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Your genes might be the reason you hate some vegetables and fruits

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 11:30 PM PST

US scientists have released interesting new studies. These studies claim that your aversion to vegetables may actually be a genetic disorder. So your dislike of broccoli and all things green is in you! What a relief!
Now your friends can stop berating you for never having the leafy green salad at lunch. Vegetables and fruits can officially take a hike.

Scientists are calling folks with vegetable prejudice 'super-tasters'. But don't don a cape just yet. Super-tasters do not experience more enjoyable sensations when eating vegetables. Instead, they find themselves hating every minute of it because of a heightened intolerance of bitterness.

Vegetables and fruits: The Super Tasters Theory

US scientists suggested this could explain why some people find it difficult to include enough vegetables in their diet, as the excess gene provides a 'ruin-your-day' level of bitterness to foods such as broccoli and sprouts.

The gene may also make beer, coffee and dark chocolate taste unpleasant. Oh no! Not chocolate!

Valerie Duffy, a professor at the University of Connecticut, claims that the taste of green vegetables can be horrendous to super-tasters. But this is if you overcook them, as the heat creates a more sulphuric flavour.

'The person who has that genetic propensity gets more of the sulphur flavour of, say, Brussels sprouts, especially if they've been overcooked,' she told CNN.

'So that [bitter] vegetable is disliked, and because people generalise, soon all vegetables are disliked.

'If you ask people, "Do you like vegetables?" They don't usually say, "Oh yeah, I don't like this, but I like these others."

'People tend to either like vegetables or not.'

According to these studies, super-tasters are 2.6 times more likely to eschew vegetables than people without this heightened sense of taste. Receptors on our taste buds automatically respond to the five basic flavours of salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami.

In case you're wondering what umami is, it's basically a savoury flavour released by an amino acid called glutamate, which exists in pungent food like vintage cheese and mushrooms, the latter of which is safely considered globally to be repulsive with or without this super-tasting gene.

The Genes Responsible For Your Hating Vegetables and Fruits

So which gene is actually responsible? Everyone inherits two copies of a taste gene called TAS2R38. It allows us to taste bitterness by encoding for a protein in the taste receptors on the tongue.

However, there are different variants of the gene. People who inherit two copies of a variant called PAV find certain foods exceptionally bitter.

In contrast, people who inherit two copies of a variant called AVI are not sensitive to bitter tastes in food at all, whereas those with one copy of AVI and one of PAV perceive bitter tastes slightly.

The scientists studied 175 people and found those with two copies of the PAV variation of the gene only ate small amounts of leafy green vegetables.

But it isn't just the taste that puts folk off vegetables. Professor Duffy's studies have also discovered that super-tasters are generally opposed to the touch and texture of the food. If you dislike mushrooms, you probably would say they smell and feel like you're eating freshly boiled slugs.

Professor Duffy explains the research

When we come to the table, we don't perceive the food flavor or the taste of food equally. Some people live in a pastel food world versus others who might live in a more vibrant, neon food world. It could explain some of the differences in our food preference.'

If you're someone who likes to see percentages when faced with a new study, Professor Duffy says that 50% of humans inherit two variations of taste-bud receptors and are thus not especially sensitive to bitter food.

Meanwhile 25% of humans are 'non-tasters' because they have two copies of the one receptor, called AVI. These folks aren't in any way sensitive to bitterness, which means all food tastes sweet.

The remaining 25% have two copies of the other variant, known as PAV, which creates a horrendous sensitivity to bitter food like vegetables. Past studies suggest that plants develop this taste to prevent animals from eating them.

There's hope for your taste buds yet...

Doctors have warned this could prevent some people from eating their recommended vegetables and fruits, with the doctor adding, 'You have to consider how things taste if you really want your patient to follow nutrition guidelines.'

This new research seems to have given all of us vegetables and fruits haters an excuse as to why we're maybe not being as healthy as we possibly could be.

But Professor Duffy has not given up hope that super-tasters can get over their loathing of vegetables, saying: 'Just because somebody carries the two copies of the bitter gene doesn't mean that they can't enjoy vegetables.

