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What you should know about positional asphyxia in infants

Posted: 16 Feb 2020 12:00 AM PST

Older babies and toddlers also face the risk of positional asphyxia, especially after spending over an hour in a car seat. Children will have trouble breathing while sitting in their car seats for over an hour. This is why doctors urge parents to limit any drives over 30 minutes.

What Is Positional Asphyxia?

According to the NIH, positional asphyxia is a rare cause of sudden infant death syndrome and a difficult diagnosis. It occurs when someone's position prevents them from breathing properly. This condition is based mostly on the circumstances of the incident; along with particular external and internal findings, frequent in asphyxia (signs of sudden death).

Babies who experience positional asphyxia cannot breathe because the position of their body blocks their airway. This can occur in several ways:

When the mouth and nose are blocked by something covering them.
When the passage of air from mouth and nose to lungs is blocked because a baby's head is slumped over; or a baby's chin is pressing into the baby's chest.
This condition can happen to anyone; but it's most common in infants when a baby cannot get enough oxygen to breathe. And this is due to the positioning of their body. Some believe this type of asphyxiation is a result of an infant being trapped between a surface; with their nose and/or mouth covered and restricting air. And while this absolutely is the cause for some positional asphyxia infant deaths, it's certainly not the cause for all of them.

Who Is At Risk Of Positional Asphyxia?
The list of people who are at risk of positional asphyxia includes:

newborn babies
older babies
Infants under four months old do not have proper head and neck control. And they are unable to move their heads when their airways become compromised. And the frightening fact is that their little airways can become inhibited just by the tilt of their head (for example: when their chin is against their chest). So being in a car seat for long periods of time is extremely risky for these babies.

But even if you have older babies who can stay in a car seat longer, it's important not to let them continue sleeping in it once you get home. A separate study from the Children's Hospital Medical Center in Ohio found that the leading cause of death during a baby's first year is sleep-related; and incorrect use of car seats plays into this.

"Car seats should not be used as sleeping areas outside of the vehicle, and children should never be in a car seat with unbuckled or partially buckled straps," the researchers stated. That's because babies can slouch down and the restraints can actually cut off oxygen; without the parents' knowledge that they're suffering from asphyxiation.

Reduced oxygen levels can lead to later cognitive or behavioural problems. Also, babies die quickly when they cannot breathe – it takes just a few minutes.

How Is It A Cause Of Death?
Older infants and toddlers have also died from positional asphyxia. This has happened when people place car seats on beds and other furniture and roll over and trap the infant or toddler. Infants and toddlers left to sleep in a car seat have also died when they slump and rest their chin on their chest, restricting or stopping breathing. Those who are awake but are left unattended in a car seat or sling die because their movements may block their nose and mouth, preventing breathing.

What Are The Preventive Measures Available To Parents?
Parents should:

Sleep in the same room with the baby until they are a year old.
Use sleepers instead of blankets.
Put baby to sleep on a flat surface.
 Throw out or return recalled baby items.
Keep baby away from second and third-hand smoke.
Put baby to sleep on their back.
Create a safe space without pillows or blankets if deciding to co-sleep or bed-share.
Refrain from using drugs and alcohol.
Don't leave baby in a car seat or baby rocker for more than an hour
Once baby falls asleep in car seat or rocker, bring them out
Safety Precautions with Car seats

Make sure that everyone using the car seat practices how to install the seat and harness the baby with a child passenger safety technician. The state or county health department can be called for assistance.

Loose straps or harness can trap infant's head or neck; follow manufacturer's instructions to ensure that the straps are properly adjusted.
Car seats should only be used in a car or other vehicle.
Infants in a car seat should be able to be observed by a responsible adult.
Whenever possible, an adult should ride in the back seat with baby to check baby's head and neck position and breathing.
Use only straps to position baby correctly and do not add pillows or blankets.
Always make sure straps are completely buckled.
Make sure baby's chin is up at all times.

7 health mistakes to stop making before you turn 30

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:30 PM PST

If you want to look and feel amazing well into your 30s, it's time to cut out some bad behaviours that may be doing more damage than we think.

When you're in your 20s and 30s, you think you have forever but that's not necessarily the case. Health and lifestyle issues can sneak up on you in midlife and, next thing you know, a checkup discovers that you have abnormally high blood pressure, your cholesterol is up and your blood sugar isn't what it should be.

