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Yemi Alade shares makeup routines with Vogue Magazine

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:00 PM PST

The award-winning singer and songwriter confesses she hasn't always had a go-to beauty regimen as she gets into her skin-care and makeup routine.

She mentioned that her makeup in the early days was not as good as it is now. The afro-pop star, who dropped her album Woman of Steel in 2019, has come a long way as she demonstrates today for Vogue's Beauty Secrets.

Alade also explains how she gets performance-ready with Maybelline make-up. Below is a video that details are skincare routines and she spilled some important tips you can use.

Watch the video below.

These easy steps will teach you how to prevent diabetes

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:30 PM PST

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Uncontrolled cases lead to blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, and other serious conditions.

The good news is that you can prevent diabetes, and we're all set to show you how. All it takes is a few lifestyle changes and we promise you they are easy. We have put together some tips that tell you how to prevent diabetes. You'll find them below.

These same changes also lower the risks of heart disease and some cancers. The key to prevention can be boiled down to five words: Stay lean and stay active.

How To Prevent Diabetes In 10 Easy Tips

Control your weight
Excess weight is the single most important cause of type 2 diabetes. Being overweight increases your chances of developing type 2 diabetes seven-fold. Also, being obese makes you 20 to 40 times more likely to develop diabetes than someone with a healthy weight.

Losing weight can help if your weight is above the healthy-weight range. In fact, losing 7-10% of your current weight can cut your chances of developing type 2 diabetes in half.

Get moving—and turn off the television
Inactivity promotes diabetes. Working your muscles more often and making them work harder improves their ability to use insulin and absorb glucose. And this puts less stress on your insulin-making cells. So trade some of your sit-time for fit-time.

You don't need long bouts of hot, sweaty exercise to reap this benefit. Findings from research suggest that walking briskly for a half-hour every day reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 30%.

Television-watching appears to be an especially-detrimental form of inactivity: Every two hours you spend watching TV instead increases your chances of developing diabetes by 20%; it also increases your risk of heart disease (15%) and early death (13%).

Tune Up Your Diet

Four dietary changes can have a big impact on the risk of diabetes. This is how to prevent diabetes:

1. Choose whole grains and whole-grain products over refined grains and other highly processed carbohydrates.

2. Skip the sugary drinks, and choose water, coffee, or tea instead.

3. Choose healthy fats.

4. Limit red meat and avoid processed meat; choose nuts, beans, whole grains, poultry, or fish instead.

Don't Smoke
Add diabetes to the long list of health problems linked with smoking. Smokers are roughly 50% more likely to develop diabetes than nonsmokers, and heavy smokers have an even higher risk.

Light to moderate alcohol consumption

Evidence has consistently linked moderate alcohol consumption with reduced risk of heart disease. The same may be true for diabetes. Moderate amounts of alcohol increase the efficiency of insulin at getting glucose inside cells. So that's like a drink a day for women, and up to two drinks a day for men.

And some studies indicate that moderate alcohol consumption decreases the risk of diabetes. But excess alcohol intake actually increases the risk. If you already drink alcohol, the key is to keep your consumption in the moderate range, because higher amounts of alcohol could increase diabetes risk. If you don't drink alcohol, there's no need to start. You can get the same benefits by losing weight, exercising more, and changing your eating patterns.

See your doctor for regular check-ups.
As you get older, it's a good idea to regularly check your blood glucose, blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.

Drink Water as Your Primary Beverage to Prevent Diabetes

Water is by far the most natural beverage you can drink. What's more, sticking with water most of the time helps you avoid beverages that are high in sugar, preservatives and other questionable ingredients.

Sugary beverages like soda and punch have been linked to an increased risk of both type 2 diabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA).

Watch Portion Sizes
Whether or not you decide to follow a low-carb diet, it's important to avoid large portions of food to reduce the risk of diabetes, especially if you are overweight.

Eating too much food at one time causes higher blood sugar and insulin levels in people at risk of diabetes. On the other hand, decreasing portion sizes may help prevent this type of response.

Optimize Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is important for blood sugar control. Indeed, studies have found that people who don't get enough vitamin D, or whose blood levels are too low, have a greater risk of all types of diabetes.