'Cooking techniques such as adding a little fat, a little bit of sweetness, strong flavors like garlic or roasting them in the oven, which brings out natural sweetness, can all enhance the overall flavor or taste of the vegetable and block the bitterness.'

There we go. If eating plain veg is so distasteful, you could always cover it with something you find tastier.

Good child upbringing: Using practical examples to raise a good child

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 11:00 PM PST

As a parent, one of your biggest concerns is raising a well-rounded child. To ensure you practice good child upbringing, you have to teach and show examples as a parent.

However, these have to be practical examples you want your kids to follow in the way they treat others and their general outlook on life.

Good child upbringing: A mum punishes her son for making fun of other kids

For school-going teenagers, there's such a thing known as a circle which exists mostly in school and in the neighbourhood. Their circle is made up of kids they've agreed to associate with. For most of these teenagers, they take others into their circle based on their own standards of what makes them different. These standards are most commonly based on wealth, fashion, brilliance, beauty and much more. Therefore, they tend to make fun of others who do not meet their criteria.

But Cierra Brittany Forney would have none of that from her son. Cierra is a mother from Braselton in Georgia. Her son developed the habit of making fun of other kids because they didn't wear the same type of clothes he did. Because of this, he made fun of where they shopped for clothes. His mother proceeded to give him a quick attitude adjustment that would probably last him a lifetime. According to Cierra, her 13-year-old son had been acting a little entitled. Acting like he was too good to shop at Wal-Mart, making snarky comments about kids at school who bought clothes at the goodwill.

As punishment, she gave him $20.00 to go to the goodwill store and buy clothes to wear the entire week to school. Whatever he found at the goodwill, he would have to wear that. Expectedly, the boy wasn't happy. In his mother's words, he even shed a few tears. But his mother firmly believes in 15 years he will look back and laugh at the day his Mom made him shop at goodwill.

This mum is teaching her kid that money isn't everything.

Did she go too far?

Parenting has many sides to it. No parents can say that they mastered what parenting is all about before their kids arrived. A trick most people find important is to have an idea of the kind of kids they want to raise. This provides a base from which to work while allowing your kids the freedom to mess up and learn on their own.

In the case of Cierra, she didn't want to raise a son who feels entitled. Entitlement has a long term effect on children. It teaches them that they don't have to earn anything in life. Plus, they get to have anything they want when they want it. Naturally, as a parent, you want to give them everything. This isn't a bad thing at all. But you have to let them understand their privileges from time to time. Such a balance will help them go through life knowing that they're not different. That they have to work hard for something if they want it.

Entitled behaviour to watch out for in your kids

Entitlement behaviour shows up in different forms in kids. Here are a few things to watch out for.
  • Your kids never thank you for anything: This is a sign of entitlement. Model this in your behaviour. Always say thank you to the shop owner. To the nanny and the mechanic; and even your kids, when they run an errand for you.
  • They're always demanding: this is another sign. They are always asking, no matter how much you provide. If you're dealing with this kind of child, hand them the amount you think is okay for the week. Also, make it clear they're getting no kobo after that. You could also give them little tasks with incentives.
  • They always need you to rescue them: it's a problem if they're always asking you to do something they can do on their own. Remind them that they've grown, however, you're going to let them take more responsibility.
  • They think they're better than others: looking down on others because they don't have the same things they do is a problem. Take away that stuff and give them the thing they look down on. This reminds them of their privilege and helps them see that there is more to a person than what the person owns.
Child upbringing is a task that requires patience and more practice. It is also challenging, but you must remember that you're doing it for their good.

Eating nut increases sperm counts and quality

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 10:30 PM PST

Sperm count is on the decline in our societies, according to recent studies, which means that men's reproductive health is seriously declining.

These nutrients are known to protect sperm from free-radical damage and maintain the structural integrity of sperm. Healthy sperm have oval heads and long tails, which allow them to reach and fertilize an egg. These sperm-friendly nutrients also assist in hormone regulation, which is essential for the development of strong, healthy sperm.