Now is the time to get all these issues under control by cutting out some poor lifestyle choices.

Take a look at the 7 health mistakes you need to cut out now!

Ignoring health warning signs
Do you have a niggling pain? Is there an odd odour? When your body offers clues that something is wrong, make sure you pay attention. Identifying health problems as early as possible often makes them more treatable. Many patients are afraid, embarrassed, or think they may be wrong but better to be any of those than sorry.

Being dehydrated all the time
Water nourishes every single cell and organ in your body, including your skin. It's even more important to stay properly hydrated as you age because older adults may lose some of their sense of thirst.

Did you know that even taking a morning cup of coffee or afternoon soda-pop counts toward your daily water intake? However, pure and simple water is always the best option because it's caffeine and sugar-free.

Eating too much processed food
Grabbing a bag of crisps before hitting the gym is not the best way to fuel your body. Over time, all that sugar, fat, and salt the secret to making processed foods tasty, can wreak havoc on your waistline and your health.

Replacing a diet packed with microwave meals, snacks, and processed meats with whole grains, fresh produce, and lean meats is the way to go. Clean eating ensures that your body gets all the nutrients and vitamins you need.

Not making time for preventive care
Women in their 20's and 30's do not take the time to take care of themselves, and important health information gets missed. So, if you're not monitoring your cholesterol, you could be setting yourself up for heart disease in your 40s and 50s. And if you're putting off annual pelvic exams, routine pap tests, and clinical breast exams, you could be missing early signs of cancer.

Not making sleep a priority
Like your cell phone, your body and brain need time to reboot and recharge. Adults 18 to 64 require about 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Skimping on sleep is not great for your health and can even raise your risk of hypertension, stroke, and obesity.

Sneaking a cigarette (or two)
If you're stealing away for a smoke, you're a smoker and that in itself raises your risk for heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, and other nasty conditions. Cutting out that cigarette habit before age 40 slashes the chance of premature death from smoking-related diseases by 90%.

Too much salt
Salthas a sneaky way of holing up in people's diets even when they're not actively using it. It's in bread, processed meats, soup, cheese, sauces and dressings, among other staples.

Most people consume more salt than their bodies require. The daily recommended max is about half a teaspoon. Too much of it can cause hypertension, a major cause of heart attack and stroke.

Calabar, the first official capital of Nigeria?

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:00 PM PST

Lagos was the first official capital of Nigeria before the capital was moved to Abuja. See the other states that have claimed to have been capitals and why.

Abuja has been the capital of Nigeria since 1991, but prior to that, there have been other official and unofficial capitals.

Calabar is the capital city of Cross River state, Nigeria and the tourism capital of Nigeria.

The city was originally named Akwa Akpa, in Efik, but was renamed during the Atlantic slave trade era. The area had some of the first interactions with Europeans as it was a major international seaport in the transportation of palm oil and African slaves. It was named Calabar by the Spanish.

On September 10, 1884, England signed a Treaty of Protection with the King and Chiefs of Akwa Akpa, known to Europeans as Old Calabar, taking control over the entire territory of Calabar.

Calabar is considered as the first capital of Nigeria because it served as the first capital of the Southern Protectorate, the Oil River Protectorate, and Niger Coast Protectorate. This was until the late nineteenth century, when the administrative centre of the Southern protectorate was moved to Lagos in 1906.

After Lagos served as the capital of Nigeria for many years, even after amalgamation and independence, religious and ethnic divisions caused the Nigerian government to begin searching for a capital that seemed neutral to all major ethnic parties and in close proximity to the regions of Nigeria. Lagos was also becoming very overcrowded.

Abuja, then Suleja, was chosen as Nigeria's capital in the early 1970s as it signified national unity. In 1991, after basic structures had been put up, Abuja was declared as the capital of Nigeria.

Other unofficial capitals

Calabar as the first capital of Nigeria is however very controversial. Asaba and Lokoja are also claimed to be unofficial capitals of Nigeria.

Asaba, the current capital of Delta state, is believed to have been where the British colonial masters started their administration. It was also where the British Royal Niger Company preferred to hold its treaties before incorporation.