Most health organizations recommend maintaining a vitamin D blood level of at least 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l).

Consider Taking These Natural Herbs
There are a few herbs that may help increase insulin sensitivity and reduce the likelihood of diabetes progression.

Curcumin is a component of the bright gold spice turmeric, which is one of the main ingredients in curries. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties and has been used in India for centuries as part of Ayurvedic medicine.

Here are diabetes friendly fruit that are safe consumption

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:00 PM PST

Most diabetic patients are worried about consuming fruits, but some don't add to blood sugar.

This is because sugar or glucose is a vital requirement for the human body. It fuels us with energy so that we can stay active all day. Consuming low-sugar or low-glycemic index fruits is the best. Fruits will provide you with roughage, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which is good for proper body functioning.

Including fruits in your diet can help in reducing excessive weight by keeping you full for a longer duration. Certain fruits are ideal for diabetic patients. You need to know that sugar content is high in dried fruits than in fresh fruits, so you need to consume these fruits in their fresh state.

Here are diabetic-friendly fruits you should be consuming.

Lime and lemon
Lime and lemons contain high levels of vitamin C. These fruits also have other nutrients like vitamins A and B, magnesium, sodium, and dietary fiber. The soluble fiber helps regulate the blood sugar level by restraining the amount of sugar taken in by blood. Also, they are low glycemic index fruits, which will prevent a spike in your blood glucose levels.

Bananas are an excellent source of potassium. In addition to that, they also have a very high percentage of vitamins. Consume this fruit in limited amounts to controlling sugar levels as bananas are high in carbohydrates.

Lime and lemon
The brown fuzz covered fruit, with the millions of seeds within, is a compact source of fiber and vitamin C. Snacking on a kiwi will help you access a healthy dosage of sugar along with other nutrients. One large kiwi has about 56 calories and 13 g of carbohydrates, so it's a smart addition to your diabetes-friendly diet.

Pears are an excellent source of fiber and a good source of vitamin K, they make a wise addition to your diabetes meal plan. Whichever way you consume them, they taste great and are packed with nutrients and good fibers. The high water content and dietary fiber in pears may help in keeping your hunger pangs at bay.

The brown fuzz covered fruit, with the millions of seeds within, is a compact source of fiber and vitamin C. Snacking on a kiwi will help you access a healthy dosage of sugar along with other nutrients. One large kiwi has about 56 calories and 13 g of carbohydrates, so it's a smart addition to your diabetes-friendly diet.

Being abundantly available, do not take apples for granted. An apple a day can keep the doctor away. Apples are also loaded with fiber and are a good source of vitamin C. Don't peel your apples, though the skins are the most nutritious part, full of antioxidants.

These signs prove that your skincare routines are not working

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:30 PM PST

It's easy to get tempted to try every highly-raved-about skincare product out there but their effects on the skin are more important.

Certain ingredients, especially when used simultaneously, may cause more harm than good. Your skin has its unique properties that are based on your genes, lifestyle and the environment you reside in. It usually takes time for skincare products to take effect. How would you know if your skincare routines aren't working for you?

There are certain signs you should look out for when you start a new skincare routine to know if the products you are using are not good for you.

Here are some signs to look out for.

1. More breakouts
Breakouts happen, but if you're not finding any relief after a few weeks of following your skincare routine with consistency, there is a good chance it's not working hard enough for you. Getting a pimple here and there is pretty common when you've just started with a new routine. On the flip side, you could be using products that are too strong and stripping, causing your skin to go into oil overdrive.

2. Excessive oil
If you use a certain moisturizer or you are following a particular routine and you notice that your skin is excessively oily, then there is a problem. Excessive oil on your overall skin is sometimes a sign that your skin is trying to protect you from some harsh ingredients in your products by over moisturizing your skin. It's advisable to pause the skincare products.

3. Irritation and itching
If after using your skincare products, your skin feels itchy or irritated, then it may signal a negative reaction to an existing product. In order to figure out which product is the culprit, we recommend you stop your existing routine completely, and simply use a basic gentle cleanser and moisturizer in its place. After a week, slowly add in each product one at a time every few days until you find the cause.

