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5 reasons why cheating is common in marriages

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:00 AM PST

Sometimes you see couples at the brink of a divorce due to problems arising from infidelity.

Emotional or sexual infidelities increase when carelessness enter into a marriages, this is one of the reasons for cheating.

In successful marriages, couples understand that there's a tendency to cheat so they'll do everything possible to avoid that.

Inspired by YourTango, here are 5 reasons cheating is common in marriages:

1. When couples think they'll never get caught

The odds of cheating being found out has increased in modern times unlike before when it was easy. Once couples become careless, the thought of getting found out becomes the least of your concerns and it becomes easy to think no one suspects you.

2. The consequences of cheating has never occurred to you

Being betrayed by a partner isn't an easy thought to handle. The person you trusted is cheated and that spells doom for your marriage. No one really wants to go through that.

3. You assume your spouse doesn't care anymore

Life could get in between your lives, children and jobs could hold your attention and you may not pay your partner any attention anymore. Couples should always try to clear out time for each other.

4. Infidelity runs in your family

If there's a history of infidelity in your family, you are more likely to tow that line than sticking to one person. Share your values with your spouse and know where you both stand on cheating.

5. Opportunities to cheat

It's hard to resist temptation, but there are ways to resist temptation. Keep in touch with home whenever one of you is away.

Relationship and Sex: 5 things you should NEVER do while making love

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 11:30 PM PST

Follow these sex experts' tips on five things you should never do when you're in the middle of getting down.

Sex is one of those high risk, high reward situations. It can be incredible, or it can go very wrong—think, penis fractures, gonorrhea, and defective condoms—to name a few.

Here are some mishaps that could turn your hot night into a nightmare. Follow these sex experts' tips on five things you should never do when you're in the middle of getting down.

You may think that asking your partner if she's been tested is enough to protect you from contracting something, but it's not, says Leah Millheiser, M.D., ob-gyn, clinical assistant professor at Stanford University School of Medicine. "If you're having sex without a condom, you're putting yourself at risk," she says. Yes, you've heard this before. But you need to be more careful now than ever—gonorrhea and other STDs are becoming harder to treat, says Dr. Millheiser. "It's actually becoming drug-resistant." So, wrap it up.

Not using appropriate lubrication can actually lead to some pretty serious tears on her end and can land your partner in the emergency room, especially when it comes to anal, says Dr. Millheiser. That being said, not all lube is created equal.

"If you're using a latex condom, do not use an oil-based lube—including natural lubricants like olive or coconut oil—because they break down the latex and the condom becomes ineffective." If you're using a condom, you should be using a water or silicone-based lubricant.

If you're putting fruits or vegetables inside her vagina, pieces can get stuck and break off in there, says Dr. Millheiser. She says she often sees this issue in the emergency room. On a similar note, "If you're going to put something in the rectum it should be something that's specifically made for the rectum," she says. "Those toys usually have a stopper on them so they can't get lost," she says.

Focusing on the end game too much can be detrimental for your sexual health because it can create tension, says Stephen Snyder, M.D., a sex therapist in New York City. "Sometimes it's just not going to happen, which is fine." If she can't finish, Dr. Snyder says the best way to address it is by making self-stimulation a mutual activity.

You may want to ask if you can hold her, or make out with her while she gets busy with herself, he says. Otherwise you can enjoy watching her body while she's giving herself an orgasm, he says. Once you get over the idea that the penis has to be in the vagina when an orgasm occurs, you can have a lot more fun.

And finally, don't over do it, the experts warn. If you're too vigorous, it can lead to little tears in her vagina, says Dr. Millheiser. Getting too frisky can also be dangerous for your penis, says Dr. Snyder: "Avoid vigorous thrusting at odd or stressful angles, since a misplaced thrust could lead to inadvertent fracture of the penis." Instead, take it slow while trying a new position.

You can make your henna tattoo right in your home...here's how

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 11:00 PM PST

Before now, henna tattoos are for just Hausa's and Muslim brides but it art design has become common with celebrities at events and parties.

Trying out henna designs is easier than you can ever imagine as long as you have all the tools and materials needed. We can't neglect the fact that you need some expertise to be able to make the best designs on you.Most people spend quite a lot at beauty salons just have a beautiful henna tattoo.

Today's article will show you how to make simple designs with ease. Below is a video that would supply you with directions.

How to enjoy Christmas as a single person

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 10:30 PM PST

Being single during the festive season can make one feel the weight of not being in a relationship if you don't figure out a way to enjoy the season.