According to the research, diets have a great impact on sperm and male fertility more generally. Other recent studies have linked improvements in sperm quality to diets rich in polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3, antioxidants including vitamins C and E, selenium and zinc, and folate, all of which are abundant in nuts.

If you're experiencing a low sperm count, you should infuse nuts to your diet today. Do not be caught off guard.

"Sugar Rush" Movie Premiere: See celebrities that stepped out in colours

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 10:00 PM PST

The premiere of "Sugar Rush", one of December's most anticipated movies held on Thursday, Dec 19 in Lagos.

The movie premiere had several celebrities in attendance. The premiere which was themed, 'CANDYFORNIA: High Definition colour', witnessed the attendees in colourful outfits that got our attention.

We spotted some of the most amazing and trendy looks from the event on our feeds. From Toke Makinwa who played with bright colours to a monotone look from Alex Unusual, here are the best looks from the premiere.

1. Toke Makinwa brought back will tulle with lots of colours that made her look candy. The layered tulle dress was complemented with statement sleeves and a lovely mini bag which is trendy.

2. Chika Ike brought in that class and sass we want to see on the red carpet while sticking to the theme of the event. The ruffles brought a dramatic feel to her look.

3. The unusual and unique vibe came with Alex as expected. She floored the red carpet with the perfect look that represents elegance and class. She's one of the best-dressed at the event.

4. Bisola Aiyeola, who is also one of the casts of the upcoming movie came through with sequin that had lovely bright colours that were well aligned.

5. Adesua Etomi-Wellington played safe with colours but it worked for her look. We love the double ponytail which made her look trendy and lovely.

6. Sharon Ooja is not part of our fashionable celebrities for nothing. She looked super chic with the dramatic sleeve and we can't get over this lovely look.

7. The Bellos came with all the sweetness we need this season. They were the cynosure of all eyes at the red carpet of the premiere with their colourful outfit. Funke Akindele made a lovely entrance in a pink gown and the flower got our attention.

8. Bimbo Ademoye's look was screaming class as she rocked a neon suit. She served a power look that add a lot of sass and the high ponytail complemented the look perfectly.

9. Since the organizers asked for colours, Adebayo Oke-Lawal gave them that. He went all out by combining colours you wouldn't have thought will work together. Spot the camera!

10. Diane Russet was our eye candy at the event. She opted for a blonde worked with the tone of her skin. The embroidery on the outfit was well aligned and we love the ruffles at the slit of the dress.

Good Luck Getting 'Toss a Coin to Your Witcher' from The Witcher Out of Your Head

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 09:30 PM PST

  • The second episode of The Witcher sees a meeting between Geralt of Rivia and Jaskier, a bard.
  • At the episode's end, Jaskier sings an incredibly catchy song about Geralt.
  • Joey Batey (Jaskier) talks to us about the song, and we've got all of its lyrics right here.

When starting to watch a new show, most people can probably pinpoint the exact moment when they either decideor realizethat they're hooked. When I first watched Game of Thrones, that moment was at the end of the first season's sixth episode ; Netflix's The Witcher has Thrones aspirations, and it certainly has a couple of those moments of it's own. One might be the climax of the first episode, when Geralt of Rivia ( Henry Cavill ) showcases some very impressive sword work. But more impactful is a moment at the end of the show's second episode, when the bard, Jaskier (Joey Batey) reveals his new song, "Toss A Coin To Your Witcher," which might be the catchiest song ever written.

The song is the first we see of Jaskier coming along on an adventure with Geralt, thinking he needs to experience what he sings about first-hand to make a more convincing song. The songwhich Geralt doesn't seem to love, due to it's testy relationship with the truthis so incredibly catchy; once you hear it, you probably won't ever be able to unhear it.

"It's the most annoying thing I've ever heard. It's so catchy," Batey said in a recent interview with Men's Health. "Everyone's been listening to it for a week or so now, and humming it. I've had that in my head for eight months."

