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The Great Millennial Blood Pressure Problem

Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:00 AM PST

You know the guy. You work with him, or youre friends with him, or maybe you even are him. Hes youngish. Fit-ish. Flirting with fasting and CBD. Always tracking his steps, his sleep, his heart rate, his meditation streaks. But these trackers overlook one metric: blood pressure. Those two numbers measure how well your blood vessels handle the 2,000 gallons of blood your heart pumps around your body in a day. And young guys vessels arent doing the job so well.

Earlier this year, Blue Cross Blue Shield released data from the claims of 55 million people in its Health of Millennials report . One of the most shocking stats: From 2014 to 2017, the prevalence of high blood pressure in people ages 21 to 36 jumped 16 percent, and compared with Gen Xers when they were the same age, high blood pressure among millennials was 10 percent more prevalent.

So what exactly do we mean by high? We mean blood pressure that measures above 130 systolic (the pressure in your arteries when your heart contracts) or 80 diastolic (the pressure between beats). And when that happens, explains preventive cardiologist Michael Miedema, M.D., M.P.H., of the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, your blood vessels stiffen up, forcing blood pressure even higher. That can create stress on vessel walls, leading to an ugly chain of inflammation, plaque buildup, and higher risk for heart attack and stroke.

For the longest time, most young people didnt have to worry about this. Youth has always been a relative Teflon coating, says Eric Topol, M.D., founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California. Blood-pressure issues were strictly for older people, and the idea that this protection might be eroding is forcing doctors to examine whats really going on. Heres what theyre finding.

All That #Wellness Isnt Making you Healthy

Youd think customized vitamins, kombucha, and cryotherapy would get you to #peakwellness, but when it comes to blood pressure, theyre not doing much. With millennials, you hear a lot about wellness and not as much about healthand theyre different, says Christopher Kelly, M.D., a cardiologist at North Carolina Heart and Vascular Hospital, and a millennial himself. Wellness trends promise great results with little effort, but few have any proven long-term benefits, he says. You wont see ads on Instagram for the few things that we know promote health, including regular exercise, not smoking, being at a healthy weight, and screening for blood-pressure and cholesterol issues.

Being Broke can Break You
Millennials carry more than $1 trillion in debt. A large chunk of that is due to student loansmillennials owe more than four times what Gen Xers do. Add this weight to other pressures and it makes sense that millennials reported the highest average stress level of any generation, at 5.7 out of 10, in the American Psychological Associations Stress in America survey. (Gen Xers came in at 5.1, Gen Zers at 5.3, and boomers at a relatively zen 4.1.)

Most of us overlook that the medical word we use for high blood pressure, hypertension, is really hyper and tension, says cardiologist Andrew M. Freeman, M.D., of National Jewish Health in Denver. Not only does chronic stress play a role in high blood pressure, but the responses we often have to whats stressing us outlike binge eating and cutting sleep shortjack it up, too.

Blame Seamless and Postmates
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that people who ate home-cooked meals almost every day consumed nearly 1,000 fewer calories a week than those who went with home-cooked once a week or less. And thats bad news for millennials: The average millennial eats out or buys takeout food five times per week, according to a Bankrate survey, which means theyre devouring all the pressure-boosting sodium and calories that come with it. (Sodium is particularly sneaky: In one study, 90 percent of people thought their restaurant meal had about 1,000 milligramsaround half a days worthless than it did.) And sodium ends up in your diet via some surprising foods, like bread (see the top sources here ).

Then theres the weight factor. Millennials are on track to be the heaviest generation in history, and extra weight on a young adult can ratchet up blood pressure and thicken the heart muscle early, inviting heart disease later on.

Its Easy to Avoid Moving
The heart requires the challenge of moving blood through the body to keep things supple and functioning normally, says Aaron Baggish, M.D., of Massachusetts General Hospital. And between more screen time, longer commutes, and more labor-saving devices, Dr. Baggish explains, many millennials are just not doing enough activity. See the best exercises to get started with .

But Theres Good News About Young Guys Blood Pressure

You can head off this whole saga with some pretty simple lifestyle changes. Start with the six basic steps at right, and keep on top of your blood-pressure rates with the three gizmos below. Even minor adjustments can bring down your BP, especially the ones below.

6 Small Changes That Take Blood Pressure Down
1.) Lose two pounds. For every two pounds or so you shed, you could see a one-point drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number).

2.) Get up every 45 minutes and walk around. This simple move was enough to significantly lower diastolic blood pressure in one study.

3.) Eat for your heart. Following a heart-healthy diet can drop systolic blood pressure as much as a pill can, says cardiologist Michael Miedema, M.D., M.P.H. Thats about three to five points.

4.) Fill up on potassium . This mineral can counteract the effects of sodium in your diet. Help it out and counter sodium yourself by nixing key sources like bread, cold cuts, and pizza.

