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Here are foods that can make kids grow taller

Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:00 AM PST

While we cannot do much about genes, we can educate you on providing the proper nutrition to kids to facilitate their growth.

Genetics determines 80% of the height of an individual, but the kind of food consumed also has a role to play.

It is essential to give children the right kind of food to support their growth and promote healthy height gain. Two hormones contribute to the height of a child. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) determines longitudinal bone growth and maintain bone mass. Hence, it may be helpful to consume foods that not only stimulate the production of the growth hormone but also aid bone growth.

Some children suffer from stunted growth because of their body system lack the nutrients that will boost their growth hormones. This article will show you the foods that would aid your child's growth.

1. Eggs
Studies have shown that malnourished children who were fed with a high-protein diet over a period developed more height compared to those who were fed with standard protein. Eggs are incredible sources of protein, riboflavin, biotin, and iron. Protein helps in cell growth and development. Egg white is a concentrated source of protein. Make sure to include eggs almost every day in your child's meal.

2. Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables not only give your kids strength but also supply a good amount of calcium. The calcium in leafy vegetables balances bone resorption (breaking down of tissue in the bone to release minerals) and building of tissue in the bone by deposition of minerals, which varies according to age . Vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, kale, and spinach would supply the nutrients needed for growth.

3. Fruits
Fruits are not often associated with minerals, but some fruits contain an adequate amount of calcium and other minerals required for the healthy growth of the bones. Make it a habit to give your child 1-2 servings of fruit daily. You can also add them to cereals to make them colorful and tasty. Examples of fruits with calcium content are oranges, apricots, kiwi, and pineapple.

4. Dairy and dairy products
Milk (dairy) contains calcium and protein, which aid the growth of bones and also develop strength. Whole milk has more nutrients than the skimmed versions. Dairy products like cheese, yogurt, curd, and cottage cheese are abundant in calcium and vitamins, which are important for bone mineralization in children. Get your kids to drink milk every day or make dishes that are filled with the goodness of milk.

5. Beans
Beans are excellent sources of protein but have a limiting amount of amino acids. Most beans contain a good amount of calcium, which is essential for a growing child.

6. Whole grains
Whole grains are rich in vitamin B, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and iron and contain a small amount of calcium. All these minerals are essential for bone growth and mineralization. You can give your kids whole-grain bread and pasta as well as cereals.

7. Soybean
Soybeans are rich in proteins. While they are likely to be useful in improving optimal bone health, the mechanisms are still not clear. You can create many yummy dishes with soybeans that your kids will relish. A few examples of soybean products are soy flour, soy chunks, tofu, and soy milk.

Rock emerald green this 2020 like fashion blogger, Folake Huntoon

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 11:30 PM PST

Searching for ways to rock green outfits with elegance? Here's how.

If green is one of favorite colours, get ready to be entertained and if you're drawn to green hues, we're about to make you green with envy. Green is a rich and versatile colour that comes in different shades. With all these shades, there's a possibility that one will look good on you. All you need to know is the shade that works for you.

This article will show you how to rock emerald green with the elegance it requires to stand out as seen on style blogger, Folake Huntoon. We spotted some amazing outfits on her Instagram page and we think it would help you switch up your style in 2020.

1. Folake had us screaming class as she rocks a sexy green gown with a perfect high thigh slit that trendy. Turn heads at that dinner in this lovely V-necked gown.

2. You can jumpsuit it like Folake. The V-necked jumpsuit caught our eyes because of the fitted with waist and the wide-legs. You can rock this to a red carpet event or a party like a fashionista.

3. Searching for a way to turn heads? Try this look. The one shoulder dress accentuates the hips and cuts out the body shape with the fitted waist band and length.

See photos below;

How to tell your partner what you want in bed

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 11:00 PM PST

Many are shy about telling their partners what they they really want from sex. It's time to change that.

Sustaining intimacy in every relationship requires deliberate effort and you have to be bold and specific about what you need, want and enjoy. Assumptions aren't a good choice in this case. Your partner might not be getting the signs you're giving them about what you want to experience in bed.

If you're one of those that flow with tide even when you're not happy or you don't know the best way to communicate this with your partner, we've got you covered.
Here are ways you can tell your partner what you want in bed.

1. Communicate rightly

A huge part of how your partner is going to respond is down to how you talk to them about it. The best way to tell your partner what you want in bed is to be direct, but also complementary and kind.

You may want to avoid doing it right after sex when they'll probably be feeling particularly vulnerable. See if you can bring it up organically, rather than as a big announcement where they might feel under attack. Then be kind, but firm.

2. Use written words

If you're part of the people that seem shy or less confrontational about sex, a written note can help. Some things are better written which can even spice up things for both parties. Drop a note on what you'll like to experience in bed.

You can drop those notes in places where you know your partners will easily find them. Sex texting is also another way to write what you want. This will give you both the thought of satisfying each other at home.

