Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

President Trump Coronavirus Task Force News Conference

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:41 PM PST

▶Anonymous 02/26/20 (Wed) 17:51:28f18a81 (13) No.8258424

Hol Lee Fuk from China is the mastermind

I am going on the record that the CoronaVirus is really fake news

China and others are pushing it to spread fear to the USA as the main goal

DJT is playing it for what it is.

Will not kill in the USA, any deaths will be fake news as other real cause of death will not be disclosed

will amount to fear factor

too much talk

everyone believes the flu is corona

you sneeze I sneeze type of fear reaction

fake news daily all day suturation is evident and in the end there will be a miraculous cure vaccine in USA

Stock market affected as fake news amps the fear

all will turn around and Trump will benefit from all

Trump all over it.


it is so obvious what is going down

I am not scared even a little

will be a nothing burger like acid rain/ebola/world freezing

I believe this will be the outcome

PB and notable

>>8256415 Cryin Chuck wants 8.5B for Coronavirus

>>8255919 President Trump to Address Nation on Coronavirus at 6 P.M. EST

anyone really looking can see this


anyone really looking?

do you really think this image is real?

fuq this is retarded and intended for mass scare

look at this

ahhh…… nice cabal perfect TRIANGLES

how can you not see this?


any who say different and millionsmore are REACTING exactly as t the ones in a panic hope you will

it is fear porn pushed by same theives that will be revealed

just wait

it is going to be 24 hr news and fear to gather $$$$$$$

by the criminals who are in a panic

ok that you think I am retarded

it is a false flag and will cause worldwide fear

I will not get it and neither will you

I don't care if you think i am dumb, i am 100% positive in my own research

vaccine push

very lucritive$$$$

and fuck if I am taking any of that shit

what side affects

millions will line up to volunteer to get what ever in thier body

no way for me

i would rather take my chances

if you are so positive I WANT TO go with you to see you take the vaccine

intended to bankrupt USA economy as workers stay home

stock market collapse

all to fuck with Trump

it is soooooooo obvious

watch the DEMS go bananas re: this

all in time for election season

they have nothing else….yet

panic how bad they are all going down

all the people that have been selling out the USA to China are pushing this

and China is the real enemy not Russia

and started where……China

and it got all the millions of Chinese people

who were PROTESTING Chinese govenment with worldwide eyes on

now those millions are off the streets

now it is going to TRY to fuck the USA economy on purpose over fear

sneaking Chinese and cabal plan

Hol Lee Fuk from China is the mastermind


Seriously think.

i don't care if you think I am retarded, I am sure on this and not changing my mind

Just think how you may be wrong who think differntly

keyword search : China


Q team knows and so should you

▶Anonymous 02/26/20 (Wed) 17:59:10edc679 (1) No.8258502 >>8258734

>>8258213 (OP)


>and China is the real enemy not Russia

>and started where……China

>and it got all the millions of Chinese people

>who were PROTESTING Chinese govenment with worldwide eyes on

>now those millions are off the streets

>now it is going to TRY to fuck the USA economy on purpose over fear

>sneaking Chinese and cabal plan

>Hol Lee Fuk from China is the mastermind

THIS is QResearch level analysis

easy peasy, lemon squeezy

Wake up sleepers who pretend to be anons.

JUST IMAGINE when THIS hoax blows up, the level of MSM distrust and healthy skepticism!


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