5.) Say yes to pickup basketball. The adrenaline and cortisol that swirl around when youre stressed can hike up blood pressure. In fact, one recent study found that male med students were 13 times as likely to have elevated numbers as their female counterparts. Friends help buffer stress . Bonus if you combine hanging out with a workout.

6.) Monitor pressure at home. Everyone should check their BP once a month at home, even if theyre healthy, says John Elefteriades, M.D., director of the Aortic Institute at Yale-New Haven Hospital. It can help you ID triggers so you can keep them from messing with your numbers and your life.

Explaining 'The Rise of Skywalker' Opening Scene

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:00 PM PST

With a lot on its place in terms of wrapping up a trilogy, Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker doesn't waste any time in its opening sequence. The iconic rolling yellow text is more concise than ever, laying out the premise of the movie's first act: Emperor Palpatine is back , and Kylo Ren is pissed about it.

We cut immediately to an unnamed red planet, where Ren mercilessly cuts his way through a group of masked strangers on his way to find the Sith wayfinder, a futuristic pyramid GPS that will guide him to Exegol, where Palpatine is hiding. That red world is never shown again, and for the purposes it serves to the story, it hardly needs a name or backstory but this is Star Wars we're talking about, so of course it does!

It turns out, the planet is called Mustafar, and this isn't the first time it has appeared in the Skywalker Saga. In fact, it was the setting for one of the most pivotal moments in the history of all nine movies: the battle between friends-turned-enemies Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi way back in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. It was their duel, surrounded by a hellish, lava-spouting landscape, that sealed Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader and formally set the events of the original trilogy in motion.

In fact, Mustafar held such significance to Vader that he later built a castle there: it is seen in the standalone prequel Rogue One.

The tie-in book Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary by Pablo Hidalgo expands on the brief scene, explaining that the people in masks are aliens known as the Alazmec, cultists who traveled to Mustafar in pilgrimage, seeking the same power that corrupted Vader.

"Kylo soon outpaces his stormtrooper escorts as he cuts a swath of destruction through the Alazmec who attempt to block his path to Vaders castle or rather, its crumbling ruins," Hidalgo writes. "Kylo enters the castle grounds with purpose, and finds an ark containing an artifact that will lead him to answers."

And those trees? They're a bizarre form of flora known as "irontrees." And if you don't remember seeing them in Revenge of the Sith, Hidalog explains that it's because the Alazmec planted them "in a futile attempt to reinvigorate the glen that covered the land centuries earlier."

'Snowglobing' Is a Confusing Holiday Dating Trend

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:30 PM PST

2019 has been the year of new dating terms. While we all of course know of , , and , seemingly a dozen new phrases have butted their way into our mainstream lexicon this past year, including , , and

As this decade comes to an end, theres one final dating term that were going to discuss here at Mens Health. Then come 2020, we promise to take a slight break from discussing newly coined dating phrases, because lets be honest, none of them are ever going to be nearly as good as the OG term: ghosting.

The newest dating term is Holiday-specific and its called snowglobing,

Cosmo writer Candice Jalili , The person you've been dating is using the holiday season to con you into thinking you two are more serious than you are. She continues, This person spends the entire month of December with you, making you feel like you're inside your own little wintery fairytale, only to unceremoniously dump your ass in January.


The holidays are undoubtedly a confusing time if youve recently started dating a new partner. If youve only been dating for a few weeks (or even a couple of months), should you bring that person to your office holiday party, to you friends Christmas gathering, to your childhood home to meet your parents? What about gifts? It seems wrong to not give someone youre dating a present, but that can also make the relationship seem more serious than it actually is.

Then, of course, love is in the air or at least thats what every single Christmas movie over the past three decades will have you believe. Its tough to not kept swept up by all the love and merriment.

There's actually a term in social psychology called the " misattribution of arousal ," that describes this phenomenon. It's a process whereby people mistake the cause of what's arousing them (i.e., the situation is arousing, but it's being attributed to the person).

Thats why I may just have to disagree with Jalili. I dont think snowglobing is usually as conscious a manipulation as she perceives it to be. I dont think most people knowingly invite a date to every single holiday event from December 10-January 1 with the thought, Oh, definitely getting rid of her the moment the ball drops in New York City. A final kiss and goodbye! I think most people get caught up in the holiday spirit. It's hard not to be.

Perhaps Im being naive. Perhaps most people are trash. This very well could be the case.

Regardless, its likely a good idea to slow down and not get swept up by your new partner this holiday season. Besides, you really shouldnt spend every waking moment of the holidays with someone you just met. You should spend it with family and friends, too.

And if you find yourselves drunk texting as the night finishes since you both consumed too much eggnog, then meet up for a sloppy holiday sex. At least at this point, neither you nor your partner will think the relationship is any more serious than it actually is.