3. Take the lead

According to studies, 66 percent of men wish women would take charge in bed more often. If the woman initiated sex as often as the man in a relationship, they enjoyed sex more than if the man always started it. It can also be the other way round. Show her what you want from her. Equality is sexy when it comes to romance. Good communication is really about practice.

4. Talk during sex, talk afterwards

A lot of times, people find it less awkward at the moment to say, "oh, does this feel good?"

Afterward, you can ask about what worked, what didn't work, and what they might want more of. Somebody's going to have start the conversation and be brave, so it might as well be you because you're going to feel good about it in the end.

Just ask if your partner likes what you're doing or what they want while you're at it.

'1917' Star George MacKay Isn't Looking Back

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 10:30 PM PST

Stop holding it like youre in Afghanistan. George MacKay, only days into a six-month training stretch for a $100 million World War I productionhis largest acting project yet, by farwas standing before a military supervisor and trying to naturally, accurately carry a rifle.

Earlier, when first putting on their uniforms, MacKay and his co-star, Dean-Charles Chapman, had to buckle and tighten and pull each others sleeves. They could barely sit without their bayonets sticking up, knocking about. Even when the stood, they were holding everything all wrong.

There was a lot of walking around, going into rooms like this, MacKay remembers, imitating a broad, sweeping motion with a pretend gun, checking pretend corners. Or walking down like this, he continues, back erect, trigger hand to his chin, pretend-gun shouldered, pointing at his feet. We're walking around, you know, looking like American Sniper or Black Hawk Down, he says laughing. Which was not how a WWI soldier, carrying his gun, was supposed to look, not at all.

MacKay spent the majority of last year training and shooting for this role. The film, 1917 , directed by Sam Mendes (Skyfall, American Beauty), follows MacKay and Chapman for over two hours as they attempt to run a message across No Mans Land, warning a neighboring division of attack. The film was nominated for three Golden Globes (winning two) and is expected to charge into Oscar season, which will give the films leading man, MacKay, a surge of critical attention.

Today, MacKay is in Soho, exchanging the frigid fields of Salisbury where the team filmed for the frozen streets of downtown Manhattan. Hes had a mad week. After crossing the pond for early screenings here in New York, the English actor flew to L.A., then London, then Berlin, and then, just this week: Toronto, Chicago, Dallas, D.C., San Francisco, L.A. again, and finally New York again. In a few days, hell head home to London for the holidays. Hes on so many timezones he has to continually shoot coffee and then run to the bathroom, and he repeatedly apologizes for yawning, because theres no excuse. Hes taken the last few months of 2019 off for this. No new projects. No readings or auditions. Just travel and promotion.

I've never done one of these, he says, referring to a multi-city film tour, his previous promotions lasting only four days at film festivals. It's lovely. Mostly because MacKay still burns with enthusiasm for his role, Schofield, a quiet British infantryman. MacKay has soldiered in movies before when he was younger (1917, which will be widely released on Jan. 10, is, in fact, his third WWI role; hes also played a soldier returning from Afghanistan, which explains the early gun-handling anachronism). But his approach has changed since, he said. Hes fallen in love with the research, getting every detail rightno excuses.

Which meant not just carrying a rifle correctlynot up and down, but on ones hip, perpendicular to the body, almost like a police battering ram, bayonet outbut also every minute piece of garb. Getting it right meant lacing his boots the way soldiers would lace their boots, so as to easily cut through the laces with a knife should their foot get stuck in mud. It meant carrying ammunition in ones breast pocket, which he would need to button and unbutton, removing ammunition as casually as looking at your phone, in the way that you just pull out and you know your pass code. (This action took MacKay and Chapman weeks to learn. In the morning, military advisor Dave Crossman would have the boys march, screaming Load up! and then, Dont look! Dont look! admonishing the two for glancing down at their buttons.)

The attention to detail was important. When Mendes conceived the project, he meant for the film to imitate a single shot, one continuous 2-hour take. MacKay and Chapman would be onscreen for the entire movie; the camera would never leave their sides. And so every time they filmed, they had to get scenes perfect. No fumbling with buttons, no dropping bullets, no letting their guns awkwardly slip off their shoulders. Unlike a typical film where an editor could cut, 1917, would look more like a theater production. Any mistake that wouldnt derail the take would be left in. MacKays challenge: not to look incompetent, but like a soldier who has been making these movements for years. Like taking out his phone.

And so, every day, on went MacKays cotton trousers, his undershirt, his dog tags, his scarf, his tunic, his leather jacket, his boots, his puttiesstrips of wool warn over the bootshis webbing and gearammunition, food, mess tin, entrenching tool, stick for the entrenching tool, bayonetand his helmet ... and his watch. Though there was no aesthetic requirement for MacKay or Chapman, both knew carrying and running with gear would be exhausting. There was a gym nearby the studio, MacKay remembers, grinning. It was a bodybuilding gym.They were very friendly to us. But we were there with lighter weights, trying to get a base level of fitness. And were surrounded by all these huge men and women. We were just these two straggly kids. Two straggly kids leading a $100 million film.

Take care of yourself, Mendes had told the young actors before shooting. Its gonna be a marathon.