While your friends may be making plans on how to attend December concerts with bae or spend as much time as possible with their partner, you might be tempted to feel left out and forgotten. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, this is the best time to have all the fun in the world and enjoy your own company.

It's amazing to have someone to enjoy the holidays with, but if you don't, we're also advocating that you embrace your single status this holiday season. With today's article, you'll find out how you can have a 'detty December' as a single person. Here's how.

1. Focus on family

Yea you might not have succeeded in starting a family of your own, but now is a good time to focus on the ones you have already. Call relatives you haven't spoken with in a while and plan to meet up with some if possible. You will be glad you did. Organizing a family fair or trip is also not a bad idea. You all get to spend quality time together.

2. Take time to plan your Christmas gift

This season is another opportunity to appreciate important people in your life and those that made your year a blast. You can do this by making out time to plan gifts for them. It doesn't have to be expensive but it should show that you appreciate them being a part of your life.

3. Throw your party

The best cure against loneliness is being with people. You don't have to attend all the concerts to be around people, throwing a party is one of the best ways to do that. Invite all your friends that you haven't seen in months. You all can have a good time.

4. Indulge yourself in some Christmas treats

There is no need to ignore all the delicious Christmas treats in the store, just because you don't have a partner to share them with. Stock up on goodies, Christmas chickens and all the other tasty treats that comes with Christmas. They all taste just as great, whether you have a partner or not.

5. Be thankful

This year might not have gone the way you wanted it to. This doesn't stop you from being thankful because the following year may hold lots of surprises for you. A thankful heart is a merry heart. Appreciate everything you have this year and hope for the best, next year.

Here's why you can't stop smoking after trying so hard

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 10:00 PM PST

Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains a chemical called nicotine, which makes it very addictive.

However, every smoker is addicted to a different combination of the "stimulants" in cigarettes, making their personal experience with smoking and nicotine dependence unique. When you first start smoking you may experience nausea, dizziness, headache, or upset stomach, but over time, as your smoking becomes more of a habit, you build up a tolerance to these effects until they become unnoticeable. Tolerance means that it takes more nicotine to get the same effect that we used to get from fewer cigarettes.

Nicotine enters the bloodstream and reaches the brain faster than drugs that enter the body through our veins. Nicotine affects many parts of the body. It changes how the body uses food (metabolism), causes our heart to beat faster, our pulse to quicken, it increases our blood pressure, and our veins begin to tighten causing blood flow throughout the body to become more difficult.

This chemical works by stimulating our nervous system to release specific chemical messengers (hormones and neurotransmitters) that affect different parts of our brain and body. One hormone that nicotine affects is epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. When nicotine is inhaled, the buzz you feel is the release of epinephrine which stimulates the body and causes your blood pressure and heart rate to increase and makes you breathe harder.

Nicotine also activates a specific part of your brain that makes you feel happy by stimulating the release of the hormone dopamine. The release of dopamine when nicotine is inhaled is thought to be the source of the pleasurable sensations you experience when smoking, which can include relaxation, a buzz, and relief of tension.

Once inhaled, nicotine is rapidly distributed throughout the brain within 10 seconds. The enjoyable feelings you experience from smoking occur very quickly, but after you've smoked a few times nicotine begins to weaken your ability to feel pleasure, causing you to need more nicotine to sustain the good feelings. This is the cycle of the smoking habit; to continue feeling pleasure from smoking, you must continue to smoke more cigarettes, more frequently.

Do Hangover Pills Work? A Guide To OTC Hangover Supplements

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 09:30 PM PST

Wouldnt it be great if you could have all the inhibition-breaking fun that downing more than a few glasses of wine or champagne brings without the headachy, stomach-turning, kill-me-now pain of a hangover?

Well, according to the promises of so-called hangover pills like , , , , , and , you can. Hangover pills, powders, and patches all claim to drastically cut back on the icky feelings of a hangover by packing hangover-fixing ingredients like vitamins, electrolytes, caffeine, pain relievers like Aspirin, and more. But do hangover pills really work?

To dig into this, you first have to understand what a hangover is, and what causes it.

But thats actually pretty complicated, and even scientists whove dedicated themselves to researching hangovers dont have a clear answer about what causes one (other than drinking too much), according to the . There simply isn't much research on hangovers available.

A paper in the journal called hangovers a puzzling phenomenon. Right now, the best scientific answer available regarding what causes a hangover is that many different things combine to cause the symptoms we feel after an alcohol binge, including: dehydration, hormonal alterations, dysregulated cytokine pathways (cytokines help play a role in reducing inflammation, so it's no good when those pathways get messed up), and, in general, the toxic effects of alcohol.