6 Things Jennifer Lopez Does to Get Her Glowing Skin

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:00 PM PST

The J.Lo glow is real. And while the 50-year-old actress and singer has plenty to be glowing abouthello, Golden Globes nomination!she says the key to her good skin is sleep. "The number one tip is to always get enough sleep. I cant stress this enough. Ideally I would love to get nine or 10 hours of sleep, but either way, I always make sure I get at least eight," Lopez told InStyle . Here are more of her beauty secrets.

She eats a lot of fresh produce.
Like many other celebs, she also gives her glowing skin credit to a clean diet and good old H2O Sorry, its true! I think drinking lots of water and fresh foods with lots of fruits and vegetables (I keep [them] with me at all time.) all play into the quality of skins appearance, Lopez told People .

She avoids smoking and alcohol.
J.Lo's fianc, Alex Rodriguez confirmed this telling Harper's Bazaar "She really leans in to the big fundamentals, like getting her rest, eight to 10 hours. She doesnt drink, doesnt smoke. She lives a very clean life.

She practices mindfulness.
Okay, we get it, she's got good will powersomething we could've probably guessed considering all of the success she's accomplished in her career; but you may be surprised to find out that Lopez also believes beauty is a state of mind. "I definitely think beauty comes from withinyou have to keep your mind, soul, body and spirit in sync. I am a firm believer in meditating and when you are happy and feel joy and love, you radiate beauty," Lopez told InStyle . But the woo-woo side of J.Lo doesn't stop there, she also told Harper's Bazaar that she lives by affirmations. "I am youthful and timeless. I tell myself that every day, a few times a day. It sounds like clichd bullshit, but its not: Age is all in your mind. Look at Jane Fonda.

But don't discount the fact that she's #blessed.
If you're starting to think that maybe J.Lo was just born with glowing skin, you're not wrong. She told Today , "I have to say I have good genes. My mom and my grandma had beautiful skin, so I was blessed with that. I'm fortunate in that way."

Though she does have a few tricks.
But she has shared some of her tried and true beauty rituals that don't require overhauling your whole lifestylelike washing your face after you sweat. "I always, always wash my face after a workout. That helps keep my pores clean and my skin feeling healthy," she told Hello! She also never hits the sheets without cleansing first. "I never go to bed without taking my makeup off, [and I use] night creams to keep my skin hydrated. As for daytime, SPF is k-e-y. You have to protect your skin, she told People . Another staple: Glycolic acid. She told People she uses it to "get that healthy glow and clear skin."

And while you may think of J.Lo all glammed up, she tends to go makeup free when she's off duty. "I am pretty low-key when it comes to my day to day beauty routine. I have to wear a lot of makeup for work, so when I am not working, I tend to wear little to no makeup," Jennifer told InStyle .

She has a few product staples, too.
Though J.Lo doesn't tend to share the exact products she uses, her glam squad does. According to Hello ! , some of Lopez's favorites include Lancer The Method: Cleanse , and Lancer Eye Contour Lifting Cream . In an interview with Popsugar , Lopez's longtime makeup artist Scott Barnes said that she also swears by La Mer Cream . As for that bronzed glow, she swears by Serge Lutens Blusher .

If you're looking for a more affordable option, Lopez shared that she loves Dr. Hauschka's Rose Day Cream during a 2014 episode of Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen .

How to Get - and Stay - Motivated to Lose Weight

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:30 PM PST

If the one thing that seems to be missing from your weight loss efforts is the motivation to get started on a plan or to stick with it, you might be surprised at how much control you have when it comes to this seemingly mysterious, fired-up feeling.

While motivation seems like it comes and goes whenever it pleases, its not a random force. Maintaining motivation is a skill, and you can get good at that skill, explains Liz Josefsberg, who is the author of Target 100 and has been a weight loss coach to thousands of people, including Charles Barkley and Jennifer Hudson. And the discipline to stick with it doesnt have to be any kind of unpleasant struggle, either (more on that later).

To get your motivation where you want it, you have to let go of what motivation isnt. Its not this thing outside of your control, and its not going to be high all the time. Its supposed to have peaks and valleysthats what being human is, she says. And when you hit a valley, all isnt lost. You can move it toward the peak again with some simple steps.

How to Get Your Weight Loss Motivation Going

Step 1: Accept that Your Motivation Isnt High

If youve already been on a weight loss program but youre not as excited about what youre doing as you used to be, the first step to getting your momentum back is actually identifying that your motivation is waning. Sounds obvious, but too many people berate themselves or try to power through this feeling without stopping and noticing that its happening, and then trying to figure out why its happening. This doesnt have to be a major investigation. Just ask yourself whats up. Most people dont identify it, says Josefsberg. They dont recognize that theyre bored, or that something has changed. What has changed could be something as simple as you dont like going to the grocery store any longer because theres construction on the way and it takes forever to get there. And it can be worked with.

Step 2: Research What Youre Going to Do Next
If the way youve been doing things isnt working any longer, change it a little bit. Dont be afraid to get away from the one program fits all mentality. Ask friends what theyre doing and see if any of their principles or recipes make sense for you.