Lokoja, the current capital of Kogi state, was where the first Governor-general of Nigeria, Lord Frederick Lugard, ruled from, after the Southern protectorates and Northern protectorates were amalgamated to form one Nigeria. It was also where Lady Flora Shaw came up with the name Nigeria.

3 advantages of having a budget

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:30 PM PST

Budgeting might look discouraging when creating it but there are advantages when you create a budget.

Budgeting is one money tool which is very effective when it comes to money management.

Your budget should let you know where your money is meant to do for you instead of worrying what you spent it on.

People feel their budget restricts the way they are meant to spend money, This makes it hard for them to attain financial freedom. Your budget helps you control your finances.

It is one money tool which is very effective when it comes to money management.

Apart from the fact you have to sit down to create a budget which people find difficult, budgeting has its benefits and advantages.

Here are three advantages and benefits of budgeting.
1. It helps you know what to spend on
Without a budget, you have no idea of what to buy which makes you buy anything you feel you need. But when you sit down to create a budget, you have an idea what you want to get on a budget.

A budget would help you know the important things you need to get, leaving out the unimportant and unnecessary item out of your budget.

It lets you know all the different expenses you need to spend on.

2. It helps you set your priorities straight
The reason why you budget is to align your spending with your priorities to help you achieve and reach your financial goals.

What are the things that matter most to you financially? Would your priorities help you achieve your financial goals or affect your financial goals negatively?

Budgeting will definitely help you set the right priorities when it comes to achieving your financial goals which makes it a very good advantage

3. It helps you reach your goals faster
Another advantage of having a budget is that you attain your financial goals faster.

Without a budget, you might find it difficult to reach your goals faster, but with a good budget which you stick to, you find it easier and quicker to attain your financial goals.

Even if you have unexpected expenses, you can still reach your financial goals faster

The worst things ever happened to someone are mostly shared while kissing

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:00 PM PST

The first kiss can set the tone for the rest of your budding romantic relationship with a person. Get it right, and it's your gateway to a second, third, fourth... But if it's bad, it can be a disaster. In a thread on Reddit, just in time for Valentine's Day , men and women have been sharing all of the different things that have gone wrong for them while kissing somebody from the mildly embarrassing, to the truly mortifying.

"She had a ton of garlic for lunch"

Bad breath is, unfortunately, a pretty common complaint. From gaziks2 : "The girl I was making out with had a ton of garlic for lunch, and the smell/taste was super concentrated, to the point it could make one gag. But I stayed strong throughout the 30min make out session. It was an experience."
"Snot started to build up"

The original poster confessed: "It was cold outside and snot started to build up... and yeah. It was gross. Had to wipe it off her face and she was absolutely disgusted."

It turns out, this isn't just some gross fluke, but an actual condition, as one commenter explained: "For a period of time, my nose would run every time I had sex with my wife. Apparently its a thing called honeymoon rhinitis. There is erectile tissue in the nose that becomes engorged during sex. Not exactly the erectile tissue I wanted to engorge!"

"I forgot that breathing was a thing"

It's possible to get so caught up in the moment that you neglect basic functions, like getting enough air. From Diresolo12 : "I forgot that breathing was a thing - so into it and suddenly realising mid pash and had to surface like I was fucking scuba diver without an oxygen tank."

This is more common than you might expect. As MajorMaxPain explains: "I have this weird thing, that I can't exhale while kissing. Like I don't want to blow my hot moist air into someone's face. So I kiss, inhale while doing this, kiss more, inhale more and so on. Until my lungs are almost bursting, when its time for the old switcharoo, where I go from my nose on the left, hers on my right to my on the right and hers on the left."

"She whispered her ex's name"

The secret to being a good kisser isn't just your technique : it's about being present, in the moment, and making your partner feel like all of your attention is on them. With that in mind, it is important to remember who they are. From schtr0 : "She was spending the night with me and while we were making out, she whispered the name of her ex. Probably the most awkward moment of my life."

"I got two stitches in my left eye"

Some people like to be a little rough when making out, but ideally you should try to avoid black eyes or any other injuries that might require a trip to the emergency room. From RusticSurgery : "It's hard to describe but we were walking slowly and she went in for our first kiss. My ankle went half on half off the sidewalk and I fell. We were holding hands so I kind of dragged her off balance. It was summer and she was wearing sandals with a buckle on the side. She kicked her leg out to keep her balance. I was nearly already on the ground. The buckle caught my left eye lid. I bled like a stuck pig and got 2 stitches in my left eyelid!"