4. Discolouration
Due to increased sun damage or hormones (pregnancy), you may experience an increase in brown spots or hyperpigmentation. But this could also be a sign that you're having a bad reaction to some ingredients that are meant to brighten your skin. In this case, stop whatever you're using.

5. Your skin feels tight after cleansing
This one usually is a red flag after you use a cleanser or serum. If your skin feels so tight that you cannot really open your mouth with feeling a little pain, then you should probably do more research on that item.

Are You Bisexual? Or Pansexual? Here's How to Know

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:00 PM PST

Labels that pertain to sexuality and gender never cease to capture people's interest. Miriam Webster even named the gender fluid pronoun they 2019s Word of the Year.

But understanding today's many labels can be confusing. As our ideas about gender and sexuality continue to evolve, a word that means one thing to one person might mean something totally different to another. " Bisexual " and "pansexual" are two perfect examples. What do they mean, and what's the difference between them?

Let's break it down.

First, what it means to be bisexual:
Bi means two or both. The classic definition of bisexuality is being attracted to both genders: male and female.

But this definition only really works in a strict gender binary. In todays modern world, we are starting to come to the collective understanding that while people can identify as men or women, some people do not. People can be gender queer, gender fluid, non-binary, or even agender (people who dont have a gender at all). That's why some people define "bisexual" as being attracted to at least two gendersbut not necessarily all .

These days, ['bisexual'] generally recognizes gender is on a spectrum and there are multiple genders, but for ease of communication, bisexuality is still used to describe erotic attraction to masculinities and femininities, says sex and relationships therapist .

There is a common misconception that bisexuals are attracted to different genders equally. This is not the case. You can be into men 10 percent of the time and women 90 percent of the time and still be bisexual. You can be into men 95 percent of the time and into women 5 percent of the time and still be bisexual.

And what it means to be pansexual:
Pan means all. Pansexual means that youre attracted to people, regardless of gender identity or expression. It means that youre attracted to people based on their personality, looks, sense of humor...anything! It's just that gender doesnt play a defining or limiting role.

While meanings of "pansexual" and "bisexual" are expanding as our ideas of sexual expression and gender identity evolve, most experts agree that "pansexual" is the more inclusive term overall. Bisexual is still used but may be seen as rigid, whereas, the term pansexual assumes the person is gender blind and therefore, normalizes sexual attraction, explains , LCSW, a psychotherapist specializes in family building.

At the same time, wed be remiss not to mention that pan means all," not everyone." Meaning: You could be attracted to all people but you are not attracted to everyone, notes , a licensed marriage and family therapist. Just because someone identifies as pansexual does not mean they owe anyone anything or are required to be attracted to someone. Make sense?

Can you be bisexual AND pansexual?
Hell to the yes, you can be both! You do not have to pick a label. You can pick one label, multiple labels, or no label at all. Both labels are a step away from the idea that we can only be attracted to people of the opposite gender.

What both labels have in common is a recognition of sexual fluidity in attraction at its core," Darnell says. "[Bisexuality] applies only to gender, [pansexuality] applies to broader, more conceptual erotic attractions, too." You may choose bisexual because youre attracted to more than one gender. You may also choose pansexual because youre also attracted people who dont fall on the gender binary.

It's important to be understanding of one another and be willing to shift and change our definitions of these terms as cultural attitudes shift and change, says , a research fellow at The Kinsey Institute and author of .

Whats more, our own labels arent always fixed. They can shift and change throughout your lifetime. You might identify as bisexual when youre in your 20s and decide that "heteroflexible" works best for you in your 30s. You can identify as gay on Tuesday and pansexual by Wednesday. You get to choose.

On top of all of this information weve handed you, identifying with and choosing to use a certain label is defined by the potential for attraction, not necessarily acting on that attraction. In other words, you can still be bisexual or pansexual while having only ever hooked up with people of the same or opposite sex.

The point is, it comes down to what works for you. There is no right or wrong answer. If bisexual works for you, awesome. If pansexual is better, great! If its both, dope. You do you.