You dont have to make dramatic changes to get your weight loss motivation going again. For instance, if keto is really working for a friend, you dont have to go all in, but you might try a keto recipe or two . Or ask yourself what aspects of a keto lifestyle you might want to play around with, Josefsberg says. Similarly, if intermittent fasting appeals to you, try skipping breakfast for a week and see how it goes. Instead of berating yourself over whats not feeling right at the moment, experiment with new strategies that might get you excited about weight loss again.

Step 3: Actually Try It!
Once you play around with something appealing, put it into practice and see what happens. Doesnt work? Try something else. The process is an exploration of trying new things so you look forward to your plan again. It sounds simple, and thats the best partit can be. You dont have to do something drastic in order to get your motivation on the upswing.

How to Keep Your Weight Loss Motivation Going
Once you have that motivation rolling again, all it takes is discipline to keep it going, right? I think discipline is highly overrated, Josefsberg says. Sometimes, what gets you to do the healthy thing is simply remembering to do it.

It sounds oversimplified, but you have schedules and alarms for everything else you do, so why not set up your weight loss strategies that way, too? Suppose you want to stop cruising the office at 3 PM for somethinganythingto snack on. Set your alarm for 2:50 and go to the fridge to get the healthy snack you packed (because you set a reminder on Sunday night to put it in a container so it was ready for work on Monday).

It doesnt have to be complicated. Andanother myth busted hereit doesnt even have to require a lot of discipline. When it comes to being healthy, discipline is totally overrated. The trick to sticking with something is to set up your environment to support your decision to be healthier, says Josefsberg. Its about being a little bit prepared and creating an environment for success.

In other words, you dont have to have the discipline to resist cookies if there arent any in the house. You also can bias your healthy life to success by indulging your natural tendencies in setting up this environment. That means if youre not the type to do one big shopping trip for the whole weekno matter how many people on Instagram it works fordont do it if you dont like it. Want to grab a few things a few times a week? Theres your plan.

All of thisunderstanding whats going on behind the scenes with weight loss motivation and disciplinehelps you the kind of short- and long-term weight loss success youre looking for.

Kizz Daniel releases video for 'Jaho'

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:00 PM PST

Date: December 20, 2019

Song Title: Jaho

Artist: Kizz Daniel

Genre: Afrobeats

Producer: DJ Coublon

Album: TBA

Video Director: TBA

Details/Takeaway: The Kizz Daniel's 'Jaho' song is a follow-up to, 'Pak N Go.'

Under age maid brutalized by Madam rescued, Woman arrested in Enugu, says ‘I’m a lover of children’(Video)

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:08 PM PST

Under age maid brutalized by Madam rescued, Woman arrested in Enugu, says 'I'm a lover of children'(Video)
Enugu State Police Commissioner, Ahmad Abdulrahman and the victim

The Commissioner of Police in charge of Enugu State Police Command, has rescued a maid, Peace Goewam, who was captured in a viral video where she was being traumatized by her madam.

In the viral video, which triggered angry reactions from Nigerians, the woman, Mrs. Amaka Ortolehi, from Ngor-Okpala, Imo State, was captured on video maltreating the maid in most horrible manner.

The incident, according to DAILY POST, led the Enugu State Police Commissioner, Ahmad Abdulrahman into launching a discreet manhunt for the said woman.

The Commissioner of Police while addressing newsmen at the State Police Command, said "when I watched the viral video, it was an eyesore.

"I gave order to my technical officers and anti-cult team. This eventually led to her arrest, alongside her husband Nkemakolam Ortolehi.

"We also arrested Mr. Jonathan Goewan, the uncle to the victim, who out of greed brought her to Enugu from Jos and probably sold her to this wicked family.

"Irrationally, she held her own daughter who she had affection for but was thrusting this very girl on the ground as if she was killing a fowl."

Ahmad added that "we protected and rescued the girl and she is going be to handed over to a government agency that will take care of her till we trace her parents.

"They will come down and tell us why they divorced this girl from them; as for the uncle, he has no satisfactory answer, so we are suspecting fowl play.

"This is typical example of Child Abuse, child labour, torture and man's inhumanity to man."

The Police Commissioner vowed that all those involved in one way or the other in the girl child's ordeal would be prosecuted and appropriate punishment meted on them.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Ortelehi has blamed the devil for her actions.

Speaking with newsmen amidst tears, she said "I don't know what came over me. I don't treat her in such manner before. You can enquire from her school, you can ask our neighbours.

"This is not how we have been living, I'm a lover of children, all come to my house. Anger put me into this, I love Peace, we have been living together for two years, this is just something that went out of the ordinary."

Remember the woman in this video that smashed the little girl on the ground.

She has been arrested.
The arrest was made yesterday by the Nigeria Police Force, Enugu State Command

Wizkid releases video for 'Blow'

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:35 PM PST

Wizkid releases video for 'Blow'

The song was on Wizkid's last EP, 'SoundMan Vol. 1.'