MacKay was born in London, his mother a costume designer, his father a lighting and stage manager. He landed his first role at ten, on Peter Pan, where he traveled to Australia to film on a pirate ship. He went back to school, scored more roles, took time off, accomplished enough for casting directors to keep calling, remained anonymous enough to stroll Oxford Street without harassment; he says even now hes rarely ever stopped. Stateside, MacKay is probably best known opposite Saoirse Ronan in How I Live Now (the two briefly dated afterward) or as Vigo Mortensen's eldest off-the-grid son in Captain Fantastic.

In 1917, MacKay, 27, is partnered with an even younger actor in Chapman, 22, someone who perhaps only knew big-budget, face-recognizing roles; Chapman spent four season on Game of Thrones. The two actors first met at their third audition in London. They read in front of Mendes before shaking hands and departing. The two later saw each other across the square in Covent Garden. Both were on the phoneMacKay with his agent, Chapman with his mom. They awkwardly waved. Two weeks later, they were both cast as the leads.

Before shooting and training, to get to know their characters, to get to know each other, the boys took a road trip. They woke in London before sunrise, rented a car, and drove four hours, past Dover Beach, Past Dunkirk, into Belgium. Their destination was Ypres, a small town and a strategic British position along the Western front. They arrived early, carrying leaflets, having marked museum times, looking unabashedly like English tourists.

Ypres had witnessed some of the most violent battles of the war. Close to half a million people were killed in and around the town over the course of three battles. In the woods of Ypres, grassy pits, like dents, mark locations of artillery shells. Still snaking across the town too are trenches. They were, MacKay remembers, like scars in the land, slight divots underneath, where you can see the crooked shape of the lines.

Earlier, in France, MacKay observed grave sites along the roads. He was taken aback by the dates. When I was learning about [WWI] in school, when I thought of soldiers, I thought of men, the actor explains. You think big burly men. But the average British infantrymen would have been 24, making MacKays character more of a veteran, a man who was really just a boy, but a boy who had seen and done terrible violence.

For Mendes, MacKay fit the role like a glove. Early on I thought: what a dignified, old-fashioned, gracious polite, quite introverted, fellow, Mendes told us over the phone. And there's something about that in the role as well, you know: an old-fashioned hero, who keeps his cards close to his chest, very internal, perhaps a bit wounded by his experiences.

In Belgium, MacKay wanted to better know Schofields wounds, his way of being, which the actor describes as a kind of containment. He holds onto himself for fear of unraveling. At the time, MacKay understood the instinct. He had just finished filming True History Of The Kelly Gang where he played the murderous Australian thug Ned Kelly. He hadnt had time to fully decompress from the rolewhich he says was his most emotionally extreme job. Instead, he bottled those feelings and used the bottling to capture Schofield: a man on the verge of unraveling.

One of the nights in Belgium, MacKay and Chapman attended the ceremony at the Menin Gate. Each night, the town gathers at the monument to honor the fallen, their names written across the stone. Buglers and bagpipers play the Last Post, a British infantry song often performed at military funerals, which has been echoing along the Belgian archway each night for almost one hundred years. It was the most moving experience of MacKays preparation.

We're surrounded by choice rather than need, MacKay says, reflecting on his trip. I was born when my country was in peacetime. We're perhaps not as in touch with what means most. We're in touch with what we want. But I think extremes teach you what you want most: where you root yourself and who you love.

He had been reading accounts from young soldiers in the war. In a forest in Belgium, he had seen a pond, almost 60-feet across; it was the impression of a bomb. MacKay thought of men running through the crater. One of the scariest things he had been told was the concussive force of such a blast, which could kill a man by forcing air down his lungs. It wasnt the shrapnel, but the shockwave; a soldier, a boy, could be choked and killed simply by a blast of air.

In 490 B.C.E., Athenian and Plataean forces repelled the advancing Persian armies just outside a small Greek town. Before the battle, an Athenian soldier, Pheidippides, ran a message 140 miles from that town to Sparta, asking for military aid. The name of that town from which he ran: Marathon.

Mendes advice to MacKaythat filming would feel like a marathonwasnt just an apt metaphor. Over the course of four months, shooting chronologically, MacKay would cover no small amount of turf, as his character bore another wartime message. He would walk miles through trenches, crawl through mud, leap into a river, and finally sprint three hundred yards through four hundred attacking infantryman as thousands of dollars worth of explosions erupted to his right and left. That famous scene, referred to by cast and crew as Schofields Run would be the culminating moment for the character and the film, the most selfless act on screen. When the time came, MacKay would have only few takes to get it right.

But the marathon began with simply carrying a rifle, the first day on set, which MacKay remembers as one of the hardest. You have to come in emotionally and physically one hundred percent, because you're setting the speed, the actor explains. Since Mendes couldnt cut, everything would play out in real time. And since any single take could be the final cut, MacKay couldnt dog it. Sometimes we did twenty takes. Sometimes we did over forty-five, just for a five-minute scene. The feeling, like running sprints: I don't know when this will finish.