Here's why you are growing grey hair at a young age

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:30 AM PST

It is normal for hair color to change, as people age but white hair can appear at almost any time in life.

Have you been wondering why you have some grey hair while you're still young? Find out in this article.

The occurrence of grey hair with old age is excusable but when you notice them in your early 30s and sometimes, even 20s, it's disheartening. When you start spotting them, there will be more to follow if you don't find a solution. Some people compliment you with the fact white hair on a young fellow means wisdom. After a while, those excuses won't make you feel better anymore.

Melanin gives hair its color, whether the hue is black, red, blonde, brown or any shade in between. This pigment, which is found in hair follicles, or the sheath of cells and tissue that surround the hair root, is an ingredient in the hair formation process.

In this article, you'll find out why you're suddenly growing grey hair at a young age.

1. Deficiency of melanin
In most of the cases, a deficiency of melanin is the leading cause of hair whitening. The production of melanin depends on appropriate nutrition and protein supplements. The lack of these nutrients causes melanin to fall below acceptable levels.

2. Hormones
Research suggests that an imbalance in hormones can trigger or increase premature greying of hair. If you have excess greying of hair and aren't sure if you have a hormonal imbalance, please consult a doctor.

3. Genes
Genes are the predominant factor in determining at what age your hair loses pigment. For some people, it can happen even before they turn 20. For others, the first strands of grey appear rather late.

4. Vitamin and mineral deficiency
Deficiency in iron, vitamin D, folate, vitamin B12, and selenium may also cause the whitening of hair follicles. Deficiencies of Vitamin B12 and folic acid with lower levels of biotin were found in people having premature greying of hair.

5. Stress

Emotional stress also plays a role here. Studies have shown that the oxidative load caused by psychological stress can trigger premature graying of hair. If you're going through a lot of stress, you're prone to have grey hair.

George Lucas Cradles Baby Yoda in Amazing Image

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:00 AM PST

  • Jon Favreau shared a photo of Star Wars creator George Lucas cradling the still-unnamed Baby Yoda to his Instagram and Twitter feeds.
  • Fans and even Star Wars actors saw the image and felt their heart melt.
  • The second season of The Mandalorian is currently in production.

The first season of Disney+ 's The Mandalorian might be in the books, but the mania and lovefest for Baby Yoda is continuing on, full speed ahead. The latest figure to be seen in public admiration of Baby Yoda is none other than Star Wars creator George Lucas himself. Lucas was spotted in both a captionless Tweet and Instagram from Mandalorian showrunner Jon Favreau fully cradling Baby Yoda, looking at him with what could only be described as a loving gaze.

Before The Mandalorian debuted in November of last year, Favreau had talked about his past meetings with Lucas, and the advice he was given by the man who originally brought Luke, Leia, Han Solo, Darth Vader, and the original Yoda to the big screen.

The one thing he said to me was, 'Remember, Jon, the real audience for all stories and all myths is the kids that are coming of age,' because hes really a Joseph Campbell adherent," Favreau told GQ Middle East in an interview last year while promoting The Lion King. "We enjoy the stories as adults, but, really, storytelling is about imparting the wisdom of the previous generations on to the children who are becoming adults, and giving them a context for how to behave and how to learn the lessons of the past without making the mistakes on their own.

What's not clear to anyonedue to Favreau's lack of a captionis whether this photo of Lucas and Baby Yoda was a new photo or an old one. Is this a brainstorm for Season 2? Is this on-set of Season 2? It's not clear, but seeing the faces of Star Wars past and present looking longingly into each others' eyes is certainly one that fans of the franchise have to be happy to see.

While Baby Yoda just might be the smallest major character in the Star Wars canon, the actor who just might play the biggest, Joonas Suotamo (Chewbacca), saw Favreau's post and chimed in on both. "The Maker and The Child," he wrote.

The Maker and The Child Joonas Suotamo (@JoonasSuotamo)

Others speculated what Lucas could be doing if he was indeed, on set with Favreau.