Artist: Wizkid featuring Blaq Jerzee

Song Title: Blow

Genre: Afrobeats

Album: SoundMan Vol. 1

Date of release: December 22, 2019

Label: Starboy

Producer: Blaq Jerzee

Video Director: TBA

Details/Takeaway: The song was on Wizkid's last EP, 'SoundMan Vol. 1.'

You can watch the video below;

5 streets in Lagos that NEVER sleep

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:47 PM PST

5 streets in Lagos that NEVER sleep
5 streets in Lagos that NEVER sleep

Indeed, the Lagos nightlife is an attraction of it's own as the city comes alive after dark, wearing a new look.

New York may be regarded as the city that never sleeps, but Lagos most certainly gives it a run for it's money.

Anyone who's ever visited Lagos can attest to the city's bursting drive and energy which sees people leave their homes as early as 5am and stay out till midnight, in search of a daily bread.

So, if you ever need something late at night in Lagos and wonder where to get it, here are 5 streets in the Centre of Excellence that never sleep.

1. Isaac John, GRA: One of the major commercial hubs in the Ikeja region, Isaac John has several restaurants, clubs and hangout spots that are open till the wee hours of the morning.

2. Allen Avenue, Ikeja: The subject of several songs including Weird MC's hit single "Allen Avenue" in the nineties, Allen is arguably the red light district of Lagos with a heavy presence of commercial sex workers and more than a few strip clubs that come alive at night.

3. Adeola Odeku, Victoria Island: One of the most popular streets in the Victoria Island commercial hub, Adeola Odeku also boasts several restaurants, stores and hangout spots.

4. Awolowo Road, Ikoyi: If you're in search of fuel at odd hours of the night, chances are you'll find a filling station open on Awolowo road. Home to more than a few clubs and hangout spots, Awolowo road is undoubtedly one of the busiest roads on the Lagos island.

5. Admiralty Way, Lekki: Although Lekki was barely more than a large expanse of undeveloped land as recently as a decade ago, it has emerged as one of the major commercial hubs not just on the island, but the entire Lagos, and Admiralty way is the king of the region. A drive through this road in the middle of the night will find more than a few services running.

Biafra group speaks on why Jonathan’s house was invaded by gunmen

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:27 AM PST

Biafra group speaks on why Jonathan's house was invaded by gunmen
former President Goodluck Jonathan

A group known as the Biafra Nations Youth League, BNYL, has condemned the attack on former President Goodluck Jonathan's home by unknown gunmen.

Mr. Richard Odung, the Chief Press Secretary of the group, in a statement to DAILY POST on Tuesday, said that youths in Bayelsa had decided to allow politicians to use them.

BNYL wondered why there is always a do or die politics in the Niger Delta, especially in Bayelsa State.

The pro-Biafra group said it suspects that the lost of the ruling party to All Progressives Congress, APC in the State which Jonathan was accused of working against his party, was the reason for the attack, Daily Post reports.

Nollywood Times had earlier reported that unknown gunmen invaded the residence of the former President Goodluck Jonathan in his country home Otuoke in Bayelsa State.

The group's spokesman said, "i think it is the suspicion that Jonathan sold his party out to APC when he visited Buhari that is leading to this nonsense some of our youths who have decided to allow themselves to be used as political thugs.

"To us , we feel that lack of understanding of what politics is all about is why we cannot record progress and unity in the South-south

"in 2019 they were ready to die for Jonathan, but today they are after him, Politicians knows where they meet, they create problems for personal interests."

The group also drew the attention of the group that threatened the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, over attack on Chibuike Amaechi, adding, "the group who called themselves Concerned Niger Delta Group should first educate themselves, unite their people before coming out publicly to exhibit their stupidity because Amaechi was allegedly beaten.

"The truth is that some of our South-south politicians especially in riverine Rivers State and Bayelsa are using these their political militants disguising as freedom fighters to haunt themselves for selfish moves."

How to understand your girl's hints for sex

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:30 AM PST

Needing sexual gratification as a guy is a bit difficult on its own. If you are open and upfront about your desire to just get some, babes tag you as thirsty and disrespectful.

If you slow down and carefully bide your time, they say you are too slow and dull.

"A babe once told me that I don't take hints and I was really pained," says 27-year-old Farouk [not his real name].

As if that's not enough, when chics [including your girlfriend] want to have sex with you, they're hardly ever open or straightforward about it.

As our customised Poll here clearly shows, they've mastered the skill of dropping hints and not much else.

So if you do not want to be called a dull guy, you have to know how to take hints and here are the best ways to do so.

1. Be sensitive
It's really a no-brainer. To be able to know when to go in [pun not intended], you have to be sensitive to be aware and receptive of your girl's move.

The classic line girls have been known to use is, "I'm coming over."

Others prefer to come over and feed you good meals, some prefer to just rub on you a lot more than normal and others do stuff that are way more random and subtle than that.