MacKay says that after 20 takes, everything became muscle memory and he was free to just be in the emotion of the scene. And the scenes, like the Menin ceremony in Belgium, required a different sort of endurance. Walking across No Mans Landthe set so hauntingly rendered: horse carcasses, bones, gear swallowed in the mudMacKay found himself, during the filming, often perturbed. It's not gore, necessarily; it's the idea of what was there before, he remembers. Like noticing someone's shoe sticking up. Something so domestic like that is often all the more disconcerting. After they finished filming one scene, Chapman, still in character, continued crying uncontrollably as MacKay held him in his arms.

Life, to be sure, / Is nothing much to lose, / But young men think it is, / And we were young. Mendes included this stanza from 19th century English poet A. E. Housman as an epigraph on the scripts first page. The stanzas sarcasm he reflects in the age divide between his generals (Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch) and his two leads, a younger generation betrayed by the apathy of the older, for whom life perhaps isnt as precious.

I really appreciate being in a coffee shop now. This coffee tastes so good. I\'m warm today. I\'m sitting down. I\'m seeing my family this afternoon. Simple stuff.

If MacKay ever shared that apathy, working on the film granted him a bit of soldierly insight. It's made me notice, he says. I really appreciate being in a coffee shop. This coffee tastes so good. I'm warm today. I'm sitting down. I'm seeing my family this afternoon. Simple stuff like that.

MacKay says this mindfulness was also a lesson that Mendes helped instill on setwhenever he found the young actor rushing, playing Schofields emotions too early. Hed say: just play the moment. Because sometimes it all happens too quickly in life to realize, MacKay remembers. Playing the moment also proved to be an important lesson in fame, when it came time to promote the film, the biggest of MacKays career. It was a very healthy way of being able to let go of the production, MacKay explains. This has been a year of my life, this has been one of the best jobs ever, when when will a part like this come again? MacKay didnt want to get caught up in these thoughts. Just: play the moment.

Mendes says he first underestimated MacKays abilities. There's a near-30-minute stretch during the film where the actor, who's on-screen the entire time, doesnt say a word. Mendes, an actorly director whos known for eliciting strong performances on screen and stage, was blown away.

When it finally came time for Schofields Run, the moment of moments, the last big leg of the marathon, three hundred yards, four hundred extras, explosions, catharsis, MacKay was ready. By then he had been running and gunning for over three months, crying with Chapman take after take after take. Hed buttoned and unbuttoned his pocket hundreds of times. Hundreds of times loaded and hip-carried his rifle. All for his Pheidippides moment.

And so on went MacKays cotton trousers, his undershirt, dog tags, tunic, leather jacket, boots, putties, and his wool socks. And MacKay ran. He ran toward the camera across four-hundred charging men, pyrotechnics exploding around him. Twice, MacKay collides with attacking soldiers, film extras, which wasnt supposed to happen. In the end, Mendes decided to leave the mistake in.

We just kept going, and it added to the moment, MacKay laughs. Afterwards one of those guys guy came over: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But I went: That's fine. That's fine. We made it through!

How to Talk to Boys About Porn, Consent and Sex

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 10:00 PM PST

You need to have the talk, and you need to have it before they go, my wife, Mary, implored. Wed recently moved west and our two sons, 14 and 12, were due to fly back to their hometown for a visit. Once there, theyd spend a month with their childhood friends, by far the longest theyd ever gone without our heli-parenting. The older boy had hit puberty, adding a foot in height and amusing us with voice breaks.

A few nights later, on another June gloom afternoon here on the coast, he and I sat together on our back deck, and I began what I assured him would be an awkward but needed conversation. Lately, hed been asserting himself as a freethinker, a libertarian variation on Alex P. Keaton to my bleeding heart, even trying out some Reddit-charged anti-feminism at the dinner table. A phase? Probably. But I worried about him becoming an asshole. So in addition to reviewing the mechanics of sex, contraception, STDs, I emphasized respect for women and consent. Less birds and bees. More lessons of #MeToo.

I shared a one-liner I hoped would be memorable: Dont get caught with your dick out. Masturbate, sure, but keep it your business. Dont expose yourself to someone who hasnt made it clear theyd welcome the sight of your penis. No dick pics. At this I thought I caught an Okay, Boomer raised brow. Toward the end, I assured him he could always ask me anything, and he said thanks, and I was free to imagine Id done an okay job of it.

Rethinking the Birds and the Bees
Then I read Peggy Orensteins new book, Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity, and I discovered how out of touch I was. About, for example, how losing ones virginity has become a singular opportunity for instant fameor humiliationor how the porn staple of hetero anal intercourse is the new If you loved me, youd swallow. And I became desperate to discuss consent and coercion, again, after recognizing myself in a #MeToo scenario. Mostly, I saw, we were going to have to keep talking about porn.