OMG.. George gonna write/direct an episode for S2?!?! pic.twitter.com/fg8ND2wDMo Matt Rappaport (@nyactor)

On a related note, it won't be long until fans of Star Wars and The Mandalorian can start to cradle their own Baby Yoda, just like George Lucas. Disney agreed, initially, to hold off on selling Baby Yoda plush toys, action figures, and other merchandise so to keep the character's initial appearance under wraps, but all of that is now on the way . For anyone wanting to take things a step even further, Build-a-Bear workshop announced this week that they'll allow customers to make their own Baby Yoda .

3 important factors to consider before picking a restaurant

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:30 AM PST

It is very important to enjoy the value of your money when it comes to eating out.

Every week there is always a new place to visit in the city of Lagos from lounge to bar to club and so on.

And in this new year there are some places you don't want to be told about, you have to visit there yourself and experience the entire place from the food to the drinks to the music to the ambiance and the great customer service they all have to offer, because to be honest experience can only be felt but before you do that you just might want to consider these important factors.

1. Ambiance and Aesthetics

One important thing to look out for in restaurants in Lagos is the ambiance. You don't want to go a place to eat and relax but you find it unable to do that because the whole place is in disarray. This is also very important for those of you that love to take pictures

2. Price of the food
If you are the type that would not spend just any amount on food, you might want to check out their menu to be able to plan a budget ahead of your lunch or dinner date. This will help you develop an idea of what the price of the meal will accumulate to, so that you do not go there and you see the menu and you have to leave because it is way above your budget

3. Taste of the food
This is a very important factor when trying to choose the perfect place to eat out in the city of Lagos. You do not want to waste your not just your time but also your fuel to get to the place only to find out that the food does not taste as good as it looks. So to help you, you can easily read up reviews of the place you want to visit or ask friends who might have been there for what the food taste like.

Aaron Hernandez's Former Fiancée, Shayanna Jenkins, Is Taking a Break From Social Media

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST

  • Netflix released the Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez on Wednesday.
  • Aaron Hernandez's fiance at the time, Shayanna Jenkins, was interviewed for the documentary.
  • After the documentary's release, Jenkins has decided to step away from social media

Aaron Hernandez 's former fiance, Shayanna Jenkins, who was interviewed multiple times for Netflixs new documentary series, Killer Inside, wrote on Instagram Thursday that she was taking a break from social media. Though Jenkins doesnt describe the reason for her intended break, she writes that her followers will all understand.

"I wanted to let all of you sweet sweet souls know I have tried to read every message sent on IG and through email (positive and negative). The amount of support and positive energy is again unreal! I'm sure you will all understand how imperative it is to take some time away from social media. [caption:] '#stayhumble.'"

Jenkins was engaged to New England Patriots star Hernandez when, in 2015, he was convicted of first-degree murder for the killing of Odin Lloyd. In 2017, after Hernandez was acquitted for a second murder case, the 2012 shooting of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado, he hung himself in his jail cell. Rumors circulated during the time of his suicide that Hernandez was engaged in various homosexual relationships one with a high school classmate, and then later with another inmate .

Hernandezs sexuality became a particular focus of the Netflix documentary in which Jenkins appears.

Jenkins was also asked to testify during the Hernandez trial.

What happened during the Hernandez trial?
Part of the Lloyd case involved a conversation that took place between Hernandez and Jenkins the days following the shooting. Hernandez had made a phone call to Jenkins from his attorneys office, asking that she remove items from their house. Prosecutors believed the items, contained in a box, included the .45 caliber handgun connected to the murder of Lloyd. (The handgun was never found.) Jenkins was indicted after prosecutors claimed she lied 29 times to a grand jury about the phone call.

She was then called to testify and spent close to 10 hours on the stand.

To discredit Hernandezs character, prosecutors attempted to show that the NFL star cheated on Jenkins, drove drunk, and struck their babysitter.

In April 2015, the trial concluded , and Hernandez was found guilty of first-degree murder as well as five weapons charges

How did Aaron Hernandez die?
In a radio interview days before Hernandezs death, Boston journalist Michelle McPhee said that the former NFL player had killed Lloyd because he caught Hernandez in a compromising position with another man.

Not long after, Hernandez was found dead in his cell, hanged with a bed sheet. In his cell were three letters , including one to Jenkins. The letter reads , "Shay, you have always been my soul-mate and I want you to live life and know I'm always with you."

