Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

stepping back from the edge & the Clowns top guy

Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:03 PM PST

▶Anonymous 01/08/20 (Wed) 13:00:30 a2d62a (2) No.40589 >>40592 

There's now enough meaty bits laying around to figure out the recipe of the sausage they're making with Soleimani.

To wit:

Trump claimed removing him would stop a war. After his removal, they immediately removed the leadership of several powerful militias that were aligned with Solemani.

Soleimani was, prior to his death, one of the most popular men in Iran - essentially their version of Captain America.

The man had, over the years, accrued an incredible amount of power - equivalent to secretary of state, secretary of defense, and director of the CIA all rolled into one.

The man had personal connections all over the Middle East, and personal loyalty to him was often far more important than any loyalty to Iran.

Then, Soleimani was sent to Iraq in a very exposed manner, and even though the Iraqi prime minister says he was there to deescalate with the US the Islamic Republic has said no such thing.

This is because the Islamic Republic discovered he was planning a coup, and organised his killing with the United States.

The US helped because if Soleimani took over he would be far more popular than the current regime, and far more aggressive in the Middle East, forcing Trump to commit more troops there.

The Iranians needed the US to take him out due to the mass protests that were ongoing - if the regime had eliminated him it would've been the end.

This allowed them to use Soleimani as a martyr and symbol of the regime now, which has wiped out much of the dissent they were facing prior to his death

In order to appear strong, they had to retaliate.

That was these missile strikes, which were pre-arranged with the US to ensure the best outcome. (Note trump's comment about the early warning system working very well.)

Iran has now struck US bases, making themselves look strong, while the US can say there were no casualties and avoid having to commit more resources to the region.

Also see various peter zeihan videos on youtube for backstory.

▶Anonymous 01/08/20 (Wed) 18:07:23 b1f143 (12) No.40592 


Good discussion on qresearch...


Maybe the CIA or Mossad brought the plane down in an attempt to force the Iranians to strike America in a real way and not this false way? Maybe the CIA is not happy that Trump and Iran seem to be stepping back from the edge of the cliff?

I am starting to believe that Solemoni was the CIA's top guy in Iran….their main guy for keeping the Middle East in chaos….they have to get a real war started between Iran and America or they are going to get removed from power?


Iran is just another cult set to fall. Soleimani just another cult agent ultimately oppressing his people. Context is everything when one is being forced to only read the tea leaves. They'd like to draw us into a broader war to damage 45 before 2020. Neither side bit and both gave measured responses to save face but de-escalate. As a result the cult was forced to carry out an even more provocative act by taking down a 737 full of highly educated Iranians. So we wait and see if the Iranian people are able to see through the attack and recognize those truly responsible for it before some among them make a costly mistake by carrying out a large scale attack against the U.S.. 45 will then be forced to respond in turn but I still don't think it will be to the scale that the cult is hoping for. He knows their game and isn't going to be baited into something that could derail the plan. My two cents.

the Red Dragon, the Underground War, BDA, QRB, DUMBs, Shills & Smackdowns

Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:23 PM PST

▶Anonymous 01/08/20 (Wed) 04:13:0267f0c0 (49) No.7749698 
I'm traveling Anon so I don't have my stock of infographics. But 11.11.18 had 2 meanings
1. IP addresses of DOD
2. 11.11.18 Date when seismic waves circled the earth for 17 second durations. Q said it was a new classified technology going live.

I believe that was an Ultra low freq weapon going online that creates directed earthquakes. Look at the sites of the earthquakes in NK directly after.
Tonight an earthquake hits Iran, VIPs exit/killed and missile strike. 
Dumbs destroyed
CABAL wiped
Iran Freed
Full control

about BDAnon from QRBunker 
▶Anonymous 01/07/20 (Tue) 06:42:14 266bfb (32) No.40577
Thanks for posting the farewell message. Just yesterday, the person who was collecting BDAnons posts from the 4chan archives created an FAQ, worth copying here because he went to the trouble of collecting proofs:  
Who is this guy?
One or more Private Military Contractors (PMCs) or mercenaries who have the blessing of President Trump to leak both a few details about what's going on behind the scenes at the moment as well as some hints about secret technologies that are to be unveiled shortly.
Is he for real?
Seems like it. He speaks like an old soldier who's seen too much and he has predicted dozens of future events with astonishing accuracy:
* The Saudis would attempt to assassinate an Iranian General.
* A CIA drug running operation in Syria would be closed down because of the US pullout.
* The phone call between President Trump and President Zelensky is really a trap to ensnare the Bidens.
* There would be a crackdown on child trafficking in Brazil.
* The dog that grabbed Al Bagdhadi's arm out of the tunnel deserved a Medal of Honor.
* The US military is experimenting with extremely advanced flight and powerplant technology.
* Iran's nuclear facilities would be severely damaged by earthquakes
When trying to predict what the DOJ will do, he's often wrong about timing and it frustrates him no end.
Is he anything to do with Q?
No. He thinks Q is 'unsound' - takes too many risks for too little benefit - but he does admire the group's work apart from the leaks.
During his last thread, BDAnon made a noteworthy comment that could prove to be another proof:
> He [Trump] said he wants to announce the Iraq withdrawal and the Afghanistan withdrawal at the same time.
  • 2020-01-03 04:35:15+00:00  
    for Trump to give the Saudis the go ahead for their killshot that means Iran is nothing but a warship with dead engines and no ammo in still waters. Nuclear Iran doesn't exist anymore and the Iranian people just want to be left alone. 
  • 2020-01-03 04:24:02+00:00  
    Hello ladies, enjoying yourselves yet? The Saudis took their shot after we took out Iranian nuke sites over the past week with some spooky tech. Trump had front row seats to the show. Lookup an earthquake map over the past 7 days in iran. They have nothing except for the sleepers but they are too scared to use them.

@ 1:45 "I love you man, don't have me whacked."

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