As WH reported previously , ethanol (a type of alcohol in booze) impacts the body and brain and messes with a lot of your physiological systems. The liver has to process ethanol and its toxic byproduct, acetaldehyde. And as a result, your blood sugar levels are disrupted and your body gets flooded with inflammatory compounds, Stacy Sims, PhD, an exercise physiologist and nutrition researcher and WH advisor, previously told WH.

You also might be eating and sleeping poorly when you drinkleading you to feel crappy in the morning. Or, the mixers used in whatever alcohol you drank can also play a part in how you feel the morning after, according to the aforementioned research paper. That's also one reason why its difficult to actually study hangoversdrinking in a lab by no means mimics playing a drinking game with your friends.

This lack of research is one reason that no scientifically proven hangover cure exists.
If we dont know exactly what causes a hangover, theres no foolproof way to develop a cure. Yet, lots of people have anecdotal evidence about things that help. Some people swear by pickle juice, some say to indulge in hair of the dog (aka, another drink in the morning, like a Bloody Mary), and some folks now buy those hangover pills in bulk because they feel like the supplements take some of the edge off.

Some of what helps your hangover may have to do with the placebo phenomenonthat if you believe it's helping, then it just might make a difference for you.

This debate of "does it work or not for hangovers?" also comes up often with hangover drinks, or ones packed with electrolytes (think: Pedialyte or Gatorade). And the same issue comes into play: Unless you know for sure the cause of the hangover, it's kinda tough to know if vitamins, electrolytes, and other ingredients in drinks or supplements would help fix the underlying problem.

For example: If the reason for your hangover really is related to electrolytes being out of balance, then perhaps replacing them could be helpful," Ginger Hultin, RD, a Seattle-based registered dietitian, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and owner of ChampagneNutrition , previously told WH. "It's very hard to know if this is the cause of a hangover unless your doctor is analyzing a blood test."

But hey, theres lots of power in the placebo effectand theres also still a chance that hangover pills are actually doing something right.
According to many of the descriptions on these supplements and patches, hangover pills include many of the same ingredients in a an IV bag full of vitamins and electrolytes that has been used in hospitals to treat people who come in with alcohol poisoning.

Banana bags typically include: thiamine (also known as vitamin B1), magnesium, folic acid, and some mix of other vitamins. While a banana bag isnt considered a hangover cure, doctors do use it to replace essential electrolytes and vitamins that get lost after a night of heavy drinking and its said to cut back on the head-pounding and nausea.

Following in the banana bags footprint, hangover supplements like Bytox and Morning Recovery use similar ingredients. Bytox includes lots of different B vitamins as well as folic acid, while Morning Recovery has some lesser-known extracts (e.g., green tea or Korean pear extract), but also more legit-sounding ingredients like vitamin B, potassium, and magnesium.

Another example: One of the most popular tablet options, Blowfish, features caffeine and Aspirin, so if you have a headache, there's def a chance those ingredients would help you out. But would it help a nauseous, upset belly? Tough to say.

Overall, youd be hard-pressed to find a doctor or dietitian who would say hangover supplements are a curebut theres also probably no big harm in trying these supplements for yourself. For the most part, doctors will tell you that the only way to get over a hangover is to wait it out and drink lots of water.

But if you want to try anything and everything to feel even a little bit better, go for itas long as you check with your doc to make sure none of the ingredients in a hangover supplement will interact badly with any other meds you're on. And remember, supplements aren't regulated by the FDAso proceed at your own risk.

Maybe youll be out a few bucks if they dont work, and maybe theyll make you feel 1,000 times better in half the time. The jury is out.

The hangover pills, patches, and powders ahead are the ones that people have anecdotally deemed the best hangover pills of 2019. Find your best match.
What it is: Tablets that dissolve in water and are designed to start helping your hangover in 15 minutes. You pop two in a glass of water, and it tastes lemony. It's the only hangover supplement that is approved by the FDA.

How to use it: Take it in the morning when you wake up with a hangover.

Main ingredients: Aspirin and caffeine (so it's kind of like just popping an Aspirin with a cup of coffee).

Who it's for: Someone with a bad hangover headache. It also might be helpful for anyone who can't stomach coffee in the morning but craves the caffeine kick to help with head pain. If you're someone who doesn't tolerate caffeine well, Blowfish probably isn't for you.