The letter goes on:

"I told you what was coming indirectly! I love you so much and know you are an angel - literally! We split into two to come change the world! Your characteristics [sic] is that of a true angel and the definition of God's love! Tell my story fully but never think anything besides how much I love you. This was the Supreme's, the Almighty's plan, not mine! I love you! Let (redacted) know how much I love her! Look after (redacted) and (redacted) for me - those are my boys. (YOU'RE RICH) I knew I loved you = Savage Garden."

A 132-page report from the Department of Corrections outlined Hernandezs activities the night of his death, saying that Hernandez gave little indication that he was suicidal. Hernandez made seven phone calls that evening, including one to Jenkins who also saw no indication of Hernandezs intent of self-harm. The report also mentioned that Hernandezs homosexuality may have been a topic of conversation among inmates prior to his death.

Where is Jenkins now?
In 2018 Jenkins gave birth to her second daughter (the first, she shares with Hernandez). Jenkins plans to marry the father.

Priyanka Chopra Reveals Her DIY Scalp Treatment

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:30 AM PST

  • Priyanka Chopra just revealed her go-to DIY scalp treatment for healthy hair.
  • The actress said she learned the scalp treatment from her mom.
  • She also swears by an easy, but effective, exfoliation routine.

From the recent Golden Globes to the upcoming Grammy Awards, it's clear Priyanka Chopra knows how to rock a red carpet. And, considering the Jonas Brothers are nominated for an award, its pretty likely the actress will look straight-up stunning (as per usual) standing alongside her pop star husband, Nick Jonas , at the awards show.

While you might think it takes a lot for the Isn't It Romantic? star to get red carpet readyespecially because her hair always looks freakin' gorgeousone of Priyanka's best kept beauty secrets is a DIY scalp treatment that's surprisingly cheap and easy.

Twice a month I do a DIY scalp oil treatment that my mom taught me, she told InStyle . Combine a bit of coconut oil with a dash of castor oil and massage it into your scalp. Then, Priyanka says to let it sit for a bit and then shampoo it out. The Quantico alum says her mom swears this helps your hair grow in healthy.

Thats not the only beauty routine Priyanka shared. She also opened up about her exfoliation routine because, ya know, her skin is amazing and glowy, too. I exfoliate my body at least twice a month, she explained. I spend five minutes buffing my skin with a loofah in the shower, then afterward, I blend a hydrating oil, like argan oil, with body lotion and really go to town massaging the mix into my skin. Priyanka swears by this, btw. If you do this routine a few times a month, it keeps your body supple and smooth, she said.

Priyanka also talked about her love of a good scent (SAME!), and even said her hubby smells pretty darn good. The first thing I noticed about my husband, Nick, when we met was how great he smelled, she said.

Brb, gotta go stock up on some coconut oil.

Psquare's sister leaves husband Emma Emordi amidst alleged claim infected her with STD

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:00 AM PST

Emma Emordi and Mary Okoye, younger sister to Psquare's marriage has reportedly crashed.

The marriage between Mary Jane Okoye, younger sister to Psquare and Nollywood actor, Emma Emordi has reportedly crashed.

In a chat conversation between Mary Joy Okoye and another person on social media shared by blogger, Instablog9ja, she revealed that her marriage had collapsed. According to her, Emma Emordi was sleeping around and stealing from her.

It did not end as she went on to reveal that he had infected her with STDs. She also made mention of the time she caught him red handed sleeping with an older lady.

Cheating & Stealing: #Psquare sister, Mary, reveals her marriage to actor #EmmaEmordi is over. Indicates what he's allegedly good at.

In what appears to be an indirect response, Emma Emordi took to his Instagram page on Friday, January 17, 2020, where he shared a post. According to him, the story will be told very soon.

The man or woman you choose to be your partner affects everything in your life: your mental health, your peace of mind, the love inside of you, your happiness, how you get through tragedies, your success, how your children will be raised, and so much more.. choose very wisely... Soon a story will be told to the glory of God almighty... happy weekend my people...
"The man or woman you choose to be your partner affects everything in your life: your mental health, your peace of mind, the love inside of you, your happiness, how you get through tragedies, your success, how your children will be raised, and so much more.. choose very wisely... Soon a story will be told to the glory of God almighty... happy weekend my people," he wrote.

