UNTAMED is finally here TODAY!!! (thank you. I love you.)

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Well, today's the day.  UNTAMED is unleashed!

It's 5:00 am and I didn't sleep much last night. It's still dark out. I'm sitting here drinking my second coffee and burning a candle that smells like some kind of wood. Soon the sun will rise and Sister and Abby and I will head out to do launch day interviews and tv shows. But first, I wanted to start the day talking to the people who matter the most to me. You.
It's this thing I can't fully understand - how close I feel to people I've never met. How I feel closer to you than I do to many people in my "real" world. I suppose it makes sense – during the past decade and a half we've bared our souls and raised our kids and gotten sober and married and divorced and fell in love again. We've fallen sick and come back to life and said final goodbyes to people we love. We've walked each other through every ordinary day and many shattering ones. We've helped heal ourselves, each other, and the world through Together Rising. We've shown up for each other. We've grown up together. Sometimes I imagine myself - ninety years old - sitting in the same kind of rocking chair my grandma Alice used to sit in - smiling about how lucky I was to spend my one wild and precious life with you all - with this life-saving and world-changing community.
I wrote Untamed for you. For THIS community. And if I had to stop writing forever, it would be okay now. Because what is between the covers of this book is everything that has been on the tip of my tongue since I was ten years old. This is it. I did it. I got it out. I told the story I was born to tell about love and truth and freedom. I told stories I never thought I could tell and it's all out there now. I'm all out there now. And while I am so dying for you to open it, for you to sit down and read and tell me if you understand - that you see yourselves in me -  I also feel a deep peace this morning. I think it is the peace of a woman who knows she has done the very best she can. It is the peace of a woman who has offered the people she loves everything she is. It is the peace of a woman with no shame, no secrets, no fear left. It is the peace of a woman who can no go out into the world and do the hard things this launch will require of her: because she has you - her family - beside her.
Thank you. Thank you.
I love you.
If you do love UNTAMED: Would you consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads? I read every single one of your reviews and they mean the world to me. Like Erin's below, which made me laugh. Erin: How Did You Know Before I Did?!?!?!?
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Glennon Doyle
800 West Broad Street #6209
Falls Church, VA 22040

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