Honest Amazon review: "OK, the truth is if you drink a bottle of tequila and try to go to work on 3 hours of sleep, ain't nothing going to help. However, if you are like me and sometimes have too much fun during the week and find yourself getting home at one in the morning feeling great only having to wake up in four hours and face a school full of kids, then you need Blowfish. Look, nothing medically will 'cure' a hangover, but Blowfish will make you feel better. No, you aren't going to suddenly do cartwheels because you miraculously instantly feel better. But you know what, when 30-40 minutes later you are at work and not thinking about how bad you feel that's the moment when you realize, wow, I guess that stuff did it's job. I also work in a bar so I heard about this stuff when it first came out and I've been using it for months. It has a nice smoothing taste which allows me to get it down. I often wouldn't take aspirin in the morning because it alone would make me throw up."

What it is: A sticky patch that you put on your body that's packed with vitamins and minerals that get released in order to supposedly help prevent a hangover.

How to use it: Stick a patch on (to a hairless part of your body!) at least 45 minutes *before* you start drinking, then leave it on for at least 8 hours post-drinking. Stay hydrated the whole time, too.

Main ingredients: Acai berry, vitamin A, a cocktail of various B vitamins (B12, folic acid, etc.), green tea extract. The thinking is that alcohol is a diuretic that depletes nutrients and vitamins from your bod, so this patch in theory would help you avoid that depletion. Oh, and green tea extract is, well, caffeine.

Who it's for: Because the ingredients in Bytox are natural, anyone should be okay to try these, for the most part. But be careful if you have sensitive skin, as the adhesive on these patches may be irritating. And if you have a sensitive nose, apparently these have a bit of an odd scent.

Honest Amazon review: "Used it 3 times so far, and each time woke up feeling great. Just had one of those nights when you wake up with your clothes on from yesterday, and now i'm writing this review. Just ordered 2 more packs, and will make sure i'm stocked. It smells like vitamins, and you'll still be a little tired depending on how much you sleep, but no severe hangover symptoms at all."

What it is: Pills that pack vitamins and are designed to work preventively to avoid a bad hangover.

How to use it: You take three capsules with water right before you go out and then another three capsules right before going to sleep.

Main ingredients: Chlorophyll, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid and B12), and magnesium.

Who it's right for: These pills are gluten-free and vegan, so if you fall into those camps, Flyby might be your best bet. Some reviews also point out that it seems to work (at least anecdotally) for those who drink wine, as opposed to spirits and/or beer.

Honest Amazon review: "Used the product/pills for the first time this past weekend. Had 3 beers and 2 vodka and clubs between 630PM and 10PM. Took 3 pills before drinking with a big glass or water and then took another 3 before bed with a big glass of water. These pills didn't help at all with feeling hungover the next morning. Always hope that there is a magic pill for feeling like garbage the night after drinking but once again disappointed that there's not! I have a friend that drinks mostly wine and he said that they help? So maybe there's a connection with wine and these helping but they didn't help with beer and vodka."

What it is: A pill that's designed to be an after-alcohol aid (similar to Flyby). The company also makes a powder electrolytes supplement, if that's more you're thingbut the after-alcohol aid is the most popular item. The company conducted a human study for its granted patent, and the people in the study who used the pills felt an average of 50 percent better the next day across eight symptoms (headaches, nausea, poor focus, low energy, etc.) than the people who didn't.

How to use it: Take two to four capsules right after your last beverage, or right before bed after your night of drinking.

Main ingredients: Vitamins B, C, & E, electrolytes, dihydromyricetin (which is said to promote liver health), milk thistle, prickly pear

Who it's right for: Anyone who doesn't mind taking pills and spending $ on supps.

Honest Amazon review: "I was skeptical, but the ingredients all have published scientific studies backing them so I figured for roughly $3.00 per hangover, Ill give it a try. (I would pay $300 to get rid of some of my hangovers). Drank heavily, took 3 caps at night before bed. Usually wake up with heart palpitations, nausea, sweating, headache etc. used twice so far and I have only woken up tired. You definitely still feel like you drank, but this is the absolute only product Ive tried that has quelled the symptoms of a hangover. A must have, from someone in the medical field."

What it is: This Amazon bestseller (it has over 2,500 positive reviews) is an electrolyte powder designed to help with hydration. It's not marketed as a hangover fix specifically, and many athletes use it for hydration purposes.

How to use it: Pour a packet into a glass or bottle of water, mix it, and drink. Enjoy it before going out and/or when you wake up feeling like crap.