The song was written by the show's composers, Sonya Belousova and Giona Ostinelli, but Batey said that he went "back and forth" with them while putting together the final version of the song. In fact, while of course they sing a version of the song while filming, Batey re-visited it six months later to re-record the vocals in London. "It kind of did some wonders for my heart at the end of everything; I had massive withdrawal symptoms when I wrapped on the show, on Season 1, and it was a wonderful experience to revisit it a couple months later," he says.

Batey isn't new to singinghe's a vocalist in his own band, The Amazing Devil , and says that his family and background being rooted in Northern England and Ireland helped to give him a deep history with Folk music. He modestly says that he's been "wailing" since he was a kid ("I'm not sure if you'd call it 'singing'," he says), but that his less-than-perfect voice make him a perfect fit for the character.

"When the role came to me, I was really excited, because I just thought 'Oh, no, I don't need to have a perfect voice," he says. "I'm not a musical theatre, or an opera-trained singer, but there is hopefully something that smacks of the Joe Everyman. The normal guy who sings in the bars and taverns and tells the stories of this wonderful world of the continent."

And at least one of those storiesspecifically, the one about tossing a coin to a certain Witcheris going to be stuck in a lot of people's heads for quite a long time.

You can check out the full lyrics of the "Toss A Coin To Your Witcher"song below:
When a humble bard Graced a ride along With Geralt of Rivia Along came this song

From when the White Wolf fought A silver-tongued devil His army of elves At his hooves did they revel

They came after me With masterful deceit Broke down my lute And they kicked in my teeth

While the devils horns Minced our tender meat And so cried the Witcher He cant be bleat

Toss a coin to your Witcher O Valley of Plenty O Valley of Plenty O

Toss a coin to Your Witcher O Valley of Plenty

At the edge of the world Fight the mighty horde That bashes and breaks you And brings you to mourn

He thrust every elf Far back on the shelf High up on the mountain From whence it came

He wiped out your pest Got kicked in his chest Hes a friend of humanity So give him the rest

Thats my epic tale Our champion prevailed Defeated the villain Now pour him some ale

Toss a coin to your Witcher O Valley of Plenty O Valley of Plenty O

Toss a coin to your Witcher And friend of humanity Toss a coin to your Witcher O Valley of Plenty O Valley of Plenty O And friend of humanity

Toss a coin to your Witcher O Valley of Plenty O Valley of Plenty O

Toss a coin to your Witcher A friend of humanity

'The Witcher' Has Already Been Given a Season 2

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 09:00 PM PST

  • Netflix's The Witcher, starring Henry Cavill, has been renewed for a second season
  • The series follows the books of the same name and is thought to be the next Game of Thrones of television
  • Here's everything we know about the upcoming season

Just ahead of its first season launchwhich by now you've probably binged, or are halfway through The Continent, bingingNetflix's The Witcher was picked up for a second season by the streaming network.

The series, based on the novel series by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski , ran for eight episode during the first season and was rumored to cost about $10 million per episode, putting it about even with Game of Thrones' final seasonthe series every network and their sister has been trying to emulate.

Season 2 will begin production in London in early 2020 and will once again star Henry Cavill, because, well, Cavill is the show. The eight episode season is planned for a release in 2021, meaning fans will have to wait over a year to continue the adventures of Geralt, Ciri, and Yennifer. (Still better than the two-year gap between season's 7 and 8 for Game of Thrones.)

Im so thrilled that before fans have even seen our first season, we are able to confirm that well be returning to The Continent again, Showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich told Variety .

While season 1 certainly wasn't the smooth, methodical entry into the series that Game of Thrones opening (and arguably best) season proved to be, it managed to show promise for bigger and more exciting battles to come. Here's hoping the series sticks to its seriocomedic tonebard songs, side quests, and audience-winksand doesn't go full no-fun Jon Snow.

Inside Mariah Carey's Net Worth - How The 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' Singer Makes Money

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:30 AM PST

It's been 25 holiday cheer-filled years since Mariah Carey released her iconic holiday single, "All I Want for Christmas Is You" in 1994. This year, it topped the Billboard Hot 100 for the first time, making it the pop star's 19th No. 1 hit, the most of any solo artist in history. "We definitely wanted to kick it into high gear this year with the song to celebrate the 25th anniversary, but I definitely didnt expect it to hit No. 1 two weeks before Christmas," the pop star told Billboard . To celebrate the anniversary, Mariah also dropped a surprise new music video for the song, directed by Taylor Swift's go-to director, Joseph Kahn. "We wanted to make a modern classic," Mariah said during a YouTube Q&A. "Its kind of the opposite of the original video This is more of a production, but I feel like it has the same spirit, if not more."