The major key here is to be sensitive and with time, you'll become used to your girl's most preferred I-want-to-have-sex moves.

2. Calculated risk
This is a bit sensitive, given how easy it is to mistake her actions for hints when she's actually dropping none.

But then, as Ogechi, 25, says: "if a girl wants you to touch her and do stuff with her, you will know somehow, except you're not paying attention or extremely dumb."

So, guys there might be no way to know until you try. Even at that, you still have to be extremely careful.

Don't jump right into it. Hold her palm and see how she reacts. If she's cool with that, you can fondle the palm gently and gauge her reaction.

The aim is to be as slow as possible so as not to cross any lines.

You might just as well ask her if you're not sure. That saves a lot of trouble. But then, some women claim that asking kind of kills the fun for them.

3. Know when to stop
One major way to take a hint is to know WHEN TO STOP.

Guys, rape is real and terrible. If she says stop, it does not matter whether she's your babe or not, you've got to stop immediately!

Don't also take the risk of saying "she does not mean it."

Just assume she means it and act accordingly. Let her be the one to tell you to continue.

There's no clearer hint to take than what is expressly spelt.

Have fun responsibly, bruhs.

5 most extreme tribal body modifications

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:00 AM PST

From stretching the lips and earlobes to plugging the nose, below are five of the most extreme body modifications.

Thousands of years ago,

1. Lip Stretching
The Mursi tribe, isolated in Omo Valley in Southern Ethiopia near the border of Sudan are well-known for their trademark lip stretching beautification.

Know indigenously as dhebi a tugoin, there are an estimated 10,000 members of this fascinating tribe. Like other forms of body modifications lip stretching is seen as an expression of social adulthood and reproductive potential. Often, the size of the plate is correlated with the size of a woman's bridewealth.

2. Neck Stretching
The Kayan are a Tibeto-Burman ethnic minority in Myanmar and are famous for the many brass coils that the women wear around their necks.

They are often called "giraffe women" by outsiders because they can wear up to 25 coils, worn throughout their lifetimes.

Children are often given their first set of coils at an early age of 5. The set consists of coils weighing about 4.5 pounds. And through time, more rings are added.

3. Nose Plugs
The Apatani women believed they were the most beautiful in the tribe and had to make themselves look unattractive to protect themselves from invaders from other tribes. Hence, they wore large wooden plugs in their noses and tattooed their faces.

4. Scarification
Though Scarification is done all over the world, it is practised heavily by the Sepik River tribes in Papua New Guinea, the Karo tribe in Southern Ethiopia and all throughout Sudan and regarded as a beauty enhancement, a rite of passage, or marks of social status.

The elders of the tribe use blades to cut the young men all over their faces and bodies in a pattern resembling an alligator's as they believed that the alligator will consume any trace of boyhood left in their bodies and will thus turn them into men.

5. Teeth sharpening
Teeth sharpening is a practice of manually sharpening the teeth using a chisel or knife to file them desirable shapes. The image above is a Bagobo woman of Mindanao (from the Eastern-most part of the Philippines) with filed teeth.

In Bali, Indonesia, teeth were filed down because it was thought that the teeth represented anger, jealousy, and other similarly negative emotions. The image above is a Mentawai woman from Indonesia bearing tattoos and sharpened teeth!

5 things everyone loves and desires in a potential boo

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:30 AM PST

5 things you should consider cutting out so as to become a better person to date and fall in love with.

If love seems to find everyone easily but you, it could be because you are not doing some things right, and that you probably have some behavioural adjustments to make.

Instead of expecting to be taken for who you are, it is better to assess yourself dispassionately to see if you really are the kind of person who should even be taken as they are or not.

Here are some of the things you should consider cutting out if you intend to become a better person to date and/or fall in love with.

1. Healthy self esteem
When you keep the thought in your mind that that babe is 'way out of your league' or that guy 'is too good for you,' you limit yourself greatly in the dating game.

While it is never a good thing to be cocky or too full of yourself, it also a terrible, terrible idea to put yourself so low to the point of thinking you are not good enough for the great guys, or ladies.

You deserve the best, and until you get this into your mind, you'll still be limited to the jerks and bad relationships.

2. Stop being too picky
Perfection is actually over-hyped, so stop finding fault with everything and everybody.

By being overly picky, you're going to drive away loads of great people who just have little creases that you could have helped them iron out.

3. Defined goals
Why are you looking to date without an idea of what you want in mind?

No matter how vague or unclear it might seem [depending on how much you have been disappointed], you just need to have one idea in mind of what you want from potential partners or lovers.

Sort out what you want, and the rest should come less difficultly.

4. Not desperate
Somehow, desperation reeks and people can always spot it.

You do not want to be that guy whose desperation can be smelled from a mile away, or the girl nobody wants because they know you're desperate to marry and settle down.

So cut it out and be calm, will you?

You won't always get what you want all the time. Knowing what to let go of, and what to not budge over is very important.