Main ingredients: Electrolytes, B vitamins, and vitamin C

Who it's right for: Someone who is dehydrated after drinking, or anyone who wants to hydrate and get a boost of vitamins and minerals.

Honest Amazon review: "This stuff will wipe out a hangover in no time!! Also if you play intense sports or sweat a ton in the gym, this will help you hydrate afterward. The taste is kind of like a saltier version of yellow Gatorade. Best way I can describe it. Its not the best tasting stuff but it works a lot better than Gatorade or the other leading sports drinks out there. It should go without saying, but you will need to drink water in conjunction. If you only drink this mixed with water, it will just dehydrate you because of all the salt. This product is designed to help you retain more of the water you drink."

What it is: A bottled beverage with a lemon taste, designed to either help prevent hangover symptoms or alleviate them once they've started.

How to use it: Drink a full bottle right before your first drink, between drinks, or up to one hour after your last drink.

Main ingredients: Dihydromyricetin, electrolytes, milk thistle

Who it's right for: Anyone who would prefer to sip something lemony (without having to make it yourself) over popping a pill or wearing a patch.

Honest Amazon review: "Hands down the best hangover prevention I have sampled - it has me drinking like a college freshman on probation again. Typically after a night of heavy drinking, I tend to binge watching clips of the Olympics to remind myself what energetic people look like. But one serving of this bad boy before I go out, and I dont have to cancel my plans because I went out the night before. Not only that, but this product has dynamically changed my recovery process. I used to seek shelter in fried food and unholy volumes of soup. But that is in the past - I am no longer at the whims of my sensitive stomach because I can avoid being hungover all together. Trust me when I tell you, the other products dont hold a candle to this weekend saving elixir."

Nigerian man cancels wedding after finding out his fiancee took his photos to a shrine

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 09:00 PM PST

A Twitter user has narrated how a Nigerian man called off his traditional wedding after finding out his fiancee took his photos to a shrine.

According to @Nnamdianekwe, the man who stays abroad cancelled the wedding after stumbling on a Whatsapp chat in which the lady told her mother that she took her fiance's name and photos to a shrine and temple.

He tweeted;

"A proposed traditional marriage to be held next week has collapsed this afternoon. IJGB stumbled on his fiance's WhatsApp conversations with her mother where she indicated to have submitted the boy's pictures and names to a couple of shrine and temple. Nsogbu adigo

This is not a surprising news. This is common practice nowadays but to know someone directly involved in the brouhaha is quite upsetting to be honest."

Merry Christmas and a Prosperious New Year from Nollywood Times

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

Merry Christmas and a Prosperious New Year from Nollywood Times
Merry Christmas and a Prosperious New Year from Nollywood Times

We sincerely want to wish our numerous readers and fans across the globe a splendid Merry Christmas and a great Prosperous New Year in advance.

We thank you for being there for us all through the YEAR 2019.

We love you all. Cheers!!!

Dasuki released after four years by DSS

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 02:38 PM PST

Dasuki released after four years by DSS
Col. Sambo Dasuki. rtd.

The Department of State Service DSS, has released Sambo Dasuki.

This was disclosed to Premium Times by his lawyer, Raji Ahmed, who said that the former national security adviser was freed on Tuesday night.

Col Dasuki's freedom comes hours after the DSS also released Omoyele Sowore, an activist who was arrested in August for organising a nationwide protest for good governance.

According to the report by Premium Times, both detainees were released on the directives of Attorney-General Abubakar Malami, who prevailed on the DSS in a Tuesday morning statement to obey valid court orders and release them from illegal custody.

Mr Dasuki, a retired Nigerian Army colonel, was Nigeria's national security adviser until May 2015. He was arrested a few months after leaving office on allegations of corruption and illegal arms dealings.

However he denied any wrongdoing.

Even though the Federal High Court in Abuja where he was arraigned granted him bail more than once, the DSS failed to release him until today.

Buhari meets Governor's Forum Chairman, Fayemi, Atiku in Aso Rock

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 09:07 AM PST

President Muhammadu Buhari and Dr. Kayode Fayemi

President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday, met with the Chairman of the Governors' Forum, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, as well as the Chairman of the Progressives Governors' Forum, Sen. Atiku Bagudu, behind closed doors.

According to a report by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), the president met separately with the two governors, first with Fayemi at the president's office.

The President, later met with Bagudu, who was accompanied by his Jigawa State counterpart, Abubakar Badaru.