"She had an allergic reaction"

Other times, mid-makeout medical emergencies are unavoidable, especially if the person you're kissing has a serious allergy. From kite-pirate : "So I'm meeting this girl I'd been dating, had been going well. She's running a bit late because of a march in town so I get a coffee and a Twix. Few mins later, shes there and we kiss and suddenly she pulls away and touches her lip. 'Did you eat chocolate?' 'Yeah, why-' Immediately goes rummaging for medicine, turns out she was allergic to cocoa powder and was about to swell up, oops."

"She threw up on my lips"

From Homiesexual : "One of my first girlfriends didn't know if she was lesbian or not and we hadn't really done anything sexual or romantic until that point and she brought it up, so we decided we'd try and have sex, so obviously like any gentleman we started with foreplay. She fucking threw up on my lips while we were kissing. I'm glad we didn't get to the tongue part otherwise I'd have died then and there."

'I've been having sex with my dad for 2yrs and we're getting married soon'

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 09:30 PM PST

Adult incest got a whole new meaning when an anonymous woman revealed in an interview with NY Mag's Alexa Tsoulis-Reay that she and her father having been dating for two years, and are now planning to get married.

The woman said she reconnected with her dad when she was 17 years old, after last seeing him when she was just about 4 years old.

While this might sound very weird to a lot of people, there is actually a term for people in this kind of situation. It's called Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA).

The anonymous woman also said that her mother, who suffers from bipolar disorder and some other mental health issues, was overbearing and overprotective, and when the woman's missing father finally reached out to her on social media, they clicked instantly.

They had sex within the first week of meeting, and they're so attached to each other that they even have nicknames for themselves and matching tattoos.

They've dated for two years and plan on getting married. She even said that she actually lost her virginity to her father.

"There's a reason I lost my virginity to him — because I'd never felt comfortable with any other man. It was insanely sensual. It lasted for about an hour and there was a lot of foreplay. We both had orgasms. We are so similar, so it's so easy to sexually please each other. For example, we both love neck-biting. I've never been in a more passionate, loving, fulfilling situation," she disclosed.

When asked whether she felt forced or coerced to have sex with her dad, she said:

"Absolutely not. He made sure I wanted to do it. We both initiated it and he kept asking me if I was okay, not because he thought I was distressed but because he wanted me to know that we could stop at any point. It was like any other man and woman having sex after they had each admitted their feelings... It wasn't weird at all. It felt so natural. It didn't even feel taboo. I felt like I had just made love with a man who I'd been with for years."

Asked how she managed to keep the relationship a secret from her mom, she said: "She doesn't live in the same town as us and we visit her, together, a couple of times a month. Occasionally we slip up and call each other "babe" or other goofy little names. She acts like there's something up but she doesn't know what the hell it is. We recently got tattoos together. Mine says, 'I love my peanut butter,' because I call him my peanut butter. His says, 'I love my jelly,' because that's what he calls me. What father and daughter do you know who have names for each other and tattoos like that? She just said, 'Oh, those are cute.' She plays dumb about it."

On what their plans are for the future, she replied: "We plan to move to New Jersey where we can be safe under the law, since adult incest isn't illegal there, and once I'm there I'll tell everyone. I'll call my mom and let her know that we are in love and we are having children. If she wants to see her grandkids we'll send her money and she can drive to see us. Once we are out about it I won't be comfortable going back to my hometown. What if someone calls the cops?"

Talking about the uniqueness of their relationship, she said: "I think we have a better relationship than any couple I've met because our bond is so strong. I just feel so close to him and so in love with him. We are almost two years into the relationship and I'm still head over heels with that "first few weeks in love" feeling. Everybody says we are the cutest couple they've ever seen. I took him to prom."

What is your take on this kind of arrangement? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

'Angry Becky' is Anthill Studios' second release following the success of 'Malika'

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 09:00 PM PST

Anthill Studios releases teaser for new animated series 'Angry Becky' created by Eri Umusu.

In the wake of the rave audience reviews 'Malika' received, Anthill Studios is set to release a brand new animated series titled 'Angry Becky'.