A brisk, bracing read, Boys & Sex is essential for any parent who wants their son to avoid the traps of whats become known as toxic masculinity, to discover his true sexual orientation and desires without trauma, and to have not just safe, legal sex but really great sex. The whip-smart author of Cinderella Ate My Daughter and Girls & Sex, Orenstein draws on more than 100 interviews with young men aged 16 to 22 for the new book. She makes a convincing case for why parents who were aware of her work with girls and used to say they were relieved to have sons now realized that their job may actually be harder: they had to raise good men, as she writes.

Feminism has thankfully disrupted conventions of what a woman can be, but the path to manhood remains pretty narrow, according to Orenstein, and follows a code that most understand by junior high: Suck it up, no crying like a bitch, dont be the one who doesnt know the cool brands or latest drug lingo or who reads books. Punch the V-card early. Get jacked, make bank, be the star of your own Scorsese picture. You want to be able to say, Dude, I fucked her for hours, an 18-year-old from San Francisco tells Orenstein when asked to describe the ideal guy.

If emotional suppression and disparagement of the feminine are two legs of the stool that supports toxic masculinity, the third is bragging about sexual conquest, Orenstein writes, documenting how locker-room banterbroadly, how guys talk to one another about sexrevolves not around the pleasure their partner experienced or even their own, but how they ripped her up, destroyed her. Instead of intimacy and satisfaction, sex for young men is often about status.

Like all the boys in Orensteins book, my son assured me during our talk that he knew that porn wasnt realistic. I could feel my credibility slipping even before I finished the point. Everyone knows that. Yet this doesnt keep sexually explicit videos from shaping expectations or stoking anxiety about penis size.

It's Not Just "Are They Watching?"; It's What Are They Watching?
Orenstein explains that teens in the U.S. consume more porn than adults, and boys are at least three times as likely as their dads to have watched videos of gang bangs and the like. Hetero anal is not only up sharply but its usually bareback, as it appears in most porn.

Since its so easy to access, porn is snackable. Teens catch a quick session on their phone before breakfast, when they get home from school, on the busanytime, really. Some masturbate to it exclusively. Theres a sense that they know this isnt good; some cut back on their use as they would if they were drinking too much. A high school senior in New England told me he took a break when he found himself daydreaming during math class about a female friend who sat across from him, and realized he wasnt fantasizing about what shed look like naked, or even what it might be like to have sex with her: I was thinking about what shed look like with cum on her face. That was a wake-up call for me, Orenstein writes.

The reason this is troubling isnt just that porn imagery can make it weird to ask out that girl from math class (which, cmon, it does). Its that so much of porn, as Orenstein puts it, presents sex as something men do to a woman rather than with her. And whats arousing in porn doesnt predict whats enjoyable in real life.

The scientific term for this is non-concordance, and it unlocks a lot of what can go sideways when we get naked with someone else. Men getting hard, women getting wetproof of arousal, right? Not necessarily. For men, the overlap between blood flow to the genitals and turned-on feelings is only 50 percentwhich sounds low, until you hear that for women, its a mere 10 percent, Orenstein summarizes, citing sex educator Emily Nagoski, Ph.D. Our bodies respond to relevant stimuli automatically. Watching a quasi-incest porno might put steel in your rod, but it doesnt mean sex with your stepsister would be anything short of traumatic.

The takeaway isnt that we all need to be in a moral panic or curate our sons porn catalogs. But with teens reporting that they seek porn at least in part for sex ed, we absolutely need to help our sons interpret it, and to help them find other sources for ideas about sex.

The other day, I asked my older dude what he remembered of our talk. We were in the car, so he couldnt escape. He told me it was fine, but I knew it all already anyway. Whether this was strictly true or not, I didnt press. His tone was Im not really in the mood, and fair enough. His tone also recalled a Bowie lyric I used to sing along to when I was 14, the one about kids who are immune to your consultations/Theyre quite aware what theyre going through.

My son and his younger brother, I reflected, will have to figure a lot of this out for themselves. If Im going to help them, Ill need to recalibrate my approach. Instead of just the classic dontsdont get her pregnant, dont get a disease, dont be disrespectful, dont get caught with your dick outIll include more on what to do. Use your own imagination. Ask. Listen. Reciprocate.

Talk Early and Often
Just as a single talk about table manners wouldnt make your son polite, a single discussion about intimacy wont ensure good sexual etiquette, Orenstein writes in Boys & Sex. Instead, try for habitual, brief, often casual conversations that grow in complexity as children grow older. Some of what to cover:

Talk about sexting
Bring up an article thats come up in your feeds about swapping nude photos. Ask your son if he knows anyone whos been embarrassed by one. Also, help him think about checking who the picture is really for: him, or so he can show it off?

Discuss boundaries
Asking for consent continually as an encounter heats up can be the opposite of a mood kill. For instance, when gay men sleep together, theyll ask, What are you into? Sex columnist Dan Savage points out that these four words allow you to rule anything outor in.

Go deep on what desire means
The accusations against Aziz Ansari in 2018 make for a valuable cautionary tale. Nothing that took place after Grace came home with him was illegal. But it underscores the difference between legal and harmful. Acquiescing isnt the same as wanting.

