have no idea how happy that I am your mother, a woman that carried you for complete 9months and gently pushed you out with an exact 5minutes natural birth.

Cutting your umbilical cord myself and using my hands to bring you out of my virginal was the greatest priceless moment for me . The Joy.
I appreciate you, I love you so much beyond words, I will never abandon you, I will always lend you a shoulder/ear when you need it, quit sleeping just to keep you company if I have too.

You are my Rock, I am your shield.
You are my Heart, I am your water.
My forever screensaver.
My carbon copy.
Photocopy mu.
NWA mommy.
Ada Europe.
Ada Chukwu.
Blessed child.
Nwa chukwu gozi.
The world's prettiest child.
My pride.
My muse.
Gifty Powers".

Uche Maduagwu begs DJ Cuppy – “Don’t fall in love with a boxer, you are a wife material not a punching bag

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 03:30 AM PST

Controversial Nollywood Actor, Uche Maduagwu has taken to Instagram to plead with Billionaire heiress, Florence Otedola to avoid falling in love with heavyweight champion, Anthony Joshua.

Giving the advice, Uche Maduagwu noted that Cuppy is a wife material and not a punching bag.

He wrote:

"I fell in love with @cuppymusic because she has the flawless creativity of Tacha… Cuppy has 100% natural body, just like that of #Tacha, they are not in the whatsapp group with those who buy plastic bottles in oshodi market.

Are these beautiful women not wife materials? Dear Cuppy, remember how your ex footballer boyfriend treated you? Don't fall in love with a boxer, you are a wife material, not a punching bag".

Eva Alordiah reacts after being called a failed rapper

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 03:00 AM PST

Nigerian rapper, entertainer and fashionista, Eva Alordiah has reacted after she was labelled a failed rapper for lambasting fellow music artists on Twitter.

Recall that the rapper in a recent tweet, criticized other music artistes who mumble 'incomprehensible' words in their songs.

She tweeted:

"So many artistes have allowed themselves believe that mumbling incomprehensible words over beats, with no lyrics is catching a vibe.
As long as it keeps the rhythm eh? You did not catch a Vibe. You caught Laziness. I'm sad".

An online troll who was obviously irritated by the rapper's statement said;

"What's this failed raper saying why don't u mumble on a beats too or better still call the name of the art u refaring to..some people will not mind their biz".

Eva then replied;

"LOL!!! Your knowledge of History is the only failure here. My name in History? Forever engraved Mr Eric. How is that for failure? Ozwor".

Firing back, the troll said;

"your name is in which history see this failed Wack raper ur name is in Allen avenue I don't even know any of your songs bet raping like there is hot amala in ur mouth u better start doing video vixen instead of music its an advice.. failed raper".

See exchange below;

“We never learn”- Kate Henshaw reacts to video of Nigerians scooping diesel from a collapsed tanker

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 02:30 AM PST

Nollywood Actress, Kate Henshaw has reacted to the viral video which showed some residents of Victoria Island endangering their lives, as they scooped diesel from a collapsed tanker.

Recall that some Lagos state residents were recorded live on camera some days ago scooping diesel from a collapsed tanker along the Ozumba Mbadiwe road in Victoria Island.

Sharing the video, Kate expressed shock at how people still risk their lives after many cases of people being burnt to death while carrying out same act.
In her words;

"See them…..
Not caring about their lives… fetching diesel from the tanker accident..We never learn"

“Mercy please give me more”- Fans scream in excitement as Mercy showers money on them

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 02:00 AM PST

Winner of Big Brother Naija 'Pepper Dem' season, Mercy Eke aka Lamborghini has been spotted in a viral video, showering money on her fans in Enugu.

The excited fans kept screaming and hailing the reality star and new Mario&Juliet ambassador while she joyfully threw money on them.

From the video, both male and female voices could be heard screaming, "Lambo give me more, Mercy please give me", as they stretched out their hands to the reality star.

The Queen of highlight who has consistently thanked her Mercenaries for their love and support has taken her gratitude to another level.

See screenshots below;

Pocolee shares before and after photos of his mother says he has a lot to be thankful for

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:30 AM PST

Popular dancer Iweh Pascal aka Pocolee has taken to instagram to share heartwarming before and after photos of his beautiful mother.

From the pictures which he shared, it can be observed that his mother who was previously a plantain and yam seller has now become owner of a well stocked supermarket.

Poco Lee became popular as a Zanku dancer but he might as well be tagged an artiste, with one of his songs "Poco Dance" featuring Papayan.

His rise to fame is attributed to the unique dance moves which he shares online. He is totally creative with his style and his fans keep anticipating for more of his amazing dance steps.

See photos below;

Photos: Actress Jaiye Kuti shows off husband as she marks 19th wedding anniversary

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:00 AM PST

Nollywood actress, Jaiye Kuti has shared a picture of herself and her hubby as they celebrate their 19th wedding anniversary.

Sharing throwback photos from her wedding to Mr. Lanre Kuti of C.Ray Company Limited, in 2000, she wrote;

"You want a throwback…mr & mrs kuti August, 2000 till date"

Jaiyeola Kuti is no doubt a household name in the Yoruba movie industry. She has carved a niche for herself and she is good at what she does.

The Nigerian movie industry is flooded with unhealthy competition and marital woes, thus we are not surprised that Jaiye Kuti hides her marriage and family from the public.

More photos below;

“Tacha sent boys to kill me”- Blessing Okoro cries out as unknown men bash her car on the road

Posted: 15 Dec 2019 12:30 AM PST

Relationship blogger, Blessing Okoro has cried out after getting into an accident today which she claims was masterminded by reality star, Tacha.

The blogger shared a video of her damaged car bumper on Instagram, while insisting that Tacha masterminded the whole drama in a bid to kill her for trying to tarnish her image.

In her words;

"Accident happening right here, right now. These are the people that Symply Tacha sent to come and kill me. They actually just hit my car on the road. Look at them, the case has already started.

Recall that the blogger has been slamming Tacha in her recent live videos, calling her names and tagging her fans 'senseless animals'.

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