Anthill Studios releases teaser for new animated series 'Angry Becky' created by Eri Umusu.

Davido’s Babymama, Sophia momodu happily reveals that she's the most beautiful girl in Africa

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 06:30 AM PST

Davido's Babymama, Sophia momodu is lost in happiness after a stranger walked up to her to commend her beauty and put her above all other girls in Africa.

She revealed this in a video she posted on her snap today while walking on the streets, shortly after the event that left a blush on her face. Sophie revealed in the video that the stranger walked up to her and asked where she got her braids done. She then asked about her Nationality and ended the conversation with a compliment that she is the most beautiful African girl.

However, we doubt if the stranger was aware that Sophie Momodu is the first babymama to the globally known Nigerian singer, Davido.

Photo: Church organizes 1month service to deliver Naira Marley and his fellow Marlians

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 06:00 AM PST

A Church in Surulere, Lagos, is currently promoting a deliverance service that was organized for one month to cast out "The Marlian Spirit" in people.

The photo of the banner for the deliverance service was captured and shared on social media by a motorist in Surulere. The church described the Marlian Spirit as "a brand new virus that is sweeping through the land and creeping into our colleges and homes".

Further description gathered from the banner states that "The Marlian spirit is turning daughters against mothers and Sons against Fathers."

OAP Dotun trolled after tagging himself ‘Radio King’

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:30 AM PST

Popular Nigerian OAP, Dotun was caught with an Internet troll as they exchanged words over his comments on his career.

Recall that it was Burna Boy who started out by saying he is the king in Nigeria music scene as he pointed out that no one paved ways for him.

Following Burna Boy's footsteps, the OAP pointed out that he is king and has paved ways for many people in radio broadcast.
Reacting to his comment, the internet troll highlighted that Nigerians let celebrities off on their braggings a lot.

See Post Here:

Bobrisky pays a visit to her politician boyfriend

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:00 AM PST

Nigerian cross-dresser, Idris Okuneye, better known as Bobrisky, took her fans on Snapchat along with her as she paid a visit to her politician boyfriend.

The Nigerian transgender will be celebrating her Valentine's Day in the arms of the politician, who is based in Abuja.

Bobrisky shared a video of the car the mystery man sent to pick her up from the airport as well as the hotel room he booked for her.

While heading to the hotel, the self-acclaimed male barbie said she could wait to see him.

The male cross dresser also shared an update stating that her man has upped his kissing game.

Management of Lit Suites releases an official statement in reaction to the incident that occurred in Tacha‘s room

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 04:30 AM PST

The management of Lit Suites has released an official statement in reaction to the incident that occurred in one of the guests, ex-BBNaija star Tacha's room on Monday.

The hotel tendered an apology to reality star after she called them out on social media, stating a member of their staff snuck into her room while she was laying on the bed.

Addressing the incident, the press statement noted that the hotel remains one of the world class hotels in Nigeria, strategically located in a serene environment and has maintained an effective and efficient service delivery, backed by a true international Team of industry professionals with world class standards and a perfected warmth of continental hospitality.

Hence, they have never had such experience with any of their esteemed clients, guests or customers, adding that the staff in question was star-struck and full of excitement as a result of the prestige and stardom of the world class celebrity (Tacha).

The hotel also noted that the staff was over-zealous in delivering her luggage's into her room without following due to procedures.

See the full statement below:

Gospel Artist, Sinach and husband dedicate their child on mid-week service

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 04:00 AM PST

Gospel singer Sinach and her husband Joe Egbu dedicated their daughter in church on Wednesday, February 12, 2020.

Joe Egbu took to Instagram to share photos from their child's dedication.

He captioned the post:
"I wish I can increase the Paternity Leave. Our baby was dedicated to JESUS CHRIST yesterday."
Sinach, on her part, posted about her child's dedication, writing: "I think happiness can sometimes overflow and you can only be grateful forever and just say thank You Lord! #mypreciousgirl Thank you to our friends and family that came out to celebrate with us."

Yung6ix writes to “unblown” artiste who dissed him says When I was in your shoes, I spent time developing myself not to bring others down

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 03:30 AM PST

Onome Onokohwomo (born 8 July 1989), better known by his stage name Yung6ix is on his Twitter handle this morning leaving cryptic messages for an "unblown" artiste who he says dissed him.