Emma Emordi and Mary Joy Okoye got married in 2014 which was well attended by several celebrities including the superstar siblings of Mary Okoye. They have a son together.

PTRlifestyle welcomes Ike Onyema as their brand ambassador

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:30 AM PST

PTRlifestyle Group, owners of Kabaal Nightclub and Skyfall Oceanfront Club signs Ike Onyema, Big Brother Naija Housemate IV, as their brand ambassador.

As the brand ambassador, Ike will highlight PTRlifestyle's premium spots, Kabaal Nightclub and Skyfall Oceanfront Club as his choice hang out places. The CEO of PTRlifestyle Group, Dapo Aderele, who hosted Ike and a few guests to an intimate dinner to celebrate Ike as the club's ambassador, welcomed him as part of the PTRlifestyle family.

"We chose Ike because he comes across as an individual who and loves to enjoy and celebrate life. His innate sense of style and intuitive way of self-expression is in line with our ethos as a premium lifestyle brand. I assure him that he will really enjoy his time with us. I also believe in the synergy between both brands".

Ike who will be making personal appearances at PTRlifestyle's spots, branded content and ads, expressed his excitement about his new role as brand ambassador to one of the most popular nightclubs in Lagos. " My love of PTRlifestyle began about a year ago when I partied at Kabaal nightclub. The attention to detail and how the have successfully created a superior brand in lifestyle and hospitality caught my fancy. My personality resonates with the taste and style of the brand. So, I am looking forward to offering my suggestions and influence. I believe there is so much to achieve together".

PTRlifestyle has over the years shopped for young celebrities with very promising prospects. The brand looks out for bright minds with influence, taste, and the new relationship with Ike is the beginning of something special.

See more photos below;

9ice turns 40th birthday with adorable photos

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:00 AM PST

Abolore Adegbola Akande also known as 9ice turns forty today and he is serenading us with some really cute photos on Instagram.

One of Nigeria's biggest singers, Abolore Adegbola Akande popularly known as 9ice turns forty today.

To mark the special day, the singer took to his Instagram page where he shared so really cute photos. He went on to shower accolades on his parents for all that they have done for him.

"Thanks to my mum for giving birth to me. Never regretted coming to the world through her! Thanks to my dad for just not the sperm but the advice, the time, the commitment and the prayers. Thanks to my wife for always waking me up with prayers not for her but for me. We all need more prayers," he wrote.

Meet Chioma Uzodinma, The First Lady Of Imo State

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:30 AM PST

Chioma Uzodinma has become the first lady of Imo state following the swearing-in of her husband, Senator Hope Uzodinma as the governor of the state.

Chioma is the governor's wife from his second marriage and she is a young 30-year-old law graduate of Imo state university.

The governor was formerly married to Augusta Uzodinma for 17 years and the marriage produced five children.

On January 14th 2020, the Supreme Court in Nigeria declared Hope Uzodinma as the governor of Imo State on grounds that the gubernatorial elections which was held in Imo State was void.

Olamide reportedly marries his long time girlfriend

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:00 AM PST

Rapper Olamide's long time girlfriend Bukunmi Aisha has confirmed her marriage to the rapper.

She hinted this by changing the name on her profile and adding Olamide's surname to her first name.

See the photo below;

The couple welcomed their first son Maximiliano Adedeji in 2015 and got engaged in 2018 after dating for 8 years.

Slimcase: “I face paint kids for 50N back in the days to make a living” Singer tells his story

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:30 AM PST

Oluwafemi Oladapo Slimcase, popularly known as Oke-Eko has recounted how he used to draw face paint for kids for N50, before he made it big in the music industry.

According to the singer, he was only trying to earn a living at that time. Slim Case further revealed that he took all his life savings to the studio before "grace found him".

He wrote;

"I face paint kids for 50N back in days to make a living in a very hot sun under an umbrella, pack all my life savings go studio Before Grace found me".

See his post below;

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