Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

You are being programmed… #Wuhan & these men want to KILL you, The new Cell Towers do way more than give you clear Cell phone service.

Posted: 18 Apr 2020 01:48 PM PDT

Freedom2 hours ago
See the photo of Bill Gates Sr. David Rockefeller, Anthony Fauci, George Soros, and Ted Turner all together.
Gates Jr. gives TED talks about depopulation. His vaccine track record in India damaged thousand of people... We live in a country where pharma co. cannot be sued if you claim damage by a vaccine... The guy writing this propaganda should look in the mirror because he is serving the dark side.

Fauci bragged in 2017 about a virus that would effect the Trump administration.

jeff1 hour ago
Wuhan to Shanghai = 839 km
Wuhan to Beijing = 1,152 km
Wuhan to Milan = 8,684 km
Wuhan to NY = 12,033 km

The Coronavirus started in Wuhan yet there is no effect of Coronavirus in nearby Beijing or Shanghai but many deaths in Italy, Iran, European countries and USA.

All business areas of China are now safe.

*Something is fishy.*

America is not just blaming China without a reason.

Even today, India is locked down but all the cities of China are open. China has also announced the opening of Wuhan from April 08. Not a single leader in China has tested positive for the deadly Coronavirus.

*Something is fishy.*

The virus has ruined many economies around the world. Many have had to close their borders in an attempt to contain and control the spread of the Coronavirus. Thousands have lost their lives, millions have now got this disease, countless people have been locked in their homes and many countries have placed their citizens on lock down.

*Something is fishy.*

The Coronavirus originated from the city of Wuhan in China and has now reached every corner of the world, but the virus did not reach China's capital Beijing and China's Economic Capital Shanghai, located in close proximity to Wuhan itself.

*Something is fishy*

Today Paris is closed, New York is closed, Berlin is closed, Delhi is closed, Mumbai is closed, Tokyo is closed, the world's major economic and political centers are closed, but Beijing and Shanghai are open. No Coronavirus effect is seen in either cities. There were only a few cases but the virus had no real effect on Beijing and Shanghai.

*Something is fishy.*

Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live, including their military leaders. There is no lock down in Beijing.

*Something is fishy*

Shanghai is the city that runs China's economy. It is the economic capital of China, where all the rich people of China live and run major industries. There is no lock down here, there is no effect of the Coronavirus there.

*Something is fishy*

Beijing and Shanghai are the areas adjoining Wuhan. The virus from Wuhan reached every corner of the world, but the virus did not affect Beijing and Shanghai.

*Something is fishy*

Another big thing is, that the worldwide share market has fallen by almost half. In India also the Nifty has gone from 12 thousand to 7 thousand, but the share market of China was at 3000 and just merely dropped to 2700.

*Something is fishy*

This leaves one to speculate that the Coronavirus is a bio-chemical weapon of China, which China used to carry out destruction in the world in order to gain economic supremacy.

China has now put this virus under control, maybe they also have the antidote/ vaccine that they are not sharing with the world ever or will do when it is in their best interest to do so.

*Something is fishy*

Hollywood stars, Australia's Home Minister, Britain's Prime Minister and Health Minister, Spain's Prime Minister's wife, Canada's Prime Minister's wife, and Britain's Prince Charles, among others, have contracted the Coronavirus, but NOT A SINGLE POLITICAL LEADER IN CHINA, NOT A SINGLE MILITARY COMMANDER in China have tested positive for Coronavirus.

*SOMETHING IS FISHY!!!!*..............
CampOfTheSaints1 hour ago
The false flags were everywhere. No bats sold in the wet market. Fauci financed the Wuhan lab studying viruses and using this specific horseshoe bat. Fauci and the WHO saying not to worry into late February. Harvard's head Biology professor connection to Wuhan University, and no reporter will connect dots between Fauci, Gates & Pilbright and CDC's corona patent, etc. Celebrities used each day to promote Corona fear (no coverage of their recovery). The government funding corona sickness and bonus to doctors treating corona which created around 88% of corona deaths which weren't corona deaths. But Joe GULLIBLE Public drank the media Kool-AId, no questions asked, like a good bootlicker.
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