Yung6ix who did not mention the name of the "unblown" artiste, said while he was still struggling, he, Yung6ix, used his time to develop himself and not to bring people down as the "unblown" artiste is doing.

He wrote:

Ps I'm still not replying unblown artiste who diss me , take that as motivation not insult, when I was in your shoes I spent time developing myself not trying to bring others down or create wrong perspective about them. But then again 17 na 17 and orientation scarce for street.

Like how can you use your money to pay for session, take your time and write something to beef someone who barley knows you exist instead of trying to succeed at what you do and make a mark before you leave this short life. It baffles me fam.

Comrade Victor James: Abacha loot must be used to develop Ogoni kingdom in honour of Ken Saro-Wiwa

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 03:00 AM PST

If Buhari is genuine, the Abacha loot should be used to develop Ogoni kingdom as promised in his first term agenda, on Ogoni clean up because the money was stolen from the Niger Delta oil where Ken Saro Wiwa belong.

This is to show respect for Ken and others who were executed by hanging during the Sani Abacha regime.

Comrade Victor James aim is to advance the cause of human rights while demanding accountability and development in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. James is the Author "From Creek to Sahara: voting behaviour in contemporary Nigeria politics. Also the president of Niger Delta youth association worldwide.

James want to see the environment conserved in the Niger Delta region. And the families of those who were executed by hanging under the regime of Gen Sani Abacha compensated including all the affected community in the Niger Delta region.

Young lady advertises herself on Twitter, begs for Valentine date

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:30 AM PST

Valentine is upon us again and many single people have been indicating tat they need partners to spend the special day with.

While some people say it for fun and do not do anything out of the ordinary to show that they really need someone, a lady has defied the status quo and advertised herself on social media while pleading for a man to be her Valentine.

While some people say it for fun and do not do anything out of the ordinary to show that they really need someone, a lady has defied the status quo and advertised herself on social media while pleading for a man to be her Valentine.

The lady identified as @papaya_ex on Twitter cried out as she made her intention known via a video which she shared. In the clip she spotted a red gown which is the signature colour for Valentine's Day and spun around and dance a little bit, to catch the attention of a possible date.

While sharing the video, she wrote: "Need a Val please dears. God no go shame us😭"

Foods that are good for easy digestion

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:00 AM PST

If you've been struggling with indigestion, it might mean you're not on the right diet.

Digestion is a process where your body breaks down any food you take into nutrients so they can nourish your body. The inability of the body to break down the foods end up causing some level of inconvenience to you. Improper digestion leads to bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and many more. On the other hand, a healthy digestive system improves your immunity, skin, and makes the nutrients available for your body to absorb.

When your body cannot digest your food, it would be hard to go about your daily activities. The kinds of food you consume can be a major cause of improper digestion. The earlier you correct this, the better. If you're wondering what you're supposed to be eating to aid digestion, we have that sorted.

Below are the foods will improve your digestion process.

Sweet potatoes
Due to its rich fiber content, nutrient absorption and bowel movement are made easy. The production of compounds from the cells in the gut that promote the activities of digestive enzymes in the colon is stimulated when you eat sweet potatoes. Sweet potato supplies your body with adequate vitamins and nutrients.

Ginger is popular for its herbal properties. Guess what? It's also one of the best foods that aid digestion. According to research, ginger has a great effect on enzymes that help break down fats and proteins. You can add it as a spice to your food and tea.

The presence of bacteria in yoghurt helps the gut break down foods for digestion. According to research, the consumption of yoghurt allows bowel movement and prevents diarrhoea. All you need to do is get a small bowl of yogurt after lunch or dinner to help digest the food.

This fruit contains enzymes and has antimicrobial properties that break it down to aid easy digestion. Despite the fact that it's filling, it gets digested easily. Pawpaw contains vitamins that help you flush out the toxins in your system. Because it aids easy digestion, bloating, heartburn and constipation are prevented.

Whole grains
It's a great source of fiber which makes it easily digestible. Whole grains like oatmeal, sorghum, rice, corn and many more promote bowel movement. It also prevents constipation by adding bulk to your stool.