NAN reports that the agenda of the two meetings were not disclosed to newsmen as at the time of putting this report together.

However in an earlier report by Daily Post, it was gathered that the Nigerian Governors' Forum (NGF) on Friday met with business mogul, Alhaji Aliko Dangote.

Kayode Fayemi, NGF Chairman and Governor of Ekiti, was the leader of the team on a visit to the sites of the Dangote Refinery, Petrochemicals and Fertiliser projects at Ibeju Lekki, in Lagos.

Gunmen invade ex-President Jonathan's Bayelsa home, one Soldier killed, another injured.

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 08:17 AM PST

Gunmen invade ex-President Jonathan's Bayelsa home, one Soldier killed, another injured.
Former Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan

Unknown gunmen on Tuesday invaded the residence of the country home of former Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan, in Otuoke Community under Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State.

The attack, which occurred around 2:00am, came after Jonathan decided to move to his Yenagoa home at about 12:00am, Sahara Reporters reports.

According to the sources, the two soldiers stationed behind the house confronted the armed men upon sighting them.

"The gunmen were approaching the house when they were sighted by the soldiers.

"The gunmen calculated wrongly when they went for the military gunboat but it was not mounted.

"The soldiers while engaging the gunmen at the back of the house were not aware that some of the hoodlums were coming into the house on land. Those gunmen on foot shot dead a soldier and shot another in the leg.

"They escaped after sighting reinforcement for the soldiers.

"The hoodlums abandoned a boat filled with blood. We asked an eyewitness at the jetty and we were told that the gunmen were moving some bodies of their colleague into another boat."

The police and military had yet to confirm the incident when contacted by SaharaReporters.

Israelis delayed, questioned again for hours after landing in Moscow

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 08:00 AM PST

Israelis delayed, questioned again for hours after landing in Moscow
Illustrative: Passengers walk past a departure board at Sheremetyevo international airport in Moscow, Russia, July 8, 2019. (Pavel Golovkin/AP)

Israelis group of travelers were detained for hours at a Moscow airport Tuesday after arriving in the country, despite the Foreign Ministry saying just days earlier that it had resolved a spat with Russian authorities that has recently seen dozens of Israelis being delayed or denied entry to Russia, Hebrew media reports.

According to the report, the travelers, who arrived on an El Al flight, said their passports were taken away and some of them had their luggage confiscated, reports said.

The report added that, some of the passengers were delayed for at least three hours as they were interviewed by border control authorities.

However, Israel's Foreign Minister said in a statement that such questioning is routine and that some of the passengers were soon released while others were delayed for longer.

"A number of Israelis were questioned this morning by immigration authorities in Russia," the ministry said in a statement. "Some of them entered the country after a short interview, while others are still delayed and the questioning extended. Questioning is a routine process and its duration is laid down according to the procedures of the host country and according to its laws."

On Friday Israeli tourists were stopped at passport control after arriving on an El Al flight to Domodedovo Airport in Moscow.

That incident came the day after the Foreign Ministry said in a statement it had held a consular meeting with Russian officials in Jerusalem during which "both sides agreed to do everything so as not to harm the movement of tourists and business ties between the countries and decided on a number of steps to help enforce the bilateral visa-free agreement."

The ministry said that the sides spoke about "Israelis being prevented entry in Moscow and the issue of illegal workers and asylum seekers entering Israel from Russia," without detailing any solution beyond Russia confirming that Israelis entering for business talks would be handled under rules published by the Russian embassy in Israel.

Last week on Wednesday and Thursday Russia detained dozens of Israeli tourists and businesspeople at a Moscow airport for hours.

The move was designed to send a "message" to Jerusalem about the Kremlin's frustration over the annual barring of thousands of its citizens from entering the Jewish state, Hebrew media reported on Wednesday night, citing diplomatic sources.


Kemi Olunloyo quits journalism, now to start leading the youth to Christ

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:30 AM PST

Kemi Olunloyo have just surrendered her life to Jesus Christ as she unveiled a new profile on Instagram depicting that of an evangelist.

Taking to the platform to announce her new life, Kemi wrote that she is now a former journalist, and that the year 2020 is the one to welcome Jesus into her life.

She also announced that she has closed all her verified accounts on social media.
She wrote;

"All my Journalism verified accounts are now CLOSED on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. YouTube.com/KemiOlunloyoTV is still open. What'sapp also deleted and phone contacts deleted. Thank you for the memories during this last decade and 25-30 yrs. I miss all my fans during my Journalism days in Nigeria 🇳🇬 I will only be serving God leading the youth to Jesus in 2020. Join @evangelistkemi"

Sir Dee celebrates Tacha on her 24th birthday

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST

BBNaija reality star, Sir Dee has taken to his Instagram account to write a heartfelt message to Tacha who turned a year older today, 23rd December.