Let it be light
Next time my son and I watch Kingsman, Ill probably follow up on the part that made him shake with laughter: the princess promising our hero anal sex in exchange for a rescue. And Ill mention how you still need a condom for that.

Homemade remedies to lighten dark upper lip

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 09:30 PM PST

Showing off your lips without applying lipstick becomes almost impossible when one of your lips are darker than the other.

Of course, many cosmetics can help you camouflage these issues and mask your lips with several colours, but they offer temporary solutions. This issue can be dealt with permanently and the solution will be revealed in this article.

In this article, we are going to help you with home remedies that use ingredients in your kitchen and fridge. They cost practically nothing and give great results. Here are some homemade remedies for dark upper lips.

1. Sugar lips scrub

Sugar is a natural exfoliator that removes dead skin that causes pigmentation over your lip. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent that reduces the darkness of the skin. All you need to do is cut a lemon into thin slices and dip them in sugar. Rub a slice all over your lips and use it as a scrub. You can use a toothbrush to apply it. Leave for 3-5 minutes before you wash off. Ensure you apply them daily until you get your desired results.

2. Turmeric mask

Turmeric contains curcumin that balances the production of melanin. It is also an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, so it helps with sunburns and other skin issues. You'll be adding tomato juice because tomato juice contains astringents, and lemon juice is known for its natural bleaching properties.

Mix 1 teaspoon of tomato juice, half teaspoon of lemon juice and half teaspoon of turmeric together. Apply the paste on your upper lip. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. You can apply it 2-3 times a week.

3. Lemon juice and honey

Honey not only moisturizes your skin but also repairs the damage caused due to pollution, sunburns, and UV rays. Mixing this with lemon can repair your skin to a great extent. Mix equal parts of honey and lemon juice in a bowl. Apply it over your upper lip and leave it on overnight. Rinse your face with cold water first thing in the morning.

4. Toothbrush

This is the most simple way of lightening your upper lip. It works as a great massaging tool and improves blood circulation. The bristles help boost blood circulation, remove any dead cells, and clear clogs. Make sure you use a toothbrush with soft bristles.

Massage with the toothbrush over your lip or the affected area in a circular motion. Do this for 5 minutes.

5. Carrot juice

Carrot juice is one of the best home remedies of dark upper lip because it's filled with vitamin A and antioxidants like beta-carotene that repair your skin and help with skin lightening. Soak a cotton pad in the carrot juice. Place it over the upper lip where the skin is dark or just apply it with your hands. Leave this on for 20-30 minutes. You can do this as often as possible.

4 Ways to Treat a Sprained Ankle

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 09:00 PM PST

Your Personal PT , Rachel Tavel, is a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), so she knows how to get your body back on track when it's out of line. In this weekly series, she gives you tips on how to feel better, get stronger, and train smarter.

Life is busy, but too much running around can lead to unfortunate missteps (both in life and on the sidewalk).

Rolling an ankle is common. Maybe you didnt see that pothole in the sidewalk, you stepped off the curb funny, or you had a bad landing after a layup. Youll often be able to just walk it off, with minor pain that goes away in a few days at worst. But depending on how and what exactly happened, you may find yourself with a sprained ankle.

An ankle sprain is a stretch or tear to any of the ligaments that help support the ankle joint. The ankle joint is formed by the tibia, fibula, and talus bones and is stabilized by multiple muscles and ligaments, including the most commonly sprained anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) located at the outer (or lateral) portion of the ankle. Unlike the broader deltoid ligament at the inner (medial) part of your ankle, the ATFL is a smaller, narrower ligament that works to help prevent outward rolling. Unfortunately, it can't always handle the strain and with the right amount of force, it can become injured.

Sprains can come in varying degrees of severity, from the ligaments being stretched to being only partially torn or, in more severe cases, fully torn. How you treat an ankle sprain depends on how severe the sprain is and what your symptoms are. But, in general, youre going to want to maintain range of motion and strengthen the surrounding musculature to improve ankle stability and mobility so that you dont spend too much time on the sidelines.

If your pain level is manageable, youre able to bear weight, and swelling is minimal, try these 4 moves to handle your injury.

Your Move :

Ankle alphabets: Lying on your back with foot elevated (especially if swelling is present), try to write the alphabet using only your foot. Keep the knee still and go through each letter so that you move your ankle in every direction to maintain mobility.

4-way resisted ankle strengthening: The four movements of the ankle are plantarflexion (pointing), dorsiflexion (flexing), eversion (moving foot out towards little toe), and inversion (moving the foot in towards big toethe movement that usually happens with an ankle sprain). Apply a resistance band loop around your ankle and perform 2 to 3 sets of 15 reps of each of these movements against resistance. Make sure pull of resistance band is opposite from the direction of your ankle movement. You may need to get creative with your set up.

