Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:10 PM PST

"This was a take down attempt at a sitting President of the United States & we caught them ... so let's see what happens." DJT@DAVOS

▶Anonymous 01/22/20 (Wed) 17:00:43908642 (11) No.7878634 >>7878685
Mull this over. In his opening statement for the Trial today, Adam Schiff said EVERYTHING that legally a prosecutor WOULD NEVER SAY.He introduced the DNC Server into the trial. Oh, but that's not all. He introduced Hillary's server, Ukraine corruption, Burisma, the State Dept, Russian Oligarchs, Crowdstrike, and on and on. Chek'd - We're watching a movie. All those issues he raised are now FAIR GAME for the defense to introduce evidence on.

▶Anonymous 01/22/20 (Wed) 17:03:430a75cc (9) No.7878685 >>7878634
he's been flipped. that's why his eyes want to explode.

RUSSIA & THE FED: Impeachment IS the distraction. phased in & phased out with little notice.

Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST

LIVE: President Donald Trump Senate Impeachment Trial - Day 2

"Not the Senate's job to mop up the mess made in the House by the Democrats. Biden admitted that he went to Ukraine and did the Quid Pro Quo." @realDonaldTrump 

▶Anonymous 01/22/20 (Wed) 10:52:593e0fd3 (1) No.7875216
Fuggin KEk, Anons. Chuckle telling his demon to get out of his seat cause he's back from dropping deuces. THERES NOBODY IN THE FUCKING CHAIR, CHUCK!!
▶Anonymous 01/22/20 (Wed) 09:29:46ca1bfb (21) No.7874682

Putin nationalized the Russian version of the Federal Reserve and fired the Director (gov appointed). Notice how NOBODY is talking about it.

Iran 52 black ops sites go down and suddenly the Russian Central Bank is nationalized. Coincidence? Hello US Federal Reserve

Many, many things are happening in America while the clowns make a mess out of our Congress with the impeachment false flag.

What if we no longer had a Central Bank and no longer owed them 23 Trillion $? But let's all watch the Schiff/Nadler shitshow…

▶Anonymous 01/22/20 (Wed) 10:13:204dd80e (7) No.7874994

What if we no longer had a Central Bank and no longer owed them 23 Trillion $?

A PUBLIC central bank can issue currency from the treasury.

Currency is different than money, it's not a debt instrument. Currency does not have to be "backed" by any commodity (which leaves it open to manipulation by certain people who control the commodity), it's backed by the productive power of the people of the State.This is why Germany's economy soared while the rest of the world went into the Great Depression.

PRIVATE central banks are separate from the gov't and charge the gov't just to print up their debt notes. The US gov has to pay the FED something like $1.20 for each 1 dollar FRN!!

IF we have a public central bank, we can cancel the debt to the FED, which is the vast majority of the debt of the US government!

Governor Infanticide/KKK Hood strikes again: virginia-democrats-push-legislation-to-make-criticism-of-government-officials-a-criminal-offense/

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