Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

2014 Coup d'Etat in Ukraine: Nuland, Kerry, McCain, Schiff all showing up in Ukraine around time of "revolt". & CHINA

Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:00 PM PST

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▶Anonymous 01/31/20 (Fri) 14:24:37d4995e (2) No.7980151 Guess who else was in Ukraine around the time of the "revolution" ie HUSSEIN admin usurping rightful president to install corrupt globalist puppet?

And look, they even named a street after him. How cute.

▶Anonymous 01/31/20 (Fri) 14:54:0476fe0b (7) No.7980524 Guess who else in Ukraine at this time? Lurch Kerry!

AND Victoria Nuland!

It's an Eastern Bloc cabal party!

McCain's actions were a model of diplomatic restraint compared to the conduct of Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs. As Ukraine's political crisis deepened, Nuland and her subordinates became more brazen in favoring the anti-Yanukovych demonstrators. Nuland noted in a speech to the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation on December 13, 2013, that she had traveled to Ukraine three times in the weeks following the start of the demonstrations. Visiting the Maidan on December 5, she handed out cookies to demonstrators and expressed support for their cause.

Remember anons, Russia annexed Crimea right after the Ukrainian Prez was removed (by the cabal) to make room for their puppet.

Putin doesn't play nicely with the cabal and there was no way he was going to sit back and do nothing as the criminal syndicate got closer to his borders than ever before.

So we had Nuland, Kerry, McCain, and Schiff all showing up in Ukraine around the time of the "revolt".

▶Anonymous 01/31/20 (Fri) 15:13:36a8d93e (16) No.7980765 We did that shit. At some point, we are responsible for the out of control absolutely batshit crazy CIA that we allowed to become a monster.

Ciaramella may have given the snipers the order to kill 100 Ukrainians, and as he did so, carried out the foreign policy of the USA under Hussein to overthrow Ukraine, and establish a clown headquarters there for Brennan and Soros.

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