Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Miraculous crucifix from 1522 plague moved to St. Peter’s for Pope’s ‘Urbi et Orbi’ Blessing, Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace!

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:48 PM PDT

Miraculous crucifix from 1522 plague moved to St. Peter's for pope's 'Urbi et Orbi' blessing

Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
March 25, 2020
the message from the Our Lady, Queen of Peace!

"Dear children! I am with you all these years to lead you to the way of salvation. Return to my Son; return to prayer and fasting. Little children, permit for God to speak to your heart, because Satan is reigning and wants to destroy your lives and the earth on which you walk. Be courageous and decide for holiness. You will see conversion in your hearts and families; prayer will be heard; God will hear your cries and give you peace. I am with you and am blessing you all with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call."

This Friday evening, March 27th, 2020, all the Athonite Fathers of the Holy Mountain will be serving vigil in prayer for the whole world, that we might be delivered from the threat of Coronavirus.

#StopTheFear ,they ran w/a model that is now a failure.

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:46 PM PDT

The Silent War continues.. Q - George Washington's Vision: We are entering the 3rd Vision now.

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:35 PM PDT

George Washington's Vision
We are entering the 3rd Vision now.


HIVE MIND: People will be free, many for the first time in their lives.

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:21 PM PDT

▶Anonymous 03/26/20 (Thu) 09:57:312c265a (11) No.8571006

Construction fag here

Owing to the nature of my work, I'm not home bound and have been out and about quite a bit.

Here's what I'm seeing:

Lots of families out walking their dogs.

Lots of people our exercising

Lots of families out playing in the yard

They're not allowed sit silently in a movie

They're not allowed to go out to eat

Everyone is exhausted of the news and all thinking people no longer trust it so people are spending time together.

This cannot possibly be a bad thing.

Given all of that, let me lay a theory on you anons.

This is all part of the plan.

have been doing everything possible to destroy family life for decades. Everything from militant feminism driving mothers into the workplace to free porn destroying personal relationships has been used to weaken the family.

If the plan is as complex as it appears to be, this pause is allowing family lives to begin to be repaired. People are (hopefully) taking stock of what's important and upon returning to work in a month or two carefully consider whether they are happy with their life choices.

How many people work who don't want to?

how many would rather be home with the kids?

Why do they work?


Student loans, mortgage, cars, credit cards and a million other things that their media has brainwashed may of us into believing we need by using lifestyle inflation in their programming.

Seriously, could a couple of waitresses afford the apartment on Friends?

Phase 2

If I'm correct, (and this is the thing that I'm most certain about) there's going to be a currency reset pretty soon. That's going to mean that all debt is relieved and there will be very little credit to be had for a while.

People will be free, many for the first time in their lives.

It seems to me that the ground is being prepared for that by this pause in normal life.It's forcing people to reevaluate their lives and consider their priorities BEFORE a large amount of money is settled upon them.

We've all seen people squander an inheritance because they lacked the skill to handle it. I suggest that this pause is something like pre debt relief counseling. It's getting people in the correct frame of mind to consider things like changing jobs, homeschooling and starting a business. Things that they cannot possibly consider today because they are chained to a debt load that was, partially, foisted on them by trickery. This is particularly true with student loans.

For me, it's impossible to conceive that every major world leader is dumb enough to shut down his economy over a cold virus. That's the stuff revolutions are made of and the stuff that gets said leaders installed on lamp posts.

I'm not buying it.

all your monies are belong to big pharma - No.8569718

the CDC is a private organization - NOT GOVERNMENT

the CDC is… The medical CIA. "Coda: Trump walks into this scene, knowing something is wrong, and before he can turn around, he's in a box. Checked. The power of a hundred years of ceaseless medical propaganda, supported by the EIS press, backed by the CDC, bankrolled by descendants of the Rockefeller syndicate, arrogantly echoed by the pretentious educated class, virtue-signaled by armies of little resentful collectivists and their mayors and governors, sits like a great cloud over the country."

▶Anonymous 03/26/20 (Thu) 05:35:08bd074e (6) No.8569780

Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) : The old reliable Malaria drug chloroquine, the newer version hydroxychloroquine has shown really good, three studies, one in Australia, one in China and now one in France mixed with azithromycin, just the old Z-Pac that we take for bronchitis, has had 100%.

It cleared the virus, in some cases in three days, that cocktail in every one of the patients in that study… It's very promising, 100% of the virus gone in six days!

Treated 350 patients, 0 deaths, 0 hospitalizations, 0 intubations, breathing restored in 3-4 hours~~Monroe, NY

Dr. Zev Zenloko's Successful Treatment of Corona Virus

Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko letter to Israel Ministry of Health

Monroe, NY

Treated 350 patients, 0 deaths, 0 hospitalizations, 0 intubations, breathing restored in 3-4 hours

1 - Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg one pill twice a day for 5 days

2 - Azithromycin 500 mg one pill a day for 5 days

3 - Zinc sulfate 220 mg one pill a day for 5 days

coronavirus-letter-from-dr-zelenko-to-israel-ministry-of-health-and-president-trump (scroll down)

http://archive.is/hxqu5 (scroll down)


▶Anonymous 03/26/20 (Thu) 05:36:49bd074e (6) No.8569782
The FDA & CDC, the right and left arms of Big Pharma are pushing Remdesivir (patent owned by Communist China, the source of Both SARScoronaviruses leaked from a BLS-4 level Laboratory.)

H'mmm…hey, Big Pharma! What would be the global profits from Remdesivir, multi-Billions, Trillions?

And why would we as a country rely on/ held hostage by Communist China to manufacture/patent owned cure?

We The People are fed up with being exploited for profit!






Maus overdale • 20 hours ago "Well, we know that if you "invest" in medical equipment, there's nothing like the kick-back you get when you "invest" in solar, wind, and unicorn "alternative" energies. Medical ventilators are fixed-price assets, unlike the "Green" PONZI schemes out there!"


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