Heel raise progression: Begin with a seated heel raise. While sitting in a chair, feet flat on the ground, press through the front of your feet so that your heels lift off the ground. Repeat 20 times. If this is pain-free, progress to standing double leg heel raises. When this is pain-free, progress to 2 up, 1 down: While holding onto a support, rise up on both feet so you are on your toes, then remove the unaffected leg by bending the knee and slowly lower down with the affected ankle.

Single leg balance: Practice balancing on one leg. Begin on the floor, barefoot. Once youre able to do 30 to 60 seconds with no problem, try doing it on an unstable surface such as a dense foam pad or BOSU. When this is easy, try doing it on an unstable surface while adding a ball toss, kettlebell pass or movement (deadlift or leg raises to the side). Only do the dynamic movement on an unstable surface once your able to do all the previous exercises with no pain and good stability.

Trending On Twitter is Shatta Wale's New Release ‘Akwele Take Video’

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:30 AM PST

African Dancehall King, Shatta Wale has just released his first music project this year and the song is pulling the art it deserves on social media site twitter.

Shatta Wale accompanied the track with a stunning video which takes a turn from the normal Shatta that has graced our screens.

Twitter has been lit with memes and tweets on the music video and song with Former British High Commissioner to Ghana, Jon Benjamin, joining the wagon.

Check out some of the tweets.

Singer May D celebrates his Swedish wife, Carolina Wassmuth on her birthday

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:00 AM PST

Nigerian singer, May D is celebrating his beautiful wife, Carolina Wassmuth, who turned a year older today.

The singer took to Instagram to share an adorable photo of his wife while praising her for enduring his bad attitude from the time they got together till now.

Sharing the photo, he wrote;

'Y'all help me wish my wife a happy birthday! Love you Bunzz! Not easy to keep up with me for so long!'

The couple who got married in November 2018, have a son named Ethan.

YQ calls out Nigerian media houses for not including Dagrin in the artiste of the decade list

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:30 AM PST

Just as the year kicked off on January 1, Nigerian singer Yakub Jubril better known as YQ has called out Nigerian media houses for not including Dagrin in the artsite of the decade list.

YQ happens to be one of the good friends of the late rapper before his untimely death, The singer took to social media to criticize media house for omitting the singer's name from their respective lists.

According to him, Dagrin was and is still one of the biggest artistes in the country and should have been on the list. He explained that Dagrin's legacy has to be respected and protected.

I am not trying to start any drama, I'm just going to say I saw a list or a compilation of 50 best artistes of the decade and Dadrin's name is not there. In 2009, he was pumping, in 2010 he passed on but his name is still there. Every year he's being celebrated and I don't see any reason why he shouldn't be in that kind of list.

"I am not saying everybody that's there don't deserved to be there, I respect everybody.When I'm out partying and they play anybody song I dance to it, I vibe to it because that's part of the movement.

"There has to be that respect. Protect the legacy. I don't know what you want to say, it's just like compiling a list of rappers of all time and 2pac and Biggie are not there because they are no more, Common! Let's try. If you want to argue, just tell me the reason why Dagrin is not supposed to be there. I am not trying to start a drama, I'm just trying to protect the legacy and that's what I have to do. I know I'm doing the right thing. If you feel this offends you in any way, my apologies, but this is what I have to do, forget about my own side now, we will come to that".

Nigerian lady narrates how her sister who is a face model was rejected by a MUA for being an amputee

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST

A Nigerian Twitter user @orangechild_, took to the platform to narrate how her younger sister who is a face model was rejected by a client for being an amputee.

The Twitter user said the client who first lied about "something coming up" when her sister arrived the photoshoot facility, subsequently called her manager to rant about the modelling agency they contacted, sending her an amputee.

Read her tweets below;

Leo DaSilva reflects on the time he wanted to become a Catholic priest as he shares throwback photo with a Catholic Bishop

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:30 AM PST

Big Brother Naija reality star, Leo DaSilva has said he was once close to becoming a Catholic priest.

Sharing a photo he took in 2010 with a Catholic Bishop during his confirmation ceremony, he wrote:

"One day I will tell the story of how close I was to becoming a priest. Myself and the Bishop in 2010 during one of my confirmation ceremonies before I became a full catholic member."

Meet Naira Marley’s 4-year-old son Jojo that looks exactly like him

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:00 AM PST

Controversial Nigerian Singer, Naira Marley who blew up after his arrest by the Economic Financial Crime Commission (EFCC), for alleged internet fraud. Has grown to be a major hitmaker in the Nigerian music scene.

He has amassed a huge following in Nigeria and the UK, and his music has cut across countries and continents. Naira is well known for his creative ability but very few people know about his personal life.

The soapy crooner is blessed with four children from two women, who are all British citizens.

His first son Farouq Fashola aka Jojo Marlian shares a striking resemblance with him.

Jojo recently turned 4 and his father took to his social media page to share rare photos of him, expressing his undying love and wishing him a happy birthday celebration.

See more photos of Jojo;

Georgina Onuoha shares throwback photo of when she bagged PhD, advises parents to speak life into their children

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:30 AM PST

Actress Georgina Onuoha has advised parents to always speak life into their children.