Recall that the duo became close friends during their time on the reality show and they have continued their friendship even after the show.

While sharing lovely photos of her on his Instagram page, Sir Dee stated that Tacha has a big heart and she is protective of her friends.

He wrote;

"Happy birthday T. It's refreshing to see people like you who love so deeply and care so well for those around you. You are both selective and intensely protective of your friends and that makes you one of a kind. Here's to more love and laughter in your life. May this new chapter in your life herald growth in all ramifications. Love you Bestie❤."

See dramatic predictions for 2020 by Mystic who foresaw 9/11

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:36 AM PST

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, in July 2017. Saul Loeb/Getty Images

The blind mystic who is reported to have predicted 9/11 and Brexit has foretold trouble for Putin and Trump.

Bulgarian born Baba Vanga has been dubbed the 'Nostradamus of the Balkans' for her predictions.

Despite dying 23 years ago, those with a keen interest in mysticism continue to revere Baba's work, which some claim looks forward to 5079 - the year she believed the universe will end.

The predictions for Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, she said that the Russian president will face an assassination attempt and the US president will fall seriously ill, theweek.co.uk reports.

Right before her death at the age of 85 she made a series of predictions for the year 2020.


Harrysong shades Timaya as he reveals the cost of his jacket

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 05:30 AM PST

Harrysong has thrown a shade at Timaya after he slammed celebrities who wear fake clothes.

Timaya recently appeared in a video which had him warn the public against comparing him with other celebrities because they wear fake designer clothes unlike him.

This was heavily criticized by many who claim he has fast forgotten about his past Haven come from a poor background.

One of those who criticized him is actor IK Ogbonna who advised that local designers should also be encouraged.

Joining the list of those shading him is Harrysong who shared:

"This jacket costs 2300 pounds, I for make noise but I remember say @iamdavido wear shirt of 5000 pounds and he no dey make noise. Tomorrow I go wear 50k shirt from my tailor, na my body. Be humble, remember your root"

BBNaija Nina pens emotional post as her luxury hair line expands

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 05:00 AM PST

2018 BBNaija reality star, Chinonso Nina Onyenobi, popularly known as Nina Ivy, has taken to social media to praise God and speak on her life journey following the expansion of her luxury hair business.

The beautiful eastern reality star has definitely come a long way from her stay in the BBNaija house back in 2018 down to running a fashion empire on her own.

The 23-year-old fashion entrepreneur who recently got a Lekki store, was filled with gratitude to God and her fans for helping her brand grow. She spoke about her journey towards finding her voice and purpose, describing her life as a testimony.

She wrote: "When I look back on how I started from being an undergraduate with zero direction to getting into the big brother house to facing trials and tribulations to graduating and to finding my VOICE and PURPOSE all I can say is thank you lord."

"My life is a testimony of Gods grace that he is alive. I remember setting up @nina_empire_ with zero funds , I never knew in my wildest dreams I will be able to have my physical store with the help of my FANMILY !! Today I am grateful for all God has done for me."

‘Goodbye Chapter 23’ – Tacha writes as she shares new photos to mark birthday

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:30 AM PST

Controversial reality star, Tacha aka Trident Queen, has shared new photos on Instagram to mark her 24th birthday.

The beautiful star shared a picture of herself adorned in a beautiful attire, holding the Trident, which symbolizes allegiance to her.

Sharing the photos, the controversial BBNaija star wrote:

As usual, Titans have literally shut down Twitter today to celebrate their queen with trending hashtags such as 'HappybirthdayTacha, 'Tacha24' and 'Tachaturns24', some of which have already become top trends on Twitter.

The self-acclaimed Port Harcourt First Daughter, whose rise to stardom skyrocketed after her time on the 2019 BBNaija show, has undeniably grown to become a force to reckon with.

Biodun Fatoyinbo celebrates his wife, Modele, as she turns a year older says 'She's the wife he prayed for'

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:00 AM PST

Biodun Fatoyinbo, the Senior Pastor of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA), took to his Instagram page this morning to celebrate his wife, Modele, as she turns a year older today December 23rd.

In his post, Fatoyinbo who was accused of rape by Busola Dakolo this year, expressed how grateful he is to God to have Modele as his wife.