Speaking of holiday spirit, Mariah's been cashing in on Christmas for decades. So much so that her current net worth is a merry amount of moneyto the tune $320 million, according to CelebrityNetWorth.com . Here's how the popstar made all that (Christmas cookie) dough:

Mariah's made millions off her iconic holiday hit.

According to the Recording Industry Association of America , Mariah is the second best-selling female artist of all time when it comes to albums. Only Barbra Streisand has her beat. Mariah has sold a total of 66.5 million albums, which means she likely sees a few dollars off every album sold, after earning out her advance against royalties.

And, according to The Economist , Mariah has earned $60 million in royalties for "All I Want for Christmas Is You" alone. (P.S. The #iconic holiday song apparently took only 15 minutes to write!)

Peep Mariah's new music video for "All I Want For Christmas Is You" below:

She's also raking in the dollars from book deals.
In 2015, Mariah released a children's book with Doubleday Books for Young Readers at Penguin Random House, titled All I Want for Christmas Is You. (Starting to see a theme here?) It's about "a young girl whose greatest Christmas wish is for a new puppy," giving new meaning to the song.

She has also reportedly has a memoir in the works, which will publish in late 2020, per Variety .

Mariah's made moula from multiple TV appearances.
Last week, Amazon released a documentary detailing the origins and massive success of "All I Want for Christmas Is You." Fun fact: Mariah says she decorated the studio with Christmas decorations even though it wasn't the holidays.

And remember when she signed on to judge American Idol in 2013? Yeah... apparently, her contract was worth $18 million for one year with an option to renew, according to People. She also had an eight-episode reality series, Mariah's World, with E! from 2016 to 2017, per Variety .

And she snagged tons of ticket sales for her holiday tour.
Presented by the Hallmark Channel, Mariah's 2019 holiday tour spanned six cities, including a five-show residency at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. Since 2014, she's toured during the holiday season, grossing $16.5 million, per Billboard . But this year was the first time she filled arenas like Madison Square Garden with merrymakers.

She'll be returning to Vegas for another five-show residency in February. "The hope now is to take [her Christmas show] and really make it an annual event that takes on a much wider, worldwide appeal," Mariah's longtime agent, Rob Light, told the publication.

It's also not her first residency in Las Vegas. In 2015, Mariah signed a $30 million deal for a two-year residency at Caesar's Palace.

Iyabo Ojo’s daughter, Priscilla signs new endorsement deal

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST

Iyabo Ojo's daughter, Priscilla Ajoke Ojo, has now joined the ambassadorial team of a popular Instagram hair brand according to what we gathered from her recent post on Instagram.

Priscilla, 18, took to her Instagram page to inform her followers that she just signed the new deal.

Sharing the news, the beautiful Babcock University undergraduate wrote:
sealed, signed and delivered. Excited to join the p_organics247 family

Ramsey Nouah keeps low profile as he turn 49years old today

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:30 AM PST

Nollywood actor Ramsey Nouah has clocked 49 years today, December 19th 2019.

The actor however has not made mention of it on any of his social media pages but according to his biography, he was born on the 19th of December.

A check on him on his various social media pages say nothing, but per records, Ramsey Nouah should be celebrating his birthday today.

Photo: Zlatan Ibile buys himself a 2016 Range Rover for his 25th birthday, Davido celebrates him

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:00 AM PST

Zlatan Ibile has bought himself a brand new 2016 autobiography Range Rover to celebrate his 25th birthday on Thursday, December 19th.

Zlatan took to his social media page to show off his new 2016 Range Rover Autobiography to his fans and followers. Other celebrities joined in congratulating him including Davido.

