Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

THE NEWS IS FAKE. THE WAR IS REAL. [Watch] what happens next. Q ,, Banned Drs. Erickson & Massihi COVID-19 Briefing, Obama FBI DOJ Officials Framed General Flynn

Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:26 PM PDT

[Watch] what happens next. Q Apr 28 2020 #3999


via Anon 4/28/20 (Tue) 22:15:11 Id: 8c899f No.5729 endchan/qrbunker

▶Anonymous 04/28/20 (Tue) 19:22:35fde3bc (8) No.8951855
Fauci on with Jake Tapper

he spews all his crap in most of vid, but starting at around 7:30 he tells how unusual this virus is. He describes how the virus prevents the transfer of oxygen.

sounds like the same principle that ER doctor was describing weeks ago in his video. Remember the youn ER doc who was saying that vents are killing people because the respiratory problem is not biomechanical, but bio chemical.

Fauci says they are working on new protocols.

This just confirms that Fauci and Birx are not on top of anything re this virus. They have their own protocols which are wrong but they keep pushing.

Obama FBI and DOJ Officials Framed General Flynn
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