He wrote:

"Happy Birthday to the Love of My Life. Thank you for walking with me on this journey. You light my fire and inspire me to do more. You hold up my hand and your words help my shoulders to stay high. God chose you specially for me and I know that when he was making you, he had me in mind. If I had all the world's wealth at my disposal, I would deposit it at your feet, because you deserve all that and much more. You're the wife I prayed for and you are beyond anything I could have ever asked for or imagined. I love you so much, and I celebrate your life today and always.
#HappyBirthday #PastorMo #MyAmazingWife #ModeleFatoyinbo #MummyD #COZAGlobal"

Singer, Teni takes swimming lessons at Ned Nwoko’s residence

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:30 AM PST

Billionaire businessman, Ned Nwoko, who just returned from Burkina Faso with his wife, Regina Daniels was filmed teaching singer Teni how to swim at his home.

Videos of their swimming lessons was shared on Instagram by the politician's wife, Regina Daniels.

Recall that Daniels had taken to the photo-sharing platform to celebrate her husband's 59th birthday in a unique way.

The actress made a video which consists of rare pictures of them from one of their trips outside Nigeria.

Nigerians took to different social media platforms to air their views on the pictures which Regina shared , with most of them slamming the young actress for getting married to Ned.

See photo of Nwoko teaching Teni how to swim below;

Noble Igwe has a few words for “Igbo men” whose wives spend Christmas in the kitchen

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:00 AM PST

Noble Igwe has pointed out that Christmas for some women means spending all their time in the kitchen and he asked men to "change it".

He tweeted:

"Most Igbo men like to use the Christmas period to show that their wives can cook, nobody is doubting your wife's ability but she deserves to enjoy the Christmas too. Most of us grew up watching our moms live in the kitchen during this period as guests won't stop coming. Change it!"

Chinko Ekun – ‘I can boldly say I’m the best & most versatile rapper in Nigeria’

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 02:30 AM PST

The battle to become best among Nigerian rappers strengthens each day, with many of them coming out to declare themselves number one and this time, it is Chinko Ekun.

The rapper, in a tweet, said he needs no validation regarding his declaration.

Chinko Ekun tweeted:
"I can boldly say I'm the best and most versatile rapper in Nigeria and don't seek for anyone's validation but you know what… sometimes you have to dance to the tune and act a monkey in other to get the banana. Merry Christmas & happy new year in advance my people."

Nigerians react as Davido refuses to rock Meghan Thee Stallion’s backside on stage

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 02:00 AM PST

Popular Nigerian singer David Adeleke aka Davido has won the hearts of his fans on social media all over, after an unexpected course of action he took while he was performing at a music concert in Lagos.

The singer had mounted the stage alongside American rapper Megan Thee Stallion, who was in Nigeria for a concert, and refused to give many what they had been expecting.

Megan had turned her backside towards the father of three, and in usual entertainer style, many expected Davido to grind against the female rapper's backside. He, however, turned away from her and continued to thrill the audience.

Reacting, many hilariously suggested that the Blow My Mind crooner knew better than to disrespect his fiancé Chioma. According to them, the fear of his first son's mother is the beginning of wisdom for him.

Tacha all excited as she turns 24 today

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 01:30 AM PST

Following a series of awareness ahead of Tacha's birthday, the former Big Brother Naija housemate has expressed the joy of adding another year.

Tacha's birthday has generated hundreds of comments and several goodwill messages from fans and well-wishers. Some of her fans even went as far as crying during a video, while praying for the reality star's success in all her endeavors.

The beautiful star as usual, is currently trending on Twitter as Titans have stormed the platform in their numbers to celebrate their beloved queen.

Although Tacha didn't win the grand prize of N60 million, she certainly left the house with a number of wins, especially a highly supportive fanbase.

Lady blasts BBNaija Mercy Eke: “You carry clothes that is all over the market and call it your brand”

Posted: 24 Dec 2019 01:00 AM PST

A blogger, identified as Ifunaya has slammed 2019 BBNaija winner Mercy Eke after the latter announced she is starting her affordable clothing line.

Recall that Mercy had announced the launch of her new clothing line and unveiled a couple of clothes she intends to sell on social media.

Ifunaya, while reacting to this, called Mercy an illiterate alongside other BBNaija housemates saying what she is doing is more of opening a boutique than a clothing line.

Ifunaya then added that most of the clothes Mercy has online are not her designs, as they can be gotten at a market in Wuse, Abuja.

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