This comes after he recently had his maiden concert, Zlatan Live, which held at the Balmoral Convention Center in Victoria Island, Lagos.

This is coming few hours after gifting himself a Rolex wristwatch to mark the same event.

Reacting to the latest addition, Davido, a close ally of the Zanku crooner took to his Instagram page to celebrate and also congratulate the rave of the moment.

Davido wrote:

Congrats @Zlatan_Ibile!!! Big Body!!! Proud of you always.

Timaya – Stop comparing me to other celebrities, They don’t wear original items

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:30 AM PST

Nigerian singer Timaya has made a video that addressed people who always compared him to other artists.

Making a video addressing the issue, he also dragged other artists and celebrities alike.

He pointed out that he doesn't like placed side by side to other artists.

On the category of style and fashion, he pointed out that other celebrities are friends to tailors and they don't wear original items.

However, he didn't mention any name in his video.

Moment security beat up showgoers in Lagos last night

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:00 AM PST

Last night was very traumatizing for several show goers in Lagos as they were beaten up by security agents at the show they paid for.

Many have taken to their social media pages to cry out after they were left bleeding due to the beating by security agents and stampede at Native land 2019 concert at Muri Okunola in Victoria Island, Lagos.

In a video that has now surfaced online, security agents who were guarding the gates can be seen beating a show goer with his belt while they attempted going in and out of the event.

The security was beating a young man who had fallen on the floor, it took his other colleagues to stop him from assaulting the young man further when he was able to stand back up.

Media personality Victor Chinedu – How my attempt to meet Ebuka Obi-Uchendu ended in tears

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:30 AM PST

Media personality Victor Chinedu has recounted how his supposed meeting with Ebuka Obi Uchendu ended in tears.

Victor Chinedu took to his social media page to share how he had lived to see the day he would meet Ebuka Uchendu only for it to end in tears after the star was unreachable to him.

He wrote;

Okay here is how yesterday played out.

My encounter with Ebuka Obi Uchendu

Okay, yesterday was supposed to be my big break finally, the day i finally get to meet my fave one on one.

I waited outside patiently for him to come down and yes he did. Pictures don't do justice to Ebuka, man is elegant, too elegant for words. Skin, looks, ride, everything posh. I was stunned!

He was heavily guarded by security agents so no one dared come close. Man is so tall! I stood afar off just staring at him in wonder. A young boy was privileged to meet him and presentan artwork to him.

I couldn't.

I just had to man up and approach him but I got bounced by the security. He entered the car and they drove off. He came back in the evening for the Stanel concert but left just immediately after 2Baba's performance.

I was mad, i cried, funny enough. It was sad, I lived to see this day and it ended in tears. Ebuka said categorically that he didnt want to see anyone.

Post below:

Burna Boy’s “Collateral Damage” makes it to the list of Jay-Z’s top songs of the year

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:30 AM PST

Its been a truly great year for the African Giant as his Grammy-nominated album continues to reach places one would have never expected.

After gaining recognition from superstar Beyonce by featuring on her album, Burna Boy's music has captured the attention of her husband, Jay-Z.

The award-winning rapper every year shares his end of the year playlist titled "JAY-Z's Year-End Picks." and this year, his favorite songs have shocked fans.

Out of all the numerous songs released this year, Jay-z only picked 40 and Burna's Boy's "Collateral Damage" off his African Giant album made the list.

See the full list:

Comedian AY clears a fan who charged him to be an activist

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:00 AM PST

Nigerian comedian AY has again cleared a fan who charged him to be an activist.

The comedian who is known for his craft has been charged by many of his fans to speak up on the state of the nation.

In this new setting, a fan charged him again to use his status to speak up against the government in an act of activism.

Reacting to his comment, the comedian cleared the fan saying that everyone has their own calling and he already knows his calling.

See Post Here:

Naira Marley – “I know one pastor will call me to come to perform my ‘Tesumole’ song at their church soon”

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:30 AM PST

Nigerian rapper Naira Marley has taken to social media to speak into existence one of his heart desires.