Georgina made the statement as she shared throwback photos from the time she bagged a PhD.

According to her, she bagged a PhD after she was told that she would never amount to anything.

Sharing the photos, she wrote a lengthy caption which reads;

"Time flies
Flashback Friday
#two years ago I bagged this one
My daughter asked me this evening, "mom why do I keep seeing Phd candidate on all your paper work and documents?

Me, I'm just pulling the bull by the horn.
Why? Do you want to become a doctor?
Me: Anything is possible child especially when you are constantly be told " you will never amount to anything without me"

Child: I see. I want to become a brain surgeon
Me: It's in your DNA. Reach for it child because girls with dreams become women with visions.
Having such affirmative conversations with our kids is crucial and important.
Always speak life into them.
I was always told, " you will never amount to anything "

Me, "watch me smash those ceiling glasses".
Still I rise.
2020 mindset
Reach for the Stars
The journey of one thousand kilometers begins with a step, take it one by one at your own pace. Reach for your stars and never let the naysayers dim your lights.
No tears, No Pain No gain .
Just Do It".

Nigerians react as Pete Edochie was captured hugging Destiny Etiko from behind

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:00 AM PST

A new video making the rounds online captures Veteran actor, Peter Odochie hugging actress Destiny Etiko tight from behind.

The actress was captured waiting for the Nollywood Legend, and immediately he came through the door, she gave him a tight hug and addressed him as 'daddy'.

Peter Edochie reacted to the gesture by hugging her tight from behind before taking a seat.

See the video below;

Daddy Freeze – Meghan Markle might turn Prince Harry into a peasant

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:30 AM PST

Controversial media personality, Daddy Freeze shares his opinion as regards to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry stepping down as seniors in the royal family.

He took to his Instagram page to air his thoughts, stating that if he was in Prince Harry's shoes he would make the same decision.

He also stated that he thinks Meghan is a bit manipulative, and he hopes she loves him and doesn't turn the English Prince into a peasant.

He wrote;

"Poor boy is whipped! As in major 'P' whipped. It's something I can do for love o, let me not even lie. But the girl too no try, I see her as a tad manipulative. She should be careful not to tear him away from his roots and his family. Let's pray that she loves him and doesn't end up turning him from a prince into a peasant! ~FRZ"

See the post below;

Wizkid – “No man or woman fit stress Starboy”

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:00 AM PST

Grammy-award nominated Nigerian singer, Wizkid took to his social media page to share how he deals with haters.

The singer took to Twitter to share how he handles people that offend him.

He wrote;

"When people do things to me, I play out 10 different reactions in my head and pick what's best for that person lol,"

A twitter user decided to clarify Wizkid's tweet.

She wrote;

"Most times you chose to ignore"

Wikid retweeted saying;

"Ignore every time baby…no man or woman fit stress Starboy "

See the tweets below;

Video captures Burna Boy sucking Stefflon Don’s nose

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 01:30 AM PST

Grammy-nominated Nigerian musician, Damini Ogulu popularly known as Burna Boy was captured serving another round of relationship goals with his girlfriend Stefflon Don.

A video making the rounds shows the couple all loved up, while the 'Ye' crooner sucked her nose adorably as they play and laugh in the company of a friend, who captured the moment.

Amazed by the affection being shown by the duo, the friend of the couple stated that she can't wait to be the maid of honour at their wedding.

Kate Henshaw shares beautiful throwback photo

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 01:00 AM PST

This lovely throwback photo of veteran Nollywood actress turn fitness expert, Kate Henshaw will definitely leave a smile on your face.

The actress shared the photo on her page which dates far back to 2014. The photo shows a young, elegant looking Kate who by far has shown immerse growth and development but still has the same charming smile.

Sharing the photo, the ever young actress wrote;

"Throwing it all back to 2014…..
Time truly waits for no one…
Each day comes with it's own set of gifts, disappointments and thrills…
It's up to you to navigate through it and create a balance that will benefit you…
Have an amazing day my lovelies.."

Super Falcon star, Asisat Oshoala reacts after Nigerian officials didn’t vote for her to win the CAF Award

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 12:30 AM PST

Nigerian female star and FC Barcelona player, Asisat Oshoala has reacted on Twitter, after discovering that five Nigerian officials didn't vote for her to win the CAF Award which she eventually won without their votes.

At the CAF Player of the Year Awards, which took place on Tuesday night in Egypt, the 25-year-old was crowned Africa's best female footballer for the year for the 4th time after previously winning it in 2014, 2016 and 2017.

She beat Ajara Nchout of Cameroon and Thembi Kgatlana of South Africa to win the award.

In one of the voting documents released by the Confederation of African Football, it was revealed that five Nigerians officials including four-time African Women's of the year footballer, Perpetua Nkwocha failed to vote for Asisat Oshoala for the top price.

Reacting on Twitter, she wrote:
'It only made the victory more sweet …..CHILD OF THE CONTINENT. It's a blessing to know how much lives I've touched and inspired across AFRICA in my young age. All love from this side.'

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