Buratai: 'Boko Haram is in Lagos'

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 01:30 AM PST

Nigeria's Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Buratai, says no part of the country is immune from the terrorist Boko Haram sect, including Lagos, Nigeria's commercial capital and most populous city.

Lagos state government officials recently told Nollywoodtimes during an exclusive chat that members of the deadly Boko Haram sect were arrested in the city last December; and that the fear of terrorists invading Lagos partly informed the decision to ban commercial motorcyclists (Okada) from the city center.

In an interview in Lagos this week, army chief Buratai told THISDAY newspaper that members of the sect have been picked up in Lagos in the past.

"There is nowhere you will not find Boko Haram – even in Lagos here, there are Boko Haram (members). In Kaduna, there is Boko Haram. There are more across the North-east. Many have been arrested here in Lagos. We have been tracking them. We arrest them and take them into custody," Buratai said.

'Insurgency has been defeated, terrorism hasn't'
The military and presidency continue to receive plenty of flak for insisting that the Boko Haram insurgents have been "technically defeated," despite sporadic attacks and killings by the terrorists every other week--especially in Nigeria's restive northeast region and epicenter of the insurgency.

Buratai said it is important to distinguish insurgency from terrorism.

"We have defeated insurgency, but now facing the challenge of terrorism," he said.

"We must differentiate between insurgency and terrorism. I have tried to tell them at the national assembly. Someone said three local governments are under Boko Haram. How? These guys are not controlling any territory. They attempted to establish their territory, caliphate in Gwoza but they have not been able to because they were flushed out. That is insurgency. They are not holding any territory.

"Typically, that is the end of insurgency. But what of terrorism? Terrorism will outlive you and me and probably everybody in this house because terrorism, since it started, just like armed robbery, like kidnapping, burglary, cultism, it would continue.

"These are all smaller parts of terrorism. It is when it goes higher that you have arsonists, like it happened in Borno yesterday, murder and so on deliberately, no cause.

"What is happening now is just criminality. Since last year, we have not given them any respite. They are now blocked. They no longer have access to foods; their movements are constrained; they no longer get the fuel they need easily because we have strangulated them.

"They are now in a depressed state; so, they go out with vengeance to attack commuters, to abduct individuals and targeting certain religious persons just for their propaganda. This also is one of Boko Haram's strategies – propaganda," Buratai added.

Suspected Boko Haram terrorists killed 30 travelers on a busy highway in the northeast this week.

The insurgents are still capable of mounting soft target attacks that have led to the deaths of some 50,000 people and displaced millions since 2009.

Wizkid features on Ceeza Milli's new single 'Shayo'

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 01:00 AM PST

Although its release is still limited, Ceeza and Wizkid collaborate again for the third time. The first two collaborations were the Starboy cut, 'Soco' and 2019 single, 'Commando.'

Date: February 12, 2020

Song Title: Shayo

Artist: Ceeza Milli featuring Wizkid

Genre: Afrobeats

Producer: TBA

Album: TBA

Video Director: TBA

Label: Aristokrat

Details/Takeaway: Although its release is still limited, Ceeza and Wizkid collaborate again for the third time. The first two collaborations were the Starboy cut, 'Soco' and 2019 single, 'Commando.'

Thoughts: This sounds like a hit - if pushed appropriately.

Listen the song below;

Lady Donli releases visuals for, 'Corner Corner'

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 12:30 AM PST

Date: February 13, 2020

Song Title: Corner Corner

Artist: Lady Donli featuring VanJess and The Cavemen

Genre: Afrobeats

Producer: The Cavemen

Album: TBA

Video Director: Shaun Kalu

Label: MAVIN

Details/Takeaway: Central to the video is the socio-political awareness of youth - especially women. While it represents the mind of the elite, youth at the rung of the Nigerian food chain couldn't care less about activism.

The video director director Shaun Kalu says, "My vision for the film was to make a melodrama, a Nollywood home video that possesses multiple layers and juxtapositions. The most telling, being the intention to show that we (the younger generation) are well aware of societal and cultural issues— especially for women. I'm more than willing to inculcate that into the art.

"There was also a deliberate effort for the casting to be highly inclusive and diverse. You will find that we were able to cast different layers of powerful women and men in unison for the leading group in the film "Alfa Babez" led by Lady Donli. "

Watch the video below;

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