How to get your teenagers to eat healthy food on their own

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:00 AM PST

Teenagehood is a phase of self-awareness and discovery. Teenagers want to do things their own way, and eating healthy food, may not necessarily fall under something they would want to do.

So, a parent would have to find ways to encourage them to eat healthily.

Healthy food for teenagers: Helping them develop a healthy lifestyle
Having teenagers who are determined to eat what they want is normal - even if it isn't always healthy. This is okay and shouldn't upset you because healthy eating habits take time to pick up. On the other hand, this doesn't mean you should just let them eat whatever they want. Here are ways you can get your teenager to eat more healthy food and less junk.

Start small
The mind has a way of blowing things out of proportion. You have spent time worrying about your teenager's unhealthy eating habits. All you can imagine is all the ways the food can affect his or her health. This might push you into panic mode, making you want to change his or her eating habits overnight. That is not the way to go, as this may cause a strain in your relationship. Instead, start with small steps, adding some fruits or vegetables after meals.

Start with their favourite food
Changing their meals should be a slow process. Those foods they enjoy more, start from there. Start by switching the ingredients to something healthier and still delicious. When buying unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy, look for healthier alternatives.

Make healthy food available
This one is a trick of the eyes. Everyone tends to settle for what's easily available, especially teenagers, most of whom don't like to stress themselves. Use that spot where they're used to picking food from as bait. Remove every unhealthy snack there and replace it with healthier ones. At first, they might turn away, but eventually, you will find them reaching for what's quickly available.

Be their model
Rules are fine and good because they work in some areas but teenagers are more likely to follow examples. As a parent, you will need to show your teenagers a picture of what healthy eating looks like through your personal relationship with healthy food. Don't eat junk food and then turn around to tell your teenagers to eat right. They may not listen. After all, if eating junk food is so bad why are you doing it?

Teach for the long term
Teaching your teenagers to eat healthily isn't where the job ends. There's more to it. Don't just teach them to eat healthy for the short term because they're not always going to be living with you. Teach them the values of eating healthy. That way they understand why they're doing it and why it is good for them. Consequently, this makes them adopt healthy eating as a lifestyle. Whether they're off to university or anywhere else, they will always eat healthily.

Overall, you'll need to remain calm and patient throughout the process. Your teenagers will definitely eat some junk food while you're trying to help them eat healthily. Unless it becomes a pattern, you can afford to overlook such episodes.

5 important Bible verses to hold on to in a chaotic world

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:30 AM PST

It is not easy living in such a chaotic world filled with all kinds of conflict and danger. Thankfully, there are Bible verses that can help to navigate all these perils.

Here are five important scriptures to read and memorize:

Leviticus 26:6 
"I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid. I will remove wild beasts from the land, and the sword will not pass through your country."

Psalm 29:11
"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace."

Number 6: 25–26 
"The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace."

Isaiah 32:18 
"My people will live in peaceful dwelling-places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest."

Psalm 4:8 
"In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety."

Hold to these much-needed words about divine peace in this crazy world.

4 natural ways women can regrow hair on their bald head

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:00 AM PST

Due to the difficulty in getting the right hair products which contain natural ingredients to buy is causing

Most products on the market contain chemicals which have adverse side effects.

To be on the safer side, try using these inexpensive and natural means to regrow your hair.


Most people don't like to use onion because of its pungent smell. However, it is loaded with antibacterial and antifungal properties that help to restore lost nutrients to your scalp. It is also rich in sulfur, which is known to minimize breakage and thinning.

Massage the onion juice on the receding hairline and scalp. Leave it on for an hour. Rinse it clean with a mild shampoo.

Olive Oil
Super packed with antioxidants and vitamin E, olive oil used for many culinary purposes is also good for your hair. Olive oil rejuvenates and strengthens your hair when you apply heat to it.

Take a tablespoon of olive oil, add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a tablespoon of honey. Massage it onto the balding spot. Let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse the Ayurvedic remedy for receding hairline with a mild shampoo.

Black Pepper
Black pepper makes every meal taste better and it also stimulates blood flow, which in turn promotes new hair follicle growth. Regular use of black pepper decreases shedding and also works as a scalp detox.

Grind a few peppercorns into a smooth paste by adding a few drops of lemon juice. Apply it to the balding spot. Wait till it dries and then rinse.

Aloe vera has been used for a host of purposes and scientists keep discovering its new benefits with each passing day. It's relevant to the beauty world can't be underestimated.

This natural gel is great in helping to fight hair loss. Applying a quarter copy of aloe vera on your scalp weekly will help reduce dandruff and hair loss.

Apply aloe vera on the affected areas for fifteen minutes at a time and then rinse it with warm water.

Vomiting in pregnancy is a sign your child may have higher IQ

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:30 AM PST

Looks like scientists have discovered some benefits for people who suffer from nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. And you know what they say, "no pain, no gain."