The 'Soapy' crooner, who recently dropped his EP, took to his Twitter page to speak on one of his songs, 'Tesumole', saying he believes he will be called by a pastor someday to perform the song.

The song, which talks about stamping the devil, has since become a hit amongst his fans as it also comes with a dance step.

Naira Marley tweeted;

"I know one pastor will call me to come to perform tesumole at their church soon.

"Shebi omo jesu ni iwo?"

You get government power but I have God – Duncan Mighty says about his arrest

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:00 AM PST

Nigerian singer Duncan mighty has finally spoken out about his arrest in Imo state. The singer has claimed that the police that arrested him in the state beat him up and collected $22,000 (N8,030,000) from him.

The drama all began after it was reported that the singer was kidnapped by unknown gunmen in the state. However, it was later revealed that the singer was not kidnapped but was arrested.

We had reported that Imo state police revealed that the singer was arrested for N11m fraud but according to reports from Duncan Mighty, he was allegedly picked up after backing out of a deal he made with the former governor, Rochas Okorocha.

In a recent post, Duncan Mighty has finally revealed what happened. The singer said he was arrested and assaulted by police officers. He also said he detained by the leader of the anti-kidnap team.

Duncan Mighty, however, thanked God for surviving and thanked those who helped him. He said the money the police took from him was given to him by a friend who came to his rescue.

The singer also thanked a police officer who helped him and asked the others to stop beating him. Duncan Mighty also shared a video of himself and the governor having a meeting.

Chika Ike has released the trailer for her new film, ‘Small Chops’

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:30 AM PST

On Thursday, December 19, Chika Ike released the trailer for her new film, 'Small Chops' ahead of its January 2020 cinema release.

The two-minute-long trailer had scenes showing popular Nollywood stars, Nkem Owoh, Eucharia Anunobi, Nse Ikpe Etim, Toyin Abraham, Rachael Okonkwo, Lolo 1 and Hafeez Oyetoro.

Directed by Roberts Peters and produced by Chika Ike and Serah Donalds, 'Small Chops' tells the story of Nikita, a gifted club singer, played by Chika Ike, who has to deal with love, and realities of life.

The film's trailer was released on Thursday, December 19 on YouTube and is scheduled for a January 19, 2020 release in Nigeria.

In 2018, Ike announced that she's working on a new film scheduled for a 2020 release.

Ike made her debut as a producer in the movie 'Miss Teacher,' which starred her alongside Liz Benson, Joseph Benjamin among others.

She has since produced 'Happy Ending,' 'Dark Past,' 'Locked Up,' 'One Fine Day,' and 'African Diva Reality Show'.

Odunlade Adekola’s new film, ‘Ajanaku’ tops trending list on YouTube

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:00 AM PST

'Ajanaku,' the new film by Odunlade Adekola is currently the number one film on the trending list on YouTube.

The film features Yemi Solade, Odunlade Adekola, and Ireti Osayemi. Other featured in the film are Eniola Ajao, Bolaji Amusan aka Mr. Latin, and Babatunde Aderinoye.

Written, directed and produced by Odunlade Adekola, the film has had over 420K views in the first six days of publishing. It was published on December 13.

Adekola also features some of the students from his acting academy, Odunlade Adekola Films and Production Academy.

'Ajanaku,' tells the story of Dr. Ajanaku, a worthy unorthodox healer, played by Odunlade Adekola. Ajanaku believes so much in his ancestral powers but in this chosen path, there are lots of battles to be fought to remain relevant.

TPlay: The artist heads are buzzing about

Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:30 AM PST

TPlay first caught a glimpse of success back in 2013 when he got signed to Timbaze music. Ever since, his song has been doing numbers on digital platforms.

Capitalizing off the buzz, he released a couple more songs and then did a feature with artist Olamide titled "When Money Dey".

Tplay also has a heartthrob effect on women. He clearly shows this in his just released earworm mid-tempo tune titled "Hold Ya". The hook of the song is brisk and super catchy. The transition from the hook to the chorus shows off Tplay's artistic talent.

Tplay's new spotlight has a dual effect. The ones that have known about him are doubling down on his content and the new arrivals are making all his old stuff popular.

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