Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Locutions to the World ~ Don John; the 1st sitting President to stand up for the unborn

Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:29 PM PST

October 12, 2013 A Sword That Divides America


I have drawn my sword of division against America. I will divide the president from the congress and, the congress from the people. I will divide the federal government from the state governments. I will divide America from head to toe. All will be division.

I do this, America, because you have drawn your sword against your unborn. They have never lived to see their own country. Why should I allow the mothers, the fathers, the doctors, the politicians, those who made money and all those who have voted for abortion to enjoy a peaceful America?

Eventually, I will even put your constitution to the sword. Why should I protect a constitution that supposedly gives a woman the right to kill her child? I will use the very words of your own president, "I will not negotiate". I will not sacrifice even one child upon the altar of compromise.

You ask, "How long will this last"? When America puts away forever its sword of abortion, I will put away my sword of division. So, when you see all the divisions suddenly arising in American life, do not ask, "Why is this happening and how long will it last"? I have already told you the answers.

October 14, 2013 A Jolted America

Although wielding my sword of division, I encourage all those who stand with me in the truth that an unborn child is a person. Never, never compromise that truth. Never sacrifice any child for political expediency.

I speak now to all who know that the unborn is a human person. America needs to be jolted back to the path of truth. It will not be led by the hand. It will not accept words of direction. It must be jolted. It must wake up some day and discover that abortion in America is illegal, against the law. It will not accept this easily. Voices will speak out and protests will be staged but those who follow my voice must not compromise. Every unborn child must be protected by the law, as was the case decades ago.

By these words, you will know that I want not only the life of the unborn but also the life of America itself. I will be with you in this great enterprise. Your abortion foes are weak. They have much money and great political power but they do not possess the truth that an unborn child is a person. By this truth their cause can be mortally wounded, and they know this.

LIVE March for Life 2020 coverage

Q, Rich, Lucas, P.R.Guillotines, D3 vs. Gates has the vaccine ready to go already.

Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:06 AM PST

Corrupt [D]s fighting for their lives to keep media/gov focused on POTUS. Don't worry, it won't be boring forever.  Q

via ▶Anonymous 01/23/20 (Thu) 19:49:27b9066d (1) No.7893205

"the elite are NOT going to release a disease they can be killed by, the "disease" will be in the shot." 

vaccine truth web sites being shut down:. "With vaccine truth sites shut down, then mandate the vaccines, and put the killing agents in the shot."

▶Anonymous 01/23/20 (Thu) 20:09:167500a8 (3) No.7893555
Vitamin D3 in high doses consistently outperforms vaccines in immune system function and antiviral activity. As it should, because it activates the t-lymphocytes in the immune system. Why do folks get more colds/flu in the winter? Because the sun is lower and so Vitamin D3 levels are lower and antiviral activity ebbs as a result.

In other news, the people of Puerto Rico are carry a guillotine into the Governor's mansion.
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