Vomiting in pregnancy: Scientists find mums who suffered from pregnancy sickness tend to have children with higher IQs

A study has revealed that if you suffer from pregnancy sickness, you may likely have a child whose IQ is higher than his or her mates. The full meaning of IQ is Intelligent Quotient, a way of measuring intelligence in humans. This simply means that your child would be sharper and more intelligent than other kids the same age. Usually, many mums worry that their sickness is messing up how much nutrients the baby gets to receive. They worry that it is affecting the baby's overall development. Amazingly, Researchers at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada, have found that instead of affecting the baby in a bad way, your sickness and vomiting increases the child's intelligence.

For the research, scientists looked at 121 children. These children were between the ages of three and seven. Their mothers suffered from morning sickness and vomiting during their pregnancy. Instead of being behind as many mums fear, it was discovered that these children were likely to score higher on IQ, memory and language skill tests. Lead researcher, Dr Irena Nulman, told Reuters Health that the findings suggest that nausea and vomiting in pregnancy are not harmful and in fact may enhance favourably children's long-term mental development.

However, it is not yet clear what the cause of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women is. But it is very common in expecting mothers, especially during the first trimester. It has been related to hormones that are responsible for the baby's development. However, the causes are yet to be proven.

How to overcome nausea in pregnancy
The following tips will help you overcome morning sickness and vomiting in pregnancy.

Eat filling foods
Nausea is even worse when you're feeling it on an empty stomach. It feels like you're going to vomit your insides. To prevent this, eat dense foods that stay awhile in your system. Those foods include beans, fish, meat, avocado, and yoghurt.

Exercise helps you fight morning sickness and that feeling of wanting to vomit. Take early morning or evening walks outside. A bit of fresh air won't hurt.

Ginger is another way to fight morning sickness and nausea. Also, it is quite cheap and easy to prepare. Just peel the ginger, wash it well, and then slice in boiling water. Give it some time to soak and brew. Filter the water out and drink away.

Have snacks close by
This is especially important because sometimes nausea may come when you're not home and therefore not close to food. Nausea is at its worst when your stomach is empty. So always having a snack or two nearby is very important. To keep nausea away, carry some in your bag, in your car, and beside your bed.

Cold bath
Having a cold bath can help keep nausea away. So if you're feeling like vomiting, try showering with cold water. Doesn't even have to be a complete bath. If a pool or water is rushing somewhere close, stick your head in there and let the water wash over your head.

Peppermint oil
The sharp scent of peppermint oil can help keep nausea away. A small touch of the oil in a handkerchief is all you need. Keep the handkerchief in your bag for any time you feel nauseous. Take the handkerchief out and have a whiff of the peppermint oil.

Rest assured, vomiting during pregnancy will not harm your baby physically. The only other discomfort apart from the vomiting itself is sore muscles on your belly. But if the vomiting goes on for a long period. of time, you should see your doctor.

What is this season without the birth of Jesus Christ?

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:00 AM PST

Many years ago, Christmas day was born. The goal was to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Apparently, more people are celebrating Christmas without the religious reason for the season.

As time went on, the focus began to turn away from the original reason for the season to the 'fun, jolly' part.

Now, a new study has shown that more people no longer care about the religious aspect of Christmas as they only seem to enjoy the things that come with the holiday.

From holy to jolly

A Pew Research Center survey suggests that Americans are now celebrating just the secular part of the holiday, without the religious part.

The study showed that most millennials see and celebrate Christmas as a cultural holiday, not a religious one.

Only 46 percent of adults see it as what it really is, a religious holiday. This number has gone down from what it was in 2013, then 51 percent believed Christmas was a religious holiday, not a cultural thing.

Fewer people still believe the nativity story

This change comes more people confess that they no longer believe in the key aspects of the Christmas story ― the virgin birth and the wise men bringing Jesus gifts.

Researchers say the number of Christians who believe in all four elements declined from 81 percent in 2014 to 76 percent this year.

Now, 66 percent still believe that Jesus was born to a virgin, 75 percent agree that he was laid in a manger, 68 percent say that wise men, guided by a star, brought Jesus gifts, and only 67 percent still think that an angel announced Jesus' birth to shepherds.

Ultimately, more Americans are choosing the fun parts of Christmas over the religious aspects of the holiday as nine in 10 U.S. adults celebrate the holiday.

The Pew survey was done on 1,503 U.S. adults and conducted by phone on Nov. 29 to December 4, 2017.

One can only hope that Nigerians refuse to join this new trend.

5 stunning kente styles that will trend in 2020

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:30 AM PST

The interest in our own rich indigenous fabric for our marriage ceremonies is simply amazing.

Fashion plays a key role in every event, especially weddings. Everybody including the groom can't wait to see the apparel his wife-to-be would wear for their holy matrimony.

The bride has to break all fashion rules to stand out at her wedding while the wedding guests play it safe not to overdress especially when you are close to the bride.

If you are getting married in 2020, here are some kente styles to take style inspiration from.

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